Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 742 Life and Death Tribulation

Chapter 742 Life and Death Tribulation ([-])

The big man and the others were startled, and they all turned their heads to stare at Chen Youliang in shock. At this time, Chen Youliang was already separated from them by nearly 50 meters, while Zhou Zhiruo, Feng Ling, Feng Yu, Feng Ya, Zhang Sanfeng, etc. were standing in front of them. The local people did not know when they had stood beside Chen Youliang, staring at them coldly.

"You already knew that we were the ones who wanted to kill you?!" The big man asked in a cold voice with shock on his face

Chen Youliang shrugged, and said with a smile, "I didn't know about it long ago, but I just guessed your plan. I saw that all fifteen of you chose Zhiruo yesterday, so I knew that all fifteen of you wanted Chen Youliang's life." guy."

"Impossible! No one knows our plan! You can't know!" The big man waved his hand fiercely and shouted in disbelief
Chen Youliang smiled lightly, and said, "What? Is your plan so difficult to see? I must be informed by others before I can guess it? Well, since you want to know how I guessed it, I will tell you All right."

None of the fifteen people said anything, and they seemed to be waiting for Chen Youliang. Seeing them like this, Chen Youliang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he could delay for a while according to his plan. Fortunately, not all of these people were so good. Fight, fight as soon as you come up, otherwise it will be really difficult.

The people around Chen Youliang also knew that Chen Youliang was delaying time, so they didn't say anything, and they were all really curious why Chen Youliang could have guessed it long ago, although Bei Yeru and the three ancestors already knew it.

Chen Youliang took a few steps forward, and said with a smile, "Because I, Chen Youliang, have always lived in no fixed place, wandering all over the world, and may not go anywhere, so it is too difficult for you to find a time when you are sure to see me However, this marriage is the only opportunity for you, but this marriage has two parts, one is 20 days of mutual communication, and the other is testing. In fact, during the month of this marriage, for you It’s all about opportunities. Brother Song asked me a question just now. He asked me why you didn’t take advantage of the previous 20 days to start today. The reason is actually very simple. , and the third is because of self-confidence.”

Hearing what Chen Youliang said, the big man was stunned, but the others were a little puzzled. Zhang Meifeng quickly asked, "Brother Chen, these three reasons are too contradictory, right? How can you be confident if you are not strong enough?" ? And how can I kill you if I don’t have enough strength?”

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll put it first. The doubt is because they should have seen me enter the villa, but since I entered the villa, I haven't appeared in the villa. They have seen that I have not left the house. , and I’m not sure if I’m in the house, or if I left shortly after I came in, they don’t know, so when they are not sure if I am in the villa, they will not take the risk of my identity being revealed, come to find me I."

"The second strength is not enough. It doesn't mean that they are not strong enough together. Maybe when fifteen of them are united together, they have the ability to kill me, but if they appear alone, it's not me at all based on their strength. The opponent of Mingjiao, who came to Wudang Mountain this time, I brought [-]. Where is the [-]? They have never found it, right? Because of this, they are worried that I will Some gangsters sent here to protect me secretly and monitor every move here. If they appear, they will definitely fight with these gangsters, but they are not opponents of gangster disciples at all. If they want to defeat them, they can only unite Get up, use the method that they can kill me to kill those disciples, but I think that since that method can let you kill me with such strength, the price will be very high? After using it once, I am afraid there is no way Use it for the second time, you won't be so stupid."

"As for the third confidence, it means that they are confident that I will definitely show up today, and I will definitely fight with them in a fair manner today. Speaking of this, I have to praise you, your ideas and strategies are really good , I can choose this time, if I don't know, I will definitely choose Zhiruo today, and even if I have doubts about you, I will not be particularly vigilant against you, even if the fifteen of you come up together I won't think too much about dealing with me. After all, I don't believe that the fifteen of you have the ability to kill me, Chen Youliang. When I treat you carelessly and despise you, it will be easier for you to kill me. If I If you guessed right, the way you kill me will take a certain amount of time, right? That's why you don't deal with me normally, because if you deal with me normally, I will definitely be more careful. In the past, I would have killed you first because of caution. With my lightness kung fu and my kung fu, it would be easy to kill fifteen of you in an instant. But you choose today, in my master, Zhiruo and the others In front of me, I am facing my brothers from the same sect. I will not go up and down to kill at all. When the time comes to make your formation successful, the only thing waiting for me is death. Am I right?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
After listening to the others, they all nodded in a sudden realization, but the big man and the 15 people were all stunned. They didn't expect that Chen Youliang would see all of this, and even what they thought didn't escape Chen Youliang's eyes. It's true what you said outside, Chen Youliang is really scary!

Seeing that they were silent, Chen Youliang continued, "Actually, your plan this time should be very successful, but it failed in two places. First, a good friend told me to be careful of Wudang disciples. Of course I I didn't believe it at first, so I didn't pay much attention when I saw you in the hall, but it made me a little more careful. The second thing is that you people who came to assassinate me made me affirm that you have The ability to kill me has convinced me that there is indeed someone pretending to be a Wudang disciple to kill me, Chen Youliang."

"Impossible! That's obviously trying to divert your attention! How could you not be hooked?!" The thin man shouted in disbelief, not to mention him, the other [-] people couldn't accept it, because Chen Youliang said so , which is equivalent to those ten people who not only died in vain but also harmed them.

Chen Youliang shook his head, and said with a smile, "Because what those ten people did was really fake. They just looked like they wanted to attract my attention. If they wanted to kill me, why did they want to kill me blatantly on Wudang Mountain? A sneak attack won't work." If you want to kill me, why do you still have to shout when you come out? Isn’t this clearly courting death? The last one, if you want to kill me, they have other better opportunities, just like today, but anyone with a little brain, They would not have chosen to kill me at that time, this is obviously a slap in the face, trying to divert my attention, are you underestimating my brain too much?"

"Ah!" The big man shouted angrily, and shouted, "Chen Youliang! Now that you have seen it all! I will not hide it! We are going to kill you! Today is your death day! Brothers! Do it! "

"Sunshine Formation." Just when the big man was about to make a move, Chen Youliang suddenly read out three words with a smile, but these three words stunned the big man and the others. It took a long time for the big man to come back to his senses. Asked "You... what did you say?!"

(End of this chapter)

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