Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 120 It's just convenient to buy clothes here, Miss Su, please

Chapter 120 It's just convenient to buy clothes here, Miss Su, please

In a B&B on the outskirts of the city, the little girl only glanced at the tenth teacher who came for an interview, then shook her head, and continued to play the violin in silence.

The creaking and chaotic noise made Mr. Devan to the point of nervous breakdown.

He looked at his daughter with a headache, waved his hand, and asked someone to take the teacher down.



"Can you stop playing the violin?"

"Hey, baby, you're making me unable to work!" Mr. Di Fan was already angry.

He came to Beicheng for a job, so he couldn't take his daughter out to play all the time, so he asked the staff around him to take her out, but she didn't even want to take a step out of the yard door, and kept making noise all day long.

He looked at his daughter very distressed again, she is very talented in the violin, after all her mother is a violinist.

But after that car accident, she never played the violin properly again.

The little girl raised her beautiful eyes, put down the violin, and patted a sunflower in front of her with the bow.

Poor Sunflower was still drawing strips, so she bent her waist a few times.

Mr. Di Fan looked at and shook his head: "Dale, you don't like going out to play, and you don't like these teachers, so why should I bring you here?"

The little girl remained silent, drawing the bow on the ground. Mr. Di Fan softened his heart and said, "Okay, okay, you should continue playing your violin..."

At this moment, the assistant next to him stepped forward and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Difan, we still have a tutor who hasn't come for the interview."

Di Fan glanced at him, and had no hope.

He said: "Forget it, you go book a ticket and send her back to Copenhagen tomorrow."

Probably due to the unfamiliar environment, Dale's situation is even more serious than when he was in Denmark, which is very different from his original expectation.

He was quite disappointed with this trip to the North City. If there is no progress in the work, he will return to Denmark.

When Su Xiang walked into this homestay, he was frowned by the piercing voice.

There was no one at the door, and it didn't seem very popular when you walked in. The voice sounded creepy right now.

"who are you?"

Su Xiang was startled by a brown-haired and blue-eyed foreigner who came out suddenly. Qi Lingyang smiled slightly, and said to the man, "I'm here to find Mr. Di Fan. I'm the representative of the Fu family, Qi Lingyang."

"Oh, you don't need to come, Mr. Difan is in a bad mood right now, and he is not in the mood to see guests." That man was out on business.

Qi Lingyang raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Su Xiang, and said with a smile, "Maybe you can try again?"

"The teacher next to me is usually very difficult to get."

Qi Lingyang didn't talk much, and kept smiling modestly, but his smile, his eyes, just had a feeling that people couldn't refuse.

The Dane looked at Qi Lingyang, then at Su Xiang: "Then...well, I'll try again."

Seeing the man leave, Qi Lingyang lowered his head and smiled at Su Xiang.

Su Xiang was ashamed, she was only invited to help and earn some pocket money by the way, and he praised her too highly.

——I don't even have a teacher qualification certificate. If someone wants to see my certificate later, wouldn't I lose face?
They will be taken for liars.

Qi Lingyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, they don't know that there are certificates in our country."

In fact, Su Xiang worried too much. When she saw the blond man and the little girl, both of them laughed.

"It's you?" Mr. Di Fan wanted to find the woman he met in the mall that day, but he didn't hold out much hope, and Su Xiang didn't expect that she would have the chance to meet the father and daughter.

The little girl ran over when she saw Su Xiang, showing her first smile in days.

Su Xiang said on the phone: "Were you playing the violin just now?"

The little girl smiled shyly and hid the piano behind her back.

In the yard, Mr. Difan called people to serve tea, and took out their authentic domestic cookies for Su Xiang to eat: "I think this is better than coffee when paired with black tea."

Su Xiang agrees, black tea relieves sweetness and greasyness.

Qi Lingyang succeeded in finding the point, so he went to discuss the matter with Mr. Di Fan, while Su Xiang and Dale stayed in the yard to accompany her.

She adjusted her voice to English mode and said, "You have already downloaded this software, why do you still need a sign language teacher? The sign language in Denmark is different from that in our country."

Dale took out her mobile phone and said in a voice: "Dad, he is too busy, no one is with me."

The little girl looked lonely, looking at the tip of her shoe with lowered eyelids.

Su Xiang understood that a little girl lived in an unfamiliar place, and her most trusted person was busy with work.

Qi Lingyang told her before coming that this little girl became dumb because of the car accident, and her personality became very withdrawn.

Su Xiang couldn't understand that kind of feeling very well. She looked at the little girl and said, "So, you need someone who can play with you?"

On the stairs, Mr. Difan walked down holding the handrail and said: "Miss Su, while I'm still in China, I want to ask you to be my daughter's tutor, will you agree?"

Su Xiang looked behind him, and Qi Lingyang looked over there. Qi Lingyang blinked at her. It seemed that their first negotiation was relatively successful.

Su Xiang looked at Mr. Difan and nodded, "Yes."


In Fu's Building, Mrs. Zhuo Ya walked to Fu Hanchuan's office angrily. Qiao Shen didn't even have time to report, and watched the door close in front of him.

Fu Hanchuan raised his head from the computer and glanced at Mrs. Zhuo Ya. Compared with Mrs. Zhuo Ya's anger, the expression on his face seemed too calm.

Mrs. Zhuoya was filled with anger, and said angrily, "Didn't you get the news that Mr. Difan's daughter is dumb?"

Fu Hanchuan lowered his eyes, and said lightly: "Mother, with your tone, I don't think Mr. Difan will agree to cooperate with us."

Even business partners are not willing to hear words that disrespect their family members, let alone they have not yet become partners.

"I..." Mrs. Zhuo Ya held her breath in her throat and pinched her fingers. Who knew that the person she was trying to win over would have a dumb daughter.

She also blurted out out of breath after getting the news.

Originally, they had favorable conditions, but now, Su Xiang became Qi Lingyang's right-hand man, and successfully made the two parties get in touch.

For them, they are in a passive situation, and it becomes extremely difficult to get back.

That woman has never done anything beneficial to his son!It was before, and it is still after divorce!

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, pressed the internal number, and informed the secretary's room to bring in two cups of tea, then stood up from behind the table, walked to the sofa and sat down, folding his legs.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya glared at him, sat down on another sofa, and asked, "To be honest, have you already heard the news?"

Qi Lingyang has a source of information, and Fu Hanchuan has been in business for so many years, and there are many capable people under him, so it is impossible not to know this information.

Fu Hanchuan pressed his fingers against each other lightly, and the light in his dark eyes flowed. Seeing his expression, Mrs. Zhuo Ya was even more sure that he knew about it beforehand, and said angrily, "Why did you let Qi Lingyang beat you?"

"Knock button" twice, Xiao Jia came in with two cups of tea, and carefully placed them on the tea table.

"Madam, please drink some water." She glanced at Fu Hanchuan, got up and walked out, only a few seconds before and after, she didn't dare to stay any longer.

Qiao Shen was in the secretary's room, saw Xiao Jia coming out, and asked, "How's the situation inside?"

Qiao Shen couldn't figure it out, but they also knew that Mr. Di Fan had a daughter who lost her speech function due to a car accident. If the boss had taken immediate action to ask his wife, oh no, Miss Su for help, then they would be the ones who are now in sight of victory. up.

But the boss didn't make any move, and missed such a good opportunity for nothing.

He couldn't understand what the boss was thinking.

Xiao Jia said: "Madam's complexion is of course very ugly."

She glanced at Qiao Shen: "I really don't understand why you are so nervous. Mr. Qi won the order, isn't it also our Fu's?"

Qiao gave her a deep look: "What do you know, go to work."

Then he walked back to his special assistant's office.

In the office here.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya looked at Fu Hanchuan coldly, waiting for him to give her a satisfactory answer.

Fu Hanchuan took a sip of tea, put the cup down, and said lightly, "Mother, do you still remember the software designed by Qi Lingyang?"

Mrs. Zhuo Ya's eyes flashed, and she said with a gloomy face: "Of course."

That piece of software turned Su Xiang from a dumb person into a sharp-tongued woman who opposed her everywhere.

Fu Hanchuan said: "So, I don't need to fight."

"what do you mean?"

Fu Hanchuan smiled coldly and said, "Even if we can contact Mr. Di Fan in advance, Mr. Di Fan will still meet with Qi Lingyang again."

"Do you think Qi Lingyang will miss this opportunity?"

He has that charity software, which makes his daughter speak again, which is enough to win the favor of Mr. Di Fan. In addition, he is the person in charge of Sheng Tang, so this time he has taken the more favorable side.

"Mother, the right time, place and people, this time, he has an advantage over us."

Fu Hanchuan emphatically said the six words "time, place and people are in harmony", and looked at Mrs. Zhuo Ya.

At that time, it was Qi Lingyang who entered Fu's, and his first project after entering was the Green Project designed by Fu Hanchuan himself.

The favorable location, Mr. Di Fan came to Beicheng and brought his daughter with him, which became an unexpected and crucial factor.

Renhe refers to the relationship between Su Xiang and Qi Lingyang, and the divorce between Fu Hanchuan and Su Xiang.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya pinched the armrest tightly with her fingers, and she was unwilling to accept the facts before her eyes.

She thought for a while, and then said: "No, I heard that Mr. Difan seems to have had friendship with Su Xiang for a long time. If she says a word, or turns to serve us, things will turn around."

Thinking of that woman, Mrs. Zhuo Ya's brain throbbed with pain.Who would have thought that the key to this matter would be that dumb who was despised by every means!

She continued: "That software just shows the strength of our Fu family. Wouldn't it be more sincere for you to negotiate as a vice president?"

Fu Hanchuan sneered, looked at Mrs. Zhuo Ya and said, "Mother, in what capacity do you think I should go to talk to Su Xiang now and let her help me?"

Mrs. Zhuo Ya was startled, embarrassment flashed across her face.

She muttered: "Fu Ying is the future heir of the Fu family, it's impossible for her not to say a word."

When the matter came to this point, even if it was a slap in the face, but for the sake of the heir, he endured it.

Fu Hanchuan rubbed his fingers slowly on the teacup, and said in a low voice, "How old is Fu Ying now..."

He looked up and said flatly, "Actually, I'm going to give up on this project."

Mrs. Zhuo Ya opened her eyes wide, pointed at him and said, " you know what you are talking about!"

Abandoning the project means giving up the company!

"Still, divorcing that woman has dealt you such a blow and made you so hopeless!"

Fu Hanchuan smiled faintly, with a cold light shining in his eyes: "Mother, you will see my goal, which has never changed..."


Su Xiang took Dale to many famous scenic spots in the North City. The little girl didn't look melancholy when she was with her. Like an ordinary little girl, she was full of curiosity about this strange city.

"China is different from what I saw on TV...Unfortunately, it's not Chinese New Year...When is Chinese New Year? Are there really dragons and lions?"

Dale held a candied haws in one hand, and a mobile phone in the other. She even drew a long dragon with her hands. Her excited little face was flushed. Anyone would be attracted by such a beautiful little girl.

Su Xiang looked at Dale smiling happily, with a faint smile on her lips.

She said in a voice: "The Spring Festival has passed, if you want to see it again, you have to wait until next year."

"But this festival is amazing. Why is it held differently every year? How can I know when it will come? How do you know?"

Su Xiang knew what Dale's original appearance was like. She was very lively, talkative, and a curious baby.

"Here, the first day of the first lunar month is the Spring Festival. There is a book called Laohuang Li, which will tell us every Chinese festival..."

Su Xiang said patiently, and Qi Lingyang came out of the ice cream shop to buy Internet celebrity ice cream, just in time to hear that she was inviting Dale to come to the Spring Festival next year.

"I'll email you ahead of time and you'll know when the time comes."

Qi Lingyang put the ice cream on the table: "Hurry up if you like peaches, there is only the last box."

Three hands stretched out at the same time, and within a second, there was only the last scent of orange in front of him.

The two ladies were triumphant, Su Xiang snatched the peach, Dale was a step late and got the mango, Qi Lingyang raised his eyebrows, accepted the reality and picked up the orange ice cream.

In fact, the taste is average, just eat fresh.

Su Xiang and Dale can exchange food with each other, and she didn't eat cold food very much, so she dug a spoonful and put it on the lid, and pushed the rest to Qi Lingyang.

Qi Lingyang looked at her: "If you don't like it, you still grab it so fast."

Su Xiang shrugged his shoulders, and pressed on the phone with one hand: "Just for fun, the weather is not hot now."

It's only April weather, it's too cold to eat ice.

After finishing writing, she also asked Dale not to eat too much.

Qi Lingyang smiled, and slowly ate with a spoon, enjoying the warmth of spring and the blossoming of flowers.

Originally, I would continue to discuss the contract with Mr. Di Fan today, but he had domestic matters to deal with first, so he spared a day to go shopping with them.

Qi Lingyang smiled slightly and looked at the two ladies opposite who were talking eagerly, as if they had met a confidant, they could talk about everything.

At this moment, Dale glanced at Qi Lingyang, then suddenly stood up and went to his side, showing him her mobile phone.

She did not use voice conversion for this sentence, but wrote: Do you like Su?
Qi Lingyang took a look at Su Xiang. When she smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were crooked like the moon, and the waves were full of gentleness, which made people's heart flutter.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qi Lingyang smiled and rubbed the little girl's hair.

Su Xiang looked at them and said in a voice, "What are you talking about?"

The atmosphere here is good. On the second floor of a western restaurant on the other side of the road, the man's face is like the weather during a typhoon, extremely gloomy, and his slender fingers are holding the knife and fork tightly. kill.

Hehe, what did he say to Mo Feitong before?

Oh, yes, Su Xiang has a good psychological quality and can withstand any blow.

Isn't that what?
To be able to get out of the shadow of divorce so quickly, to sit and have fun with others, talking and laughing, without a trace of gloom.

It seems that she has been waiting for freedom for a long time.

That's right, her Weibo name is Flying Fish, if you open the cage for her, she will fly into the sky.

It seems that she is indeed much happier with Qi Lingyang than with him, huh?

Even though they knew that they were not a family of three, the happy atmosphere gave people that illusion.

She actually gave the food she had eaten to other men, but she let it go, she wasn't restrained at all, huh?

In Fu Hanchuan's impression, the three of them had dinner together in the aquarium, but at that time, she didn't have such a bright smile.

The fingers clenched even more tightly, the cold knife and fork was warmed by the temperature of his palm.

Fu Hanchuan's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, looking at the outdoor seat downstairs, his thin lips were pursed tightly.

It was not easy for Chang Yan to ask Fu Hanchuan to accompany her for dinner, but when she saw the man staring down, she followed his gaze and felt a stab in her heart.

Didn't Mrs. Zhuo Ya say that they are already divorced? Why does he still care about that Su Xiang so much?
Chang Yan glanced at Fu Hanchuan, and said softly: "Isn't that Miss Su?"

Fu Hanchuan withdrew his gaze, and cut the beef indifferently, as if he had never seen anything.

Chang Yan chewed in small mouthfuls, and from the corner of her eye she saw Fu Hanchuan's gaze was also glancing downstairs.

Chang Yan's mouth was chewing, the joy of having lunch with a man was slowly disappearing from her body.

She bit her lower lip and said, "Mr. Fu, shall we go down and say hello to Miss Su?"

Fu Hanchuan took a sip of the red wine, without raising his eyes, and said in a low voice, "No need."

While speaking, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the seats downstairs were empty.

His breath became heavier, and he said: "Miss Chang, I have something to go back to the company in the afternoon, so I will take you back first."

Chang Yan pursed her lips, forced a smile and nodded.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya was able to make an appointment with Fu Hanchuan.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya originally invited him to lunch, but when he arrived at the restaurant, it was Chang Yan who came.It was impossible for Fu Hanchuan to just turn around and leave, so the two of them sat down and had a separate lunch together.

But for Chang Yan, it was even more uncomfortable.

During this lunch, they didn't talk about anything. The man she was looking at was looking at someone else. Only she knew what it was like.

After eating, they went downstairs, and the two walked towards the gate of the shopping mall together. Fu Hanchuan was on the phone when something bumped into him.

"Hmm..." Fu Hanchuan snorted, and the phone slipped out of his hand.

Looking down, his black suit was covered with a few fine sugar particles, a candied haw lying on the ground, and his phone with a broken screen.

Dale rushed all the way into the mall to go to the toilet. Seeing a person walking in front of her, the ground was too slippery, so she couldn't hold back her feet and bumped into it.

The little girl looked up timidly at the man's dark face, and took a step back in fear.

Su Xiang walked in from behind her, saw Fu Hanchuan, and slowed down.

This is the first time they have met since their divorce.

The two looked at each other, Su Xiang gently pressed his lips together, trying to control his emotions.

Chang Yan looked at Su Xiang, then at Fu Hanchuan, her heart was sour, and her stomach was clenched.

One side is missing, and the next side...

Qi Lingyang was the last to come in, and frowned slightly when he saw the situation in front of him.

He only swept the front lightly, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he walked forward, his shiny leather shoes stepped on the smooth and hard floor tiles, making a crisp knocking sound.

"Mr. Fu, what a coincidence. Are you having lunch with Miss Chang?"

He glanced at Chang Yan with a pale face, and his eyes fell back on Fu Hanchuan's face.

The man's deep and gentle voice was polite, and it sounded relaxed and hostile. Su Xiang also snapped back to his senses in this voice, and glanced at Chang Yan who was standing next to him.

It seems that they have reached the point where they have a date and dinner together, and the good news of Fu and Chang's marriage is about to come true...

Su Xiang pursed her lips slightly and smiled, no matter whether the smile was difficult or something else, she had to smile back.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at Qi Lingyang, then at Su Xiang, and finally his eyes fell on Dale who bumped into him.

He said: "She is Mr. Di Fan's daughter?"

Qi Lingyang walked forward and said, "You know her?"

Fu Hanchuan slightly curled one corner of his lips: "The most obvious feature of the Difan family is blond hair and green eyes, which are easy to see." He looked at Qi Lingyang, "It seems that you are going well."

Qi Lingyang smiled lightly and said, "It's not bad."

He glanced at Fu Hanchuan's dirty suit, and said again: "Boss Fu's clothes are dirty, Miss Dale is my honored guest, and I will be responsible for the compensation. Someone will deliver the clothes to you later .”

Fu Hanchuan didn't seem to hear what he said. He looked at Su Xiang and said, "I heard that you are Miss Dale's tutor now. Since you are her guardian, shouldn't you be responsible?"

He looked around the mall for a week, and said lazily: "It's just convenient to buy clothes here, Miss Su, please."

(End of this chapter)

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