Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 800 Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 800 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Zhang Meifeng smiled lightly, without being angry at all, and said, "Brother Chen, do you think it is necessary for me to tell them something? As the saying goes, a barking dog will not bite, so let them bark as they please. The more they bark, the more they bark." It means he is less confident."

Hearing this, everyone on the side of the Spiritual Beast Sect burst into laughter, but on the other side of the Ghost Realm Gate, they became angry, and the master of the Ghost Realm Sect shouted coldly, "Zhang Meifeng! What are you talking about! Tell me again! "

"I'm sorry, I, Zhang Meifeng, never say the same thing twice. If I didn't hear it, I will ask your disciples again." Zhang Meifeng sneered

"What a sharp-mouthed little girl! Good! I'm going to see what you are capable of today!" The master of the Ghost Realm shouted coldly

"Okay, the people selected by the Spirit Beast Sect stand up and accept the test." The head of the Bone Sect said lightly
Chen Youliang glanced at the people behind him, and all the people who had been selected for the competition this time took a few steps forward and stood on the open ground in front of them.

"This... old man Zhang! What are you doing! Is this a competition of the Spirit Beast Sect!" Seeing the person who stood up, Xuanyuan Sect Master shouted loudly

Zhang Lao smiled faintly and asked, "Master Xuanyuan, what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

"What's the problem? You're ashamed to ask! Of the fifty people, only Zhang Meifeng is the disciple of the Spirit Beast Sect, and the rest are all members of the Ming Cult! Is this your Spirit Beast Sect's fight for the leader of the martial arts or their Ming Sect's fight!" Xuanyuan The doorkeeper shouted loudly

"Haha... The regulations of the martial arts conference never say that so many people are not allowed to help, right? Even if fifty people are all from Mingjiao, so what? Mingjiao is here to help my spirit beast sect this time, and we are willing Is there anything wrong with handing over this competition to Mingjiao completely?" Mr. Zhang said with a smile

"Hmph! Old man Zhang, you don't think that a disciple of the Central Plains martial arts sect can compare with your disciple of the Spirit Beast Sect? If that's the case, your Spirit Beast Sect might as well go to the Central Plains!" the master of the Ghost Realm taunted road
Mr. Zhang shook his head indifferently, and said, "After you finish watching the test of Master Zhang and Deputy Master Chen, you can talk about these useless nonsense. Master Zhang, Deputy Master Chen, let's start."

Chen Youliang nodded, and glanced at the people around him. They took a step forward and stood side by side with Chen Youliang. Looking at the fifty test disciples who were a hundred meters away, all kinds of lights suddenly lit up. The ten test disciples were startled, and before they could react, they suddenly saw the people on the opposite side disappear!

However, this move not only surprised the fifty test disciples, but even the people from the Gumen and other sects were also surprised. However, what happened next made them even more unacceptable, because at the moment they appeared , fifty test disciples flew out without warning, but none of them screamed, as if the fifty people were blown out, they fell to the ground without any suspense, and none of them Injuried!

"This..." All the people present opened their mouths in shock. Even Mr. Zhang didn't expect that the 41 people from Gumen would be surprising enough, and they knocked down the test disciple in an instant. No matter how these 41 people moved, everyone could see clearly.

But on Chen Youliang's side, not only did the same thing, what's even more surprising is that everyone didn't see Chen Youliang's actions clearly at all. They seemed to disappear casually, and then appeared casually, and then tested the disciples. It seemed that they fell down, if they were not sure that these test disciples would not cheat, they would have doubted whether they flew out on their own initiative.

Chen Youliang clapped his hands, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, smiled slightly, and said, "Master of Ghost Domain, Master of Xuanyuan, I don't know if this small skill of our Central Plains martial arts sect can still catch your eyes? How about you come up here?" Teach us a few hands?"

The masters of Ghost Realm and Xuanyuan were stunned, how many tricks should they teach?Whether they can do it or not is up for debate, but hearing Chen Youliang's arrogant words, the two gritted their teeth fiercely, Xuanyuan Sect Master said coldly, "Chen Youliang! I advise you not to be so arrogant, or you will regret it!"

Chen Youliang shook his head, and said, "Master Xuanyuan, my brother's ears are going to be callused after hearing this sentence, can you say something a little new?"

"You!" Xuanyuan Sect Master pointed at Chen Youliang angrily, but didn't know what to say, he shook his hands heavily and snorted angrily.

Chen Youliang smiled faintly, turned to look at the Gumen Sect Master with cold eyes, and asked, "Sect Master of the Gumen Sect, should you give us the passing token?"

The head of the Gumen Sect gave a cold snort, and with a light wave of his hand, several disciples took the tokens and distributed them to everyone.

After everyone walked back to the Spirit Beast Gate, the head of the Bone Gate stood in front again, and said indifferently, "Since the Fenghuo Gate will not participate in the competition this time, the way we compete will be changed. I will draw lots and draw lots." Which sect to go to, which sect is my opponent today, as for the other two sects will compete on the second day, and the battle method will be determined by the old method of tossing silver coins."

Chen Youliang glanced at Mr. Zhang curiously, and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what are you throwing silver coins for? Do you still have silver coins in the world away?"

"Oh, that's right, the silver coin is not money, it's just a round coin made of silver that we made to choose the way to fight. There is a word "War" on the front and no word on the back. The two sides choose what they want. Which side? The selected sect is qualified to decide the battle method." Zhang Lao said

"Damn! People in the Yuan Dynasty are still very advanced compared to his grandma. Isn't this just a coin toss? I didn't expect it to become popular during the Yuan Dynasty." Chen Youliang smiled secretly.
At this time, the master of the Gumen Gate wrote three pieces of paper on the spot, which were written Xuanyuanmen, Ghost Domain Gate and Spiritual Beast Gate, and then folded these papers and handed them to a disciple next to him. The note swirled in his hand for a while, and then threw it into the air. The Gumen Sect Master waved his hand lightly, and held one of the notes in his hand, while the other two fell to the ground.

The owner of the Gumen gate opened the note, saw the words on it, his face remained unchanged, and he revealed the note, only to see three large characters written on it: Xuanyuanmen!

"Okay, then in the afternoon, we will fight against Xuanyuan Gate at the Bone Gate, and tomorrow the Spirit Beast Gate will face the Ghost Domain Gate." The master of the Bone Gate announced loudly
Hearing this arrangement, Chen Youliang didn't react at all. Instead, the master of Ghost Realm looked over coldly, and said to Chen Youliang, "Vice Hierarch Chen, I didn't expect that our opponent would be you. It's just a matter of time to see the performance of your disciples, Vice Hierarch Chen." It's up to you."

Chen Youliang shrugged and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Ghost Realm Sect Master, I'm afraid you won't even be able to see it. You will lose in tomorrow's competition. I think you'd better think about what you think of you when you go back." It would be better if the doorman explained."

(End of this chapter)

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