Chapter 645
"Ah? Will this Jiuyin True Qi also change the mind?" Ding Minjun asked with a little fear

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and said, "If you practice step by step, nothing will happen, but I want to pass on 50 years of skill to you all at once, and you suddenly have 50 years of Jiuyin True Qi in your body. It comes from cultivation, if you don’t know how to operate them, it’s easy for them to erode your heart veins, and finally affect your xinxing, the seven seniors should know that the top internal strength has their unique emotions.”

The seven ancestors of Mrs. Fengling nodded, and Mrs. Fengling said to Ding Minjun, "Minjun, Mr. Chen is right. The top internal strength has its own characteristics, like the Nine Yin Manual. If you don't If you know how to regulate it, you will be easily affected by it, and you will become bloodthirsty and cold-blooded in the future, so after teaching the exercises for a while, you must listen to the teachings of Miss Yang. Miss Yang also learned the Nine Yin Manual, and she has already achieved great success , she knows how to adjust for you."

Ding Minjun was an obedient student in front of Mrs. Fengling, he nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, master, the disciple must remember."

Chen Youliang frowned slightly, turned to look at Yang Xuedan, only to see Yang Xuedan nodded at him, Chen Youliang was relieved, Chen Youliang originally thought it was Master Fengling who saw it, if a person's cultivation base is shallow , can be seen by others, and if he knows it so accurately, then his big plan will fail.But now it seems that Yang Xuedan took the initiative to tell Master Fengling, but how could these two hit it off so well?Yang Xuedan is such an indifferent person, shouldn't he tell Master Fengling about his cultivation?
"Miss Yang, I will be counting on you in a while." Master Fengling nodded at Yang Xuedan and said with a smile
Yang Xuedan smiled lightly and said, "Master, please don't worry, this junior will definitely do his best." After speaking, he turned to look at Chen Youliang, and said, "Junior brother, let's start."

Chen Youliang nodded, without saying anything, the purple awns burst out of his body in an instant, filling the entire hall with purple light. Although the light was extremely dazzling, everyone in the hall did not feel dazzling. He stared at Chen Youliang closely, this is a skill passed on, and it has been passed down for 50 years, and he has never seen it in his life, how can he miss it.

Chen Youliang's hair began to change color slowly, and gradually turned purple, and when the tip of the hair turned purple, Mei seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, practice your skills immediately!" Wrapped up.

Fortunately, the people here are all experienced and outstanding in martial arts, and their reactions are not slow. Although they don't understand what Mei means, they still react subconsciously, wrap themselves up with internal force, and look at Mei in puzzlement. However, only Ding Minjun, the one with the slowest reaction, and Zhu Xing, the heartless sleeping thing, were the only ones who didn't have luck.

Ding Minjun saw the lights around him, and then he reacted, but before she started to exercise, she heard Chen Youliang's terrifying voice like the nine hells in the light, saying, "You don't want to exercise."

The voice was very indifferent, but it made people tremble. Ding Minjun was stunned at the time, and he stood obediently and did not dare to do anything. Although the others were all practicing their skills, they were also confused by this voice. The whole body shook, and then I saw the purple light on Chen Youliang's body sweeping the entire hall like a gust of wind, the hall suddenly became chaotic, all the tables, chairs, benches, lamps and candles were overturned to the ground, everyone's hair was blown high , except for the seven ancestors, the others were all moved backward by the strong wind. If it weren't for the protection of the current exercise, they might have been blown away.

However, this is not over yet, not long after the strong wind blew, a coercion of contempt for heaven and earth suddenly fell on the hall, making everyone in the hall except Ding Minjun and Zhu Xing's heart sink, feeling as if their bodies It was like a heavy burden, and even an inexplicable fear rose in their hearts, so that everyone who had been staring at Chen Youliang in shock did not dare to look at him again, and hurriedly focused on practicing skills to resist this coercion.

At this moment, I saw Chen Youliang waved his hand slightly, and Ding Minjun flew into the air, but Ding Minjun felt as if his limbs were weak, as if he was at the mercy of Chen Youliang, but now Ding Minjun dared not do anything, for fear that if he moved a little, he would be hurt. It made me and Chen Youliang go crazy, so I had to close my eyes and wait.

Chen Youliang raised his right hand, and a ray of purple light shot out from Chen Youliang's right palm, and directly shot into the center of Ding Minjun's eyebrows. Ding Minjun's whole body trembled, and he felt his dantian was hot, and a steady stream of internal energy entered her body. She felt as if the whole body The dantian is full of the same.

Although Ding Minjun was overjoyed at the beginning, it didn't take long before Ding Minjun couldn't get excited anymore. His dantian couldn't hold so much internal energy, and it had already rushed out of his dantian and flowed into his meridians, expanding the meridians of Ding Minjun's whole body. The process was extremely painful. When Ding Minjun, a pampered Emei disciple, suffered such pain, his face suddenly turned pale, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, sweat dripped from the top of his head, and his teeth were almost gnawed.

After half a cup of tea, Ding Minjun yelled "Ah!", the purple light disappeared instantly, and the wind and coercion also disappeared without a trace. Chen Youliang's hair turned back to black, but his face turned pale. There was a layer of sweat on the top of his head.

Feeling the coercion and the wind disappear, everyone who was struggling to resist hurriedly opened their eyes, only to see Ding Minjun's eyes closed tightly, with an extremely ugly face slowly falling from the air, and there was a faint layer of purple light all over her body protecting her , gently fell to the ground.

"Junior brother!" Yang Xuedan was the first to react, and seeing Chen Youliang's pale face, she hurried over and shouted worriedly

"Brother Chen!" Zhou Zhiruo also noticed Chen Youliang's miserable face, and hurriedly shouted and ran over. Zhang Meifeng, Miao Yuyue, Mei and Xu Zhida also rushed to him and surrounded him.

Chen Youliang waved his hand and said with a weak smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine, Senior Sister, go to Senior Sister Ding quickly, her body can't bear the flooding of internal force for 50 years, internal force expanded her meridians for her, this process is too painful, she has passed out gone."

Yang Xuedan glanced at Chen Youliang worriedly, bit her red lips lightly, nodded, and said, "Okay, I understand, Zhiruo, take care of your junior brother." After speaking, he ran to Ding Minjun's place.

"How is it? Deputy Hierarch Chen? Are you okay?" At this time, Master Fengling and other seven ancestors and Master Miejue also ran over, and Master Fengling asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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