Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 745 Life and Death Tribulation

Chapter 745 Life and Death Tribulation ([-])

The overwhelming red light in Hongde Village tightly wrapped the huge villa, and the air was filled with a thick bloodthirsty atmosphere. The beasts around Hongde Village felt the strong bloodthirsty atmosphere, and their eyes turned red , Every beast exuded a strong murderous aura, and rushed to Hongde Village quickly.

However, in Hongdezhuang, Chen Youliang looked excitedly at the sun-shrouding formation posed by the fifteen people in front of him, with a smile that had never been seen on his face, anticipation, and excitement. This is all Chen Youliang's mood. After Ji·Beiming Divine Art, he only felt so nervous when he was dealing with the Millennium Snake Emperor. But at the beginning, he was dealing with animals, which made Chen Youliang very unhappy. Today, he is facing people, and his strength is lower than his own. There are so many people, such a person has the ability to kill himself, how can Chen Youliang not look forward to or be excited?It was only at this time that he fully understood the desire of a master for an evenly matched enemy. He wished that now there would be overwhelming beasts coming to kill him under the command of these people.

At this time, a ray of blood flew in from outside Hongdezhuang. Chen Youliang and others took a closer look and found that it was not a ray of blood at all but real blood!

"This is the blood of the Snake King!" Zhang Meifeng is the person here who knows the blood of the Snake King best. When she saw the blood that was rushing towards the sun-covering formation, she recognized it at a glance and shouted loudly.

"Oops! They have already begun to fuse the blood of the Snake King!" Feng Yu said worriedly, frowning

"Haha...Okay! I want to see how powerful this forbidden Sunshine Formation is! Come on!" Chen Youliang excitedly shouted
The big man snorted coldly, glanced at the five sacrifices at the side of the formation, and shouted, "Pass the skills! Start the formation!"

"Yes!" The five shouted loudly, and saw that the five of them slowly lowered their raised hands, facing the woman standing in the middle, shouting in unison, and then five red lights flew towards the woman , when the five red lights hit the woman, the woman was shaken all over, her eyes turned blood red immediately, the woman looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly, "The sun-covering formation begins!"

"Ha!" As soon as the woman finished speaking, the nine people around her also shouted loudly at the same time, the red light on their bodies became more intense, and the red mask covering them also expanded rapidly, almost covering the entire square. surrounded.

"Boom boom boom" came a rumbling sound, and countless beasts flocked from all directions of the villa into the aperture of the sun-covering formation. The eagle that entered the aperture first, just touched the red light of the aperture, suddenly screamed With a cry, the eagle's body suddenly increased tenfold!The eyes were also bright red, but obviously it was very painful to evolve so quickly. The eagle obviously couldn't bear the pain, and after only growing ten times, the eagle flew away immediately and went straight to Chen Youliang.

But the fact that the eagle can’t do it doesn’t mean that other beasts can’t stand it either. Many beasts rushed into the center of the aperture. The originally petite beasts became tens of times, or even a hundred times, almost instantly. Even a small beast The mouse also instantly turned into a huge monster with a height of more than three meters, but although the bodies of these beasts were enlarged and densely packed, none of the beasts touched the fifteen people in the formation.

Seeing this astonishing scene, everyone was stunned, including Chen Youliang. Although everyone had known the effect of the sun-covering formation for a long time, it was still unbelievable when they saw it with their own eyes. There were so many behemoths appearing in an instant. Become as insignificant as an ant, this kind of heaven-defying formation is too unacceptable.

"Hey! Don't be in a daze!" Just when everyone was in a daze, Chen Youliang shouted loudly, "Take away all the disciples in the villa immediately! Everyone in this town must evacuate immediately! This place will soon be razed to the ground !"

With so many huge monsters about to attack, even if they attacked one by one, the town would definitely be lost.

Feng Yu didn't know when he came to Chen Youliang's side, and said, "I have already ordered to go down, the disciples who just left have already evacuated, and this town is empty."

"Very good, then we can have fun with these beasts." Chen Youliang smiled excitedly, and as he spoke, purple light shot up all over his body, and fear swept away.

The whole body of the beasts shook suddenly, and the beasts who were rushing towards Chen Youliang with murderous aura also froze and trembled instinctively.

"Ah!" Just when Chen Youliang was about to make a move, there were several painful groans from behind him. Chen Youliang looked back and found that except for the three ancestors and Beiyeru, everyone else had collapsed on the ground .

"What... what's going on?!" Chen Youliang exclaimed in surprise

"They...they poisoned them!" Yang Xuedan resisted the feeling of powerlessness all over his body, gritted his teeth and said, but as soon as he finished speaking, he collapsed on the ground.

Chen Youliang turned his head angrily, glared at the big guys in Furi's formation, and shouted, "Despicable!"

"Haha...Chen Youliang! Don't you claim to be strategizing? Don't you know that soldiers are not tired of deceit? If you don't know Fengyu, Fengling and Fengya Emei Baying are also here, and I will poison the three of them! But now there are only four of you! There is also a woman without martial arts! Don’t worry, the one without martial arts will let her live. I have already given her animal repellent drugs, and wild animals will not attack her, but you must die!” The big man laughed frantically
"Oh? Really? Then I really want to thank you all." At this moment, Kitano Jun said coldly with a ghostly voice

The big man and others were stunned for a moment, and even Chen Youliang, except for Chen Youliang, Yang Xuedan and the three ancestors, were also stunned for a moment, but then something that surprised them happened, a thick layer of black light shrouded the On Bei Yeru's body, several black air flowed around Bei Yeru quickly. I saw several black air rushing towards the beasts on the opposite side, and the beasts touched the black air. For a split second, it immediately screamed, and then it turned into a pile of ashes, drifting away with the wind!
Everyone looked at Kitanoru in shock, the big man and 15 other people looked at her even more in surprise, the big man hurriedly shouted, " know martial arts!"

Bei Yeru smiled coldly and said, "Thank you for giving me the anti-veterinary medicine. It seems that even if I kill them, they will not fight back, right? Haha... very good! Today is the time for me, the leader of Fenghuo Sect, to start killing! "

"The master of Fenghuo Sect?! You are... you are the master of the hidden sect Fenghuo Sect? Kitanoru?!" The big man shouted in shock
"Sister are...the leader of the Fenghuo Sect?" Zhang Meifeng cried out in surprise, although she was very weak, but now she didn't know where the strength came from, and the others also looked shocked. On the contrary, Yang Xuedan's eyes were full of apology and shame.

Kitanoru looked back at them and said, "Don't say any more, three seniors, please take them to a safe place immediately. Youliang's fear can make them stop for a while. If their fear fails, they will be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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