Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 767 Surprise!Dagong Budan is super cheap? !

Chapter 767 Surprise!Dagong Budan is super cheap? !
"Of course I brought it. This is an empty-handed white wolf business. Can we not take it?" Zhang Meifeng said with a smile in order to adjust the atmosphere. After speaking, she took off the burden on her back and spread it on the table. , there were only 500 small medicine bottles in the bag, Zhang Meifeng smiled and said, "This is because I searched all the used internal energy stones in our sect, and there are a total of [-] yuan."

Kitanoru and Mei also took off the burden, which also contained a bunch of small medicine bottles, Kitanoru smiled and said, "Me and Mei have almost the same number, I'm afraid it will be too public, so we didn't bring too much. The three people's internal energy stones add up to exactly 500 yuan, all of which will be handed over to you."

Chen Youliang smiled helplessly, and said, "My God, why do you really think I am a master of internal energy? There are more than 1 internal energy stones, do you think I can really get all of them?"

More than 1 yuan!Half a year's internal strength is a special internal strength stone. If I have more than 1 yuan to fill up, at least 5000 years of internal strength will be required!Depend on!If I have 5000 years of internal energy, how can I still use it so hard?Just flatten the land of another world.

All the beauties looked at each other and smiled, Zhang Meifeng said with a smile, "We didn't tell you to make it all at once, but just to take it with you first. When will we need it, and when we can't make it, can it be enough? Take it all at once, Save it and run back later.”

Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's okay, you can say whatever you want, by the way, Xiaoru, how much did it cost to ask Wumen this time?"

"Because I asked three questions, and these three questions are very difficult questions, so the asking price is relatively high, and I spent 150 special inner skill stones." Kitanoru said
"150 yuan! There is no way to steal money! Just these three questions cost so much money!" Zhang Meifeng cried out angrily when she heard this. They asked about the door, but they never asked how much they charged. When they heard this, both of them were taken aback.

But Chen Youliang thought it was quite normal, nodded, and asked, "Well, those 150 special inner skill stones were all produced by your Beacon Fire Sect? Do you people from the Beacon Fire Sect have any objections?"

Bei Yeru smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I am not just a display, and no one will interfere with the inner stones I spent. Our Fenghuo Sect is different from other sects. There are not so many elders who preside over the sect's important affairs. The Fenghuo Sect has always It’s what the door master says.”

Zhang Meifeng and Mei looked at Beiyeru enviously, and Zhang Meifeng sighed, "Miss Xiaoru, I really envy you. My father has to ask the elders of the sect for instructions on what to do. Every time, I am so angry. Like This time I used the blood of the Snake King to improve the spirit beast. I thought I could catch up with Brother Chen during the catastrophe, but I didn’t feel any reaction until I went back. Stop it, it really pissed me off."

When Chen Youliang heard this, he frowned slightly, and asked, "What's the matter? Why don't you elders agree? Is this something very beneficial to your spirit beast sect?" Before the catastrophe, Zhang Meifeng also said that it was almost time to make sacrifices, but there has been no movement until now.

"It's not that those elders are old, they are greedy for life and afraid of death. Although the Spirit Beast Sect is now the weakest of the five sects, it still has the power to protect itself, and it is also a sect with good income. With the blood of the Snake Emperor and the Snake King, the strength of our sect will definitely be greatly improved, so that we will be able to keep pace with the other four sects. At that time, there will definitely be a big war. The Spirit Beast Sect has not participated in the major sects for many years The elders have lost their vigor long ago, so my father has been thinking about Guangda Spiritual Beast Sect, but Brother Chen, don't worry, this time I have already talked to those elders when I go back, They have already agreed to my father making sacrifices."

Chen Youliang raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "How did you talk?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Zhang Meifeng's eyes, and she smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about it, anyway, I'll do it anyway."

Chen Youliang shook his head secretly. Although Zhang Meifeng didn't say anything, seeing her sinister expression, Chen Youliang couldn't help mourning for those elders.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoru, Mei, how is your candidate selection going?" Chen Youliang asked
Bei Yeru and Mei looked at each other, Mei nodded to Bei Yeru, motioning for her to speak first, Bei Yeru nodded and said, "I have already chosen, but fortunately, Lao Xu helped us solve the problem of refining sacrifices before, after I go back , I found some new disciples who had just entered the Beacon Sect. After these people were sacrificed by Heart Blood, they would stay with me most of the time in the future. I had to find some unfamiliar disciples in order to avoid being discovered. There are a total of 15 disciples in the batch, and they have just joined for about half a month, and their talents are very good, and basically none of the disciples in the sect know them, so I used the Heart Blood Sacrifice for them."

Mei went on to say, "I'm in the same situation as Miss Xiaoru. After I told my father, my father also agreed to cooperate, but I didn't tell my father what method to use to improve their skills. My father chose a total of eight people. , they are also newcomers who have just joined us, these people entered the Proud Bone Hall, they are all people with outstanding strength and extraordinary talents, my father originally planned to let them become our confidantes, so it happened to be used this time."

Chen Youliang frowned slightly, and said, "Why do you only find people with good talents? After I teach the exercises, their talents will be greatly affected. Isn't this a waste?"

Kitanoru smiled and said, "It's okay, don't we still have the Grand Duke Budan?"

"But you have a total of 23 people. The Grand Duke needs a hundred special inner skill stones to make up pills, and more than 2000 inner skill stones. You don't think I can make them?" Chen Youliang smiled wryly. More than 2000 inner skill stones, It also needs my own internal strength of more than 1000 years, which is simply not enough.

Bei Yeru smiled softly, and said, "That's right, the Grand Duke's pill supplementation does require 100 yuan of inner stones, but I'm just telling you, don't spread the word, in fact, each of the Grand Duke's pills only needs less than one inner skill stone." .”

"What?!" Now not only Chen Youliang was shocked, but everyone else was also shocked, even Zhang Sanfeng was a little moved.

Zhang Meifeng hurriedly called out, "Miss Xiaoru, what's going on? All the Grand Duke Budans in the world apart don't have a special internal skill stone that costs less than 100 yuan. Do you want one?"

Bei Yeru smiled and said, "Actually, Dagong Budan is not particularly difficult to make. It is much easier than you imagined. As for why it is so expensive, it is actually because there is a herbal medicine in Dagong Budan called Youxin Grass. Herbs are extremely rare in the land of the world. In the land of the world, there is only a small piece of growth near the internal energy stone vein under the jurisdiction of the bone gate. That place is managed by our five sects. It can produce less than ten plants, so Dagong Budan is refined by our Fenghuomen, so it is so expensive, but you don’t know, in fact, there is a forbidden area in our Fenghuomen, covering an area of ​​about fifty There are about [-] acres, all of which are planted with Youxin grass, which is a place only the owner of our Fenghuo Sect can enter, and no less than [-] Youxin grass can be produced in that place every year."

(End of this chapter)

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