Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 309 The Most Desired Gift

Chapter 309 The Most Desired Gift
Fu Hanchuan couldn't sympathize with the ending of this couple. He saw Yu Cangcang leaving in a state of embarrassment, and also saw Fu Zhengnan's confusion with nothing. His expression was very indifferent.

He smoked a cigarette in the car, looked at Fu Zhengnan standing on the steps in pain and hesitation for a long time, saw his reluctance, anger and disappointment, and thought of Mrs. Zhuo Ya who lived alone in the apartment at this time.

He resented that these three people gave him a deformed growth environment, and later he understood that the union of his parents was just a profit.

As a son of man, he has no way to blame his parents for everything, he can only treat each other coldly.

Su Xiang's hand was held so tightly by him that her knuckles ached.But she didn't break away from him, just sat quietly.

She looked sideways at him, the man was puffing out smoke, his indifferent cheeks were shrouded in thin smoke, and the air was also full of the smell of smoke.

Her hand was still tightly held by him, maybe even he didn't know it.

At this time, Fu Hanchuan just wanted to grab something. As for why he grabbed something, maybe he just wanted to vent something, maybe it was just his unconscious action.

But Su Xiang could feel her sadness from the pain in his hand bones.She glanced down at his clenched white fingers, then looked up at him again.

He has always been a person who does not display emotions, and he never said a word about Fu Zhengnan and his wife.

Among the three of them, he was just a victim, just like Qi Lingyang, just like her.

Fu Hanchuan seems to have a lot, but he is just as unfortunate.

The grievances of the previous generation implicate the next generation, innocent and helpless.

Fu Zhengnan looked over, he found the car parked on the road, and his son saw him in a state of embarrassment, he felt ashamed and angry, but he only glanced at it, clenched his fists, and didn't intend to come over, nor did he There's no point in avoiding it.

He didn't feel ashamed to face his son, because he never loved his mother.

The corners of Fu Hanchuan's lips twitched coldly. Seeing Fu Zhengnan's distress, he thought coldly, he really should let Mrs. Zhuo Ya take a look.

But he is his father after all, the former head of the Fu family, so it's not his son's turn to ridicule him.

But he was excited, with a sense of pleasure.

The happiness they thought was falling apart in front of him, what qualifications do they have to dictate his fate?

Fu Hanchuan took a long puff of cigarette, and thicker smoke lingered in the carriage.Su Xiang's hands were pinched numb, and he said in a low voice, "Fu Hanchuan, go back."

She took out her hand and kneaded it lightly.

Fu Hanchuan came back to his senses, saw her pinched red left hand, realized what he had done, and said in a daze, "Sorry."

His emotions were out of control.

Su Xiang said: "It's okay."

She glanced at his expression, the red light in his eyes had receded.

Fu Hanchuan put out the cigarette butt, and drove the car back along the way.

Su Xiang looked at the rapidly receding street scene on the side of the road with a calm expression.Those things that happened to her have already passed, and even after knowing the person behind the scenes, her heart did not fluctuate too much.

A person who made her notorious, she definitely didn't want her to have a good time, but seeing that woman left in the end without getting anything, she felt a little confused again.

Sometimes, when she dreams about those days again, she still wakes up covered in cold sweat.

No one can accept that period of humiliation, so she will not sympathize.

Fu Hanchuan had recovered to normal. He glanced at Su Xiang and said, "I booked a box at the Huadu Hotel, to celebrate together at night?"

His purpose of looking for her was not to see what happened to Yu Cangcang and Fu Zhengnan, but to celebrate.

He has been planning for a long time, and until today, he cannot be destroyed by anyone.

Su Xiang lowered her eyes, pinched her left index finger with her right hand, and said in a low voice, "Stop the car."

The car really stopped as she requested, and the wheels made a mark on the road.Fu Hanchuan frowned to look at her, and pursed his thin lips tightly.

Su Xiang unbuckled the seat belt and opened the door. He looked at her, and when she pulled the doorknob with her fingers, he pulled her back like lightning.

There was fire in his eyes, and his chest heaved: "You don't want to?"

He won a big victory, but she didn't want to be happy with him?
Su Xiang looked at his sullen face, and said silently: "Congratulations. But I can't celebrate with you."

Fu Hanchuan frowned, Su Xiang said: "You have always been your goal to take back the company, congratulations."

Fu Hanchuan frowned even tighter: "Then why..."

Su Xiangdao: "This joy belongs to you, it has nothing to do with me."

She looked down at Fu Hanchuan holding her fingers, raised her hand to put it on the back of his hand, and with a little force, his hand fell down.

"Fu Hanchuan, after another year and a half, we should go through the divorce procedures, so it's better not to have too many contacts."

Fu Hanchuan seemed to have been poured a basin of cold water.He wanted to have dinner with her, but she was here to draw a border with him?
He suddenly remembered that she had been paying attention during this time, trying to avoid him when going to the construction site, and only talking about business when she was on the phone.

Fu Hanchuan's fingers curled up, clenched tightly, and his breath became heavy.He lowered his eyes, his eyes were dark.

He suppressed his voice and said, "Su Xiang, today is a very important day."

He reminded her how much this day meant to him.And the person he hopes to spend the night with him is her.

Su Xiang knew what he meant, and also knew that she could not agree.

Now that you have made up your mind to stay away, you can't cross that line.

Su Xiang bit her lower lip, looked up at him again and said, "Fu Hanchuan, you have to know that when the big waves come, no one will be spared, and when the big waves recede, what is left is not blank. stay there."

Fu Hanchuan pursed his thin lips tightly, stared at her sharply, and didn't make any response.

He didn't expect her to forget the past right away, but what he wanted was to rebuild their future.

He had already cleaned up Fu's house, and no one hindered them. He opened the door to her and invited her in!

Su Xiang looked at him, and said again: "Thank you for finding this person. This matter is over."

Su Xiang felt that with the emergence of Yu Cangcang, the rise of the new generation of the Fu family, and the final dust of those things, she had nothing to do with the Fu family.

After she finished speaking, she opened the car door and got out.

Fu Hanchuan sat in the car, watching the woman in front of him walking slowly on the road.

The sun was still warm at four o'clock, but the light was not as strong as before. Her jet-black hair exuded a soft color and was draped over a white shirt. Her slender figure was stretched obliquely in the light.

He wanted to have this figure, to keep her by his side forever, in his arms, instead of drifting away.

The car followed her very slowly, she took a step to open the distance, and his car followed.

Su Xiang knew that Fu Hanchuan was behind.

Her heart is also far less calm than she appears on the surface.

She felt uncomfortable here, pricking and pricking, like being pricked by tiny needles.

Su Xiang covered his chest and rubbed it vigorously before his body straightened up again.She held her head high, walked out with a sense of determination, and walked quickly.

Seeing her suddenly quicken her pace, Fu Hanchuan increased the speed of the car, but within a few seconds he blocked in front of her.

Su Xiang paused and looked into the black car that stopped in front of him.

Next to the road is a bus stop, but no one is waiting there, and the stainless steel benches are dazzled by the sun.

Su Xiang turned his footsteps and walked to the bus station instead, wanting to take the path behind the bus station.

Fu Hanchuan's movements were even faster.When Su Xiang reached the bus stop, he got out of the car and blocked her, grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back, pressing her body against the billboard.

His body was in front of him, and Su Xiang was trapped between him and the billboard and couldn't move an inch.

"Fu Hanchuan!" Su Xiang's face sank, she felt that she had said it clearly enough.

Fu Hanchuan also felt that he was giving her 12 points of patience. He was willing to wait for her to slowly open his heart, but he didn't refuse him like this, not giving him the slightest chance.

He has proved to her his intentions, she can't pretend to be blind!

He pinched her chin, lowered his head and kissed her, crushing her soft lips.

The beautiful touch is like marshmallows with icing sugar, sweet and soft, making people want to stop.

This is his reward, the gift he wants most today.

Su Xiang was frightened crazy by him, this is the main road, and he kissed her so grandly!

Su Xiang's eyes widened in horror, but fortunately Fu Hanchuan didn't intend to keep kissing her like this.

The environment is not good.

The man raised his head, looked at her terrified wet eyes, stroked her soft lips with his fingers, and said, "Didn't you say that you dreamed of me?"

"Don't refuse me, have dinner with me, or I will continue."

Su Xiang clenched his lips, his face was embarrassed, and he wanted to run away from him even more.

Her big black and white eyes suddenly looked behind him and reminded: "The police are here."

Fu Hanchuan felt that she was like a desperate mouse, using the police to escape.He smiled and said, "So what if the police come?"

Su Xiang looked at the traffic policeman who was coming, their posture was really ambiguous, her face was flushed, and she lowered her head, so that she was right in the shadow cast by him, and others couldn't see clearly.

She said: "When the police come, they will tell you not to park casually."

The voice fell, and the voice of the police came from behind. "Is this your car?"

A bus stopped at the bus platform in a while, and the traffic police came over to inquire after finding out that the bus had been parked for a long time.

Fu Hanchuan frowned, turned around and said, "I'll drive away right away."

His big hand held Su Xiang's wrist, and dragged her to the side of the car.Didn't he push the cunning in her eyes and try to use the police to get away?Ah……

Su Xiang was so angry that she wanted to kick him away, and she really did. She stepped on his heel while he was not paying attention, and while he was in a daze and the traffic police were present, she immediately broke free from his hand and ran away .

Fu Hanchuan squinted his eyes at the woman running as fast as a rabbit. The traffic policeman looked at him. Fu Hanchuan lost face and said indifferently, "My girlfriend is having trouble."

He got in the car and drove away.

When Su Xiang broke free from Fu Hanchuan, he went into the shopping mall.

The mall has gates in four directions: southeast, northwest, and Fu Hanchuan will not know which gate she came out from.

Su Xiang hid in a jewelry store for a while, and when he was about to leave, a cold voice sounded behind him.

"Su Xiang, you can. On the one hand, she is Qi Lingyang's fiancée, and on the other hand, she has broken ties with Fu Hanchuan. Chen Chen was right about you that day, but because of you, he was tied up by Mo Fei all night."

Lu Weiqi picked out the longevity lock for the baby in the jewelry store, and saw them before entering the mall.

One person and one car always kept a distance of a few steps, and Fu Hanchuan kissed her at the bus stop.

She didn't love Fu Hanchuan anymore, but there was always resentment in her heart.Seeing him follow suit to Su Xiang, she couldn't be at peace.

She doesn't mind humiliating Su Xiang here any more.

There was still a clerk at the counter, and when he heard Lu Weiqi's words, his eyes on Su Xiang changed.

Su Xiang's face turned pale, and he glanced at the clerk from the corner of his eye, his brows and eyes lowered.

Lu Weiqi shook her phone and said with a sneer: "Tell me, if this photo is posted on the Internet, shouldn't you be a man of the hour again?"

Lu Weiqi had been waiting for news from Chen Chen. At this time, the news of Fu's shift change had not yet been released. Fu Zhengkang was secretly taken away, and he didn't even contact her by phone when he left.

She didn't know, that's why she was in the mood to go shopping in the mall to relax.She hated Fu Hanchuan and Su Xiang, but she was even more proud of this snapshot.

Lu Weiqi felt that if she got this photo, she got Fu Hanchuan's sore foot and could force him to give up fighting for Fu's family.

She can also threaten Su Xiang about this, let her build a bridge in the middle, and let Yanjia form an alliance with Fu Zhengkang.

Su Xiang glanced at her mobile phone, frowned, and then calmed down.

Judging by Lu Weiqi's expression, she probably didn't know that Fu Zhengkang had been taken away, let alone that Fu Hanchuan had obtained the Fu family.

Su Xiangdao: "Miss Lu, I have something to talk to you, let's change the place."

Lu Weiqi thought that Su Xiang was scared, so she smiled even more proudly, she said: "Why, do you want to shut my mouth?"

Su Xiang smiled and said, "I'm doing it for your own good. But if you don't mind, I can say it here."

Seeing her calm and composed, Lu Weiqi selfishly thought that Su Xiang was faking it, and she stood there, waiting for Su Xiangqian to fail.

She bent her lips and said, "Tell me, I want to hear it."

Su Xiang's face straightened, she said the words, so she was impolite.

She glanced at Lu Weiqi's stomach, and said, "Miss Lu, I remember you said at the banquet last time that you were going to marry Fu Zhengkang. Have you and Fu Zhengkang received their certificates yet?"

Seeing the clerk looking at her stomach, Lu Weiqi froze her mind.There are many unmarried and pregnant women, and others don't know that she is working as a mistress.

She raised her chin and waited quietly for Su Xiang to continue.

Su Xiang was not polite anymore, she said: "Miss Lu, if you haven't married him yet, I still want to congratulate you."

Hearing this, Lu Weiqi's face changed slightly, and she quickly analyzed her words in her mind.

Generally speaking, when you get married, you must give the other party a congratulation, whether it is sincere or false.But she wasn't married, and this woman congratulated her instead...

Fu Zhengkang is being investigated by the Canadian police...Congratulations for not being married...

Lu Weiqi was startled suddenly, Su Xiang saw her expression changed, and knew that she wanted to understand.

Su Xiang knew that Fu Zhengkang had something to do, and it was Fu Hanchuan who told her an hour ago, otherwise he would not have taken Fu so smoothly.

She took a step forward and said, "You will never be able to understand my relationship with him."

"But I know that Fu Zhengkang was arrested by the police on charges of killing his wife. Lu Weiqi, your backer has fallen, do you really want to continue to offend me?"

There was a buzzing in Lu Weiqi's ears, and her eyes widened from the shock.

At this time, she couldn't care about the surprised and disgusted expressions shown by the clerk, and she didn't care about what others thought.She said sharply, "What did you say!"

Su Xiang glanced at the clerk, she said that on purpose.Hearing this way, Lu Weiqi seemed like a mistress who joined forces with her lover to kill his wife. If she wanted to step on her, Su Xiang wouldn't just make her happy like that.

Su Xiang looked at her indifferently, and said, "I said, Fu Zhengkang was taken back to Canada, and he didn't have time to inform you."

Lu Weiqi was still in shock, still denying in her heart to comfort herself.

This is impossible, with Fu Zhengkang's ability, he should be able to escape.He was a fish in water in Canada, even if the police suspected him, they couldn't do anything to him.

But Su Xiang told her clearly that Fu Zhengkang was taken away for murder.If Fu Hanchuan was behind the push...

Lu Weiqi's face was pale, she stared blankly at Su Xiang, as if she had lost all response.

Su Xiang grabbed her mobile phone, opened it, found the photo, and deleted it directly. She looked through the album again, and made sure there were no other photos, so she returned the phone to her.

"You are his woman, and you know best if he has other illegal acts. Before the police find you, you should think about how to deal with your child and how to clean it up."

At this moment, Lu Weiqi's dazed expression showed some reaction.She touched her stomach with her hand, and a chill rose from the soles of her feet and spread to her whole body.

She hadn't married Fu Zhengkang yet, and if he was arrested, she would get nothing. Everything he owned, his company, his stocks, everything about him, she couldn't get!
And this child, what should the child do?
too suddenly!

At that moment, Lu Weiqi panicked and couldn't care about Su Xiang anymore.

She walked out of the shopping mall shaking her body, her mind was in a mess, but she still called Fu Zhengkang's cell phone unwillingly, hoping that Su Xiang was just scaring her.

Su Xiang looked at Lu Weiqi's panic-stricken look with a cold expression.

If Lu Weiqi didn't come to provoke her, she would let her daydream for a while longer.

Once Fu Zhengkang fell, her dream of "Mrs. Vicky" could not come true. Lu Weiqi came back with a high profile, and this famous lady was shattered before the day passed.

Su Xiang turned his head to glance at the clerk, nodded politely with her before leaving, and then left safely.

She didn't go back to the construction site, but went directly to Xiangyuan.Zhang Ma went out to play with Pearl, but she hasn't come back yet, and the house is quiet.

Su Xiang hugged a pillow and sat on the sofa in a daze.The TV was on, but she couldn't watch anything, and her mind was very confused.

When she returned to the space she was familiar with, all her restrained thoughts came out.About Fu Zhengkang, about Fu Zhengnan...about Fu Hanchuan...

When Qi Lingyang came in, seeing her expression, he guessed that she already knew about Fu's replacement.

He walked to the TV and blocked the screen. Su Xiang came back to his senses and saw the figure standing in front of him. He put the pillow aside and stood up at a loss: "Are you off work?"

She glanced at the sky outside, it was still dark at this time.

Qi Lingyang put his hands on her shoulders, lowered his body to be at her eye level, and said, "Do you know about Mrs. Fu?"

Su Xiang's face was slightly pale, she nodded, Qi Lingyang turned around, took her hand and sat down.

Fu's power change was very fast, and it ended in just over an hour. Fu Hanchuan fought a beautiful battle.

As a rival in the business, Qi Lingyang admired him for this move, but as a rival in love, he was always on guard.

Not long ago, Yu Cangcang finally called him and gave him the last message.

"Fu Hanchuan beat old Fu."

Qi Lingyang was working, when he heard the news, the pen stopped, and he said, "Why did you tell me?"

His assistant didn't come in to inform, which meant that Fu's news hadn't been released yet, but Yu Cangcang called him first.

When he decided not to return to Fu's house, he and Yu Cangcang parted ways.After he came back, the two had no contact in private, so this call from Yu Cangcang surprised him even more.

"Qi Lingyang, I'm leaving Beicheng, so I'll send you the last piece of information. However, the news in Beicheng will be overwhelming tomorrow." Yu Cangcang paused for a second, "If I don't invite you to see me off, I'll see you later."

After she said that sentence, she hung up the phone and said nothing more.

Qi Lingyang knew that when Yu Cangcang said she wanted to leave, it was because she gave up on Fu Zhengnan.

Fu Zhengnan was the only one in Yu Cangcang's life. She had friends, but they were not close friends. Qi Lingyang and her once worked in a technology company, and her last affection for this city was Qi Lingyang.

After Qi Lingyang got the news, he sat on the seat in a daze for a few seconds, and then immediately returned to Xiangyuan.

He didn't know why he did this, he just wanted to see if Su Xiang was still at home.

When he saw her there, his heart felt a drop.

Now he looked at Su Xiang and seemed to understand why he felt this way.

Fu Hanchuan regained control of the Fu family and became the head of the Fu family. Neither Fu Zhengnan nor Mrs. Zhuo Ya would stop him from looking for Su Xiang back.

Without the obstacles of the Fu family, he and Fu Hanchuan were on the same level.

Su Xiang's fingers were wrapped by his big hand, his palm was very warm, against the back of her hand, the temperature came through, and she could feel the wetness under his palm.

Su Xiang looked back at Qi Lingyang and said: "He came to me, and he said that the person who sent the news to Lu Weiqi was Fu Zhengnan's lover. I also saw their breakup with my own eyes. It's bloody, isn't it?"

She didn't shy away from the fact that Fu Hanchuan went to find her, she felt that the frankness would make her firmer in her heart.

She decided to reject Fu Hanchuan even more.

Qi Lingyang raised his fingers and brushed away a strand of hair hanging from the corner of her eyes.

Su Xiang's face was fair and smooth, with curved brows and bright eyes, those clear eyes were like a small mirror with his reflection inside.

His eyes moved down, her small nose was raised, and her lips were as red as petals.

He stared at her lips, smiled softly, and hummed: "It's not a good choice to stay with someone who isn't sincere."

(End of this chapter)

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