Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 173 You are the big sponsor, please go ahead

Chapter 173 You are the big sponsor, please go ahead
Pei Xian was sitting in the office, holding the phone in one hand.He turned half sideways, with his long legs folded, and glanced at the files on the computer.

He said: "I'm still in the company, you come to my place, I have something to show you."

Pei Xian's fingers rested on the table, knocking on the table one after another.

Fu Hanchuan on the other end of the phone fell silent, and said, "What is it?"

Pei Xian raised his eyebrows: "Maybe you will be interested in something, but there is no absolute guarantee."

Mysteriously, Fu Hanchuan let out a "huh" and hung up the phone.

After a while, Fu Hanchuan himself appeared in Huangtu Media.

At this point in time, all the people in the company building were working overtime. Fu Hanchuan walked into the elevator and went straight to Pei Xian's office.

"What must I come here to see?" Fu Hanchuan walked in with his pockets in hand, opened the chair in front of the desk and sat down.

Pei Xian handed over a piece of personal information and said, "Here."

Fu Hanchuan lazily stretched out his hand to take it, glanced at Pei Xian's theater-like face, and then looked down.

Su Liyi's profile.

Pei Xian said: "I didn't pay much attention at first, but I paid attention to the list of kickers in the dance competition when I was free, and I saw this. The emergency contact person says Fu Hanchuan, your name."

Pei Xian raised his eyebrows with his chin propped up, put on a gossip face and said, "I don't know what she has to do with you, why do you know this little loli?"

Fu Hanchuan looked at Su Liyi's profile, and said calmly: "Su Xiang's niece, Su Run's daughter."

His face was calm, but he was slightly surprised in his heart.

When I saw Su Liyi last night, I felt a little strange, why did that girl run back.I thought she came back because she had no money, but it turned out that she signed up for the competition.

It's just that the emergency contact person was listed, as Pei Xian said, only his name was written.

Fu Hanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He never had a good look at Su Run's family. Back then, Su Run was almost killed by Su Xiang... His eyes fell back to the column of emergency contacts.

If Su Run and his wife hid in Japan as Qiao Shen said and did not dare to show their faces, then that girl Su Liyi has nothing to write about, and she hates Su Xiang, that's why she wrote about him?

However, it was a coincidence that Pei Xian's information was given. He had just finished listening to Qiao Shen's report, and he was still thinking about how to find out Su Run and his wife...

Seeing Fu Hanchuan staring at the documents in a daze, Pei Xian took a pen and tapped on the table: "What are you thinking about?"

Fu Hanchuan threw the documents back on the table, and said lightly, "I'm thinking, how did this girl write my name."

Pei Xian scanned the ID photo on his personal profile and said, "If I were her, I would also write your name. Fu Hanchuan's name is so useful."

Not to mention that she can ask him for help if she needs anything, let's talk about this dance competition, the materials of the contestants are all gorgeously written, if there is a backer or something behind them, the judges will have to think about it after seeing it. How do you want to vote?

If Fu Hanchuan stomped his feet in Beicheng, there would be no peace in Beicheng, and Fu's was one of the sponsors of this dance competition. Those judges saw it, so can they not lose face?
Fu Hanchuan slowly twirled his fingers, his eyes half-closed in thought.

He said, "Actually, I saw her last night."

Pei Xian was startled: "Oh? What's the situation?"

"In 1988..." Fu Hanchuan summed up what happened last night. He didn't think much about it at the time, and he didn't take Su Liyi seriously.But after seeing Su Xiang's actions, he felt a little strange.

Pei Xian was stunned when he heard that: "You said, that girl went to 1988 and wanted to sell herself!"

What's going on in the mind of a little girl these days?

Fu Hanchuan reminded indifferently: "Don't forget what kind of people her parents are."

"Besides, she looked desperate, so she ran to 1988."

When Pei Xian thought about how Su Run sold his own sister back then, he became as calm as Fu Hanchuan.

He thought of something, picked up the document, looked at the emergency contact, poked the place with his slender fingers, and said to Fu Hanchuan: "But... look here, what she wrote is your phone number. "

"Since she has your contact information, why didn't she contact you directly, why did she go to 1988 to sell herself?"

"Besides, she didn't go to so many places, but she went to 1988. Don't you think it doesn't make sense?"

"Or, she just wrote your name to fill in the gaps, to fool the judges to get promoted?"

Fu Hanchuan half-closed his eyes, Su Liyi's thoughts, he still can't see anything at the moment.

Pei Xian rubbed his chin, read Su Liyi's complete information again, and said thoughtfully: "Su Xiang killed half of this girl's parents back then, do you think this girl came back? Are you seeking revenge on Su Xiang?"

"You can see that she was studying in Singapore before, and she lived the life of a little princess. This sudden change is so big, will it be a dead end?"

Fu Hanchuan glanced at him, and frowned slightly: "A little girl, what revenge is there for you?"

Pei Xian shook her head: "It's possible that she has the long-term influence of Su Run's parents. God knows who she is. You see, according to the relationship, she is closer to Su Xiang, but she would rather write your name than write your name. Su Xiang's."

Fu Hanchuan's eyes flickered slightly. Last night, Su Xiang worked hard to arrange a place for that girl...

He took the document and said, "I'll take it first."

Pei Xian waved his hands: "You are the big money maker, please go ahead."

Anyway, calling him over was also to give him the information.

Pei Xian made two "tsk tsk" sarcasm, "Anyway, this girl's brain is smarter than her father's, making us adults confused."

Fu Hanchuan folded up the documents, pointed at Pei Xian between his fingers, and said slowly: "Then I also want to ask you, you can send this thing by email, why do you have to go here?" a trip?"

In fact, according to Pei Xian's state some time ago, he would go to sit with him whenever he had something to do, but now he can sit in the office.

"Stop blocking Qiao Shen?"

Pei Xian leaned back, and the chair swayed a few times. He squinted at Fu Hanchuan and said, "Can we still have a good chat?"

Fu Hanchuan's dark eyes seemed to see right through him, and he asked, "Why, can't you catch up?"

Pei Xian turned his head to look out of the french window, and let out a nasal "hmm" feebly.

Just treat it as an unsolved case and file it, he doesn't want to bother anymore.

Fu Hanchuan put the information into the inner pocket of his suit, and said, "Then let me tell you some news. Your brother-in-law has recently left the order."

"Huh?" Pei Xian was startled, then turned to look at Fu Hanchuan, "Isn't he unwilling to find a girl?"


The Su family's old house has been abandoned for three years. It is barren, the garden is full of weeds, and it has become what the children in the neighborhood call a haunted house.

The setting sun was gradually setting, and in the red light, there was an eerie feeling.

Su Xiang pushed open the rusty iron door, and the creaking sound felt creepy.

She looked up and looked around, this is where she grew up...

But during the time she returned to Beicheng, she never came back.When did home become a barren place in my heart that I didn't want to come back to?

She took a deep breath and walked in.

The withered and yellow weeds are sluggishly entangled with each other, with the last bit of green grass stem remaining the last bit of tenacity, preventing people who come to disturb this quiet area.

Su Xiang picked up a dead branch, pushed the grass on both sides of the road, and walked forward.

From the door to the inner room, there is a cement road in the middle, which is also covered by creeping weeds at this time.

Su Xiang walked in slowly, and suddenly remembered the article "Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Bookstore" that he had learned in elementary school, which should be similar to this place.

She thought of the beautiful snake in the book, and shook her head. It's winter, so the beautiful snake must hibernate.

After a while, he arrived at the inner room. Su Xiang stood under the eaves, pressed the password a few times, and when he opened the door, a musty and dusty smell came over his face.

Su Xiang waved his hand, covered his nose and stood at the door without going in immediately. He stretched out his arm and pressed the switch on the inner wall, and the hall of the villa instantly lit up.

When Su Run and his wife left for Japan, maybe they didn't intend to come back, maybe they were afraid that Su Xiang would stab him again, and they took away all the valuable things in the house.They left in a hurry without even tidying up, and the house was in a mess.

Su Xiang stood at the door and looked at the marble on the ground. The blood on the ground had been scrupulously cleaned up, and some dried blood was faintly visible in the cracks.

At that time, her whole body was broken and crazy, and the image in her mind was actually not so clear. She only remembered that it could be described as tragic.

Isn't it tragic to stab a knife into my brother's chest?
The phone rang, Su Xiang came back to his senses, and picked up the phone.

The people from the cleaning company arrived, just outside the villa, still confirming the place.

Su Xiang said to the phone: "Yes, it's here. I'm in the room. Come in."

Several people in jumpsuits walked in, and they frowned when they saw the yard full of weeds on the road.

Su Xiang didn't step into the house again, she said: "This is it, how long will it take for you to clean this place?"

The person in charge held a splint in his hand with a list on it, and said, "Miss Su, I think your villa has not been lived in for a few years. You see, the grass in the yard needs to be cleaned up, and the house also needs to be cleaned up." It's all dust, it must take a lot of time, and this window..."

This was simply the most difficult house he had ever encountered to clean.

The person in charge babbled, and when it came to personnel arrangements, Su Xiang interrupted him and said, "Don't worry about the money, you just need to help me clean it up as soon as possible. Can three days be enough?"

Since it is said that there is no need to worry about the cost, the bitter face of the person in charge is more attractive.

"I will arrange more manpower, it should be no problem."

Su Xiang nodded, handed a note to the person in charge, and said, "This is the door lock code for this room, you can just come in and clean it."

The person in charge took it over and looked at it, then he was stunned and said: "Miss Su, why don't you come and look at it? What's inside, in case..."

The things and furniture of rich people are all valuable. Are you afraid of being damaged or missing something?

Su Xiang glanced at the furniture in the room covered with a thick layer of dust, waved his hands and said indifferently: "Throw away those furniture."

"Ah!" The person in charge looked at the back of Su Xiang walking out in surprise.

Su Xiang got into the car, took a last look at the villa in the dim light, and drove away.

Those furniture hadn't been touched for a long time. According to Su Liyi's savage character, she wouldn't use it even after cleaning it. It's better to just replace it with a new one, lest she make excuses when the time comes.

As for why she didn't bring Su Liyi over to take a look...

Su Xiang lowered his eyes slightly, and went over the floor of the hall in his mind again.

She herself didn't know what the villa looked like now, the girl came to see it, and if she was stimulated by anything, there would be another trouble.

Qi Lingyang's call came in, and Su Xiang turned on the Bluetooth to answer it directly.On the other end of the phone, Qi Lingyang's gentle voice came: "Have you been to the old house?"

Su Xiang paid attention to the road conditions and turned the steering wheel into another road.She said: "I have arranged for someone to clean it, and now I am going to the small hotel to see Su Liyi."

Qi Lingyang was still working overtime in the company, and when he heard this, he hummed: "Well, if there is anything else, please call me."


After finishing the call, Su Xiang's car also stopped in front of the small hotel.

Su Xiang took off his seat belt and got out of the car. The hotel owner happened to be walking in with two bottles of wine. When he saw Su Xiang, he smiled and said, "Are you looking for that girl?"

Su Xiang nodded and smiled, "Yes, I'll come and have a look."

The boss said: "Then you better not go in."

The boss pointed to the inside of the hotel, and said again: "I stayed in the room all day during the day, and I went out at three or four in the afternoon and never came back."

Su Xiang was stunned: "Going out?"

"Yeah, I have a bad temper. My wife brought her breakfast, and said that everything here is dirty. Tell me, this good egg bun can be given to the children in the orphanage, and it will still fill you up." Well. She ordered takeaway herself, pizza or something."

The boss shook his head angrily, looked at Su Xiang who was frowning again, and asked, "What does this girl have to do with you, taking care of her like this?"

Su Xiang said about Su Liyi last night, but she didn't expect her to change at all. She said in a deep voice, "A child from a relative's family, whose parents are not here."

The boss understood a little bit, shook his head and said, "During this time, I have worked hard for you."

Who doesn't worry about putting a brat on it?
Su Xiang forced a smile, thanked the boss, and asked the boss to call Su Liyi after she came back, and then said goodbye and went back to the car.

Su Liyi has hands and feet, this person is gone, where else can I find him?

Su Xiang pinched the center of her eyebrows, she should ask for Su Liyi's contact information no matter what she said yesterday.


At this time, Su Liyi was dancing on stage at a bar in Bar Street.

Her dance belongs to the type of hip-hop dance, which is full of vigor and vitality. Coupled with the popularity of the dance competition during this period, the whole audience was simply overwhelmed.

Only 300 yuan was not enough for her to buy a piece of clothing. Su Liyi slept in a small hotel all day and came to the bar in the afternoon to find a job.

This kind of work is calculated by the hour, and the money comes quickly and a lot, so the tips are quite a lot.

Su Liyi had also been to 1988 before this, but the problem was that she was kicked out before entering.

Could it be that the door was locked and the person in charge of the club kept a close eye on her, and she was no longer allowed in, so Su Liyi danced at the bar.

At night, there are more and more people in the bar. Some people heard that there is a tall and handsome loli dancing here, so they come here specially to bring other bar business.

The bar owner held a bottle of beer in his hand, looked at the girls dancing on the stage, and then at the more and more crowded venue, as if he saw money everywhere.

If a bar wants to do a good business and keep repeat customers, it must have its own characteristics.He was lucky, seeing this little girl, he immediately hired her.

"Brother Ma, where did you find such a hot girl?"

When Liang Yihui and his group came in from the bar, they saw the excited old men who were about to pee their pants, and then they saw the hot girls on the stage to understand what was going on.

The bar owner asked the bartender to serve drinks to Liang Yihui and his party. The two touched the bottle to drink. He glanced at Liang Yihui, pointed at the stage with the bottle and said, "This girl is hot, guess what's wrong with her?"

"The bar opens at four o'clock, and this street is almost open for business at the same time. This girl just stood in the open space in front, and said with a small loudspeaker, whoever gives her the most money will make a lot of money."

"After talking three times, we all ran out to see where a crazy girl came. When she saw someone coming, she threw the small trumpet and jumped up."

"Others are still watching Dao Dao, my eyes, look at it like this..." The bar owner bent his fingers and pointed to his own eyes, "I decided to use her."

After finishing speaking, he took another sip of wine proudly, his body swayed with the music, and the fat on his cheeks trembled.

Liang Yihui half-closed his eyes and glanced at Su Liyi on the stage in the distance, feeling fresh.

He rolled his eyes, thought of something, took out his mobile phone and operated it for a while, and said, "Let that hot girl enter the box and dance alone for me."

The bar owner looked at the large sum of money transferred on the phone, and his heart was moved, but his face was still very embarrassed.

He said: "Young Master Liang, that's still a little girl. She also said when she came here, don't do that."

People like Liang Yihui, who are not stingy, have always had a messy private life, and never bring a woman with them when they go back and forth.

Liang Yihui squinted at him: "Who do you think I am? I want her to dance, do you think I want her to sell?"

Boss: "This..."

Liang Yihui urged impatiently: "What are you talking about, hurry up, hurry up."

After the urging was over, Liang Yihui walked towards the box in a stomping manner.

He is a frequent visitor here, and he rents a box all year round, and the waiter leads the way to serve him first.

Liang Yihui has a background behind him, the bar owner can't afford to offend him, and if he hears that he doesn't want to sleep with that girl, he can talk easily.

The boss asked Su Liyi to come down and let her go to the box to dance.

Su Liyi wiped her sweat and said unhappily: "I told you I wouldn't do that kind of thing. If you want to do this, then I'll go elsewhere to make money."

"You settled the money with me."

The boss looked at her outstretched palm, laughed, and ordered the bartender to take out the cash directly from the counter. He said, "There are ten thousand here, you weigh it, is it heavy?"

He glanced in the direction of the box and shook his eyebrows: "The rich man gave you only your appearance fee. They just fancy you to dance, and they won't do anything to you. Will you go or not?"

Su Liyi looked at the money that was thicker than 300 yuan, and glanced at the boss suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." The boss vowed, but smiled like a fox.

"It's rich and rich, don't worry, if you dance well, the tip for you will definitely not be less than this."

Su Liyi looked at the money in her palm and was moved. She had to get a ranking in the competition first, so that she could sign a contract with a brokerage company and have a chance to make her debut.But before that, she had to make money to buy outfits and pack herself well.

She thought for a while, raised her eyes and said, "Boss, then my hourly fee is also settled normally, right?"

"You girl, you are very smart. Here you go, as long as you make that master happy, I will give you another two thousand bonus, okay?"

Su Liyi raised her chin and put the money into her pocket. "Where is it, take me there."


In the box, Liang Yihui's long arms rested on the back of the sofa, looking at the dancing girl in the center, his eyes flickered slightly, and his mind had already turned to other places.

Chen Chen came in from behind. She glanced at Liang Yihui and said, "What are you doing? When did you start messing around with sluts?"

Liang Yihui didn't bother to talk to her, and just tilted his head to continue admiring.At the end of the music, he clapped his palms twice and lazily said, "You danced well. Have you practiced?"

Su Liyi was not afraid of life, and said directly: "Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't have come out to mess around."

"Yo, this girl is so breathless." Everyone laughed.

Liang Yihui nodded and said, "Are you interested in participating in the dance competition?"

Wasn't the mute also participating in that dance competition?
As soon as these words came out, Chen Chen somewhat understood Liang Yihui's intentions.Let this girl beat that dumb boy group?
But Liang Yihui, when did he become so kind?

It's just to defeat a youth group and hit the mute, but it can't destroy her.

Su Liyi rolled her eyes and said, "The list of kickers has been announced in the last episode of the program. Is it still useful if you say it now?"

Just looking at these people, you can tell that you haven't really seen a dance competition.

Liang Yihui just knew that Su Xiang led the team to participate in the competition, and he only stared at her, as for others, he didn't care at all.

He pulled the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "It's just that the roster has just been announced, and the competition hasn't really started yet. It's not easy to get someone in."

Spend money and get a name like a mysterious guest, as long as people can get in.

Su Liyi looked at him: "You mean, you want to promote me?"

Liang Yihui took the lead: "You can say that."

"What's in it for you?"

Liang Yihui said: "What's the benefit? It's too complicated for a teenage girl like you. You just need to know that if you play, I can guarantee you to win the championship."

Su Liyi pursed her lips, held her breath slightly, and didn't say anything. In fact, she had already entered the list of kickers.

The temptation for her to win the championship is great, but she dare not agree to this person without explaining the reason.

But if he doesn't agree, this person doesn't seem to just let her go.

Su Liyi took out a tissue to wipe off her sweat, but was actually thinking about how to get out.

"You let me go back and think about it for two days, okay?"

Liang Yihui sneered: "Girl, you have to know that even if you get someone in temporarily, it will take time to manage. You can only answer me here, now, immediately!"

Su Liyi took a deep breath, and slowed down her sweaty fingers.

Liang Yihui shook the wine glass, and the ice cubes slammed into the glass and asked, "How about it, have you considered it?"

Su Liyi threw the tissue into the trash can, put her finger in her pocket, and wanted to ask the boss to come and solve it. At this moment, with a "bang", the door of the private room was kicked open.

Mo Feitong stood at the door, under the dim light, his face was dark, behind him stood Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian who also had gloomy faces, and at the end was the anxious Boss Ma.

Su Liyi was startled, she was dumbfounded for a moment when she looked at the person standing at the door.

What is the situation!

Liang Yihui glanced at Mo Feitong, took a sip from his wine glass, and said with a sneer, "Hey, the wind from Siberia brought all the young masters here?"

He glanced at Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian again, put the wine glass to his lips and continued: "Sit down and drink together, or come here to mess things up?"

After speaking, he looked away, pulled out the cork and poured wine into the glass.

Mo Feitong walked in slowly, and said coldly, "Excuse me, just come and bring someone."

As he spoke, he pinched Su Liyi's arm with his fingers and dragged her out.

Liang Yihui lowered his head and laughed sullenly: "Third Young Master, what do you mean? Just come in and take my people away?"

Mo Feitong walked to the door, pushed Su Liyi out, tilted his head and said, "Is she yours?"

"When did it happen? Is there a contract for selling S?"

Su Liyi stood outside the corridor, her eyes were shining, she looked at Mo Feitong adoringly.

The little girl had just escaped danger, and now she thought: Wow, so handsome and cool!
She poked her head inside, and said with a sweet smile: "Young Master Kuo, I didn't promise to cooperate with you. So you should let me go. The appearance fee is my labor fee, and I don't want anything else. Thank you for coming."

After finishing speaking, she jumped up and hugged Mo Feitong's arm and said, "Is that right?"

Mo Feitong cast a sideways glance at her, shook off her hand as if avoiding the plague, and moved half a step to the side, it's better to stay away from this crazy girl.

Liang Yihui was robbed by Mo Feitong. If you want to blame, you can only blame the owner of the bar. He took a video of the full venue and sent it to the boss group. .

The manager saw that the girl looked familiar, and remembered that she was the one who made trouble yesterday, so he asked Mo Feitong for instructions.

As for Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian, they came out of the company and went to the small hotel to find Su Liyi, and got the same answer as Su Xiang. Thinking that this girl might go to 1988 to find someone to take care of her, they transferred to 1988 again, and then We all came together.

The people outside were only focused on talking, and no one noticed that Liang Yihui's face was darkened.

He smiled on the surface, and glanced at Fu and Pei behind Mo Feitong, his eyes were full of good intentions: "Third Young Master, what does this girl have to do with you, you are so protective of her?"

These words were not only addressed to Mo Feitong, but also to Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian.

A little girl, unexpectedly dispatched these three uncles to look for someone, that's quite impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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