Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 297 Why Dad Asks Mom To Drink Drinks, He Isn't Those People

Chapter 297 Why Dad Asks Mom To Drink Drinks, He Isn't Those People

Fu Zhengnan has always been aloof and unspeakably precious. He never regarded Su Xiang as a member of the Fu family, and he even regarded her as a disgrace.

He has been used to the kind of arrogance in a high position. When facing Su Xiang's faintly smiling face, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. It's really true that he said congratulations. difficult.

It's really hard to say what happens to people. Who would have thought that such a dumb person would suddenly become a noble lady?

But for Fu Zhengnan, even if he has no power, he can still have a superior face when facing Su Xiang, he will not lose his arrogance when facing anyone, this is a member of the Fu family.

Fu Zhengnan smiled lightly, and said to Su Xiang: "Su Xiang, Boss Yan is a very good person. It is a great blessing for you to be his daughter. You should be more filial in the future."

He is an elder, and the elder's care for the younger generation, no matter what position he is in, it is always okay for people to be filial.

Yan Lin recognized his daughter, and no one thought there was anything wrong with his words at this time.

But from what Su Xiang heard, how did it feel that Fu Zhengnan regarded her as his own and still bossed her around?
Regardless of whether she disliked Fu Zhengnan in the bottom of her heart and resisted his words, but on the scene, especially in such an occasion, Su Xiang would not turn her face, let alone provoke trouble, the corners of her lips curled up, her eyebrows and eyes were clear, She said: "Thank you, Mr. Da Fu, for your kindness."

Just now, Yan Lin took her all the way to toast those big shots, not only as a thank you, but also as a way to make connections with her. She said words of gratitude and appreciation all the way, and she wouldn't say anything else to Fu Zhengnan.

She nodded, and even though it was over for Fu Zhengnan, the spectators had a higher opinion of Su Xiang in their hearts.

The Su family's reputation is not good, and Su Xiang has been smeared all the time. People who don't know her have always had an impression of her at the level of "knowing things and playing tricks", even if she has been in public many times. It has appeared before, and she has the title of ambassador of love. Others still feel that she must have used some means.

Now that he observed it closely, he became more and more pleasing to the eyes of this little woman.

It's no wonder that people like Yan Lin want to take her in as a goddaughter. She is gracious and courteous, neither humble nor overbearing nor obsequious, a woman who can stand on the stage.

Even to her in-laws who used to speak badly, they can maintain such calmness and greet each other with a smile. Many people can't match this composure.

As the saying goes, distance produces beauty, but when it comes to Su Xiang, it will be reversed. Only those who really know her will know what kind of person she is.

Su Xiang raised her head and drank the wine. The liquid entered her throat. After the cold, it was scorching hot. She pressed the back of her hand to her cheek.

Even though the wine glass she held in her hand couldn't hold a drink or two, this one was quite a lot.

Eyelashes drooping, she watched someone pour new wine into her glass again, and when she looked up, she met Fu Hanchuan's face again.

There was no expression on his face, and he stared at her with half a smile but not a smile, which made her feel hairy and thumping. She couldn't see what he was thinking at this moment. In this place, he wouldn't do anything, would he?

Fu Hanchuan has been watching her silently. When she was on the stage, she looked like a majestic and magnificent peony from a distance. Looking closely at this moment, this majestic peony has the charm of a little woman, with a pink and white face flushed and glowing. Her eyes were rosy, and her moist eyes were even more sparkling. Even her nose was slightly flushed, which reminded him of the big white cat at home who always sniffed him with its wet nose.

Su Xiang watched dumbly as Fu Hanchuan filled the Moutai for her, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing.There was some anger in her lustrous eyes, is this person specifically against her?

Qi Lingyang blocked the wine for her, but when he came to him, he poured the wine for her himself.

The corner of Fu Hanchuan's lips twitched, he squeezed the wine glass and said, "Wedding and drinking, how can we be happy without drinking?" After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and glanced at Fu Ying.

Everyone present knew their relationship. After the match against Fu Zhengnan, it was time to watch Fu Hanchuan and her play.

The ex-husband came to the ex-wife's confession banquet, which was a strange event, and he became even more excited to see it. Not to mention, just a few days ago, Fu Hanchuan confessed his love in front of so many media.

This is obviously to get his ex-wife back.

This group of people always judge the situation and consider the current situation of the Fu family. It is inevitable to think that Fu Hanchuan is going after his ex-wife at this time, and whether he has the intention of wooing the Yan family.But at this moment, he poured wine for others in person again, with no intention of pity.

What is he going to do?

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Fu Hanchuan looked at Su Xiang with a smile, and Su Xiang couldn't shirk what he said.

How can you be happy without drinking, which means that if she doesn't drink this glass of wine, she will be unhappy.

Picking an auspicious day and choosing an auspicious time to announce the news, you are blessed and happy, and you hope for peace and prosperity. If you don’t drink alcohol, you will pile up blessings.

Looking at his handsome face, Su Xiang felt that he was utterly hateful. She almost vomited, but she could only swallow the glass of wine.

Fu Hanchuan watched her drink, and drank it himself, but his gaze kept on her, as if looking at the food and drink. Seeing that the rosiness on her face deepened, the smile on his lips deepened a little. point.

Fu Ying was not surprised at all that Fu Hanchuan was drinking, but he had hardly seen Su Xiang drinking, his eyes sparkled, and he thought she was amazing.

He is often taken by Mrs. Zhuo Ya to different occasions. He has seen a lot of things in the world and secretly drank alcohol. He knows that drinking can open up his circle of contacts.But the taste of the wine was not very good, it was worse than the medicine he had taken, and it was so spicy that she drank it all in one gulp.

But he didn't know why his father asked his mother to drink, and he was not in those circles of contacts.

Fu Ying has obviously dressed up today, wearing a neat little suit, a red bow tie around his neck, and pomaded hair, not messy at all. He is a very handsome and lovely young lady.

He stood beside Fu Hanchuan, like a miniature version of Fu Hanchuan.But he is sweeter than his father, the little guy said: "Mom, you are so beautiful today."

His son praised her for her beauty, and Su Xiang was very pleased when he heard that, his eyes smiled like crescent moons.A sneer flashed across Fu Hanchuan's eyes, heh, isn't the Qi family putting on a show?What could be more forceful than Fu Ying's words?

Qi Lingyang sat at the other end of the red carpet, watching the excitement at this end.But he is a guest today, so he can't be with Su Xiang. Fu Hanchuan's words, the child's soft and crisp words, blow over with the wind.

He squeezed the wine glass tightly with his fingers, and his warm face was still as calm as an autumn lake. On such an occasion, he could not show any expression, neither angry nor jealous, because the other people stared at that side with one eye, and the other eye staring at him.

The little boy just called his mother, he was originally Su Xiang's child, Fu Hanchuan's playing tricks at this time may not be a good thing in the eyes of the Yan family.

With the way the Fu family did not recognize Su Xiang in the past, now they are suspected of trying to get close to Su Xiang.

He picked up the wine glass, drank slowly, with a smile on his face, and continued to remain calm.

Here, Fu Hanchuan followed Fu Ying's words and said: "Your mother is not beautiful today, she has always been beautiful."

Su Xiang was already hot from drinking so much wine. As soon as he spoke, he felt burned from head to toe, and his ears and neck were all red.

She was wearing a red dress, and now she felt like a celebrity, a real celebrity.

How could he say that in front of so many people?

However, he said she was beautiful, as if it was the first time.

Su Xiang drank too much and felt dizzy. She couldn't remember if it was the first time he said it, but being praised for his beauty, and he said it in front of so many people, even a woman would be happy.

Just now a lot of people praised her for being beautiful and generous, and she was very happy and comfortable when she heard that. Everyone likes to be praised.

People like Fu Hanchuan are liked by many women, and those who admire him can line up from the southern border of Beicheng to the northern border.He has seen countless girls, and in his eyes, they can be boasted as beautiful, not many, right?

She is dumb, no one thinks she is beautiful, accompanied by others' contempt and contempt, no matter how strong and confident she is, being dumb is always her flaw.Even if she can speak now, her Mandarin is different from others.

During the three years in the Fu family, she has never raised her head. People in the Fu family do not recognize her, let alone praise her on important occasions. Even the word Su Xiang cannot be mentioned.

So no one knows what Su Xiang is thinking at this moment.

She felt exasperated and raised her eyebrows, and felt ashamed and resentful that Fu Hanchuan flirted with her in front of everyone.

When the bystanders heard Fu Hanchuan praise Su Xiang's beauty in public, they exchanged looks. Who didn't see that the Fu family was competing with the Qi family?
Lu Weiqi, who was a few seats away, had her snow-white teeth almost gnawed into pieces.

In the past, she was a ray of light in other people's eyes. Wherever she went, those people's eyes followed her.But now, that dumb, sparrow-like woman has become a golden phoenix in the eyes of others.Fu Hanchuan even called her beautiful in public.

Who did Fu Hanchuan praise?His background and his excellence have given him a sense of superiority. Standing beside him, anyone can be compared to him.

Even she, Lu Weiqi, would feel inferior when she stood beside him, feeling that she was not worthy of him, because his brilliance was too bright.

When Lu Weiqi was in love with him, he had set his eyes on her and said a few coaxing words of love, but after she left him, those eyes no longer belonged to her, let alone a word of affirmation if.

Lu Weiqi gritted her teeth with hatred, not only because of Fu Hanchuan flirting with her in public, but also because of the man standing behind her at this time.

Yan Lin and Fu Zhengkang were about the same age, Su Xiang recognized Yan Lin as a goddaughter, and she would be taken care of by Yan's family in the future, but she could only be Fu Zhengkang's lover, Lu Weiqi hated and bitter in her heart, only these few days In the past few minutes, I have tasted all the tastes of sour, bitter, spicy, and spicy, and there is no sweetness at all.

When she thought that she helped the mute by accident, she was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and her eyes were about to burst into flames.

But at this time, she can't do anything.

She is Fu Zhengkang's woman now, she loses her composure, and the person who loses face is Fu Zhengkang, does she still want to be Mrs. Vicky in the future?

At this time, Yan Lin was exchanging greetings with Fu Zhengkang, congratulating each other, Yan Lin recognized a daughter, Fu Zhengkang's girlfriend was so obviously pregnant, so naturally he wanted to say something happy.

Yan Lin didn't have much contact with Fu Zhengkang, and they didn't talk very much and weren't particularly close, but they definitely didn't like Lu Weiqi.

More than three years ago, this woman framed Su Xiang and made her kicked out by the Fu family. This account will be settled slowly.

When Lu Weiqi inadvertently met Yan Lin's gaze, her heart suddenly trembled. When she looked over carefully, that person already had a refined and gentle face.

Lu Weiqi is a smart person, she knew that the cold gaze just now was not her illusion.

She figured it out immediately.For a person of Yan Lin's status, it's not just a matter of falling in love with her next goddaughter.He will definitely investigate Su Xiang's identity and background first, and then he will know the grievances between her and Su Xiang.

The relationship between her and Su Xiang is very bad, to the point of life and death, so how can he be optimistic about her?

Furthermore, she instructed Xing Si to dig the Yan family's grave, whether she admitted it or not, Su Xiang must have told him.

God knows, she just dug a hole for Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan to jump into, but now she's burying herself alive!
Lu Weiqi quickly thought of another thing. She glanced at Fu Zhengkang, and cold sweat was already breaking out under her palm.

Fu Zhengkang was afraid of Fu Hanchuan's alliance with Yan Lin, but if because of her relationship, Yan Lin hated Fu Zhengkang again and intended to oppose him, would Fu Zhengkang abandon her in order not to offend him?

She helped him drive Fu Zhengnan and Fu Hanchuan off the stage, and she knew in her heart that her usable value was almost reached.

She also has a child... Lu Weiqi rubbed her belly subconsciously. This child is only four months old and has only one fetal shape. For a cruel person like Fu Zhengkang, what about a child?

He is powerful and powerful, such a man, even if he is a little older, most of them are posted by women. Those little stars and Xiaowang will lie on his bed as long as he wants, as long as he wants, he can have as many children as he wants. how many.

And she has been in prison, and she is no longer the swan princess she used to be. The biggest connection between her and Fu Zhengkang is because of her interests.

She also thought that when she was sitting here, Fu Zhengkang didn't introduce her much to people, and those people didn't talk to her much.If he admitted her, why wouldn't he introduce her to others?

The more Lu Weiqi thought about it, the more confused she became, and the more she thought about it, the more afraid she became, and her boiling heart gradually cooled down.

Chen Chen has been staring at Su Xiang, who is surrounded by people. She has never taken a fancy to this woman. She only thinks that she is lucky, and the sparrow flies up the branch, and secretly curses her. A dumb person with no family background, God knows how long she can be proud Well, people who make friends with the Yan family are either rich or noble, and she, Su Xiang, is considered the oldest.

But I was also jealous of her good luck in my heart, why all the good things happened to her.

That red dress made Chen Chen's eyes hurt, so he simply turned his eyes away and lowered his head to drink. Anyway, no one would come over to toast her little character. Lu Weiqi didn't move, and she didn't dare to go out to toast others rashly.

Her original plan was to take advantage of the time when Lu Weiqi and Fu Zhengkang went out to toast with people, and she went with them to make acquaintances by the way.

Chen Chen turned his head, saw Lu Weiqi's pale face, thought she was not feeling well, and immediately asked, "Weiqi, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

At this time, Su Xiang took the initiative to toast Lu Weiqi.

She looked over, walked up to Lu Weiqi and said, "Miss Lu, thank you very much for coming to drink my wine." She looked up at Fu Zhengkang, who was strong and tall, and said with a slight smile, "I heard that Mr. Miss Lu's good news is coming soon, I'll ask for a wedding wine first."

A few days ago, Su Xiang went to meet Lu Weiqi and confronted her. At that time, she said that she would let her go, but it was just a matter of Kuala Lumpur, and she didn't say anything else.

She is Yan Lin's goddaughter now, with so many big figures around, she made Lu Weiqi unable to step down, and others would notice.The Lu family is relying on Fu Zhengkang's relationship, but from now on, they have to think about the Yan family.

In addition, Su Xiang reckoned that people like Fu Zhengkang who stared at the interests and powers were just taking advantage of Lu Weiqi.

A man like him would marry a woman who had been in prison as his wife?The answer, hang.

When Su Xiang went to confront Lu Weiqi, in order to highlight her own superiority, Lu Weiqi especially mentioned that she would be Mrs. Fu, and even showed off her big diamond ring. Su Xiang chose this sentence specially at this time. said, glancing at her fingers.

After some mental activities just now, Lu Weiqi already felt concerned. At this moment, Su Xiang made a challenge, and subconsciously shrank her fingers when she felt guilty.

She also specially wore that big diamond ring on her hand today.

Fu Zhengkang is a shrewd person, otherwise he would not have reached his current position.He knew that Su Xiang had a big quarrel with Lu Weiqi, and before that, he deliberately fanned the flames to make Lu Weiqi deepen her hatred for Su Xiang. The purpose at that time was to facilitate his own goals, but everything has two sides. Now the fire was about to burn on him.

Fu Zhengkang couldn't win over Yan Lin, but he definitely didn't want to make things difficult for Yan's family.

Under the man's drooping eyelids, his eyes flicked slightly, and he smiled and said: "Miss Su wants to ask for a wedding wine, of course I have to save face. Miss Su is smart, and I do have good things recently. I have a birthday banquet next month, and I haven't had time to inform you yet." , the first guest invited is Ms. Su, please be sure to come here with the banquet boss."

A good thing changed into another meaning in the man's mouth, and the wedding banquet turned into a birthday banquet, which was tantamount to denying that the so-called good thing with Lu Weiqi was close, denying her identity, and slapped her in the face in public. Red and white, tears welled up in the eyes, and the red eyes stared at Su Xiang angrily.

But all her aura at this time, Lu Weiqi, came from that man, she had no strength to resist, even if she was wronged and humiliated, she could only bite her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

Chen Chen also counted on Lu Weiqi to become Mrs. Fu, making her position more secure.If she can't be Mrs. Fu, what hope does the Chen family have?
When Su Xiang shattered Lu Weiqi's dream, it was tantamount to shattering her dream!
Chen Chen has always been irritable, she couldn't hold back her breath, she took a sip of the wine in one breath, and jumped out suddenly.She sarcastically said to Su Xiang in a cold voice: "Su Xiang, why are you pretending to be elegant here?"

"Is it great to recognize a godfather? Why do you look down on Vicky, aren't you the same as her?"

What kind of godfather goddaughter is nothing more than holding a banquet to cover up improper relationships.

To be honest, other men want to adopt women, call them godfathers and goddaughters, and have a love game, but no one hosts such a grand banquet, such as political and business circles, famous literary and art circles, even the Mo family It's all here, who can be so aboveboard in that kind of relationship?

For such a grand occasion, anyone with eyes or no eyes can tell that the father and son of the Yan family really value this girl and are really grateful for her help. The way Yan Lin looks at Su Xiang is kind, the way the old father looks at his daughter, Yan Gu He didn't speak much, but he also expressed his protection for this sister.

So, this girl who speaks chokingly, not only does not have eyes, but also has no brains. If she destroys the atmosphere with one sentence, it means destroying her and her family's future.

Lu Weiqi was Fu Zhengkang's lover, and everyone present knew it well, but it was just to save Fu Zhengkang's face, and she didn't see through it.However, Chen Chen compared Su Xiang to a character like Lu Weiqi, and everyone present shook their heads speechlessly.

This kind of girl just can't be on the scene.

The Chen family had a good reputation before, and someone recognized her, said she was Chen XX's daughter, and directly commented on her lack of education, making Chen Chen blush with anger.

Yan Lin was always in a good mood today, and he didn't put on an ugly face. Chen Chen said something rude, but he didn't show a particularly ugly face. He just asked, "Whose family is this little girl from?"

Lu Weiqi's heart was about to jump out. When Yan Lin asked her a question, she could only bite the bullet and say, "Boss Yan, she is my friend. I'm sorry, she was drunk and talking nonsense. Boss Yan, Miss Su, please don't mind." ,Really Sorry……."

The person was brought in by Lu Weiqi, she couldn't pretend that she didn't know her, she couldn't lower her head any more.She also never thought that Chen Chen would be so impatient.

Lu Weiqi used to have a slick wrist, and she used all her abilities at this time, but Chen Chen's words were too straightforward, and it was difficult for her to save her. She couldn't say anything except to apologize.

She was so regretful that she wanted to get under the table.

When Lu Weiqi came here this time, she originally wanted to find an opportunity to show her face and tell these dignitaries that she was the wife of the Fu family, but now she regretted it very much, she shouldn't have come, let alone brought Chen Chen here.

Yan Lin showed his generosity, waved his hand and said: "Oh, continue to eat and drink, don't spoil your interest."

He didn't say anything more, and passed away with a light sentence, and then went to the next table.

This is the man of the scene, even when other people make trouble, he can calmly smooth things over, but everyone knows that whether it is this brainless Chen Chen or Lu Weiqi, the good times are over.

Chen Chen's words wanted to slap Su Xiang in the face, but they also slapped Fu Zhengkang in the face. Fu Zhengkang's expression darkened immediately, his teeth clenched. His chest was heaving hard, and he was so angry with them.

Now, Yanjia was completely offended.

Lu Weiqi's heart stopped beating when she was frightened by Fu Zhengkang's gaze, and her body trembled slightly.From his cold eyes, she knew that what she had been dreading all along was about to happen.

Su Xiang followed Yan Lin to the next table, turned his head slightly to one side, glanced at Lu Weiqi from the corner of his eyes, and curled his lips slightly.

Really easy to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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