Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 285 If I die, who will you live with for the rest of my life?

Chapter 285 If I Die, With Whom Are You Going To Live With?

There was silence in the room, and after a few minutes, Mrs. Shen opened her eyes and let out a long sigh.

That sad past was a secret that the old lady kept in her heart. She thought she was going to take it to the grave. She promised her daughter... She looked at Su Xiang deeply, never thinking that after After so many years, she can still see her granddaughter again.

It's not a pity that Xiaoyan actually gave birth to a daughter for him. The old lady looked at Yan Lin with relief in her eyes. She can tell the secret with confidence.

She turned her head to look at Su Xiang, and said slowly: "Our family, and the Ye family, are neighbors from the beginning, and we have always gotten along very well. Xiaoyan and Ye Cheng have always been together."

"After Xiaoyan married Su Mingdong, because of the humiliation that night, she felt ashamed to face the two families. Whether it was me, her father, or Ye Cheng's parents, she could no longer face it calmly. She became a member of the Su family. Daughter-in-law, I seldom come home again."

"On the contrary, our family, and the Ye family, continue to communicate and support each other under such circumstances. Hey... That night, it was a big blow to us. Neighbors, relatives and friends, and wedding invitations have all been sent out. We all know that our two families are going to get married, and after one night, Xiaoyan got married without knowing what happened."

"Everyone says that Xiaoyan dislikes the poor and loves the rich, so she went to the top. She doesn't explain it, and she can't explain that kind of thing. If it is said, it will hurt the face of the two families..." Mrs. Shen said Speaking of that incident many years ago, he patted his wrinkled cheeks and wiped away tears sadly.

Even if it's just an ordinary family, it still has dignity. My own daughter and future daughter-in-law are raped by others. How should the two families behave?

So at that time, Shen Yan, even though she was full of grievances and suffered greater pain than anyone else, could only endure it and dared not go home, preferring to be misunderstood as a wealthy wife.

However, the Shen and Ye families, who knew the truth, could only endure their grief and continue to live their lives under such circumstances.But even so, the two elders of the Ye family were frightened and suffered such a blow, and they passed away one after another within two years. There was only one Ye Cheng left in the Ye family, and the people of the Shen family continued to take care of him. he.

Old Mr. Shen was a primary school teacher with a heavy heart. Seeing the Ye family members die one after another because of Shen Yan, he felt deeply guilty, and he also went there in the following year.

People from the Ye and Shen families died one after another, and in the end, only Mrs. Shen, Ye Cheng, and Shen Yan remained.But Shen Yan doesn't go home often, it's like the old lady and Ye Cheng depend on each other for life.

Ye Cheng was so angry that he saw his parents died and his wife was taken away, so he held back his breath and locked himself up for ten years, all he wanted was to get ahead.Fortunately, he succeeded, and his paintings were appreciated by foreigners and made a lot of money.At that time, the whole country was doing business. If he wanted to defeat Su Mingdong, he had to earn more money. Even if he couldn't defeat Su Mingdong, he still had enough strength to take Shen Yan away.

But he was just a painter and didn't know much about business. At that time, he also wanted to become a great painter, make friends with big people and stabilize his social status, so he continued to devote himself to painting.

He originally wanted to open a gallery by himself and sell his own paintings as well as other people's paintings, but he and Lao He are friends, so he can't be deprived of food, so he invests money in trusted friends to make money. Everything started to go as he expected, with power and money, he felt that the time had come...

Mrs. Shen talked a lot, talking about Ye Cheng ten years after losing Shen Yan, Su Xiang looked at Yan Lin, he was sitting there, like a sculpture, with no expression on his face, as if he was talking about someone else thing.

Old Mrs. Shen glanced at Yan Lin and said, "At that time, I was the only one who lived with you. Even if you didn't tell me what you did, I actually knew about it."

"Later, you felt that the time was right, so you went to find Xiaoyan. Your relationship has never changed, and you will be together again immediately. But you didn't expect that after ten years of hard work, you would be easily relieved by Su Mingdong. All your assets will be embezzled by him, and the big shots you associate with will be disgusted with you because you sent fake paintings, and all your painstaking efforts will be in vain. "

"But you can't bear to let Xiaoyan stay with a bastard like Su Mingdong anymore. You want to take her away. She agrees, and makes an appointment with you in the barren cemetery, and escapes in the dark, leaving Beicheng..."

...more than 20 years ago...

On a summer night, under the moonlight, a woman ran quickly in a sweet potato field. The ground was uneven. She staggered, but she still ran forward desperately.

The appointed time is approaching, and she must arrive quickly.

In the past, she often came here to accompany that man to sketch from life, and when he painted, she would dig a few sweet potatoes to satisfy her greed.

There are a few graves in the middle of the farmland. She is not afraid of them during the day, but at this time the surroundings are dark and there is no one around. She looks scared and rushes forward with her eyes closed. However, as she goes forward, there are more and more graves. .

In front of it is the deserted cemetery. Before liberation, it was a place where prisoners were shot and piled up with dead people. When the woman thought about it, she became more frightened, but when she thought about the people waiting there, she became less frightened.

The surrounding sounds were chaotic, the sound of frogs croaking and insects croaking, as well as the sound of her running on the ground and panting.A shout suddenly came from behind: "Xiaoyan...Xiaoyan..."

The woman was startled, she buried her head and ran faster, and soon, the shout felt far away.She ran for too long and couldn't take it anymore. She stopped to breathe, and the voice followed again, but this time she heard clearly, it was her mother's voice.

That woman was Shen Yan, she turned her head and looked over, under the moonlit night, an old woman in her forties or fifties stumbled over, Shen Yan turned around and ran forward a few steps: "Mom, why are you here?"

She looked around in a panic, for fear that someone would follow her. There was a forest in the distance, it was so dark that she couldn't see anything clearly, and when the wind blew, she could only see the shadows of the trees shaking.She was anxious and uneasy, Shen's mother was out of breath, grabbed Shen Yan and said: "Xiao Yan, you can't go... you can't go..."

Shen's mother knew that the two of them were going to escape tonight. In this world, only the three of them depended on each other. How could she not want her daughter to live a happy life? What's more, she always believed that the Ye family's The child is his son-in-law.

Ye Cheng also sent someone to send a message to her saying that when he settles down elsewhere, he will come back to pick her up, and the three of them will live together from now on.

But why did she suddenly change her mind?
Shen Yan was anxious, turned her head to look in the direction of the deserted cemetery, and said to her mother: "Mom, he is still waiting for me, I must go right away!"

Seeing that her daughter was about to leave, Shen's mother grabbed her wrist in a panic and said, "Xiao Yan, listen to me, you can't leave!"

Shen Yan was in a hurry to meet Ye Cheng, and anxiously tugged at Shen's mother's wrist: "Mom!"

Shen's mother was so anxious that she didn't even bother to wipe her face with sweat, she said: "Xiao Yan, that person sent many people to look for you... He arrested Shanshan, and Shanshan is in his hands!"

Shen's mother spoke incoherently, but Shen Yan understood, she was stunned, and the moonlight illuminated her panicked and pale face.Shanshan is her little cousin, only 14 years old this year, Su Mingdong arrested her to threaten her!

Shen's mother said with a sad face: "Xiao Yan, we got into trouble with Su Mingdong, we were unlucky, we admit it, but we can't harm the innocent, Shanshan is still a child..."

That night, like a brand, Su Mingdong deeply branded panic and despair into everyone's hearts.Shen Yan's hands were hanging down, her face was ashen, and she looked blankly at the darkness in front of her.She knew Su Mingdong's methods, and she also believed that he could do such a thing.

Mother was right, she provoked that beast, but the harm was worse than the innocent...

Seeing her despair, Shen's mother was heartbroken. She said: "That bastard knew you had escaped, so he found me. He said that he found someone to cheat Ye Cheng of the money. Send it to me." He also arranged the fake paintings for the chief's wife and the deputy mayor. He already knew that you started dating him, Xiaoyan, all of this is a trap set by him!"

Shen's mother was distressed and angry, she slapped her thighs angrily, and there was a sense of despair that there was no way out, she cried: "Xiao Yan, Ye Cheng has devoted ten years to this, but he still can't beat him, can't beat..."

Chen Yan choked up and rolled down her throat forcefully, she was more desperate than Shen's mother.She had already killed Ye Cheng's parents, and also made Ye Cheng's ten years of hard work go to waste, all because of her.

Her face was miserable, she looked at Shen's mother dumbly and said, "Mom, I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving..."

Shen's mother wiped her tears with distress, and scolded Su Mingdong that kind of beast to die, but so what?He was still alive and well, forcing them to have nowhere to go.

Shen Yan glanced at the deserted cemetery from a distance, the dial on her wrist reflected in the moonlight, she looked at the time, pulled herself together and said: "Mom, I'll see him one last time, tell him to go!"

Ye Cheng will not leave without seeing her, if Su Mingdong sees him first, he will die!
Shen's mother also knew Ye Cheng's temper, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, tell him to run!"

Shen Yan turned around and ran on the rough road again.The wind blows, she runs faster than before, her heart is about to jump out, Su Mingdong is cruel, he can't let him find it, otherwise Ye Cheng will definitely die, it's a barren cemetery, it's not right, it's not working !
Approaching the grove, the leaves rustled, and behind Shen Yan, a few figures ran quickly through the darkness.According to Su Mingdong's instructions, they followed Shen's mother, and now they followed behind Shen Yan.

That old woman was still useful and stupid, she believed in the conditions Su Mingdong promised, as long as Shen Yan was allowed to stay, he would let the past go.

As long as you pass through the woods, there is a deserted cemetery in front of you. Shen Yan didn't care about the fear, and ran faster, just wanting to find that person quickly, but she didn't notice the stone under her feet, and when she turned her footsteps, she fell directly to the ground , her palms and knees were excruciatingly painful, but at this moment, she couldn't care less about the pain, because out of the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of the figures behind her!
Immediately I was horrified!When did those people come out!
She looked ahead, thankful that she hadn't brought those people to that range yet, and she was still in the woods at this time.Shen's mother stumbled to follow, she was worried because she also saw those figures.

Shen Yan pretended to be panting too hard, stopped to rest, and Shen's mother finally caught up with her: "Little Yan, there is..."

Shen Yan gently shook her head at her, and said in a low voice: "Mom, I saw it."

Shen's mother was overwhelmed with remorse: "It's all my fault, I was too anxious..." Because she was too afraid of Su Mingdong's methods, because she was too worried about them, she agreed without thinking too much, but instead attracted people.

Shen Yan clenched her fists tightly, she must go to find Ye Cheng, even if she ran back now, according to Su Mingdong's suspicion, she would look for him when he regained consciousness.It's not hard to find the deserted cemetery, and Ye Cheng won't leave until she waits.

How should she tell him?

Shen Yan looked at her mother, and when she was thinking about it, her eyes caught a dark shadow moving forward.It should be someone who is familiar with this place, knowing that there is a deserted cemetery in front of him, so he went to check the situation.

Shen Yan tried her best, her eyes froze, as if she had made up her mind, she grabbed her mother's arm and pleaded carefully: "Mom, listen to me carefully, what you told me just now, you must not Tell Ye Cheng, don't let him know, don't let him know the truth! And I can't say every word I said to him in the future!"

Shen's mother stared at her blankly: "Xiao Yan, what are you talking about, what is the truth? After what?"

That person had already walked forward carefully for a while, Shen Yan kept an eye on his movements from the corner of his eye, and said harshly: "I don't have time to tell you now, anyway, you swear, don't tell me! Promise me quickly!"

Mother Shen saw that she looked strange, so she had no choice but to nod, and after that nod, Shen Yan let go of her hand and ran forward without looking back.

She ran over faster than that person, and when those people saw her running, they followed her again. Shen Yan took those people for a while in the woods before running out of the woods, but she knew that those people were very fast They will follow, she and Ye Cheng cannot run away.

In the barren cemetery, apart from the mounds of the grave, there are only weeds, toads, frogs, snakes, insects, rats and ants.People are afraid of snakes and rats, but snakes and rats are even more afraid of people. Ye Cheng taught her to hit the ground with a stick before walking, and snakes and rats will run away by themselves.

But this area, someone obviously cleaned it first, Shen Yan walked all the way, did not see a snake, did not see a panicked mouse, he felt warm and courageous in his heart, it was him who did it.

Therefore, in order to protect him, she has to be braver!
Shen Yan curled the corners of her lips, revealing a firm smile.She walked towards the missing corner of the tombstone and saw the person hiding there.

Ye Cheng saw who was coming, and ran over impatiently from behind the tombstone: "Xiao Yan, you are here, is anyone following you?"

As he said, his eyes glanced vigilantly behind Shen Yan, the matter was urgent and he couldn't say much, he took Shen Yan's hand and moved forward: "Let's go!"

But he failed to pull Shen Yan, she stood there straight, her feet motionless as if rooted.

She withdrew her hand and said, "I won't go."

Ye Cheng looked at her blankly: "What are you talking about?" He went to pull her again, but Shen Yan avoided him, and said again: "I never thought of going with you."

Her complexion was frosty, she raised her chin slightly, under the moonlight, her expression was haughty, with the arrogance of a noble wife.She said coldly to the shocked man: "I gave birth to a son with him, you know, he is almost ten years old."

"I have taken root in the Su family, and my son will inherit the Su family's family business in the future. The prosperity and wealth are right in front of us. Why should I suffer with you?"

"Xiaoyan..." Facing the strange face in front of him, Ye Cheng still couldn't get his head around, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

He just found it ridiculous, and didn't believe her at all. He said: "If, if you don't have me in your heart, how can you be nice to me? We haven't been together all this time, have you? Sick and talking nonsense?"

Although her complexion was indifferent, her skin was flushed, she must be sick and confused.

Shen Yan sneered and said: "I have lived with him for ten years, sleeping in the same bed and covered with a quilt every day, how many days have I been with you?"

"You came to me and became a painter in the eyes of foreigners. You have money and status, which is different from the past. He has always been worried, thinking that I can't forget you, but I fell in love with him. To prove to him that I love him , I promised to be with you."

Ye Cheng's face was pale, his eyes shook violently: "Xiao Yan, what are you talking about!"

Shen Yan smiled coldly, walked a few steps around behind him, and said: "I made it so obvious, but you have already guessed it, haven't you?"

"I can make it clearer. I betrayed you, defrauded you of your money, and exchanged your paintings for those dignitaries. You offended them, and you have nothing left. I told him the news." , It was also my idea."

As if the sky was thundering, Ye Cheng was completely stunned, staring at her for a moment, his body swayed suddenly, the blood all over his body flowed down his feet, as if it was about to flow out, his whole body was cold, and suddenly, the blood All rushed to the top of the head, the whole body seemed to be burning, the ears were buzzing, and I couldn't hear anything.

This came out of her own mouth.

After the fatal blow, he was numb from the pain, and then said numbly: "Then, that night..."

So, what about their lingering night?

Shen Yan's face immediately changed, and she said angrily: "Shut up! Don't mention it, you are not allowed to mention another word!"

"We were all drunk that night, and we were just distracted and indulged. It was you who seduced me to think of our past friendship!"

There was silence around, as if even the noisy insects and frogs had disappeared, Ye Cheng's body shook, and he laughed sadly.

"Xiao Yan, is what you said true? I still don't want to believe it. Do you have any difficulties?"

Shen Yan looked at him, and continued to say sorry with a cold face: "Sorry, Ye Cheng, I loved you, but I love him more."

She pinched her nails firmly in her palm, telling herself that the knife she stabbed at him was to save him.

In the silence, scattered footsteps sounded, and a few figures came out from the darkness, with sinister faces and gleaming eyes, surrounded them like a pack of wolves.

Ye Cheng's face changed, and he immediately straightened his back, took a tight breath, stared at those people vigilantly, turned his steps, and subconsciously protected Shen Yan behind him.

At this moment, Shen Yan's cold voice sounded: "I brought them here."

She could feel Ye Cheng's body stiffen suddenly, and then met his disbelieving gaze when he turned around.

Shen Yan's face was indifferent, and she glanced behind her. Only she knew that her nervous nerves were about to snap.She continued to face Ye Cheng indifferently and said: "I made an appointment with you here, I promised to go with you, all of them are lying to you."

"I have to prove to him how much I love him." Word by word, tell him clearly, how much you love him, you have to betray him thoroughly!
Ye Cheng laughed heartily, laughing at how much he had sacrificed for this woman in his whole life, yet still foolishly believed her, thinking that even if he died, he would take her away.

Even if you die, you have to sleep with her.

Everyone present heard every word Shen Yan said.Su Mingdong came out from among those people, put his arms around Shen Yan's slender waist, and at the same time kicked Ye Cheng's abdomen fiercely, Ye Cheng was kicked to the ground all of a sudden, and he didn't stand up for a long time.

Shen Yan felt that kick also kicked her body, and at the same time, the man's arm made her sick like a poisonous snake, and she was even more unwilling to let Ye Cheng see how intimately she was hugged by Su Mingdong, but she could only He couldn't hold back a single word.

Su Mingdong laughed extraordinarily coldly, and said viciously: "Only you are worthy of robbing women from me? Trash!"

As soon as he waved his hands, he took a step back with his arms around Chen Yan, and those thugs surrounded him, punching and kicking Ye Cheng, and suddenly, the sound of punching flesh and painful cries sounded together.

Shen Yan was terrified when she saw it, every punch and every kick seemed to be kicking her heart, and she felt like she was about to gnaw the roots of her teeth.

On the way here, she made plans.First, it would be best if she could drive Ye Chengqi away before Su Mingdong's men came after him, without being burdened by her, and if she tried to drag those people away, he would be safe.

Second, if those people come after her sooner than she expected, then she will say more ruthless words, pretending to be Su Mingdong's person all along, and has a deep love for him. Those people don't know the details, and then she can say a few words , let those people leave after a few casual lessons, and let him go.Better to suffer a few times than die.

Third, in the worst case, Su Mingdong came in person.Su Mingdong is the person who knows all this the most. He fully knows that she is really acting, and why she is acting. He has a fake affection for Su Mingdong, but a real affection for Ye Cheng.

Now, it was the worst situation, and she hadn't thought of a way to deal with it yet.

Shen Yan's heart was on fire, but she didn't dare to intercede, Su Mingdong's eyes were scarlet, full of bloodthirsty light, completely in a state of excitement, he would kill Ye Cheng to death!

She tried desperately to find a way, her eyes looked over among those people, and a light flashed in her mind.

Mom came with her too, she must have been hiding.

If she is here, as long as Ye Cheng still breathes, there is still hope!

Shen Yan gritted her teeth, and said loudly to Su Mingdong: "You have heard what I said, can't you believe me?"

"I already owe Ye Cheng and the Ye family. The sins I committed will have to be paid back sooner or later. Can't you spare his life and accumulate some virtue for me and Su Run?"

"If I die, who will you live with for the rest of your life!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ye Cheng's desperate gaze.She had already said so many things that made his heart die, and she must not let him see her intentions at this time, otherwise the success would be in vain.

Shen Yan knew that Su Mingdong loved her, but in the past ten years, they hadn't cultivated a relationship. After marriage, Su Mingdong continued to play with other women outside very quickly, and she didn't say a word.But she escaped, and Su Mingdong absolutely couldn't bear it. As long as she returned to his hands, he would pester her for the rest of her life. He didn't allow her to escape, and he didn't allow her to die. If she died, she would also run away.

Shen Yan gambled on that sentence, and sure enough, Su Mingdong lowered his ruthless gaze. He glanced at the woman glaring at him angrily, and then coldly glanced at Ye Cheng who was lying on the ground rolling all over the floor.

"Stop." He said lazily, as if looking at a dead dog, those people stopped, Su Mingdong gave a wink, and the two of them walked over immediately, standing next to Shen Yan, one on the left and the other on the right, watching her .

Su Mingdong squatted down, looked at the dying Ye Cheng on the ground, raised his hand and said, "Knife."

Immediately, someone handed the knife, Su Mingdong pulled out the scabbard, a silvery white cold light flashed under the moonlit night, and then a painful wailing sounded, and a few drops of blood sprayed on his clothes, face, Seeing the scream of the woman behind him, that bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face again.

He sneered and said, "I'm letting you know that not only will you not be able to touch her in the future, you will not be able to touch any woman." Holding the knife, he slashed at Ye Cheng's face again, and cut it off with a knife. How many women have been confused by your face, but they will run away when they see you in the future."

"Because you are neither human nor ghost, nor male nor female."

"Stop! Stop!" Shen Yan was about to collapse, she didn't expect Su Mingdong to be so perverted, he spared his life, but used this method to make his life worse than death!

Su Mingdong felt satisfied, so he gave up, threw the knife away, walked up to Shen Yan, held her wrist with his big hand, dragged her away from this barren cemetery, and left a last sentence: "His hands and feet were crippled."

He could live, but he might as well be dead.

After Su Mingdong waited for the group to leave, Shen's mother dared to run out.Ye Cheng had already passed out. Fortunately, Shen's mother was a barefoot doctor in the small town and knew a little about first aid. She immediately tore off the cloth to stop the bleeding, and it took a lot of effort to get him back.

Shen's mother finally knew why Shen Yan wanted her to hide it. She was afraid that Ye Cheng would come back for revenge and that he would die. She didn't want to drag Ye Cheng down anymore. She would rather he hate her and give up on her than to let him go looking for her again. .

And Shen Yan, who was brought back to the Su family by Su Mingdong, hated Su Mingdong so much after seeing Su Mingdong's cruelty, and worried that Ye Cheng would seek death if he didn't want to bear the humiliation and steal his life, so he wanted to escape all the time.But she never succeeded again, and Su Mingdong locked her up and cut her off from the outside world.

Two months later, Shen Yan found out that she was pregnant, and then, she was only willing to live for the last strand of blood left by Ye Cheng...

(End of this chapter)

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