Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 694 Helping Song Qingshu

Chapter 694 Helping Song Qingshu

"What?!" Hearing Chen Youliang's words, Zhang Sanfeng, Song Yuanqiao and the other heroes were all shocked. Song Yuanqiao hurriedly asked, "Youliang, is what you said true? Are you really able to save Qingshu?"

Chen Youliang laughed and said, "Master, what is the rescue? We are all a family. I should help senior brother. Senior brother Song is the only seedling of senior uncle. Although I don't deal with senior brother very much, we can't do nothing. No? In the future, if the senior brother really does something inhumane, and if the master uncle wants to kill relatives righteously, then I don't want to see it." After finishing speaking, Chen Youliang raised his hands, and a purple light flashed in his hand, and said with a smile, "Master, everyone! Uncle, the disciple just said what the disciple's inner strength is, don't you all have thought of what I should do?"

Zhang Sanfeng and the others were slightly taken aback, but Yang Xuedan's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Junior brother, are you planning to suck up Song Qingshu's inner strength, and then transfer your own extreme North Ming magic power into Song Qingshu's body?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized and nodded, Chen Youliang also smiled and said, "Senior sister is right, that's exactly what I intend to do, since it's because of internal strength and emotions, it's the easiest thing for me , as long as I suck up the Mixed Jigong and Taijijin, and then introduce my inner energy from the Ji·Beiming Divine Art, won’t there be any inner energy emotions?”

"I see! It really is a good idea." Mei nodded and said.
"What a good way, I think he's just doing harm to people." Zhang Meifeng said dissatisfied, "If you suck up Song Qingshu's internal energy, wouldn't he die? Then how can you teach him the energy?"

Chen Youliang gave Zhang Meifeng a blank look, and said, "Miss, you are usually quite smart, why are you so stupid today? As long as the master uncle passes on some internal energy to Senior Brother Song when I have almost absorbed energy, it will not be so difficult. Is it possible to save Senior Brother Song's life? After that, there will be only Taiji Jin left in Senior Brother Song's body, and I will pass back my Ji·Beiming Divine Art. When the time comes, Senior Brother Song will have pure Tai Chi energy, so that he can maintain the original Tai Chi energy's infatuated inner energy emotion, and the ruthless inner energy emotion will disappear?"

Zhang Meifeng rolled her eyes, nodded, and said, "That's really..." After speaking, she pursed her lips and stopped looking at Chen Youliang.

On the contrary, Zhang Sanfeng and the others looked at Chen Youliang very excitedly. Zhang Sanfeng and the other heroes laughed in consolation and approval. Song Yuanqiao held Chen Youliang's hand gratefully, and said with rosy eyes, "Youliang, thank you, uncle." You... Thank you..." Song Yuanqiao didn't know what to say at this time.

Chen Youliang patted Song Yuanqiao's hand with a smile, and said, "Master, I've said it all, we are a family, why should we thank you as a family, if you are so polite, then Youliang will be angry, and I won't help you when the time comes." Uncle, save my son."

Everyone laughed loudly, and Song Yuanqiao also nodded with a gratified and grateful smile, saying, "Okay...don't say it, master, don't say it..."

Chen Youliang scratched his head, and said with a smile, "Actually, I should say sorry to my uncle. I'm afraid this disciple will have to absorb some of the Tai Chi energy that my uncle has practiced for many years. How about I wait until I pass on the exercises to Senior Brother Song? Send some back to Master."

Song Yuanqiao didn't mind waving his hands and said with a smile, "you forgive me, what are you talking about, as long as you can save Qingshu, don't say that I lose some internal energy, even if I lose all internal energy."

Yin Liting laughed and said, "That's right, big brother should also pay some internal energy, right? Doctors need to pay for consultations, and big brother's internal energy is considered as the consultation fee for Youliang."

"Haha...not bad not bad." Song Yuanqiao also laughed loudly.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and didn't say anything more, but he had already made up his mind. After helping Song Qingshu learn the exercises, he would secretly pass on the exercises to Song Yuanqiao. Chen Youliang thought he was not a good person, but he would never cheat his family, Zhang Sanfeng He and Wudang, the six heroes, regard Chen Youliang as his family, so he will naturally treat them as his family. In fact, he saved Song Qingshu because of Song Yuanqiao's face. There is no way, the people he respects most among Wudang are Zhang Sanfeng and As for Song Yuanqiao, I can't help but want to help.

"Uncle Master, we have to wait a few days for teaching the exercises, because when I left Emei, I just taught the exercises to some disciples of Emei. Although I have recovered now, if I teach the exercises immediately, I am worried that something will happen. Fault, I haven’t passed on the merits so frequently, and secondly, it’s because Brother Song’s illness is still not cured, so we should wait until he recovers, is that okay?” Chen Youliang asked
"Okay, okay, you forgive me for taking a good rest during this period. Don't worry about this matter. After waiting for so many years, can you still miss a few days? Uncle Master doesn't want you to make any mistakes after teaching the exercises. You won't feel at ease." Song Yuanqiao nodded and smiled.
"That's good, oh, by the way, Third Master, your bones should be connected now, right? I wanted to ask a long time ago, but after I came back, I encountered so many things, so I asked now, Third Master, don't you?" Blame it." Chen Youliang looked at Yu Daiyan and said with a smile
Yu Daiyan smiled heartily and said, "You boy, why are you being polite to the uncle? My injury is completely fine, but I haven't practiced kung fu for a long time. My moves are a bit jerky, and I'm a little weak in using my inner strength. The rest are fine."

Chen Youliang rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand and said, "Uncle Third, give me your hand, and I'll give you the pulse."

Yu Daiyan passed his hand over, and Chen Youliang put two fingers on Yu Daiyan's veins. After a few seconds, Chen Youliang opened his eyes suddenly, and a burst of purple light burst out in his eyes. A layer of purple light was emitted, and the purple light entered Yu Daiyan's body along with Yu Daiyan's pulse.

Everyone, including Yu Daiyan, couldn't help being startled, seeing the purple qi flying back and forth around Yu Daiyan's body, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the places where the purple qi flew were all the meridians in the body, and when the purple qi flew around, After passing the meridians in Yu Daiyan's body once, Ziqi slowly returned to Chen Youliang's hand. The light on Chen Youliang's fingers dissipated. He withdrew his palm, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Yu Daiyan and the others looked at Chen Youliang in amazement, not understanding what Chen Youliang was doing. Yu Daiyan was also at a loss. Chen Youliang opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and asked, "Third Master, let's see if using internal force now is the same as Is it the same as before?"

(End of this chapter)

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