Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 739 Chen Youliang's Excitement

Chapter 739 Chen Youliang's Excitement
Chen Youliang was secretly puzzled. There were only ten people who came last time, but now there are fifteen suspicious people. Why are there five more people?Since ten people already have the confidence to kill me, why are there five more now?
Seeing that Chen Youliang was deep in thought, no one said a word, and looked at him quietly. After a while, Chen Youliang came back to his senses and asked, "Did these people bring anything with them when they came?"

Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun looked at each other and shook their heads. Ding Minjun said, "What else can I bring? It's just my luggage or something. There should be nothing else."

"By the way! Brother Chen, I remembered what you said. One of the fifteen people is quite strange. He always sneaks out of the villa in the middle of the night. I don't know what he is doing, because I don't want to startle the snake. I didn't follow." Zhou Zhiruo said
Beiyeru's eyes lit up when she heard Zhou Zhiruo's words, and asked, "Zhiruo, have you lost a lot of ice cubes in the kitchen recently?"

"Miss Ru, how do you know?" Zhou Zhiruo asked in a little surprise

Beiyeru nodded, and said, "It seems right." After speaking, Beiyeru turned to look at Chen Youliang, and said, "Youliang, these fifteen people must have stolen the blood of the Snake King, and it must be the same as this time. about killing you."

"Oh? Why?" Chen Youliang asked
Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun also looked at Beiyeru in surprise. In their eyes, Beiyeru was just an ordinary person. They thought that Beiyeru would not be of much help this time.

"The method of preserving the blood of the King Snake is very special, because snakes are cold-blooded, and the blood of the King Snake is extremely cold. Once the temperature of the blood rises, the effect of the blood of the King Snake will no longer be effective, so we must preserve the blood of the King Snake It must be refrigerated with ice. They probably did not bring the blood of the snake king here, but hid it somewhere outside. They value the blood of the snake king so much. It must be related to their plan to kill you. I think It is better for us to find the blood of the Snake King as soon as possible, as long as we find the blood of the Snake King, your catastrophe will be over this time." Kitanoru said
"What blood of the snake king? Miss Ru, what are you talking about?" Zhou Zhiruo asked in confusion

Chen Youliang raised his hand and said, "I'll talk about the blood of the snake king later. The key is that we don't know where the blood of the snake king is now, and there are countless wild beasts around. Although they can't do us any harm, we can do it." If there is no movement at all, if there is any trouble, let them put all their eggs in one basket, and then it will be troublesome."

Kitanoru frowned slightly, and asked, "Youliang, are you... afraid?"

Chen Youliang was taken aback, Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun were also taken aback for a moment, and then they heard Beiyeru say, "Youliang, there are rumors outside that you are calm, bold and careful, and have world-class martial arts no matter what enemies you face, and your martial arts are world-class. No one, nothing can escape your eyes, your hands, why this time, you are timid in everything you do, is it because of the word "big catastrophe" that made you flustered? You can no longer be the same as before , Are you calm and calm? All you are doing now is nothing more than procrastinating, waiting for Zhu Xing to wake up, so you must ask Zhu Xing to save you, can't you find a way to resolve this disaster by yourself?"

Chen Youliang was stunned, and Ding Minjun and Zhou Zhiruo were also a little dazed. They turned their heads to look at Chen Youliang. In fact, Ding Minjun and Zhou Zhiruo also felt that Chen Youliang seemed to be retreating a little this time. They didn't have the feeling of strategizing before. They were afraid of wolves and tigers. Thinking of procrastinating and procrastinating, but not thinking of other ways to preemptively attack, this is not like Chen Youliang's style at all.

The room became silent for a moment, Chen Youliang was in a daze all the time, the other three beauties were all looking at Chen Youliang, waiting for Chen Youliang's answer.

"Haha..." Suddenly, Chen Youliang laughed loudly, shaking his head while laughing, and said, "Okay, I didn't expect that I, Chen Youliang, could hear such words, saying that I am timid and timid, hahaha ..."

The three beauties looked at Chen Youliang puzzled, not understanding what he was laughing at, but no one said anything, they knew that Chen Youliang would definitely have something to say.

Sure enough, after laughing for a while, Chen Youliang said with a smile on his face, "Xiao Ru, to be honest, I never thought that I would hear such a thing one day. I really like to hear it. Sometimes it makes me People exaggerate too much, and it doesn't make a lot of sense to let people scold you. It seems that my previous actions have misunderstood you a bit, thinking that I was delaying time and waiting for Zhu Xing to rescue me. Then I ask you, Zhu Xing said that I want I supported it until it woke up, but it didn't say that if it woke up, I would be safe, no matter how stupid I am, Chen Youliang, would I put my hope on such an ambiguous sentence?"

"Then you are?" Kitanoru asked puzzled

"I'm waiting, waiting for a decisive battle that I'm looking forward to, a decisive battle that I don't know the outcome of. From my Chen Youliang Guangmingding battle to now, I have encountered only a handful of crises, but every crisis, It was an unexpected crisis, but this time, it was the first time that I knew in advance that there was a crisis, but it was an unsolvable catastrophe. I felt very excited. Do you understand this feeling? No matter who is in front of me, Chen Youliang, They are all the same as ants. I kill and play whenever I want, but this time it is completely different. I don’t know how the enemy can kill me. I don’t know who the opponent is. I don’t know the opponent. Why did you kill me, and I don’t know who arranged this conspiracy. Everything is a mystery, and I can’t figure it out. I have never felt this kind of feeling, but it makes me very excited. I have longed for this kind of battle not once or twice, and this time I finally caught up with it, do you want me to destroy it so easily?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
" have been procrastinating because of this?" Ding Minjun asked in surprise

Chen Youliang nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, I want to see how far I can go without disturbing their normal plans. In fact, it is very simple to destroy their plans. With my martial arts, I want to It's very simple to capture one of them without anyone noticing. Let's take that woman disguised as a man. Why does she have to be a woman among the fifteen people? Why take such a risk? The only one The explanation is that this woman is extremely important to them. Although I don't know what method they used to kill me, as long as I capture that woman, it must be a fatal blow to their plan. In fact, I have wanted it several times. I did this, after all, I am not alone, there are many people around me, and I am responsible for your life. But in the end, after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to give up this method, because I need to know what methods they can use Come and kill me, I want to know what else in the world can do to make these people who I don't even look up to kill me, Chen Youliang, if I don't know, maybe I will have a second catastrophe in the future, a third time Catastrophe, the mastermind behind this conspiracy, will not make it easy for me."

"Conspiracy?" Zhou Zhiruo asked puzzledly, "What conspiracy?"

"Zhiruo and Minjun, you don't know that when those ten people came to attack me on Wudang Mountain, they once said that I had a sworn hatred with them, but I never remembered who I had such a hatred with. , and also left a bad seedling, the only people who have such a big hatred with me are Kunlun, Huashan and Kongtong, but they have already been destroyed, and the Seventh Prince has also been beheaded by Emperor Yuanshun, or It was Emperor Yuan Shun, but if he wanted to kill me, Zhu Yuanzhang would have told me already. Besides, they are all members of overseas sects. I know no one from overseas sects except Yuyue. How can I If we may become enemies with them, then there is only one answer, someone framed me." Chen Youliang sneered

"Then... who is this person?" Zhou Zhiruo also lowered her face and asked hastily
(End of this chapter)

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