Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 732 Convince Yang Xuedan

Chapter 732 Convince Yang Xuedan

"Ah?" Everyone didn't respond just now, but now everyone opened their mouths in surprise. This Beiyeru is Chen Youliang's decent wife. Everyone knows that, except for the three old ancestors, so it's okay for Beiyeru to accompany her. , but Yang Xuedan is different, she is Chen Youliang's senior brother, and more importantly, she also has a beloved man, Fu Xuedao, why would she want to accompany Chen Youliang?
Yang Xuedan saw that everyone looked at her with surprised and ambiguous eyes, and Yu's face turned red, but now she can't explain so much, she has an appointment with Kitanoru, before she did anything suspicious, She couldn't tell about Kitanoru's martial arts skills, so she had no choice but to grit her teeth, put on an affirmative look, and said nothing.

Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun looked at each other with wry smiles. Chen Youliang didn't say what to do if this happened, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

It was Kitanoru who stood up at the critical moment, smiled and said, "Sister, let's go out and talk?"

"Okay." Yang Xuedan replied lightly, and walked out with Bei Yeru after speaking.

As soon as they went out, Xu Zhida hurriedly asked with a smile, "Hey, hey, have you seen that? The senior sister of the deputy leader actually got into an argument with his wife. Do you think the senior sister also likes the deputy leader and wants to talk to her?" Let's fight over who will be the big one?"

All the beauties gave Xu Zhida a blank look, Yang Buhui patted Xu Zhida on the head, and said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, Sister Xuedan has a sweetheart herself, besides, Sister Beiye is the wife of brother Youliang, baby, no matter what It’s all big, so why fight? Sister Xuedan is not that kind of person.”

Xu Zhida rubbed his head, and whispered, "I really don't understand you, everyone is so beautiful, why do you like the deputy leader? And I don't regret that you are the daughter of Zuo Shi, and Miss Zhou is Emei's precious disciple." , Ms. Miao is from the overseas Miao family, and the rest of you, which one is not respected, why don't you like the deputy leader, you just want to follow him, and you don't care who is the big and the small, hey, I Why isn't Lao Xu so lucky? He's still a bachelor."

Everyone blushed, but after hearing Xu Zhida's words, they couldn't help laughing. Yang Buhui patted Xu Zhida's back and said with a smile, "If you want to do this? It's fine, as long as your martial arts are better, Be smarter, be more careful, be nicer to women, be more handsome, and change your carefree habit, maybe someone will like you."

Xu Zhida burst into sweat, and said with a wry smile, "If that's the case, then I might as well die quickly."

Everyone laughed, Ding Minjun laughed and said, "Old Xu, if you don't mind, Jingmin, oh, the Emei disciple you saved last time seems to be interested in you, otherwise Now, let me go and talk to senior Yin Liting, how about including you as Wudang's registered disciple and letting you marry, how about marrying Jingmin?"

As soon as Jing Min was mentioned, Xu Zhida's face turned red. In fact, everyone could see that since Jing Min was rescued by Xu Zhida, he seemed to be interested in Xu Zhida. Brought back by Mingjiao disciples, Jingmin went down the mountain almost once a day to see Xu Zhida. Anyone with eyes can't see what's wrong with these two people.

"Well... the deputy leader is looking for me, right? Then... then I'll go first!" After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran out of the room, making the group of women in the room burst into laughter.

At this time, Beiyeru and Yang Xuedan had already walked far away from Zhang Meifeng's room. Beiyeru looked around vigilantly, and after making sure that there was no one there, she smiled and said, "Senior sister, I know you want to come with me." The reason for going to accompany Youliang, but senior sister, you are too cautious, although I am very grateful that you are so considerate of Youliang's safety, but do you think that with my skill, I am Youliang's opponent?"

Yang Xuedan said lightly, "It's not true, but what if you make a sneak attack when the younger brother is practicing? Your identity is too suspicious, so I have to be on guard against you, Kitano girl, I still say the same thing, if you want to If you go to accompany Junior Brother, I will definitely not let you be alone with him."

Bei Yeru smiled sweetly, and said, "Now that things have come to an end, let me tell my senior sister clearly. I do know martial arts, and my martial arts are not low. At least I am not inferior to you now, and I hide my strength. It is also true that I return to Youliang." There is a purpose, but it is not to harm Youliang, but to save him."

"Save him?" Yang Xuedan frowned slightly and asked, "How?"

"Our family is family friends with Youliang's family, and I was also born in a poor family. Fortunately, I was lucky. There was a mysterious expert as my master who taught me all the skills in my life. After I finished my studies, Master Knowing that I was going to find Youliang, he told me that Youliang will have a catastrophe. You have heard it just now. This time, Youliang is really dangerous. Master said that I can help Youliang get through this catastrophe. And told me the method, so I hid my strength and stayed with Youliang. It can be said that everyone except you thinks I am an ordinary person. If Youliang is in danger, and you are unable to help, I can help Youliang. Now, does Senior Sister understand the purpose of my appearance?" Kitanoru asked
Yang Xuedan smiled faintly, and said, "Miss Beiye, these words are just your one-sided words, why should I believe you?"

"If you don't believe me, don't you believe in friendship?" Kitanoru asked
"What do you mean?" Yang Xuedan frowned and asked

"Senior sister, let me ask you, who is smarter, you or Youliang?" Kitanoru asked with a smile
Yang Xuedan replied, "My junior brother."

"Isn't that enough? Think about it, Youliang already knows that I know martial arts, but now he still asks me to accompany him. Why? Of course, I believe in my wife. If I really want what my senior sister said, I will My identity is suspicious, can I gain Youliang’s trust? Will Youliang let me accompany him at ease? Sister, you should know that Youliang is a calm person, he will not kiss you just because I am his baby Wife, he let his guard down on me, do you think so, Senior Sister?"

Yang Xuedan was slightly taken aback. Indeed, Chen Youliang is not such a subjective person. He is cautious. If he doesn't really believe in a person, he will never let a woman who is not weak in martial arts accompany her by his side, especially when he is still in the house. At such a dangerous time.

"Okay, I trust my junior brother's judgment. If you really came to help junior brother this time, I will apologize to you for what happened before, but if not, I will let you know what life is better than death!"

(End of this chapter)

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