Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 656 The Three Gates Sent Someone, The Weird Pluto Sword

Chapter 656 The three gates sent people, the weird Pluto sword
For three days in a row, everything on Mount Emei was safe and sound. The disciples of Emei continued to live in the same way as before. It seemed that there had never been any attack on the sect, and Chen Youliang and the others had always lived on Mount Emei. Did not go down, has been waiting for the arrival of the three sects.

Wudang's disciples have already returned to Wudang under the leadership of Yu Lianzhou and Zhang Songxi. Song Yuanqiao, Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu have been staying in Qingling Canyon, waiting to return to Wudang Mountain with Chen Youliang.What made Chen Youliang more troublesome was that none of the 16 Mingjiao disciples who followed him left. Originally, Chen Youliang asked Xu Zhida to take the rest of the disciples in Spring City back, and asked Yang Buhui and the others to go back first, and told them clearly They, the three sects will not come to attack, but they just feel that it is wrong, the only time they violated the order and did not leave, claiming to protect Chen Youliang's safety here at all times, Chen Youliang has no choice but to let them.

Things went well for Yang Xiao. In the evening of the second day, Fei Ge sent a message, saying that Kongtong and Huashan had been taken down. This was within Chen Youliang's expectation. After all, Kongtong and Huashan were not really powerful. With Mingjiao's strength, it would be a breeze to take down the two sects that no longer have masters.

Yang Xiao's side went well, but Zhang Wuji's side was a bit troublesome. After receiving Xu Zhida's letter from Feige, Zhang Wuji wrote back immediately, telling Chen Youliang that he could not return to Wudang for the time being. He seemed to have found some clues about those mysterious people. want to track down.Chen Youliang knew Zhang Wuji's character well. He had entrusted Zhao Min and the others to Zhang Wuji, but Zhang Wuji lost them. Zhang Wuji must have felt sorry for Chen Youliang and ashamed of his trust in Chen Youliang. Not seeing him, Chen Youliang had no choice but to send another letter to Feige, urgently recruiting Zhang Wuji to come back, but this time the return was indeed a reply from a disciple of the Spring City branch, saying that Zhang Wuji left after sending the reply, and did not say where he was going .

In this way, Chen Youliang completely cut off contact with Zhang Wuji. He is not worried about Zhang Wuji's safety. After all, his Nine Suns Manual, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, and Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon are included in today's martial arts. , I am afraid there are not many who can hurt him, and although Zhang Wuji is honest, he is not stupid. He is not worried at all about protecting his and Mayfair's safety.

Chen Youliang has not been idle for the past few days. Whenever he has time, he will meditate and practice in the house, hoping to fuse the two purple gemstones in his dantian, but no matter how Chen Youliang pushes them these three days, the two gemstones will not move at all. Chen Youliang was so angry that he wanted to rush into the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm and scold that old man. The improvement of the two martial arts levels was enough to give him a headache. Now there is another problem that people think is simple. Chen Youliang really despises himself .

The happiest thing about him in the past few days is being able to sleep with Miao Yuyue every night. Although he can't do anything, it feels comfortable to sleep with a beauty, which makes him go to bed early and wake up late every day.And Miao Yuyue may have gotten used to it after sleeping together every night for these three days, and she is no longer so shy in front of Chen Youliang, and she really feels like she has transformed into a wife.

And when the fourth day was approaching noon, Chen Youliang was meditating and practicing. After failing again and again, Chen Youliang gave up helplessly again. However, at this moment, Chen Youliang suddenly felt three very powerful auras. Going to and from Emei, Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and said to himself, "It's considered coming, I made me wait for you for three days."

"Papapapa" Chen Youliang was thinking about this, when suddenly he heard the Pluto sword that had been placed on the table vibrate violently, Chen Youliang frowned incomprehensibly, got out of bed, picked up the Pluto sword, and said, "What are you guys doing?" Is it? Although the person who came is considered a master, there is no need to be so excited, right?"

But the Pluto sword ignored him at all, it was still vibrating in Chen Youliang's hands, Chen Youliang really didn't understand what happened to the Pluto sword, he was really ashamed to say it, the Pluto sword can be regarded as the world's most amazing soldier However, in my own hands, it has never exerted its powerful effect. Whoever made my martial arts so perverted would not need the Pluto sword at all. If this guy didn't recognize the master, Chen Youliang really wanted to The meaning of sending the Pluto sword away, it is really a waste to keep such a powerful sword in his hands.

This Pluto sword is extremely spiritual, even comparable to Zhu Xing, but I have always regarded it as a decoration and kept it by my side for no use, and never thought to understand it. I am really sorry for it.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Do you want to meet people outside?" Chen Youliang asked curiously, although he felt that he was a bit of an idiot, talking to a sword.

The Pluto sword naturally didn't respond, it was still shaking, Chen Youliang nodded, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll take you out to meet him." After speaking, he put the Pluto sword on his waist.

At this time, Ding Minjun suddenly ran over, pushed the door open and said with a serious expression, "Friendship, people from the three sects are here."

Chen Youliang nodded and said with a smile, "I know, go and call my senior sister, Meifeng and the others, let them come out and have a look." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room.

Then Zhang Meifeng, Yang Xuedan, Miao Yuyue, Zhou Zhiruo and Mei ran out quickly. After seeing Chen Youliang, they followed behind him and walked towards the main hall together.And when they reached the entrance of the main hall, they saw that Miejue Shitai and the seven ancestors had arrived in the main hall, looking at the three men standing in front of them with serious faces.

These three men all seem to be in their 40s. The one standing on the far left is a short, fat man with a bald head and an obscene look on his face. Especially when he looks at the seven ancestors, his eyes are green and his face is still pale. With a nasty smile.And the one standing on the far right is a burly man with bronze skin, firm eyes, and a beard. He looks very domineering, while the one in the middle is a very elegant-looking man. He is in his forties, but he gives off an aura of everyone's demeanor. He has long hair and shawls, and he is unrestrained and free. He is holding a black fan in his hand and fanning it gently with a smile on his face.But these three people had a sword on their waists tacitly. The short fat man's sword was very short, it looked a bit like a dagger.The big man was carrying a huge black sword on his back, which looked like a black iron sword, while the elegant man was wearing a blue sword on his waist. Looking at the pattern on the scabbard, it seemed a bit weird , I can't see what the painting is about.

When Chen Youliang and others came in from the back door of the main hall, the eyes of the three turned to Chen Youliang, and the three of them frowned, but after seeing Chen Youliang, the short fat man immediately shifted his target, looking at the wretched beauties behind Chen Youliang laughed.

Seeing the look in that short fat man's eyes, Chen Youliang really wanted to go up and slap him a few times, but at this moment, he heard a crisp sound of "ding", and the Pluto sword rushed out of the scabbard automatically with a brilliant purple light, and flew to the sky. air...

"This is...the Pluto sword!" When everyone was shocked and surprised, the elegant man in the middle looked at the Pluto sword in the air excitedly, and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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