Chapter 668

"This problem actually troubled us for a long time at the beginning. We didn't know how the owner of the bone gate investigated. But then I came out of the Geshi Mountain once, and outside the Geshi Mountain, I found that the original Geshi Mountain There is a place outside where traces of mineral veins are exposed. Only then did I discover that the starting point of the mineral veins in our Geshishan is outside the Geshi Mountain, but no mineral veins can be dug outside. These ore veins can't be found at all. These are internal energy stone veins, so I was wondering if the master of the bone gate found ore veins or herbs, which might appear outside the mountains that separate the two lands, so I So I went to Qilin Mountain secretly, and I found a starting point similar to the internal energy stone vein outside Qilin Mountain." Mei said
Chen Youliang and the others nodded in sudden realization. They learned a lot today. Only then did Chen Youliang realize that the world of Yitian he knew was still too small, and that the world of Yitian was actually so big.Chen Youliang thought about it for a while, but he didn't expect that there are so many secrets behind Qilin Mountain. It seems that he has to find a way to prevent Gumen from searching for the internal energy stone veins. Otherwise, if Gumen's strength reaches a new level, then he can deal with it by himself But it is difficult.

Now that the basic questions have been clarified, Chen Youliang didn't ask any more questions, and the others didn't speak anymore. For a while, the hall became a little quiet. Chen Youliang lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. The man looked at Chen Youliang, as if waiting for him to speak.

After a while, Chen Youliang raised his head, seeing everyone looking at him, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Okay, everyone should be tired today, let's go back and rest first."

Everyone nodded, Master Fengling looked at the juniors behind him, and said with a smile, "Deputy Master Chen, I will leave the rest of the matter to you. Our seniors have been out for a long time, and we have to go back."

Chen Youliang nodded with a smile and didn't say anything, but he felt a little awkward in his heart, this is the place of Emei, right?Why don't you go back and tell me what to say?It makes it seem like our Mingjiao is the same.

Then everyone dispersed and went back to their respective rooms. However, after Chen Youliang went back, he quickly closed the door, holding the Pluto sword in his hand, and kept looking at it. He really didn't expect that he would have an unexpected harvest today. There is still a pair of Pluto swords. Now Chen Youliang really wants to see what the so-called Pluto double swords are like.

Chen Youliang slowly pulled out the Pluto sword from its scabbard, and at the same time as Chen Youliang pulled it out, he saw a burst of purple and blue two-color light, illuminating the whole room, and then Chen Youliang saw something that made him almost close his eyes. o The phenomenon of staring out, the Pluto sword is in his hand, but the Youwang sword is floating next to the Pluto sword, the hilt of the Youwang sword is only a few centimeters away from Chen Youliang's hand, and the two swords are kept parallel to hold Chen Youliang's right hand in the middle.

"Damn it! What's the situation!" Chen Youliang looked at the King You Sword floating in his hand in surprise. He didn't expect the King You Sword to come out like this. He originally thought that the King You Sword would appear in his left hand.

Chen Youliang put away his surprise, and slowly swung his sword forward. Sure enough, it was exactly as Chen Youliang thought, and the Youwang sword moved forward with the Pluto sword. Chen Youliang frowned slightly, and said to himself, "Could it be that the Youwang sword is Do you want to follow the Pluto Sword all the time? But if this is the case, the attack range will be a little wider at most, making people feel a little dazzled, but if it is against a master, it will be useless at all. Isn't this the so-called number one weapon? Is it so tasteless?"

Just as Chen Youliang thought of this, he saw the two swords releasing a burst of brilliant light again, but this time the light did not fill the whole room, but instead rushed towards Chen Youliang. Chen Youliang was stunned for a moment, before he could react, The light has rushed to him.

Chen Youliang's whole body was shocked, and a movie-like image suddenly appeared in his mind, a white-haired old man was waving the Nether King Sword at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye!

"What... what's going on?" Chen Youliang exclaimed in surprise

But Chen Youliang was too late to be surprised now, because the man used the sword very fast, and he just discovered that when the old man used the Nether King Sword, the You King Sword did not simply follow the Hades Sword, but It seems to be flying around the old man consciously, the flying trajectory of You Wang Sword seems to be controlled by the old man, but the power of Pluto Sword seems to be stronger than when he used it himself!
When Chen Youliang just started watching it, the absolute character has already worked. Chen Youliang has completely comprehended the whole set of sword skills. However, what surprised him is that this set of sword skills is unique to the Nether King Sword. Swordsmanship, all the sword moves are tailor-made for the Nether and You Shuangwang Sword. What surprised Chen Youliang is that this set of sword moves is even more perverted than Ji·Xiaoyao Feiyu Sword!Its power is completely superior to all the sword techniques he knows. Chen Youliang believes that if he uses this set of sword moves, there is probably no one who can stop him that day!

"Damn it! This is so abnormal! This sword technique is a bug! Who created this kind of sword move by his grandma? Isn't this too genius?" Chen Youliang secretly exclaimed while looking at the sword move road
However, just after the old man performed his last move, the old man slowly put away the Nether King Sword, the old man suddenly turned around, facing Chen Youliang, his eyes seemed to see Chen Youliang, which scared Chen Youliang It jumped, but what was even more surprising was that the old man actually spoke, and smiled kindly, "No matter who you are, this old man congratulates you for getting the number one treasure in the world, you can get the Nether King Sword, and Seeing the old man, it proves that you have been approved by the Nether King Sword and become the third owner of the Nether King Sword. If you are extremely talented, I believe you already know the power of this set of swordsmanship. I hope you can make good use of this set of swordsmanship. Don’t use it when it is not necessary, otherwise it will definitely cause a disaster. It is two swords, but the two swords have been integrated into one. You can control Youwang Sword with your mind, so your own sword skills can also be used. However, when using other sword skills, Youwang Sword is only improved. The power of the Pluto sword, it will attack unless you want to, if you use the Nether King Sword, it will be up to you, if there is a fate, we will see you again."

"Damn it! This is so fake! This old man can actually talk to me? And... return his grandma's fate to meet again? You are the second master of the Nether King Sword, who knows you The kid is an old monster of thousands of years? I’m going to meet in the coffin! Hey? The second term? Didn’t Mei say that the Nether King Sword has only one master?”

(End of this chapter)

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