Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 734 The Super Benefits of Plum Blossom Holy Land!

Chapter 734 The Super Benefits of Plum Blossom Holy Land!
Xiaoyaozi turned his head with a smile, saw Chen Youliang who was full of anger, and said, "Boy, boy, this person who can practice the extreme Beiming magic skill should also be a hero in this world. Why is his brain so stupid?"

"What?" Chen Youliang said dissatisfied, "You still call me stupid? I don't know how many times I have tried, how many methods I have used, but I can't move those two purple gemstones at all!"

Xiaoyaozi shook his head and said, "Then you can try to meditate here too."

Chen Youliang was startled, and after humming lightly, he sat down, closed his eyes and looked inside, looked at the two purple gemstones in his dantian, he sighed secretly, and mobilized the inner strength of Beiming in his body to let the inner strength After entering the dantian and letting the purple inner force wrap the two purple gemstones, Chen Youliang slowly urged the inner force to pull the purple gemstones towards the middle.

"En?!" Chen Youliang was pleasantly surprised to find that the two purple gemstones moved!Although it was only a little bit, the two purple gemstones really moved!Chen Youliang was stunned for a moment, he had used this method before, but the purple gem didn't move at all, how could it move now?
Due to Chen Youliang's distraction and internal force, the two purple gemstones returned to their previous positions, but Chen Youliang didn't regret it at all. He opened his eyes in surprise, looked at Xiaoyaozi with a smile on his face, and asked Said, "What... what's going on here? How did it move?"

Xiaoyaozi chuckled and said, "Boy, how can I say that you are stupid? Let me ask you, when you broke through the second level, I told you what are the benefits of breaking through the second level? Are there any One, you can freely enter and leave the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm?"

Chen Youliang nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? Haven't you ever thought about why I have to remind you that there is such a benefit? And why is it one of the benefits to freely enter and leave the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm?" Xiaoyaozi asked

"Uh... this... I really haven't thought about it." Chen Youliang scratched his head and said

"If you don't talk about you, you are really the stupidest person I have ever met. If a person has the ability to enter another dimension, who wouldn't use it first? But you are lucky, you didn't come in until now , let me tell you, those two pieces of purple gemstones are the biggest bottleneck of the extreme Beiming magical power. It is impossible for purple gemstones to fuse together. There is only one, the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm can increase the aptitude, potential, and understanding of the number of people or even dozens of times, and it can also help people easily break through bottlenecks, which is the biggest benefit of the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm." Xiaoyaozi said

"Damn it! You should have told me about this benefit earlier! I have wasted such a long time in vain!" Chen Youliang cursed secretly, but he was very surprised and excited in his heart. You must know that this kind of benefit is too great!Improving aptitude potential and comprehension, as well as breaking through bottlenecks, this is the benefit that every martial artist dreams of!

"That means that as long as I fuse gems here, it won't take long for me to complete the fusion?" Chen Youliang hurriedly asked pleasantly

"It's not as simple as you said. If it's just a general bottleneck, it won't take two or three hours. However, the Extreme Beiming Divine Art is an extremely special internal energy. Two purple gemstones can't be fused outside. The bottleneck that cannot be broken through. From the perspective of the outside world, your current state is the highest level, so breaking through here is not so simple. You should have seen it. When you just lost your attention, the purple gemstone returned to its original place , so you have to fuse at once. Although you have deep internal power now, it seems that you already have 980 years of internal power, and there seems to be 150 years of internal power in the purple gemstone. For the fusion of purple gemstone, the internal power is enough. But it will take a lot of time, it is estimated that it will take at least eighteen days before you can fully integrate, but..."

"But what?" Chen Youliang asked anxiously
"But is your physical body in the safest place now? If not, you should put yourself in the safest place first, and then come in. During these eighteen days, you can't distract your attention. If someone It will be bad for you during these eighteen days, but you have no power to fight back, and you will not even know how you died." Xiaoyaozi said

Chen Youliang chuckled and said, "So you're talking about this, so you don't have to worry about it. I'm in an absolutely safe place now. I'll be safe for at least 20 days."

Chen Youliang is really lucky now, his luck is really good, just when he was about to face a catastrophe, unexpectedly he found a way to really upgrade to the second floor by accident, if he really promoted to The second layer, then your own safety will be more guaranteed.

"In that case, well, then you can start to merge, and remember to concentrate." Xiaoyaozi instructed
"Understood!" Chen Youliang nodded, then closed his eyes and began to merge.

Several days passed, and Chen Youliang was still struggling in the Plum Blossom Holy Land, but he worried Bei Yeru to the core. Ever since Bei Yeru got up to meditate on the first day, he was a little worried when he saw that Chen Youliang hadn't finished practicing. People who meditate and practice internal strength have never practiced for twelve hours without a break, because they have to eat and sleep to replenish their energy and strength, but Chen Youliang didn't get up for several days in a row. Come on, she might have already called someone to help.

But Chen Youliang is like this now, she dare not tell others, who knows what Chen Youliang is doing, the Beiming magic is an extremely mysterious inner strength, and she doesn't know whether Chen Youliang's behavior is normal, so she has to check whether Chen Youliang's body is normal every day , In addition, she also ordered the kitchen to leave the daily meals at the door, and then she came to get them herself.

Fortunately, these days, Yang Xuedan and others are completing the tasks assigned by Chen Youliang. They go out for a stroll when they have nothing to do, and then come back to practice hard. No one bothers Chen Youliang. The most important thing is that Yang Xuedan never came to Chen Youliang. With a sigh of relief, if Yang Xuedan finds out that Beiyeru can do this, he may suspect what Beiyeru did to Chen Youliang, and maybe he will fight her desperately.

Nearly 19 days have passed in a blink of an eye. On the evening of the [-]th day when Wudang and Emei disciples communicated with each other, in a room in the courtyard where Wudang disciples lived, there were fifteen named Wudang disciples in different clothes. , were sitting together, all of them had sullen faces and closed eyes, as if they were using internal force to probe for something.

After a long time, fifteen people opened their eyes at the same time, and one of them, a big man with a beard, said, "Okay, there is no suspicious person around, so you can speak with confidence."

(End of this chapter)

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