Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 289 One flower was ruined by him like this, what a debt

Chapter 289 I owe it to him to spoil a flower so much

After Su Xiang explained Qi Lingyang's analysis, Fu Hanchuan frowned. His father had cooperated with Yan Lin before, so it is not impossible for Fu Zhengkang to suspect that they intend to draw Yan's family into an alliance.

He said: "Then let's do this for the time being." He threw the rose that he squeezed into a ball into the trash can, and washed his hands under the tap.The fresh safflower juice dyed his palm red, and when the water washed down, the water droplets were all red.

Su Xiang pulled out the flower branch that Fu Hanchuan had pinched the flower out of. It's really a debt to him to spoil a good flower like this.

The two walked out together, Su Xiang put the vase on the coffee table in the living room, and put a few red and white roses in the transparent glass bottle, the dark living room became more lively, and it suddenly looked bright.

Yan Lin came from the dining room, sat down on the sofa, picked up the morning newspaper prepared by the servant and shook it, picked up the coffee with the other hand, without even looking at the rose, and covered his face behind the newspaper.

Su Xiang pursed her lips to see his expression, and realized belatedly that she had done something she shouldn't have done.She only stayed here for one night, and she couldn't do things like arranging flowers casually.

She glared at Fu Hanchuan, if she hadn't asked him to discuss things, she wouldn't have had to use the flowers to find a gap to talk to him.

Fu Hanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly. This woman is usually very sensitive, but now she has lost her mind.Yan Lin couldn't be upset that she made her own decision and didn't treat herself as a guest, he wished Su Xiang could call him dad quickly, he was the one who made Yan Lin unhappy.

However, she just recognized her father, so she hasn't found that feeling yet, especially after having a "father" like Su Mingdong, she is even more unfamiliar with the relationship between father and daughter.

Fu Hanchuan was thinking little things in his heart, except for Shen Yan's favorite ginger flower, he could give the old lady farewell, lilies and carnations, but he just gave roses.

Roses represent love, and he sent roses, which seemed to be for the old lady, but he was actually signaling to Yan Lin that he would not give up on Su Xiang.

Ordinarily, Yan Lin was dissatisfied with the Fu family's dissatisfaction with him, so Fu Hanchuan should have avoided it at this time, but he just went head-on.If he really avoids the taboo and uses some small tricks to lie low, then in Yan Lin's eyes, it will really be that he has the intention of clinging and wooing.

The hotel theft needs to be dealt with by the police. At this time, the police station is on duty. Su Xiang wants to find the painting earlier, so she wants to talk to Yan Lin. Just as she opened her mouth, Fu Hanchuan walked forward for a while. Xiaobu said, "Boss Yan, I'm here today to deal with the loss of the painting. The police hope that Su Xiang can cooperate with the investigation, so we are going to the police station now, hoping to find the lost ginger flower painting as soon as possible. "

Regarding the robbery and excavation of the tomb, because there were no missing items, the police would not pursue it even if they filed a case. However, the lost Jiang Huatu was bought by Su Xiang with real money and presented with a purchase receipt. The amount is huge, so the police must investigate to the end.

If it is true what Su Xiang said, digging graves and stealing paintings go together, then as long as you find Jiang Huatu, you will also catch the grave diggers.

Yan Lin put down the newspaper, looked at him indifferently, Su Xiang said: "Yes, that painting is very important to me, and I must get it back."

For Yan Lin, Shen Yan is no longer here, and Jiang Huatu is a painting he drew for her, which is of great significance, but compared to gaining a daughter, he thinks it is worth losing the painting.So after saying everything clearly last night, he let it go, whether it was digging a grave or Jiang Huatu, it was not as important as spending more time with Su Xiang.

However, this brat wanted to drag her to the police station for investigation, which made him very unhappy.Su Xiang's words eased the dissatisfaction in Yan Lin's heart.

It was her mother's painting after all, it was the last painting he left her as Ye Cheng, as his father, she said that it was very important to her, and her daughter's satisfaction was more important to him.

Yan Lin put down the newspaper, called Yan Gu over, and ordered: "You accompany them to the police station to cooperate with the investigation."

In fact, he wanted to go there in person, just because his emotions had been fluctuating too much these past few days, especially last night, he thought that there was no blood relative in this world, and there was an extra daughter for no reason, which made him so excited that he didn't fall asleep all night. Now it's just holding on.

His body suffered a lot of damage a few years ago, and now he is not in such a good spirit.

As he said that, he looked away at Su Xiang and said: "Yan's family has some reputation in the local area. If Yan Gu can talk to the police station, the work efficiency will be faster."

Su Xiang quickly thanked him and said, "That would be the best."

Whether it is at home or abroad, it is the same. Fame and power can greatly improve efficiency.In Beicheng, it took only a few years for Yanjia to reach the upper level of the pyramid. Malay is his base camp, so it must be even more different.

Going out, the three of them got into two cars respectively. Of course, Su Xiang got into the car driven by Fu Hanchuan at this time.

When Su Xiang was a mute before, she kept keeping a distance from others. This has become a habit, so at this time, she will not take this opportunity to get closer to Yan Gu.

Along the way, Su Xiang looked at the scenery passing by.The road was a bit crowded, and the cars stopped and drove from time to time, so she just had a little more time to look around.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, then at Yangu's car and said, "Actually, have you ever doubted him?"

His chin moved forward, signaling Yan Gu.

Su Xiang's gaze turned to look at Yan Gu's car.His car was two more spaces than theirs, but the back of his head could be clearly seen through the window.

Even if it's just the back of the head, it gives people a heavy sense of oppression.

Su Xiang thought for a while, and said, "You want to say that Yan Gu may have guessed my identity, so he made trouble first and intentionally prevented me from meeting Yan Lin?"

Yan Lin trusts him and entrusts him with everything.He should also know about Shen Yan.And she had looked for him a few times, coupled with his counter-investigation, maybe she had this awareness.

Yan Lin is getting old, and due to physical reasons, he retreated to the second line, especially after taking revenge on the Su family, he no longer manages affairs. Most of the things are handled by Yan Gu. If he hides something, or provokes Something is not impossible.

Fu Hanchuan was born in Fu's family, and he has been in a fighting environment for a long time, and has an extremely sensitive sense of competition for power and family property.Su Xiang and Yan Lin recognized each other, and then the real heir of Nanxing Company appeared.Yan Gu has always been Yan Lin's right-hand man, accompanies him to conquer the world, and Su Xiang's birth has become his hindrance.

Will this be possible?
Yan Gu's alienated attitude towards her last night came to Su Xiang's mind, and she could feel that Yan Gu didn't welcome her.

She thought that because her appearance broke the silence of the Yan family, and even took away the attention of the Yan family's elders from him, he would feel a sense of loss in his heart.Come to think of it, she was thinking from the perspective of a woman, and from the perspective of a man, it must be the division of power and family property.

Su Xiang frowned. She was intuitively disgusted with the struggle for power and family property. She herself had experienced being a victim of power struggle, so she was even more unwilling to reach out to grab it. She never thought about it.

The road ahead became smooth again, Su Xiang propped his elbows on the edge of the window to support his chin, his body swayed slightly with the movement of the car.

Fu Hanchuan first went to Malai to inspect the tomb, and then visited Mrs. Shen himself. Mrs. Shen told Yan Lin and his son about the incident. Yan Gu became alert and sent someone to watch them.But when Fu Hanchuan was in Malaysia, she went to the gallery to look at and buy paintings. Yan Gu didn't necessarily know about it, did she?
Unless, he had already sent someone to watch her?Because she has been investigating matters related to Yan Lin, it is not impossible.

Furthermore, Yan Gu has always been by Yan Lin's side, so he should know that he is Ye Cheng, a painter.Yan Lin didn't want others to know his past identity, so he hasn't seen Mr. He for so many years, but it can't be ruled out that he is paying attention to the gallery.

Judging from these speculations, the possibility of Yan Gu is not small...

Su Xiang said thoughtfully: "If it's Yan Gu, then he went to touch Shen Yan's tomb when he knew it was important to Yan Lin, pushed it on you intentionally, and threatened to arrest us for investigation. It’s just stopping us from looking down.”

"But at that time, in order to get out of trouble, I told him that I was not Su Mingdong's daughter and asked him to call Yan Lin over."

"If he was afraid that I would recognize Yan Lin, at that time, he shouldn't have asked Yan Lin to come here?"

Fu Hanchuan said: "Don't forget, you also prepared a painting at that time. If he had already prepared the last move at that time, he wouldn't have to worry about Yan Lin coming over in person."

"Besides, he was able to stop you for a while at that time, but with your hard work, you will definitely find a way to meet Yan Lin. If he blocked you too deliberately, wouldn't he just call himself?"

Su Xiang frowned, turned around and slapped him on the shoulder, angrily said: "Who are you talking about grinding cowhide?" Before that, she only stayed in the pillow garden for a day.

Fu Hanchuan smiled lightly, and didn't care about her slapping the mosquito, he continued: "The painting was swapped, but you told me about the painting in detail, maybe he wasn't prepared. "

Su Xiang frowned, this part of reasoning seemed a bit far-fetched, it is impossible for someone as careful as Yan Gu not to have considered this point.

She glanced at Fu Hanchuan, and said suspiciously: "Fu Hanchuan, didn't you deliberately drag Yangu into the water in order to get rid of the suspicion of your Fu family?"

Yan Gu can play tricks on the Su family, but he has a deep relationship with Yan Lin, and no matter what, he will never touch anything about Shen Yan, especially the tomb.

Su Xiang remembered that last night, when she asked about Shen Yan's cemetery, Yan Gu seemed very disgusted with that question, and even said something like "the dead should be buried in the grave and will not disturb".

Fu Hanchuan glanced back at her, with a smile on his handsome face.In some things, this woman is extraordinarily smart.

That's right, he secretly hoped that this matter was done by Yan Gu, so that it would have nothing to do with the Fu family.

Yan Lin was already dissatisfied with the Fu family, if Shen Yan was involved in the Fu family's struggle, his future would be even more difficult.

Fu Hanchuan sneered, and said: "You and Qi Lingyang often get together to discuss endlessly, don't I just happen to study?"

Su Xiang was speechless, what on earth was this man thinking, dragging innocent people into the water so well.She glanced at Yan Gu in front of her, and he could feel the oppressiveness he gave without turning his head. If he knew, he would not kill this man.

While speaking, the car stopped at the gate of the police station. Su Xiang opened the door and got out of the car. She straightened her wrinkled skirt and adjusted her emotions by the way. The three of them stepped into the police station.

Most of the business of the Fu family is in Europe and the United States. Here in Malaysia, Fu Hanchuan is only a foreigner. The Fu family can't reach here. At most, he is a rich foreigner.The police knew Yan Gu. When he stopped at the police station, the leader came out to receive him in person. He was very polite and even hired a policeman who could speak Chinese to handle the matter.

In this way, Su Xiang went down to make notes under the leadership of the police. She called Qi Lingyang and asked him to take pictures of the receipts and appraisal certificates given by the gallery. After a while, the photos were sent, and the police saw them to make judgments involving huge amounts of money.

Just in case, Su Xiang asked Qi Lingyang to help him go to the gallery again, and asked him to ask Mr. He for a copy of Jiang Hua Tu's information.The gallery will keep a record of each work. The original picture is missing, but there should be a photo on his side.

Just as he was about to go to the hotel to collect evidence again, a policeman who spoke Malay came over, accompanied by a man in a suit and tie.

The Malay-speaking policeman murmured to their leader, who looked at Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan with a look of surprise and embarrassment on his face.

Su Xiang couldn't understand Malay, and neither could Fu Hanchuan, but they both sensed that things had changed.Su Xiang asked the police officer who took her record: "What is he talking about?"

The police officer translated: "He said that the man was the manager of the hotel, and he also came to report the crime. He said that their hotel also lost a famous painting."

Both Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan's expressions darkened.

The stolen painting was placed in the police station as evidence, and the manager signaled the hotel manager to take a look at the painting, and the group followed to another room.

When the manager saw the Fusang painting, he nodded and said excitedly in Malay: "This is it! I bought it at the auction, and it has been hanging in my study all the time!"

He can speak Chinese, turned his head to Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan and said, "Why are my paintings in your hands!"

Su Xiang's complexion was not good, she didn't know what it was, and she said angrily: "Since your painting is hanging in your study, why did you come to my room and trade it with my painting? I really want to know .”

"Did you lose the contract with your painting?" The manager looked at Su Xiang and then at Fu Hanchuan, with an angry expression on his face, then turned his head and chattered Malay with the other guy.

This time, Fu Hanchuan didn't wait for Su Xiang to signal the policeman to translate the record, but let him translate first. He said calmly, "What is he talking about?"

The police officer looked embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "He said, he suspected that you were the thieves, stayed in his hotel, took the opportunity to steal his famous painting, and even reported to the police that the hotel security did not do well."

"He said that he was called out the day before yesterday to say that he had business to discuss with him, and he was not in the office. It was only today that he discovered that the paintings in his study had been stolen."

Su Xiang took a deep breath. When encountering such a thing, she wanted to cry without tears.It was bad enough that she lost a million paintings and was framed as a thief.

She muttered to Fu Hanchuan in a low voice: "The hotel manager, did he do this to preserve the hotel's reputation?"

The hotel they live in is the best in Kuala Lumpur. Theft has affected the reputation of the hotel, but if the hotel is stolen by guests, the impact can be reduced.

In Malaysia, various forces are also involved. The hotel side may have a lot of influence in the local area, so the police station is also polite to them.

Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan stood on one side and waited for the police to investigate. On the other side, the police had shown the manager the photo of the gallery receipt and appraisal certificate presented by Su Xiang.The manager looked at it, and Ye Cheng, who was written on it, immediately snorted coldly.

"I have collected countless famous paintings, and I am also very familiar with Chinese paintings. I have heard of famous artists, but I have never heard of this person. Police officer, I think this is what they deceived you. They are not ordinary thieves. They live in my house Pretend to be a rich man and steal my paintings, and if they succeed, our hotel will have to pay compensation for it!" The policeman was interpreting for Su Xiang.

Su Xiang was about to be laughed out of anger, she rubbed her temples helplessly, and she said, "What is he thinking?"

"If we are thieves, if we report the crime, it will attract police investigation. Why don't we just check out and leave? Just for an extra compensation?"

This is simply a logical error. When I went to the police station and looked at the painting, didn't everything go wrong?
Fu Hanchuan listened carefully to every word the policeman said, he frowned slightly and said, "I'm afraid, there is a reason why the manager's painting was stolen."

"Huh?" Su Xiang glanced at him, "What do you say?"

Fu Hanchuan said: "The picture of Jiang Hua was dropped, not directly stolen, which means that the other party just didn't want Yan Lin to see the real painting."

"But if the painting of Jiang Hua was stolen and we didn't come back and found that the painting was missing, we would call the police immediately. Before the painting is recovered, there is no way to find Yan Lin."

"The other party hopes to use the fake painting to paralyze our attention for a while. As long as this fake painting appears in front of Yan Lin, it can irritate him and make him feel that we are playing him."

Therefore, the premise of all this is to hope that they will anger Yan Lin and turn against him.

Su Xiang frowned tightly, and her breathing also sank, she said: "But, how does that person know that after we come back, we won't open that painting again?"

If they had opened it at that time, wouldn't they have immediately discovered that the painting had been swapped?

Fu Hanchuan glanced at her, and said helplessly, "If that's the case, we won't be in a state of confusion now."

"We never thought that the paintings would be targeted by people, and the presidential suite was not expected to be stolen. Besides, we took a plane that day and went out for most of the afternoon. When we came back, we were already tired, standing in the perspective of others If you think about it, you won’t take apart the painting and wrap it up again, it’s very troublesome.”

For precious things, people don't care about taking more time to take care of them carefully, so when people are very tired, they will avoid unnecessary actions.

Su Xiang thought about it, and it was true, not to mention that both she and Fu Hanchuan came to Kuala Lumpur because of emergencies, and they came out when they had a lot of things to do, and of course they had to come out at night to deal with official business.

The other party has even considered this point, this thought is very deep.

During the conversation between the two, including when the police were negotiating with the hotel manager, Yan Gu remained silent, as if his mission here was just to accompany them.

At this time, Qi Lingyang sent a message, Su Xiang glanced at the hotel manager who was still negotiating, opened the message, Qi Lingyang was in the gallery, and took pictures of Mr. He's survival, including pictures for the record.

Su Xiang walked over, showed the photo to the police, and said, "This is the original drawing of my lost painting." She turned to look at the manager, and continued, "Besides, you said that this Ye Cheng's painting is worthless, then It’s because you don’t know that this artist’s paintings are just not well-known in China.”

"His paintings could be sold for tens of thousands of dollars more than [-] years ago, and now, at least it is more than one million."

"If you don't believe me, I can put you on the phone with the gallery owner and ask him to tell you how great this painter is."

Although Su Xiang and Yan Lin just met each other, but she has seen Ye Cheng's paintings and knows that his paintings are good, not to mention that there is such a relationship, her expression is full of pride in her words.

Paintings by contemporary painters rarely sell for more than a few million. Many people buy paintings by contemporary painters, firstly for appreciation, and secondly for future appreciation.Ye Cheng is already "dead", rare things are valuable, and his paintings are worth that price.

Mr. He's gallery is well-known in Beicheng, and many wealthy businessmen get their paintings through his channel. If the manager still says that Lao He is a liar, he can let those who bought his paintings prove it.But this would be more troublesome, and the manager would not really ask for this, because the other party's expression was very determined.

The impetuous temper of the hotel manager calmed down, and he frowned: "Then what's going on?"

At this time, Yan Gu, who had been silent all this time, said slowly, "Manager Fang, just now you said that you were called out to discuss business the afternoon before yesterday, what time did you go out, and what kind of business were you talking about?"

He suddenly raised these questions, making people confused. The manager looked at him blankly and said, "I received a phone call at around one o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday... She said that she was very optimistic about my hotel. I hope it can become their company's designated hotel, and all their company's business work will be carried out in my hotel in the future."

Not long after the time passed, the hotel manager spoke in detail, Yan Gu slightly curled the corner of his lower lip, and asked again: "So it was a success?"

The manager said, "No, she's not very satisfied with my offer."

Yan Gu said again: "Then since the other party wants your hotel to take over their company's business work, why go out and talk instead of talking at your hotel while inspecting it? Isn't it better?"

"This, this..." The hotel manager suddenly realized, "You mean, that person deliberately tricked me out!"

Yan Gu sneered and said: "I'm afraid it is, and the person who stole the paintings also knows that you love to collect famous paintings."

He glanced at Su Xiang and said, "It seems that the other party's every step is very delicate."

(End of this chapter)

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