Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 683 Absolute Trust

Chapter 683 Absolute Trust
Chen Youliang laughed, didn't explain anything, waved his hands and said, "Old Xu, we will pass through Chuncheng on our way back to Wudang this time, and transport the money to Chuncheng first, and then let the brothers in Chuncheng transport it back to Guangmingding, and hand it over to Yang Zuoshi .”

"Yes, I got it." Xu Zhida saw that Chen Youliang was unwilling to say anything, so he didn't ask any further questions, and nodded in response.
He didn't want to ask, but it didn't mean that Yang Buhui didn't want to. He hurriedly pulled Chen Youliang and asked, "Brother Youliang, what's going on? Why did you suddenly have so much money?"

Chen Youliang laughed and said, "If you don't regret it, you can leave it alone, but you, how is your practice of the Nine Yin Manual?"

Although Yang Buhui is innocent, he is not stupid either. Chen Youliang directly changed the subject, obviously even she was unwilling to talk about it, so Yang Buhui was very sensible and stopped asking. He smiled sweetly and said proudly, "Of course it is not bad. I'm almost done practicing, how is it? Is it amazing?"

Chen Youliang nodded in satisfaction, this is similar to what he thought, Yang Buhui's talent is very good, but because she didn't like to practice martial arts very much before, so martial arts has not made much progress, this time it was Chen Youliang who asked her to practice, she Only then did she practice hard, and with so many beauties around Chen Youliang practicing the Nine Yin Manual, she naturally didn't want to lose to others, so she worked harder, and her progress should be similar to that of Zhou Zhiruo, but Zhou Zhiruo hadn't It's not that there is no day or night to practice, but that you only practice when you have time. Speaking of which, the talents of people like Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min are really good, which is a bit unreasonable.

"That's good, let's go, let's clean up, and return to Wudang with the uncle and the others in a while." Chen Youliang said with a smile
"Okay!" Yang Buhui replied crisply, turned around and ran to the tent to pack his things.

"Junior Brother, why didn't you tell Master Xu and Buhui that the money came from Mei? Is there anything you can't say?" Yang Xuedan asked curiously

Miao Yuyue, Mei and Zhang Meifeng all went to help Song Yuanqiao and the others pack their things. Miao Yuyue had already regarded herself as Chen Youliang's wife, so Song Yuanqiao and the others were her uncles. Of course, she had to please the elders.Zhang Meifeng seemed to be hiding from Chen Youliang, she hadn't spoken to Chen Youliang since she went down the mountain, she didn't even look at him, of course she rushed to help clean up now.

As for Mei Chen Youliang, I really don't know why, maybe because her sister caused trouble for them in Wudang Mountain, so to plead guilty?Chen Youliang didn't know, but now there was only Yang Xuedan left beside Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang turned around and smiled at Yang Xuedan, "Senior Sister, it's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's just that I can't let Buhui know about it for the time being. Buhui is an outspoken girl, and after so many days, she was with Lao Xu and these brothers." The relationship is good. Although the origin of the gold and silver is not a secret, it is still a secret. If you don’t regret it and accidentally tell it, and it will be passed on, then the secret of the world away will disappear. Both soldiers and our Mingjiao are at war, and money is very important to us. If the secrets of the other world are exposed, it means that the Yuan Dynasty will attack the other world for money, so we must also fight for the other world , In this way, this advantage that is only beneficial to us will become something that is harmful to us, can you tell me?"

Yang Xuedan nodded lightly, and said, "So that's the case, it seems that I'm not thinking carefully, as long as you have your own plans."

Chen Youliang chuckled, rolled his eyes, and asked curiously, "By the way, Senior Sister, I see that you don't seem to be flustered at all these days."

"Huh? Why should I panic?" Yang Xuedan asked puzzled

"Shouldn't it be? All of us have been taken away, and Brother Fu Xuedao has also been taken away. Isn't Senior Sister worried?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile
Yang Xuedan gave Chen Youliang a white look, and an intoxicating smile appeared on her beautiful face, and said, "Junior brother, do you know that you are so hypocritical? Do you want to say that senior sister, you are not worried that Fu Xuedao is the best, so I don't have to I'm worried that you are with Fu Xuedao, aren't you?"

"Haha..." Chen Youliang scratched his head and smiled, "I knew I couldn't hide it from my senior sister, so there's nothing I can do about it. Although Brother Fu is a brother of our Mingjiao, he is also my rival in love. Whether he is a hero or a gentleman, here You can’t be magnanimous either, can you?”

Chen Youliang will not pretend to be magnanimous on this, and don't ask anything. Such people are often the most stupid. If you want to give a good impression to the woman you like and know that you like her, you don't just have to pretend that The way a woman likes it, you have to be jealous in front of her from time to time to show that you value her. If you don't ask for a long time, although that woman will also lose, but she will get used to it slowly, and eventually it will evolve into She thought that you had no interest in her, didn't like her any more, but instead concentrated on liking the other person. This is not what Chen Youliang wants to see.

Sure enough, Yang Xuedan was not disgusted, but smiled happily, and said, "It's not that I'm not worried, but it's unnecessary. Minmin and the others were all taken away, but aren't you worried at all, Junior Brother? That means Junior Brother I have already thought of something, or planned something, so why should I worry about it?"

Chen Youliang laughed out loud, and now he felt really relieved. There are two types of people's trust, and both of them have absolute trust, but one is false absolute trust, the other is real absolute trust, false absolute trust It is the kind of trust in any unclear decision that does not involve your relatives or yourself. Back then on Spirit Snake Island, Yang Xuedan was considered a pseudo-absolute trust. If I entrust my life to you, then this is true absolute trust. At the same time, what makes Chen Youliang most happy is that often when one person truly trusts another person, the quota of the person he values ​​most will happen. Change, change to the person I absolutely trust, now Chen Youliang is undoubtedly the person Yang Xuedan trusts the most, this is the biggest prerequisite for finding a girl who is devoted to him!

"Deputy Master Chen." Mei ran over from the side at this time, and asked suspiciously, "What did you just tell Jun Ruomin that someone kidnapped your people? What's going on?"

"Oh? What? You don't know about this?" Chen Youliang asked unexpectedly

(End of this chapter)

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