Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 775 Meeting Lin Yucheng

Chapter 775 Meeting Lin Yucheng

Looking at the sincere eyes of the two, Chen Youliang couldn't help feeling a little warm in his heart. After thinking for a while, he helped the two of them up, and said with a smile, "You two are brothers? It doesn't look alike?" The one on the left looks He looks very burly, tall and big, with thick and broad eyebrows, big eyes, piercing, with whiskers, and looks a little scary.

And the one on the right looks thin and thin, but has a handsome appearance, fair skin, and a shrewd light in his eyes. He can be regarded as a handsome guy, but it's hard to imagine a person with such a different temperament, body and appearance Will be two brothers.

The two looked at each other, and the burly man smiled and said, "Returning to the deputy leader, we are not blood brothers. We are all from a Chen family village with the surname Chen at the foot of the mountain. Back then, Yuan soldiers attacked Mingjiao Guangmingding and slaughtered all the people under Guangmingding. The name of the village, we were lucky to be rescued by the Mingjiao, and there are only two brothers left in the Chen family village, both of whom are from the same village, and both have the surname Chen, so we recognized our brothers."

Chen Youliang nodded and said with a smile, "So that's the case. My surname is Chen. Although it's not the same as your village, it's also a Chen family village. Maybe we were still the same family 500 years ago, haha..."

Both of them also laughed at the same time. After the three of them laughed for a while, Chen Youliang asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Chen Yuluo." The tall and burly man said
The thin one also hurriedly said, "My name is Chen Xinghe."

"Oh, your names are really good." Chen Youliang smiled a little surprised

The two scratched their heads with a smile, and Chen Yuluo smiled and said, "We just have a nice name. In fact, when the Mingjiao brothers first met us, they all thought that our name came up later."

Chen Youliang smiled, and didn't bother with their names too much. He stretched out his hand and put it on theirs. The two looked at each other puzzled. They didn't understand what Chen Youliang was doing, but they just turned their heads to ask Chen Youliang. A trace of surprise and a smile flashed in Chen Youliang's eyes, and he said, "Okay, you two, your aptitude and roots are both excellent, are you both disciples of the Fengmen sect? Xuanfengjin is well practiced, Yu Luo, You already have 18 years of skill, and Xinghe is not bad, you have 15 years of internal power."

Only then did Chen Yuluo and Chen Xinghe realize that Chen Youliang was testing their internal strength. The two were delighted. Since Chen Youliang wanted to test their internal strength, he planned to accept them!

Chen Yuluo hastily asked tentatively, "Deputy you accept us?"

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Since you begged me so much, and I promised to reward you, then I have no excuse to shirk, well, I will accept you, and you will follow me in the future, be my guard, wait a while When I come out, you follow me."

The two were overjoyed, knelt down in a hurry, and shouted gratefully, "Thank you for the kindness and virtue of the deputy leader! Our brothers will definitely do our best to protect the deputy leader!"

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "Okay, you two, get up." Then, Chen Youliang helped the two of them up.

Chen Youliang really didn't intend to accept them two at first, but they are indeed sincere enough, Chen Youliang also needs his confidants, the only ones he can be sure of now are Chang Yuchun and Xu Zhida, although the three thousand disciples are also his own Confidants, but at most they can be regarded as their own private army, and they can’t be treated like real confidants. Chen Youliang also feels that it is a bit rare, and it happens that two of them have been sent over now. The qualifications and roots of these two people are unexpectedly good. Although It's not as good as Zhang Wuji and Zhou Zhiruo and other monsters around him, but it's also comparable to Chang Yuchun, it's more than enough to be his confidant.

But thinking of Chang Yuchun, Chen Youliang was really a little strange. At that time, he hadn't practiced the extreme Beiming magic skill. When he passed it on to Chang Yuchun, it didn't affect his aptitude. Will the divine skill of the underworld lower the aptitude of others?

Chen Youliang shook his head secretly, and decided not to think about this question for now, and he should be able to find out by asking Xiaoyaozi at the Plum Blossom Holy Land in the future. Chen Youliang looked at the two of them, and said with a smile, "Okay, you guys stay here for now, I will Go ahead and see Lin Yulong and the Chief Sect Master."

"Yes!" The two replied in unison.

Chen Youliang nodded, opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered, he found Lin Yucheng sitting in the hall, looking at him with a smile, and said, "I have heard that Vice Leader Chen is outside, why would you come to see us today?" ?”

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and found that Lin Yucheng, who hadn't seen him for so long, had become a little mature. When he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a man running towards him aggressively.

Chen Youliang turned his head and saw that it was the Chief Sect Leader. She had changed into casual clothes now, which made Chen Youliang's eyes brighten. This girl looks really good in Zhongyuan's clothes!

"Chen Youliang! I'll kill you!" The head teacher rushed up frantically, holding a vase in his hand, and threw it directly at Chen Youliang's head.

Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, waved his hand lightly, grabbed the chief teacher's arm, and said with a smile, "I said the chief teacher, I haven't seen you for more than two months, why are you still so angry?"

"Let go of me! I'm going to kill you! Kill Dai Qisi! Kill Leng Yun!" the head leader yelled frantically
Chen Youliang sighed and swung his right hand lightly. The head teacher immediately stopped in place, and his mouth also maintained the posture of opening his mouth just now, like a statue.

Chen Youliang let go of the chief leader, and asked with a wry smile, "Little Brother Lin, why is this girl paying endlessly? I heard from my people just now that she has never stopped these days, you can really bear it. "

Lin Yucheng smiled wryly, "So what if I can't stand it? Dragon King Peak is just such a palace. Fortunately, I'm far away from the room of the head teacher, so I'm still used to it."

Chen Youliang shrugged, sat on the chair next to him, and asked, "Okay, let's not talk about her, I heard Wuji said that he asked Wei Bat King and the others to help find out the whereabouts of your parents for a while, how is it? Is there any news?"

When Lin Yucheng heard this, his expression became a little gloomy, and then his eyes showed a strong murderous look, and he said, "There is news, King Wei Bat asked the disciples of the Raging Fire Banner to visit Persia for a period of time, and the Great Saint Treasure With the cooperation of the tree king, we found the place where my parents were hiding, but... there are only two corpses left..."

Chen Youliang did not change much, and this was already in his expectation. Leng Yun was cautious and ruthless. It was absolutely impossible to keep Leng Yun's parents. Chen Youliang took a look at Lin Yucheng, who was full of murderous looks, and asked, " So what are you going to do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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