Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 736 Layer 2 Characteristics

Chapter 736 Second Layer Characteristics

Xiaoyaozi smiled and said, "That's right, you are checking to see if there is any change in your dantian?"

Chen Youliang glanced at Xiaoyaozi puzzledly, closed his eyes and looked at his dantian, and was startled, Chen Youliang opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted, "This...what's going on?! I've clearly merged Two pieces of purple gems? Why are there still two pieces in the dantian!"

Xiaoyaozi explained with a smile, "You have indeed merged one piece. If you look carefully, you can find that one of the purple gemstones emits purple light, but the other one does not. It is the same as your previous purple gemstone. It is the sign of completing the second layer. That new purple gemstone was conceived with 200 years of internal force, because you only stored 150 years of internal force, so when you complete the second layer, you The 50-year internal force has automatically become the internal force that forms the purple gem, and has become this purple gem. As for the conditions for reaching the third floor, I have already told you, one is to practice your martial arts to the extreme, and the second, It means absorbing power for 1000 years. In fact, I didn’t finish what I said at the beginning. There is another condition for reaching the third floor, that is, you must have three purple gemstones in your body. That is to say, after you have absorbed 1000 years of internal energy, you need to absorb another 200 years of internal energy. , to form the third purple gemstone, and your two martial arts have reached the extreme state, then you can continue to merge and enter the third layer."

"Damn it! Doesn't that buddy has to absorb at least 270 years of internal energy?!" Chen Youliang asked in surprise

"Not bad." Xiaoyaozi nodded and smiled.

"Hey! I say old man! Do you really think that internal energy is easy to absorb? 270 years of internal energy!" Chen Youliang jumped up and shouted dissatisfied
Xiaoyaozi gently stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "Is it difficult? It shouldn't be difficult for you, right? You just reached the second floor not long ago, and you have absorbed nearly four or five hundred years of internal energy. It's coming soon, 500 years of internal strength should be easy for you, right?"

Chen Youliang patted his head and shouted, "I mean old man, I was lucky last time, I met some idiots who gave me internal energy, but not all the idiots I meet in the future, besides, when absorbing internal energy It's not that you don't know that you can't be disturbed. My current reputation has already been made public, and no one will come to deal with me one by one. In the future, they will all be martial arts masters. Although the internal strength of more than 200 years is not much, It's enough to suck four or five people, but the key is I have to find a way to suck it."

"Then I have no choice but to look at yourself. I think you'd better think of a way to quickly absorb your internal energy now. When you reach the third floor and want to enter the fourth floor, You need more internal strength than this." Xiaoyaozi said with a smile

"You... What do you mean? Don't tell me, the amount of internal energy needed for the fourth floor is abnormal." Chen Youliang felt a little cold behind.

"I don't know what metamorphosis means, but it should mean a lot, right? Then you should think about it, and you'd better be mentally prepared." Xiaoyaozi said with a smile

"Damn! It's alright, I won't tell you any more. This time I wasted one more day, and I don't know what's going on outside. I have to go out quickly." Chen Youliang waved his hands anxiously. It would have taken eighteen days to integrate It was successful, but because Chen Youliang made a mistake on the first day, wasting a whole day of hard work. Fortunately, Chen Youliang was more careful in the remaining 20 days, and was able to finish the work before the end of the [-] days.

"Well, then you go out, don't forget to come here often to practice martial arts, you can't practice to the extreme outside with Xu Linfeng and cold sleeves." Xiaoyaozi smiled.

Chen Youliang laughed dryly, and said, "Thank you! It's an afterthought!" After saying that, Chen Youliang disappeared into the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm.

And when Chen Youliang opened his eyes, it was already dawn, and Chen Youliang raised his hands to look at it. Since he had been in the Plum Blossom Holy Land all this time, he couldn't adapt to the sudden return to reality.

" you awake?" Bei Yeru's slightly weak voice came from behind.

Chen Youliang hurriedly turned his head, and found that Bei Yeru was sitting slumped on the ground, his face was pale, his head was covered with sweat, his lips were already chapped, and he kept panting heavily, which made Chen Youliang a little puzzled, and asked "What's the matter with you? You won't steal the guy while I'm practicing. You just finished solving it in my house, right?"

" unconscionable dead man! I was scared all night by you! You still say that to me!" Bei Yeru gave Chen Youliang an angry look, and cried weakly

"Scared by me all night? Oh, yes, I remembered, I'm sorry, I broke through the second layer of Beiming Shengong last night. The inner strength can be exposed just like you, and its power has become stronger, and it has In addition to the characteristics of the fusion of inner strength emotions, because I have seen many inner strength emotions before, such as pity, temptation, ruthlessness, concealment, and your death, which is dominated by my fear and supported by other inner strength emotions. Together, I'm afraid it will make you feel bad, right?" Chen Youliang said with an embarrassed smile
Chen Youliang didn't expect that the second layer of Beiming Divine Art turned out to be the effect of internal energy and emotion. It can integrate and use all the internal energy and emotions he has seen and felt, just like his absolute character, except that these internal energy Emotions must be dominated by fear, allowing the enemy to feel a variety of emotions. Chen Youliang thought this feature was quite awesome at the beginning. If all emotions were released together, it might drive people crazy, such as fear and pity. Released together, the other party fears Chen Youliang and sympathizes with Chen Youliang, it's hard not to think crazy.

But later Chen Youliang discovered that this characteristic is quite useless now, because it is only the second level of relationship. Except for fear, other internal strength emotions cannot release [-]% of the power. For people with high internal energy, I am afraid that those attached internal energy emotions are useless at all. Even if they are useful, they will only cause a little bit of psychological conflict. However, people with high internal energy are generally very qualitative. High fragrance.Of course, with the improvement of Chen Youliang's Beiming Divine Art, the power of this characteristic will also increase, but this is for the future.

But Bei Yeru is quite unlucky, because Chen Youliang has just practiced the second level, so all the internal energy emotions will exert [-]% of their power. There would be no attack on Bei Yeru, but other internal strength emotions made Bei Yeru suffer the death penalty.

Looking at Chen Youliang's instinctive fear for a while, losing all her internal strength for a while, and seeing him very attractive for a while, various emotions changed in her heart, and they lasted for a long time. Fortunately, Chen Youliang's internal strength emotions were not For Kitanoru, otherwise she would have gone crazy, but even so, she was exhausted and almost passed out.

Bei Yeru took a long breath, heard Chen Youliang's apology, and felt a little more balanced in her heart, but still gave him a blank look, and then said in surprise, "The Beiming Divine Art is really miraculous, and it has such characteristics. Fortunately, you It wasn't aimed at me, otherwise I would have died long ago, but then I felt that your various emotions were not so strong, could it be that you can't fully exert your other inner strength emotions?"

"Well, yes, except for fear, everything else can only exert half of its power, which is useless for the time being. Maybe it will be useful in the future. Fortunately, I can control these inner strength emotions, and I only need to use fear in the future. , and the rest will be used as my trump card when my internal strength improves. By the way, how is it outside now?"

(End of this chapter)

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