Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 673 The Astonishing Internal Strength Stone

Chapter 673 The Astonishing Internal Strength Stone
Zhou Zhiruo and the others were puzzled, and went to the main hall with Chen Youliang, and found that Gui Da and a woman dressed in the same clothes as Xuanyuan Yuli were standing in the main hall, and there were two female Emei disciples beside them, watching them vigilantly , with his right hand resting on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The two female disciples were slightly relieved when they saw Chen Youliang walking in. One of the female disciples ran over and said, "Senior Sister Ding, Deputy Master Chen, we are going to find you. These two people have just arrived on the mountain. , came in without any explanation, and we didn't stop them..." Speaking of this, the female disciple was still a little ashamed.

Chen Youliang glanced at the female disciple curiously, and found that she didn't seem to have seen it before, so he turned his head to look at Ding Minjun, and asked, "Is this little junior sister new here?"

Ding Minjun nodded and said, "Well, these two female disciples are new to Emei, and the two female disciples guarding the mountain gate are currently practicing."

Chen Youliang sighed, thinking about it, now that there are more than 300 new disciples, the original disciples will naturally increase, and they will not be able to do the work of new talents guarding the mountain gate.

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "It's okay. I know these two people. They are good at martial arts. It's normal if you can't stop them. Go back and continue guarding."

The female disciple smiled and nodded, and after a reply, she led another female disciple out of the hall.

After the two walked out, Chen Youliang walked up to Gui Da with a smile. Now Gui Da was terrified when he saw Chen Youliang, and his big fleshy face couldn't help twitching. He hurriedly handed a white bundle behind him to the front, scared He said, "Chen...Vice Hierarch Chen...this...this is what I...I promised Vice Hierarch at it..."

Chen Youliang frowned slightly, the burden didn't seem too big at all, if Gui Da promised more than 1 internal energy stones, how could it be so little?The size of this baggage can only hold a few clothes at most.

Just when Chen Youliang was feeling puzzled, Mei walked in from the back door and saw the bag handed to Chen Youliang, but Chen Youliang didn't pick it up, and walked up to him strangely and asked, "Vice Leader Chen, what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Chen Youliang pulled Mei aside, and asked in a low voice, "Why is this burden so small? Is it just a little more than 1 internal energy stones?"

"Oh, it turns out that Vice-rector Chen didn't accept the burden because of this." Mei Mei covered her mouth with a smile, walked up to Gui Da, took the burden, put it on the table and opened it.

Chen Youliang and the others took a look and found that there were only eight small bottles inside. The size of the bottles was about the same as the size of Chen Youliang's poison. However, Chen Youliang felt that four of these bottles implied a very strong internal energy. Chen Youliang was curious. Looking at Mei, Mei smiled slightly, picked up a bottle, and opened the cork, only to see a burst of brilliant green light emanating from the bottle.

Mei smiled in satisfaction, and checked the bottles one by one. Among them, there was one bottle that was glowing red, one bottle that was glowing blue, and one that was glowing yellow, and the other four bottles were not glowing.

"That's right, Deputy Hierarch Chen, there are indeed as many internal skill stones as Guida said." Mei nodded and smiled after checking all of them.
"Ah? This... This is the inner strength stone? There are more than 1 pieces?" Chen Youliang exclaimed in surprise

Mei hehe smiled, and said, "Deputy Master Chen, the inner strength stone is indeed not small, but the inner strength stone has a characteristic, that is, it can change its size at will when it is compressed by an outsider with internal force, and it can become as big as a grain of sand at its smallest." Otherwise, how would you ask Guida to bring these more than 1 pieces of internal energy stones? I am afraid that a few boxes will not be enough. It is because of this characteristic that internal energy stones will be regarded as money. How many boxes have to be transported, how troublesome is it?"

Chen Youliang and the others looked at each other in surprise, they didn't expect that the inner stone could be changed in size at will, isn't it the same as Zhu Xing?Chen Youliang didn't expect that such a monster's characteristics as Zhu Xing would be so common in the world apart!Any random internal skill stone has the ability to change!
"Then how did you check the quantity?" Ding Minjun asked curiously

"There is a special way to detect the number, and we people in the other world know it. If you go to the other world in the future, I can teach you." Mei smiled and said
"Mei!" As soon as Mei's voice fell, the woman who had been keeping a cold face shouted angrily, "How could you tell them about the world away! Don't you fear that the four sects will punish you!"

Mei turned her head, sneered, and said, "Isn't this Xuanyuan Yudie from Xuanyuanmen? I really didn't pay attention to you just now."

"Hmph!" Xuanyuan Yudie snorted coldly, but she was very upset in her heart, didn't she pay attention?Miss Ben is standing next to Guida, you looked at me twice when you came over, didn't you pay attention to me?You obviously look down on me!
"Mei, I will tell our sect master about this, and you will be punished when the time comes!" Xuanyuan Yudie said coldly
Mei shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and said with a smile, "It's up to you, since I dare to say it now, I'm not afraid of you guys gossiping, take a good look for yourself, Vice Hierarch Chen, Miss Zhou, Miss Ding, Miss Yang, Which of these four people is not qualified to know about the secret sect? And who is not qualified to enter the land of the second world? What if I tell them? Gumen has the obligation to tell all qualified people about the land of the second world and the hidden sect The presence."

Xuanyuan Yudie was taken aback, and turned her head to look at the three beauties behind Chen Youliang in surprise. Of course, Chen Youliang needless to say, his martial arts are enough to make people afraid in the secret sect, but she did not expect that these three beauties also have such You must know that being qualified to understand the secret sect is completely different from being qualified to understand the place of the other world. If it is Miejue Shitai, she is qualified to know about the secret sect, but her martial arts is not qualified to understand the place of the other world. , but Xuanyuan Yulie carefully investigated the internal strength of these three women, and was surprised to find that all three of them had enough skills to be qualified to understand the land of another world!
"How is this possible? How come there are so many masters around Chen Youliang? How can this Ding Minjun be the most powerful besides Chen Youliang? Isn't she an ordinary disciple without talent?" Xuanyuan Yudie thought secretly in surprise
"What? Are you going to report on me now?" Mei sneered

"Hmph! Mei! You don't need to be complacent! Sooner or later, I will let you down!" Xuanyuan Yudie shouted coldly

"Waiting for you anytime." Mei smiled without fear.

Xuanyuan Yudie snorted heavily, turned to look at Chen Youliang, and shouted coldly, "Chen Youliang! Hand over my brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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