Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 670 How to solve it?

Chapter 670 How to solve it?

"Ah? Emei has no money? Can't you? How do you manage it? There are many villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Emei. The monthly taxes are enough for you to pay for Emei's various expenses, and there is still a lot of surplus. Didn’t Miejue Shitai manage it well before? How come you have no money here? Didn’t you squander it?” Chen Youliang asked a little surprised

Ding Minjun glanced at Chen Youliang, and said, "I would like to have money to squander, but the point is that I don't have it! In the past few years, master has spent a lot of money on renovating Emei, building alchemy rooms and casting rooms, buying weapons and food, and Emei's savings It's already gone, and this year's severe drought has affected our place too. The common people at the foot of the mountain can't get enough to eat. I can't squeeze the common people's money just as soon as I become the head of Emei. ?”

Chen Youliang nodded secretly, and glanced at Ding Minjun approvingly. It seems that although this girl is a bit mean on her lips, she still has ordinary people in her heart, so maybe she can really carry forward the Emei faction.However, the issue of money is a bit difficult to deal with. Chen Youliang is not short of money. He has plenty of money, but it is all from Mingjiao. Mingjiao spends money on him, the deputy leader. Well, he couldn't be so careless about Guan Mingjiao asking for it.

"Then what's the second thing?" Chen Youliang asked
"The second thing is about martial arts. In fact, this matter is not so urgent. Now, as long as Emei disciples have enough skill, I let them practice the Nine Yin Manual. I have been going to Miss Yang almost every day for the past two days. , Asking for advice on how to practice the Nine Yin Manual, I have already asked enough questions, at least I can guide my disciples, but I don’t know how to deal with some people whose internal strength is weak.” Ding Minjun smiled wryly.

Chen Youliang asked puzzledly, "Why don't you know what to do? Just like before, wouldn't it be enough to practice your own internal skills and martial arts? Let them start from the beginning and learn little by little."

"If you're just a disciple of your own sect, of course you don't have to worry about it. It's just that in the past two days, because the news of the decisive battle between Emei and Kongtong Huashan has spread widely, many female disciples have come to pay homage to the teacher, and some of the towns below Emei The common people sent their daughters here, there are many good seedlings among these people, but if they are allowed to practice step by step, it is too slow, no one can achieve anything in 20 years." Ding Minjun said
Chen Youliang laughed and said, "Nonsense, it's a matter of course. Martial arts can't be achieved overnight. Do you think everyone is like me? Why are you so anxious to let them have such high achievements?"

Ding Minjun gave Chen Youliang a white look, and said, "Is it because of you? You have offended the three sects now. Although Bei Yeqiu's Fenghuo sect may not make things difficult for you, the ghost domain gate and Xuanyuan gate will definitely not let you Fortunately, although you Mingjiao has a lot of masters, if you fight against Yuan soldiers more, even if you draw some out to save you or help you, then the strength to fight against Yuan soldiers will be reduced a lot. What if it is delayed? Our Emei is also kept because of you, so for public and private reasons, we all have to think about your safety. If you really encounter something and Mingjiao can’t get away, we at Emei can at least support you. .”

Chen Youliang was slightly taken aback, surprised and moved in his heart, he didn't expect that Ding Minjun was thinking of himself, which made Chen Youliang a little flattered, Ding Minjun is a good mistress, Chen Youliang even wanted to take her into his wife Impulsive.

"Now you are facing some peerless masters. Ordinary disciples will die if they go, so the only way to improve the martial arts of all the disciples is to improve the martial arts of all the disciples. However, although Emei's martial arts is good now, the only one who can get it right away is the For those who have practiced the Nine Yin Scriptures, Emei's martial arts are only suitable for those who have practiced for a long time, and those who have mastered the moves can use them. , Start practicing from the Nine Yin Scriptures first, to build a good foundation. But it is still too slow, even with the best talent, it will take more than ten years to get it out, I really don’t know how you found Yang Bu People like Hui and Xiao Zhao are so talented, they can learn the Nine Yin Manual to a minimum within a month." Ding Minjun complained
Chen Youliang smiled slightly, indeed, the people around him are basically extremely talented, the parents of Xiao Zhao and Yang Buhui are both extremely talented people, so they were naturally talented, but it is difficult for ordinary people to catch up Their talents are gone, but this is relatively normal.

At this moment, Yang Xuedan and Zhou Zhiruo walked over, Chen Youliang saw them, smiled and waved, and said, "Senior Sister, Zhiruo, please come here, it happens that Senior Sister Ding is worried."

Yang Xuedan and Zhou Zhiruo looked at each other in confusion, and they walked into the room. Zhou Zhiruo asked concerned, "Senior Sister, what's the matter? What happened?"

Ding Minjun's relationship with Zhou Zhiruo is getting better and better because she no longer has the grievance of being the leader, and she has a good relationship with Yang Xuedan because she asked for advice on the Nine Yin Scriptures, so she just said what she said to Chen Youliang. He said everything, including of course the matter of wanting to quickly improve the disciple's strength for Chen Youliang's sake. After all, it's nothing to say. Chen Youliang saved Emei, and anyone who knows how to behave would do so.

After listening to Ding Minjun's words, both of them frowned in embarrassment. Yang Xuedan thought for a while and said, "If you want to improve the disciple's strength, I can help, but I can't help you with money."

"Oh? Really? Tell me, Miss Yang, how can you improve?" Ding Minjun's eyes lit up, and he asked hastily
Yang Xuedan glanced at Chen Youliang and said, "Then it depends on the younger brother."

"Me? What's the matter with me here?" Chen Youliang asked curiously

"Junior brother, can you still pass on the exercises now? If yes, how many years can you pass on?" Yang Xuedan asked
Hearing what Yang Xuedan said, both Chen Youliang and Zhou Zhiruo understood, and Zhou Zhiruo smiled and said, "Sister Xuedan, you mean to let Brother Chen teach the exercises to the disciples, which will not only give them some Jiuyin True Qi, but also reduce their strength. Aptitude, using the fairness of the Nine Yin Manual, let them practice martial arts that only disciples with low aptitude, such as Heart Breaking Palm, can practice, right?"

"That's right, that's what I meant, because the aptitudes of these disciples are only average or above average according to what Min Jun said just now. Although such aptitude can learn Jiuyin White Bone Claw, it will be very slow. If you want to practice to It takes more than 20 to [-] years for a small achievement, it is better to lower their aptitude and let them learn martial arts such as heart-shattering palm, it will be faster. It is also possible to practice the Heart Destroying Palm to a small degree within a year, so that it is equivalent to an ordinary first-class master." Yang Xuedan smiled slightly.
(End of this chapter)

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