Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 155 A Few Sentences Chapter 1 Coaxing is Caring

Chapter 155

Could it be that they were going around in the room together, no matter how much it was reported, it was a fact that Qi Lingyang went to visit that Gu Yinyin in the class, if he didn't go, there would be no such news.

Therefore, the worst thing was done by Qi Lingyang.

That kid hasn't got his hands yet, but he's started to play tricks, isn't he afraid that the little mute will dump him?
Thinking of this, his footsteps paused again, always feeling inconsistent.

A person who doesn't even want the inheritance rights of the Fu family, how can he not want Su Xiang for a female star?

With this in mind, it is impossible for Qi Lingyang to withdraw at this time.

Mo Feitong looked at Pei Xian: "You are also the boss of a film and television company, what kind of routine is this?"

Pei Xian threw the phone back to him, and said, "It's just gossip, there are tens of thousands of such news a year, what's so strange about it."

"Gu Yinyin's drama is the finale of Yaoshi's annual drama this year, and it's just a warm-up for such a scandal to come up with some topics."

Could it be that he frowned, is that so?

However, Qi Lingyang has always been very low-key in his career. If he hadn't fought with Fu Hanchuan's heir, he wouldn't have exposed all his private property.

Would he just follow the crowd's hype for a drama?
He said to Pei Xian who was drinking leisurely: "Why do I feel that you are perfunctory to me?"

Pei Xian put the wine glass to his lips, smiled lightly, and before the liquid entered his throat, he said: "This is just the beginning, we have to wait for the follow-up to come out before we can continue to look at the problem, right?"

After staying for a while in 1988, Pei Xian came out.

Standing on the steps, he raised his head, the starlight above his head was covered by the fog and haze, the night was thick, and there was only a faint radiance of a bright moon.

A few thin dark clouds drifted over, blocking the moonlight as well.

Pei Xian lowered her head resentfully, and walked down the steps slowly.

Because he drank some wine, he didn't intend to drive back, and walked slowly all the way home.

Well, after these few glasses of wine, I survived another night.Go home and go to bed, the day has passed.

In the past two years, the nights without her have been so boring every night.

Fu Hanchuan still has a son to accompany him, but he has nothing.

The street lights were bright and cold, and a stray dog ​​was rummaging through the trash beside the trash can. Pei Xian remembered that Fu Hanchuan not only had a son, but he even picked up a cat to raise as Su Xiang.

That pervert.

He observed the stray dog ​​for a while, and was really in no mood to take a dog home in the middle of the night to bathe it and catch lice.

In the middle of the road, an ambulance roared past, and it sounded like it was going to save someone's life.

Pei Xian raised her head and watched the flickering red light on the roof of the ambulance disappear into the night.


Pei Xian's footsteps stopped, and there was a half-height marble wall in front of him, with the words "Second People's Hospital" written in large metal characters on it.

How did you get here in the direction of your home?

He glanced at the lobby of the complex building that was opened in front of him. At this time, there were still many emergency patients inside, including the family members of the patients.

I don't know if she is on duty tonight.

During the time they broke up, Pei Xian didn't accept this result, and even came to look for him. The woman acted as if she didn't know him, treated him like air, and told him not to hinder her work.

In front of so many people, Pei Xian lost face and never came to the hospital to look for her again.

A figure came out from inside.

In the dim light, she could hardly be seen clearly. When she reached the bright place of the door, Pei Xian's heart skipped a beat, and she stepped forward to put her arms around the woman's shoulders.

"Qiao Ying..."

The woman turned her head and saw him. She brushed his hand away indifferently, took out the earphones and plugged them in her ears, and walked straight forward.

Pei Xian thought for such a long time, but he couldn't figure out where he was wrong, and the suppressed fire burst out.

He walked up to the woman, pulled off the woman's earphones, and asked directly with a dark face: "Even if you want to break up, you should give me a reason, right?"

Qiao Ying's ears hurt a little from being pulled, but she ignored him and walked to the parking lot in front, got in the car, and drove away.


Pei Xian kicked away the stone on the road heavily. The stone first showed a parabola, and then rolled and bounced all the way after landing, and rolled out a long way.

I'm going crazy, is this woman's brain made of stone!

Pei Xian returned home in a fit of anger, and threw herself on the bed when she got home, lying straight, staring at the ceiling above her head.

On this bed, the two of them have been lingering countless times, and now the lingering energy floods into their minds, and it feels like this bed is full of her scent.

Pei Xian jumped up, tore the sheets and quilts to the ground, kicked the mattress, and angrily carried the quilts to the guest room.


Su Xiang didn't know if it was because of the phone call she made to Fu Hanchuan. For two days in a row, she saw Fu Ying after school.

The little guy has a bad temper, and he refuses to take her car, only willing to walk all the way back.

Half an hour's journey is not short, but Su Xiang was very satisfied following him all the way.

On the first day.

"I don't want to take your car, I have my own legs." This was the first time he really walked home by himself, he said very arrogantly.

While speaking, he fiddled with the watch deliberately.Then, while walking, he was beating drums in his heart, and secretly looked at Su Xiang who was following him from the end of his eyes.

the next day.

"I know the way myself, so I don't want you to send it."

The little guy tugged off the strap of his schoolbag in a very airy manner, speaking with full confidence.

On the third day.

Su Xiang took back the lunch box from the security room, and seeing Fu Ying coming out of it, he couldn't help laughing.

She handed over the snacks she bought on the way: "The freshly baked rose cakes are delicious when eaten with milk."

Fu Ying glanced at her, tilted his shoulders, unloaded the schoolbag, handed it to her Su Xiang, and said in a bad tone, "Carry the schoolbag for me."

All along, it was Teacher Wu or Chang Yan who helped him carry his schoolbag, and he only pretended to be when Fu Hanchuan was around.

The little guy carried his schoolbag for two days in a row. His shoulders were sore and his legs were sore and his feet were sore. He felt uncomfortable everywhere, so his temper came up.

Su Xiang glanced at the schoolbag hanging in the air, and then at the little guy: "Didn't you always carry it by yourself?"

Fu Ying saw that she hadn't picked up her schoolbag for a long time, and angrily lowered her hand and said loudly, "I'm very tired after going to school, don't you know?"

Su Xiang laughed when she heard him shouting that she was tired, and she asked, "How tired are you?"

Fu Ying was questioned. Anyway, he just didn't like being pressed on his shoulders, so he couldn't grow taller.

His face flushed, and he dragged his schoolbag angrily and walked forward: "Forget it, you never knew anyway."

The schoolbag hit his heels, bumping into each other. Lian Liang looked at Fu Ying who had gone away, then at Su Xiang, and followed with his mouth pursed.

"Fu Ying, wait for me."

The two children walked side by side, with Su Xiang following behind.

Fu Ying's words stabbed her somewhat.

Since the child started school, she has never picked him up or dropped him off once, nor has she asked him what is interesting about school, whether he has had enough for lunch, or which children he plays well with like other parents.

But what she lacked the most was that she didn't educate him well.

Fu Ying, who was walking in front, puffed his cheeks, glanced behind him with the tip of his eyes, and snorted heavily again.

Don't come to please him at all, do you still want his forgiveness?

Lian Liang looked at Fu Ying's swollen cheeks and giggled: "Fu Ying, you look so funny."

"What's so funny." Fu Ying muttered. This time, he kicked forward with his schoolbag in his hand. As soon as the schoolbag swung, he took a step forward and kicked it again.

Lian Liang said: "Fu Ying, you look like a frog's belly, have you ever seen it?"

Fu Ying glared at her angrily: "You are like a frog."

He squinted back, it was so annoying that he didn't come to carry his schoolbag yet.

At the intersection of traffic lights ahead, the two children parted ways. Su Xiang gave all the snacks that Fu Ying hadn't touched to Lian Liang, and asked the little girl to take them home to eat.

Fu Ying snorted, and when he continued to walk forward, Su Xiang quickly passed him by two steps and stood in front of him.

Fu Ying looked up at her: "Why are you blocking me?"

Su Xiang sighed lightly, and took his small schoolbag. Fu Ying thought she was going to carry the schoolbag for him, but before he felt happy, he saw Su Xiang stretch the strap of the schoolbag and put it on his back.

"What are you doing!"

Su Xiang blinked at him and said: "Carry the schoolbag, aren't the two straps of the schoolbag just for carrying it?"

She gestured that the schoolbag was made of good material, with a wide strap and a thick layer of padding, so it would not strangle the shoulders.

Fu Ying's little face flushed, and he lost his temper with anger: "Why are you pretending to be stupid, I want you to come and get it for me!"

"If you want me to forgive you, you should do as I say!"

Facing the son who played with his childish temper, Su Xiang's face sank, and he pressed his shoulder and said seriously: "Fu Ying, I hope you will forgive me for not being by your side these few years, but I have never been by your side. Don't expect it, I'm asking for your forgiveness in a way that pleases you."

"I'm your mother, I'm not asking to be your mother, and I won't let you get whatever you want for your happiness. You'd better remember this."

Su Xiang can understand that Fu Ying's thoughts are deviated. After all, if the women around Fu Hanchuan want to be in the top position, they must satisfy Fu Ying.

Not only women, but those who want something from the Fu family all come to please this child.In the past, every time a child was taken out, there were many gifts from others when he came back.

Fu Ying was taken aback by Su Xiang, and his round eyes blinked. Why are these things different from what he thought?

Hmph, as expected, she was just pretending to be nice to him, but after only a few days, she became impatient with him.

The little guy squeezed his mouth tightly and held back for a while, then said loudly to Su Xiang: "Then I don't want to be your child either, you go home and hug your little baby, just ignore me."

As soon as the little guy said those words, the grievances in his heart also emerged, as if a balloon had been pricked, and the last half of the sentence was full of tears.

He rubbed his eyes with his dirty little hands and sobbed.

It doesn't coax him at all, and it doesn't treat him well at all.

Why is he making a fuss about walking home by himself? If you have a car, you can get delicious food in the car. You don't need to smell the car exhaust, and you don't need to carry a schoolbag.

The little hand was gently held in the palm, and a wet tissue was wiped on his hand, and the gentle and weird mandarin rang out.

"Your hands are so dirty, if you wipe your eyes, bacteria will get into your eyes, and you will get pink eye disease."

Fu Ying sniffled and stared blankly at the half-squatting person in front of him, as if he couldn't play his temper anymore.

Su Xiang wiped his hands clean, and there was nowhere to throw the wet tissue, so he stuffed it into his pocket first, looked at him at eye level and said, "Fu Ying, your schoolbag is very light for me, I can hold it with one hand. You can pick it up."

"But this is your schoolbag. It's what you learned in school. It's a burden you should bear at your age."

"If you can't even afford these, tell me, what can you do in the future?"

Fu Ying blinked his eyes, half understanding what he heard, and seemed not so angry in his heart.

Seeing that he had listened to her words, Su Xiang took his little hand and walked up, and also walked down the steps for him: "You are hungry now so you can't carry it? What do you want to eat, go and eat first?"


The TV in Chang's living room was on, and Chang Yan was lying on the sofa with a book covering her face.

She has been like this for almost an afternoon, no, it should be said that it has been several days.

Yang Yanqing came back from the outside and heard the TV in the living room ringing, so she walked over and turned off the TV.

Chang Yan suddenly lost her voice, frowned, and took the book off her face.

"Sister-in-law, why did you turn off the TV?"

Yang Yanqing looked at her with a smile: "So you are awake, I thought you were asleep."

She put the remote control on the tea table, Yang Yanqing picked up the blanket and shrank her legs, leaving half of the sofa for Yang Yanqing to sit on.

She rested her chin on her knees and said, "I'm so bored, sister-in-law, you can take me out to play tomorrow."

Yang Yanqing glanced at her and said teasingly: "Oh, it's strange, you don't like running around with those wives, and you actually ask to participate?"

Chang Yan pouted and glanced at her: "Sister-in-law..."

There was a piece of exquisite tiramisu on the coffee table, only a small corner was dug out, Yang Yanqing picked it up to look at it, and dug a piece from the other corner and put it into his mouth.

Once I tasted it, I knew it was made by my little sister.

She said: "The meaning of tiramisu is to take me away. Your cake should be sent to Fu's house. Why are you eating it yourself?"

"Do you think that Fu Hanchuan doesn't understand style and can't understand what you mean?"

Chang Yan pursed her lips, and punched Yang Yanqing angrily: "You know how to laugh at me."

She held Yang Yanqing's wrist and put the spoon into her mouth.

Yang Yanqing smiled and took another bite, and said, "By the way, I haven't seen you running to Fu's house for the past few days. What's the matter with Fu Hanchuan?"

"Is there a conflict again?"

When Fu Hanchuan was mentioned, Chang Yan resentfully grabbed the fluff on the blanket and remained silent.

After Fu Hanchuan told her that time, although Mrs. Zhuo Ya comforted her a few words, she felt ashamed to let her go and stayed at home all the time.

Seeing her downcast look, Yang Yanqing knew that her guess was right.

But in this relationship of hers, Chang Yan has always been chasing Fu Hanchuan, even if there is a conflict, it is Chang Yan who can't help it first.

Yang Yanqing said: "Okay, your elder brother should feel sorry for you when he sees you like this. Mrs. Zhuo Ya will go to the suburbs to see the maple leaves tomorrow, so you can come together."

Seeing Mrs. Zhuo Ya, if Mrs. Zhuo Ya said a few words, it was equivalent to Fu Hanchuan giving her a step down, and Chang Yan had a smile on her face.

Yang Yanqing looked at her and poked her forehead: "You..."


Fast forward to Saturday.

Fu Ying woke up in the crook of Fu Hanchuan's arms, his black hair sleeping in a mess, like a bird's nest.

Yes, he slept with Dad again last night.

Dad has been nice to him these two days, he didn't tear up his homework, didn't throw away his game console, and allowed him to sleep on his big bed.

It's just that he would ask him about some things on the way home from school, which annoyed him. There were some things he couldn't tell, and it was hard for him to hide them.

But he is also smart, as long as he pretends to be asleep, he will get away with it.

The little guy was woken up by a bubble of urine, climbed out of bed and ran to the bathroom to release, and let out a comfortable breath.

The bathroom door opened, Fu Ying pulled up his trousers, Fu Hanchuan gave him a sideways look: "Get out of the way."

The little guy obediently ran to the sink, stood on the small stool and squeezed toothpaste to brush his teeth, when the sound of splashing water came from the other side.

After a while, the man stood beside him, squeezed toothpaste and brushed his teeth.

After washing up, Fu Ying returned to his room and opened his cloakroom.

The entire cloakroom was full of his clothes, some of which were too big for him to wear.

Mother Song said that the clothes inside were all prepared by the man before he left, and they were bought until he was ten years old.

Fu Ying chose from a row of clothes, and finally picked out a sweater with Wukong printed on it, and changed himself.

Walking into the living room, the little guy slowed down and called out obediently.


Mrs. Zhuo Ya touched his little head: "Yes."

She glanced at the breakfast on the dining table: "Hurry up and eat, grandma will take you out after eating."

Fu Ying blinked and glanced at Fu Hanchuan: "But I'm going to learn Taekwondo today."

And... And he made an appointment with her today, and she said he would come to see her boxing.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya said: "The taekwondo side has been changed to night for you, it doesn't matter. The daughter of Huanyu Group's family and many children are going today, you have to go."

Fu Ying opened his mouth, and Mrs. Zhuo Ya didn't wait for his protest, but said to Fu Hanchuan indifferently: "I'm going to take him out today."

After the mother and son quarreled last time, the two also fell into a stalemate. Even after that, Fu Hanchuan never asked the people in the old house to take the child over.

But today, Mrs. Zhuo Ya came to ask for someone in person.

Fu Ying went to a public primary school, and was opposed by Mrs. Zhuo Ya at the beginning of school. After all, the biggest advantage of a private school is not its educational qualifications, but its connections.

Many aristocratic children's network of contacts began when they were students.Even if the Fu family has a top position now, in Fu Ying's generation, they still need to have his network of relationships.

After breakfast, Mrs. Zhuo Ya took her away.

Fu Hanchuan wiped the corners of his lips, and said to Song's mother, "Call Teacher Wu and inform her that she is on vacation today."

At the educational institution, Su Xiang waited there with Pearl, and Fu Ying was not seen until noon.

She glanced at the door in disappointment. Originally, she planned to let Fu Ying meet Pearl and explain to him, so that the child would not have a thorn in his heart.

And in a private manor in the suburbs, Fu Ying played with the children of those dignitaries and dignitaries, and he was not inferior at all.

He played tennis, and no one could beat him, and he scored points.

Under the awning shaded by trees, Mrs. Zhuo Ya glanced at Chang Yan, smiled slightly and said, "You haven't come to me for tea for a long time, and you're angry with Han Chuan. I didn't offend you, why did you implicate me too?" ?”

Chang Yan smiled embarrassingly: "Madam, I'm not angry with you, I'm just busy and don't have time to come here."

Naturally, Chang Yan couldn't really admit that she had an awkward fight with Fu Hanchuan, so she found an excuse to cover it up.

Yang Yanqing glanced at Chang Yan, this girl could speak now.He didn't lower his position.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya held her teacup and lowered her eyes slightly, and smiled faintly. For three years, she always felt that although Chang Yan had a good family background, she was too weak. Now it seemed that it was beneficial to often attend the gatherings of these wives.

She said, "What are you busy with?"

Chang Yan lowered her head and smiled, "I'm learning finance from my sister-in-law."

"Huh? Finance?" Mrs. Zhuo Ya was slightly taken aback, "Didn't you learn Chinese?"

Chang Yan said: "I am also a part of the family. My elder brother said I was idle and asked me to help in the company."

Chang Yi did mention her a few times, but she has never been interested in the company's affairs and has been evading it.But after Fu Hanchuan said something to her last time, she couldn't bear to go to Fu's house, so she thought about it again.

Keeping walking around Fu Hanchuan, he couldn't see her.She has to have herself. Didn't that woman also leave to find herself?
Yang Yanqing also said with a smile: "Yeah, this girl has been graduating for so long, and she hasn't done anything serious. The company has already opened to Beicheng. If she learns how to do it, I will be more relaxed."

Mrs. Zhuo Ya nodded, and said with a slight smile: "Your family's relationship is so good, it's enviable to see. Even the relationship between sister-in-law and sister-in-law is so good. It's just..."

She changed her voice and said to Chang Yan: "Miss Chang, I've been used to being with you all these years. If you don't come, my house will be deserted."

"I still have to come to play often, and my family Fu Ying..."

She glanced at the group of children: "This child's feelings only warm up everywhere. You haven't seen him for a few days, don't you miss him?"

Chang Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya's hint made her heart sink.

That woman... She is Fu Ying's mother, mother and child are connected, even if they haven't seen each other for a few years, the child is innocent, and a few words will be caring.

She has taken care of Fu Ying for three years, will the child's feelings for her fade away?
She took a deep breath, smiled at Mrs. Zhuo Ya and said, "Of course I miss him very much. I heard that Mrs. Madam will bring him here, so I took the time to make him a pudding cake that he likes to eat."

Mrs. Zhuo Ya glanced at the cake on the table: "This cake is so beautiful, it's thanks to your skill, everything is delicious."

She waved to Fu Ying who was playing in the distance: "Fu Ying, come here..."

The little guy heard someone calling him, dropped the ball and ran over.

Chang Yan hadn't seen Fu Ying for several days, saw his sweat, wiped him with a handkerchief, and teased him, "Why, haven't seen me for several days, don't you miss me?"

(End of this chapter)

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