Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 135 The Countdown to Leaving 9

Chapter 135 The Countdown to Leaving 9
Su Xiang opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the ceiling above his head for a long time.

Someone was talking, and the depression on both sides could be felt in the deep voice.

"Fu Hanchuan, you are no longer qualified..." Qi Lingyang looked at the man in front of him, the warmth in his eyes was replaced by coldness.

"You think that marrying her is the most unlucky thing that happened to you in your life, but for her, maybe she being with you is the disaster that she can't get through in her life. All her injuries come from You. The final injury is the betrayal you gave her."

Fu Hanchuan clenched his fists tightly. It was unknown who was the first person to tell him that he was no longer qualified, but only Qi Lingyang had the greatest influence on him.

The muscles of the whole body tensed in an instant, and the pupils dilated and then contracted in an instant.

The final injury, his betrayal...

Fu Hanchuan gritted his teeth, his tall body stood still: "I will make it up to her."

Qi Lingyang snorted coldly: "Compensation?"

He glanced at the door of the ward: "She has lost her innocence, and you want her to be your Mrs. Fu again. Is this your compensation for her?"


"Fu Hanchuan, don't you care about your face the most?"


Qi Lingyang paused for a second, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly sneered, his cold eyes moved, and he said instead: "Your woman slept with me, is this also part of your plan?"

Every word he said was like a whip on Fu Hanchuan's heart.

No, it's not like that!

Fu Hanchuan's eyes were scarlet, his plan had already stopped, it wasn't like that!

Qi Lingyang looked into his confused eyes, sneered again, and said sarcastically: "Oh, no, you divorced her, she is just your ex-wife, even if she is with other men, it has nothing to do with you. People He can only say, look, she came out of Fu's house and changed to another man in a blink of an eye. Is that so, huh?"

"..." Fu Hanchuan's lips were drawn into a line, his breath was heavy, and his chest heaved violently.

Qi Lingyang's tone changed again, and he said in a serious voice: "So, it's a matter between me and her now, you have no right to intervene!"

Fu Hanchuan's pupils trembled violently.

Right now, he couldn't calmly think about what to do next.

But he knew very well that he would not let Su Xiang go with Qi Lingyang.

He lowered his eyes with red eyes, "Impossible!"

With a click, the almost inaudible sound was covered up when the three words of fury sounded.

Lan Li looked at the two men who were arguing in front of her. As a bystander, she didn't understand what happened, and she was confused. What ex-wife, what lost her innocence?

She seemed to have heard some terrible event, and her eyes widened nervously.

The atmosphere was too terrifying, like a string that was stretched tightly, and it would be torn off at some point.

She glanced at Mo Feitong, Mo Feitong was breathing heavily, his chest was heaving violently, and he seemed to be enduring a lot.

What does this have to do with him, why are his eyes red too?

Lan Li frowned, and when he looked back at the two men again, his eyes slanted, and he suddenly pointed at the door: "Mo, Mo Feitong, she, she woke up..."

Hearing the woman's words, Fu Hanchuan choked for breath, turned his stiff neck, and saw Su Xiang standing at the door, those dark eyes were like a bottomless abyss, and there was no more light inside.

Her face was as pale as paper, and she faced Fu Hanchuan awkwardly. Fu Hanchuan's heart trembled, and the word "chuan" wrinkled between his brows.

Su Xiang came out step by step, her steps were flimsy, her thin body seemed to be unable to support her thin body, but she still stood stubbornly and steadily.

— let me go.

Fu Hanchuan's extremely tense muscles trembled slightly, and he spat out two words between his teeth: "Don't let go!"

——I slept with another man, it's dirty, do you want more?

Su Xiang looked at him with a dull face, talking about his own affairs indifferently, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his lips.


Fu Hanchuan really hoped that she would never wake up, so that she would not look at him with such eyes.

There was his shadow in her eyes, but it was just indifferent.

Lan Li stared at the woman in surprise and blinked.

Was what she just saw sign language?

So, the woman who made these men so tense is a dumb woman?

what did she say?
Not only Lan Li couldn't understand, Mo Feitong also couldn't understand what Su Xiang said, but he could feel the sadness in her.

He took a step forward and asked softly, "Su Xiang, what do you... want to do?"

That soft tone seemed to scare her.

Lan Li frowned when he heard Mo Feitong speak in such a tone again.

He didn't see people negotiating, so he went to stir up something.

Su Xiang took a breath, and spread his palms towards Mo Feitong. Mo Feitong looked down at her palms, understood what she wanted, and immediately took out the phone, unlocked it and handed it to her.

Mo Feitong downloaded the voice software on his mobile phone, but did not make any settings. Su Xiang wrote a few words, and a monotonous voice sounded from the phone: "Are they dead?"

Her expression was very indifferent, and when she asked about the weather, Lan Li had no doubts that if she was told that the two people were not dead, she might make up for it a few more times.

Mo Feitong glanced at her, frowned and said, "Heavy sigh."

Su Xiang pursed her lips, her eyes were half-downcast, and it was hard to see whether she was satisfied with the answer.

Mo Feitong looked at her: "Su Xiang, you..."

"Thank you." After Su Xiang sent the last two words, he returned the phone to him.

When Mo Feitong took the phone, Su Xiang passed by his side lightly, and Mo Feitong stared blankly at her walking towards Qi Lingyang, and stood still by his side.

She was silent, did not move anything, but clearly expressed her wishes.

Fu Hanchuan's Adam's apple rolled up and down: "Su Xiang!"

Su Xiang looked at him indifferently, with a smile in his eyes, Fu Hanchuan felt his heart sinking infinitely.

She was telling him: I just obeyed your arrangement.

Fu Hanchuan frowned and closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Come back!"

Su Xiang raised his hands.

——Fu Hanchuan, you and I both understand that we can no longer face each other, so let's just do it...

She lowered her hands, and after the last movement, her fingers clenched.

Four years ago, she suddenly appeared and ruined his life. At this point today, she has paid back everything she owed, and she has also taken back what was owed to her.

Qi Lingyang glanced down at the silent Su Xiang, then turned his head slightly and waved at the man behind him.

The assistant he brought over, Chu Zheng, took a few steps forward. There was a sound of footsteps in the silent corridor and then stopped. According to Qi Lingyang's request, he handed him a document bag.

Qi Lingyang held the file bag without even looking at it, and handed it to Fu Hanchuan directly, saying, "Fu Hanchuan, you won, you got what you wanted."

His tone became more serious: "Man, I will take it away. From then on, she will no longer have anything to do with you."

After Qi Lingyang finished speaking, he leaned over and picked up Su Xiang and walked out.

The sound of footsteps hitting people's hearts step by step.

Fu Hanchuan saw that the figure was getting farther and farther away from him, he couldn't see Su Xiang's face, but her long hair swayed in mid-air following Qi Lingyang's footsteps, which hurt his eyes.

Subconsciously, he took a step forward, his arm was suddenly heavy, and he turned his head to look over, Mo Feitong clasped his arm with a gloomy face.

He said, "Young Master Fu, you should stop chasing him."

Fu Hanchuan's eyes filled with hostility: "Even you want to stop me?"

Mo Feitong let go, and said coldly: "I'm not trying to stop you, it's because you don't have the qualifications."

After he finished speaking, he gave him a hard look, and pulled Lan Li to leave as well.

When Pei Xian got the news and rushed over, he got out of the elevator and caught up with Qi Lingyang who walked in with Su Xiang in his arms. He was stunned for a moment, and the elevator door had already started to close slowly.

He cast a glance at Mo Feitong who was walking over, and Mo Feitong's expression was also extremely ugly.

At this time, Pei Xian didn't bother to ask who the woman beside him was, and stretched out his hand to press the elevator button, but Mo Feitong suddenly grabbed his wrist and said, "Forget it."

Pei Xian paused, looked at him strangely, and heard Mo Fei say, "This is the little mute's own choice."

Mo Feitong looked at the people in the elevator and held hands.

His tone was low, and it could be heard that he was also suppressing himself.

The elevator door was completely closed, and Pei Xian asked, "Where is Young Master Fu?"

Mo Feitong ignored him, stretched out his hand and pressed the elevator button, and stood there sullenly, it seemed that he couldn't wait for him to speak again.

Pei Xian glanced at him and ran to the other end of the corridor.

Fu Hanchuan remained where he was, looking at the document in his hand.Pei Xian slowed down and stood still a few steps ahead of him.

"what is that?"

Fu Hanchuan didn't look up, just handed the item to Pei Xian, and sat down on the rest chair next to him.

His slender limbs spread out casually, facing the white wall in front of him fixedly, Pei Xian glanced at him, and was slightly startled when he looked down at the document.

Equity transfer letter?

Not long ago, Fu Zhengnan called Qi Lingyang back to Fu's old house.

This was the first time Qi Lingyang set foot in this place.

The high walls, the huge courtyard, and the simple and honest house inside, all tell the profound background of this family, which is awe-inspiring.

Fu Zhengnan stood in front of the room waiting for him, glanced at him and said, "How is it?"

Qi Lingyang turned his head and took a look around, then smiled and said, "Very good."

Fu Zhengnan seemed quite satisfied with his answer, nodded his head and said, "I'll show you around."

There is only one main building in the main body of the old house of the Fu family, and the auxiliary building next to it was specially built by Mr. Fu for his recuperation, but the design was also specially designed by a designer, so as not to damage the feng shui of the house or the overall aesthetic feeling.

Fu Zhengnan took Qi Lingyang up to the auxiliary building to meet the old man.

Because Su Xiang broke into the old house of Fu's family before, the old man was a little surprised. Now that he has taken the medicine, the nurse pushed Shun Qi along his back, and he looked very mentally ill.

His wrinkled eyes swept Qi Lingyang up and down: "You, are you that child?"

Fu Zhengnan had mentioned this matter to Mr. Fu a long time ago. For such a wealthy family, having an illegitimate child was not surprising. The old man scolded him a few times and said he would bring it back sometime to have a look.

Qi Lingyang nodded indifferently to the aging old man in front of him and said hello: "Old man."

Mr. Fu hummed, panted a few times, and the old voice said again: "Do you hate me?"

Fu Zhengnan and Yu Kelan fell in love back then, but for the sake of the Fu family, he married another woman. As the son of that woman, it was impossible for him to be without resentment in his heart.

Qi Lingyang didn't shy away from it, and said bluntly: "Before I didn't know, you and I were irrelevant people. After I knew it, you were the one who denied my mother. I can't help being angry."

It was the Fu family's denial of her, thinking that she was not qualified to enter this high-walled house, and she could only leave in pain.

After several decades, the love and hatred that used to hang over this house have long since disappeared, and it only adds a little bit of trouble to those who stay behind.

Hearing this, Fu Zhengnan frowned slightly, thinking of those things in the past, his breathing sank slightly.

Old Master Fu said "hmm" again. He didn't like Yu Kelan back then, and after so many decades, it's impossible for him to feel sad and happy for such a grandson who suddenly appeared.

However, he has the blood of the Fu family after all, the old man nodded. If he said that he had no resentment, he felt that he was not a descendant of the Fu family.

He turned his head to Fu Zhengnan and said, "What are you bringing him here today?"

Today is not a good day, even if the old man does not do anything for a long time, he is still alert, Fu Zhengnan suddenly called this person back, it would not be a whim.

Fu Zhengnan didn't mention the matter between Qi Lingyang and Su Xiang in front of the old man, and he strictly ordered the family servants to keep their mouths shut, even though he called someone over to resolve the matter.

He said, "Come back and have a look first."

My son knew it in his own mind, the old man frowned and glanced at him: "Well, is that so?"

Fu Zhengnan lowered his eyelids and remained silent. The old man let out a sigh of relief, waved his hands, and said weakly: "Okay, this house has been handed over to you a long time ago, and it's up to you to come up with this messy account. Just clean it up and don't make a mess."

With his current physical condition, he is already a person wandering around the gate of hell, and he can't control it even if he wants to.

He has only one request, not to ruin the Fu family.

Fu Zhengnan didn't say anything more, and walked downstairs with Qi Lingyang.When he arrived in the garden, he turned his head to Qi Lingyang and said, "You said just now that you still have hatred in your heart?"

Qi Lingyang pursed his lips, and said indifferently: "You called me here today, you shouldn't be discussing this matter with me?"

He glanced in the direction of the main building: "Does Mrs. Zhuo Ya know that I'm here?"

Fu Zhengnan glanced at him, and walked towards the main building with his hands behind his back.

Qi Lingyang looked at his back and followed behind him.

Entering the foyer of the main building, Fu Zhengnan lifted his trousers and sat down in front of the sofa. He said, "Do you feel like going home?"

Qi Lingyang turned his head and took a look at the furnishings in the house. He grew up in Qi's family and saw many good things. However, the old houses of big families all have special meanings.

He said, "No."

After knowing his life experience, he only has a sense of alienation, no matter whether it is the Qi family or the Fu family, he has no sense of belonging.

Fu Zhengnan glanced at him, and said again: "You have signed a big contract this time, I am going to disclose your identity at the shareholders' meeting, and then pick a day to hold a ceremony to recognize your ancestors, and you can come back here gone."


Qi Lingyang's eyes moved slightly, and his hanging fingers clenched slightly.

During the silence, a voice sounded from above the stairs: "Fu Zhengnan, aren't you afraid of being laughed out of your teeth?"

Mrs. Zhuo Ya finished her infusion, and before she rested for a few minutes, she heard Lao He say that the bastard had come to Fu's old house, and got out of bed immediately.

She pointed at Qi Lingyang and said, "The matter between him and that dumb man is now known all over the world. If you let him come back, where will the faces of the Fu family be put?"

"Do you really want to be ridiculed? This son of the Fu family who just returned married that mute again?"

"Accept step marriage?" After Mrs. Zhuo Ya finished speaking, she laughed first, not daring to imagine the scene at that time.

She walked down the steps step by step, looked at Qi Lingyang sarcastically, and said, "I'm afraid you didn't realize that you have to accept this chess piece that you arranged for yourself in the end, right?"

"Between a man and a woman, the most fearful thing is that love can't be restrained. If you can't play it, don't try it casually. If you play it yourself, it will be difficult to end. You can consider whether Qi Haipeng is willing to have a dumb daughter-in-law. "

Qi Lingyang looked at the gloating woman in front of him with indifferent eyes, and his lips tightened.

Fu Zhengnan's complexion was also very ugly, he glanced at Mrs. Zhuo Ya and said, "Shut up!"

If she hadn't played tricks behind her back, she wouldn't have caught him off guard.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya snorted coldly, sat down lazily on the sofa, and ordered Sister Xia to serve her tea.

Fu Zhengnan glanced at her in disgust, and said, "Who said Ling Yang wanted to marry that woman?"

Four years ago, Fu Hanchuan slept with that woman. If she hadn't been pregnant, she wouldn't have entered the Fu family, and she wouldn't have had this luck forever.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya was taken aback, her smile froze on her face, she somewhat understood Fu Zhengnan's intentions.

If Qi Lingyang returns to the Fu family, he will have the real qualification to compete with Fu Hanchuan for the Fu family.Did he use this to lure him and break off the relationship with that dumb?

As long as that woman doesn't come in, it's just a woman's affair, which is much lower than the absurdity of adopting an adopted marriage.

Fu Zhengnan, for this illegitimate child, he spared no effort!

Mrs. Zhuo Ya gritted her teeth, and without waiting for her to say anything, Fu Zhengnan looked at Qi Lingyang and said seriously: "Lingyang, how are you?"

Qi Lingyang's jaw muscles tensed, and his breathing became low.

Once he returns to Fu's house, there will be no possibility between him and Su Xiang, and the harm to her...Su Xiang...


The weather was warm and fine for several days in a row. Su Xiang sat in the courtyard, watching the clouds gathering and dispersing in the sky quietly.

Qi Lingyang held a piece of clothing in his hand and covered her body: "I don't wear any clothing when I come out. The spring is warm, but we must also pay attention to it. Do you know if you cover spring and autumn frost?"

He didn't talk much, but he seemed to talk a lot when facing Su Xiang.He used to regard her as the object to confide in, but now she is the object he wants to take care of.

He gathered up his clothes, and hooked her wind-blown hair behind her ears: "How about helping you tie your hair up?"

Su Xiang lowered his eyes, looked at the dress, and moved his lips.

It has been a few days since she came to this villa. These days, she didn't go out for a step, she ate when she woke up, slept when she wanted to sleep, and didn't think about anything.

Those things seemed so far away in the past.

Everything calmed down, and the storm seemed to be far away from her.

She looked up at Qi Lingyang, thought for a while, and raised her hand.

——You don’t seem to have to go to work?
Qi Lingyang smiled slightly and said: "I don't like working very much, besides, I made an order with Mr. Di Fan, which is enough for us to eat and drink for several lifetimes. Don't worry, I can afford you."

He held a hair tie in his fingers, combed her fluffy hair with both hands, and made a braid clumsily.

"Sorry, my craft is not good, but it will be better if I practice more in the future."

Qi Lingyang was talking about their future life intentionally or unintentionally, Su Xiang took a deep breath and began to make gestures.

——What about the Fu family?You don't have to give up anything for me.

Since Qi Lingyang is from the Fu family, and he approached her only to return to the Fu family, it is impossible for Mr. Da Fu to let him go back if he is with her.

Fu Hanchuan is a good example. There will be no result between her and anyone in the Fu family.

Qi Lingyang squatted in front of her, held her fingers, and put her hands together in his palms. He looked at her seriously and said, "I'll just say this once. Listen carefully."

He took a light breath and said, "Five years ago, it was Du Ruohan who made me want to fight for power. Five years later, it's you who made me let go of this ambition."

He deeply hurt a person and pushed her into hell step by step. What's more frightening is that he felt all her pain.

This taste, like an ant biting one's heart, was stinging at first, and then it became more and more painful.

If he continues to go on, even if he gets that position, he will not be happy, because his heart will be completely swallowed by those pains, and finally become an empty shell.

There is a saying in the Buddha's words, turning back is the shore, and there is her on the other side of the shore.

Only when she was with him did he know that it was peaceful.

"Su Xiang, I know that you just want to return to peace now, and I will accompany you and not disturb you. But you have to let me take care of you and give me a chance to fix those bad things."

A gust of wind blows, and there is a faint fragrance of Sophora japonica in the air.

Qi Lingyang smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you agreed."

Su Xiang's glazed eyes moved slightly, his hand held her, she had no chance to refuse him at all.

Qi Lingyang's eyes were filled with a mischievous smile like a big boy, and he kissed her on the top of the head: "Today, I will have scrambled eggs with Sophora japonica flowers for lunch. says this is very good. Are you interested in trying it?"

Outside the villa, across the wall of vines and roses, a pair of eyes looked at the people inside through the gaps in the flowers and leaves, and the eyes were full of tears.

At noon, after lunch, Su Xiang went back to his room to take a nap. The phone next to his pillow flickered, and a new message came in.

She blocked and deleted all the contact information of people related to the Fu family, leaving only a trumpet she left for Fu Ying, but she was in a bad mood these days and did not give Fu Ying a video.

She opened the message box and a message was displayed.

Zhuhan Hollow: Su Xiang, do you still remember what you promised me?

Su Xiang frowned slightly, she hadn't contacted Du Ruohan for a while, the last time they were shopping for their children together in the mall.

She replied: I remember.

Another message came: Are you free, do you want to go out and relax?

Su Xiang glanced out the window. She has lived in this house for a long time, but she doesn't want to go out.

She didn't watch the news anymore, she didn't want to know how the outside world would comment on her, she was not ready to accept the way others looked at her.

She replied: Sorry, I'm a little busy.

Putting the phone back beside the pillow, when Su Xiang was about to go to bed, the phone rang suddenly.

That was Du Ruohan's cell phone number. When Su Xiang picked up the phone, he heard a painful and weak voice from the other end: "Su Xiang, come and help me, I don't seem to be feeling well."

She said an address and hung up the phone. Su Xiang was so anxious that she didn't have time to think about it, so she ran out quickly.

It's not far from here, Su Xiang drove Qi Lingyang's car to the cafe that Du Ruohan mentioned, but didn't see Du Ruohan's figure, just wondering if someone took her to the hospital, when she drove When she was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared, and she immediately stepped on the brakes.

But it was too late, Su Xiang's eyes widened in horror, and he looked at the woman who smiled miserably at her through a window.

Du Ruohan!
Su Xiang hastily unbuckled his seat belt, and when he opened the door and got out of the car, he heard a terrified roar: "Ruohan!"

Su Xiang watched as Qi Lingyang got off the taxi and picked up the woman who fell limply on the ground. She stood there in astonishment, and a vague idea in her mind gradually became clear.

Qi Lingyang's story...

Du Ruohan's story...

Their stories could be connected, why hadn't it occurred to her?

In the hospital, Du Ruohan was lying on the hospital bed. It had been several hours since she came out of the emergency room.

Since she had just started the car, the crash was not serious.

Su Xiang looked blankly at Du Ruohan's deflated stomach, remembering the last time we met, her stomach was not too big, but it was already bulging.

The child was not rescued, no more...

Du Ruohan slightly opened his eyes and looked at Su Xiang, and the two looked at each other.She smiled without the slightest warmth, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

She said weakly: "I told you, I love someone..."

"I thought that as long as one day I separated from Qi Lingcong, there would be a possibility for me and him to be together."

"Why do you..."

When Du Ruohan thought of what was played in the video, watching Qi Lingyang kiss another woman, she felt so uncomfortable that she almost suffocated.

She couldn't hold on to the love of only one person, she couldn't stand it...

"I told you that you must not betray me, why..." Her voice trembled intermittently, and tears fell one after another.

Su Xiang's entire scalp was tense, his mind went blank, and all the goosebumps on his body stood up.

She only cared about what happened to her, but she could think of it as long as she thought about it a little bit.

That night brought her indelible harm, she thought it was over, she thought that Fu Hanchuan's betrayal of her was painful, but what she didn't expect was that she also betrayed another person, which brought her even more pain. big pain...

She gestured hastily with her fingers.

—Why don't you say it, why don't you say it!
If she had mentioned it earlier, she could have stayed away from Qi Lingyang, and everything would not have happened after that.

Du Ruohan couldn't understand sign language, but she could guess what she was asking, and she smiled with difficulty with tears in her eyes.

With a trembling voice, she sobbed over and over again: "This is fate... This is fate..."

"I don't know, I don't know that the person he fell in love with is you..."

By the time she knew it, she and Su Xiang had become good friends.

Qi Lingyang also somehow became the illegitimate child of the Fu family.

She didn't know anything... By the time she knew it, it would be too late...

"I love him and you're my best friend and I don't know what to do..."

She shook her head in pain, stroking her stomach with trembling hands, it was already empty.

The huge emotional fluctuations made her unbearable, and she coughed violently. Seeing her suffering, Su Xiang wanted to move forward but didn't dare, an arm suddenly stretched out from the side, and pushed her away: "roll!"

Su Xiang staggered a few steps before barely stopping. A tall man stood in front of Du Ruohan's bed, looking at her with a painful face.

Su Xiang has never met this person, but he should be Qi Lingyang's eldest brother, Qi Lingcong.

Du Ruohan stared at Su Xiang from under Qi Lingcong's shoulder full of resentment, and suddenly broke into a crazy smile: "Su Xiang, you can't be together anymore, never again..."

Using her child's death as a curse, they can't be together, even if they have a relationship, they can't!

Su Xiang was stunned, his eyes widened slightly.

Qi Lingcong hugged Du Ruohan who was struggling, turned his head to Su Xiang and said, "Don't get out, do you want me to kill you!"

With a wound on his cheek, Qi Lingyang came in and took Su Xiang away.

In the ward, Qi Lingcong stared at the madly laughing woman with red eyes.

"You are satisfied, for your so-called love, killing your own child, is your revenge satisfying you!"

If that child was really killed by that woman, he would have killed her long ago.

No, it was this woman who killed his child, the mother who was pregnant with him!

Du Ruohan's fragile nerves broke when she couldn't feel that weak life.

She smiled, showing her white teeth, and laughed loudly: "I am satisfied? Qi Lingcong, you already knew they were together but didn't tell me, aren't you also taking revenge on me?"

Revenge for her lack of love.

Qi Lingcong picked up her collar and pinched her neck with his fingers: "That's your own flesh and blood, how can you be so cruel!"

He wanted her to stop thinking about it.

Hot tears fell from his eye sockets: "Du Ruohan, do you deserve to say love?"

Du Ruohan's smile froze on his face, he looked at him blankly, and slowly stroked his fingers on his stomach, a line of tears rolled down: "Qi Lingcong, my child... I never thought of giving birth to you ..."

But when she really can't feel the existence of that child, why is she sadder than death?
(End of this chapter)

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