Chapter 313 I Love You

When Su Xiang turned her head away, Fu Hanchuan turned her head away again, insisting on facing him.

He put away his lazy teasing, straightened his face, and said seriously: "Su Xiang, divorce is a very troublesome thing, do you really want to do it?"

"No trouble, just stamp it." Su Xiang finally spoke, his tone was as flat as water, and his clear eyes did not have any ripples.

His so-called marriage was just forced by him, not by her will.He can get married without authorization, why can't he simply get a divorce?

Fu Hanchuan's face changed, and he squeezed with his fingers.He knew that she thought of being forced to marry, and it was his expedient measure at that time.But if she is willing to nod and go back, the ending will be good.

And, he never regretted doing that.

Fu Hanchuan also knew that talking about the bad atmosphere with her now, he endured it, and then said to her affectionately: "How far do you really want to go?"


"Your reaction has already told your heart, are you still refusing to admit it?"


"Until now, can't you trust me?"


"Can you say that when you really get divorced, you won't regret following him?"

He was persuasive and persuasive, and she stared blankly at those dark and deep eyes, her eyes flickered slightly.

Fu Hanchuan was her first and only man.

They have Fu Ying, even though they were not born when they were in love, they are their only flesh and blood.

He has done a lot, and even the Fu family is in control.She can't say that he must do it for her, but it is also one of the goals.

But what about Qi Lingyang?

He's not wrong, he's so nice and gentle, can she hurt him?

He is her family, friend and teacher. She didn't give him any guarantee, but it doesn't mean she will be irresponsible.She agreed to his marriage proposal, and he has been waiting for her.

Also, what about pearls?
Su Xiang's head hurt, her eyebrows frowned, and her breathing became short of breath. She said, "Fu Hanchuan, get up first, don't force me." She reached out to push her away.

Seeing that her expression became painful, Fu Hanchuan knew that she was struggling.Although he was reluctant, but he was used to domineering, he must force her to make a decision.

If this opportunity is missed, it may not be there next time.

He held Su Xiang's wrist, and the scorching temperature was comparable to hers. He said, "When I saw you sinking into the water, do you know what I was thinking?"

"If you die, I will go with you!"

Su Xiang was frightened, stopped struggling, and looked at him with wide eyes.Fu Hanchuan is such a selfish person, is he willing to spend his life with him?
In the past, in his eyes, she was just Fu Ying's mother, the wife he was ashamed of.It was a little unbelievable for her to suddenly become so important.

But his expression was serious. When he said those words, he didn't blink his eyes, let alone evade.

Fu Hanchuan seemed to have seen her doubts, lowered his voice, and still confirmed seriously: "It's true... I never thought that you would be so important to me."

"I thought I just wanted to have you, to start a family and live together with you. But the moment I saw you sinking into the water, my heart seemed to stop beating."

Su Xiang's wrist moved, her head was buzzing, she didn't know, she didn't know anything.

She squeezed a smile and said, "Fu Hanchuan, this is not a TV series, you don't need to be so sensational." There is no need to be so swearing.

Her eyes fell on his hands clasping her wrists.His temperature was high and his strength was great, and her wrist tightened, as if he put all his emotions in this grip.

Fu Hanchuan said: "This is not sensational, but I am telling you my feelings."

Su Xiang's forced smile fell, and he really felt that he had been pushed into a corner by him, and there was no way to avoid it.

Fu Hanchuan said: "When I heard what Su Mingdong did to Shen Yan, I thought he was a lunatic. For a woman, he would do anything to trap her by his side at all costs. She will be with her until death Together."

"But when I came up with this idea... I didn't expect that I would be so crazy..."

Su Xiang was silent.

She hated Su Mingdong, but in the end her mother willingly jumped off the building with him.

At that time, Su Mingdong jumped down first, and she could choose not to jump to survive, but she still jumped down without hesitation.

Did she keep her promise with Su Mingdong, or was she already used to Su Mingdong's company?

Fu Hanchuan said: "You always feel that I just regard you as Fu Ying's mother, a woman who sleeps with me and cooks for me..."

He lowered his eyes and stroked her snow-white wrist with his fingers. Her muscles and bones were slender, her skin was delicate and warm, and he was already used to such a sense of touch.

If there were a hundred wrists stretched out, he could accurately touch hers with his eyes closed.

"I thought so too at that time... I can't admit that a dumb person has taken root in my heart like this. She is so annoying, and her family members are also annoying..."

Fu Hanchuan sneered, thinking that he was ridiculous at that time, and what he felt at that time was his advantage, but now it has become his hindrance.

He hated her people, but now he couldn't love her as much as he did; he hated her family members, but now it was his family members who annoyed her.

Fu Hanchuan's eyes shifted, he looked at Su Xiang and said, "But I never denied that you are my woman."

"The worst thing I did was to miscalculate your position in my heart. But I will never make a mistake again."

"I am willing to give you everything I have, but you are mine and will always be mine... If you and Qi Lingyang go to the palace, I will snatch you back. If he is my enemy, I will not hesitate at all cost!"

Fu Hanchuan used both soft and hard methods, and Su Xiang had nowhere to hide.

She didn't even dare to meet his scorching eyes anymore, she picked up the quilt to cover her head with her free hand, and a muffled voice came out from under the quilt: "Stop talking."

She was flustered and kicked the quilt.

Fu Hanchuan hooked his lips and smiled, tore off a corner of the quilt, leaned into her ear and said, "I love you."

The hot breath was blown into her ears along with those three words, Su Xiang froze and remained motionless, as if she had heard some nonsense.

But it was so true, she heard it right.

She felt Fu Hanchuan sit up, but she didn't lift the quilt, she was still stuffy inside and didn't dare to come out.

For Fu Hanchuan, he never thought in his life that he could say those three words.But if he can make her change her mind, he is willing to say it.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at the snow-white quilt, felt in his pocket, took out a mobile phone, pressed a button on it, and placed it beside her pillow.

When Fu Hanchuan came from the hotel, he passed a mobile phone store, where music was playing.He bought a cell phone just to store a song.

He said: "I'll buy you something to eat, it's not good if you've been hungry for a long time."

Su Xiang heard the sound of footsteps going away, but the sound of music sounded beside his pillow.

"I forgot that from the first few days after we separated, I liked to watch the heavy rain alone. No contact, loneliness is like a chain reaction, and I have no strength to want to be happy. The world of tears and rain is like a disaster movie, which makes me feel pitiful to the end."

"I'm sorry, no one has a time machine, and there is no room for negotiation when it's over. I hope you are my exclusive memory, in the bottom of my heart, no matter how ugly others say, what I have now is for you, for me half love."

"I like you, it is my exclusive memory, no one can, take you away from my body, in the blockade area of ​​my feelings, about you, never mention it, no problem..."

Su Xiang was bored in the quilt, tears began to soak the quilt, and under the quilt, she had already burst into tears.


Xiangyuan, after Su Xiang left, Qi Lingyang was waiting for her.She said that she would come back after going to the construction site to have a look, but she was not seen for a long time.

Qi Lingyang asked Zhang Ma to look after Pearl for a while, and then drove to the factory in the suburbs.When we got there, just as the person in charge had finished his rectification and was about to go home, Qi Lingyang asked a few words before he knew that Su Xiang fell into the water and was sent to the hospital.

His expression tightened, and he immediately returned to the car and drove to the city.

The person in charge said that Fu Hanchuan was also there at the time, and if it was him, he would definitely send Su Xiang to the hospital under the name of the Fu Group, that is, Guhua Hospital.

It was windy and windy, and there were not many cars on the road. Qi Lingyang drove like lightning, and arrived at Guhua Hospital in a short while.

He walked quickly inside without stopping to call Su Xiang, but from the beginning to the end, Su Xiang's mobile phone was turned off.Either her phone was soaked when she fell into the water, or someone turned off her phone on purpose.

Qi Lingyang asked Su Xiang's ward number at the consultation desk, but the answer he got was that there was no such person.

"Sir, we don't accept this patient here, can you go to another hospital to look for it?"

Fu Hanchuan frowned, this is impossible.

Fu Hanchuan would not send Su Xiang to a hospital beyond his control.

Qi Lingyang glanced coldly at the nurse, saw the dodge in her eyes, and was even more sure that Su Xiang was here.

At this moment, his warm face was covered with frost, and he said again: "I think you should search carefully. Otherwise, I can call Fu Hanchuan personally to confirm."

The nurse concealed Su Xiang's information from her superiors, but she couldn't afford to offend the man in front of her, judging by his aura.

"Then, sir, wait a little longer, let me take a look."

The nurse lowered her head tremblingly and looked at the computer screen, glancing left and right out of the corner of her eye, hoping to make a decision.

She is just a little nurse, but she can't afford this responsibility.

At this moment, Fu Hanchuan came in carrying a bag, saw Qi Lingyang standing there, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qi Lingyang also saw him. At this time, he didn't need the little nurse's inquiry at all. Fu Hanchuan's appearance represented everything.

The two big men stood opposite each other, with the same outstanding appearance and momentum, which made the hurried people around them slow down and look at them curiously.

Qi Lingyang took a look at the bag that Fu Hanchuan was carrying. It was an outsourcing bag from the hotel. It contained takeaway boxes, and the lid was covered with a layer of white mist of water vapor.

Qi Lingyang asked directly, "Where is she?"

Fu Hanchuan snorted lightly, and walked straight to the elevator, without any intention of telling him.

Qi Lingyang watched his figure move, and said coldly: "Do you need me to notify Boss Yan to pick her up?"

Fu Hanchuan's footsteps stopped.He is determined to win Su Xiang, but he is not afraid of Yan Lin.He also deliberately got close to Su Xiang in front of Yan Lin several times, but the Yan family's rejection of him was obvious.

The Yan family's attitude towards him now is like the Fu family's attitude towards Su Xiang back then.And he hadn't had time to have a detailed discussion with Yan Lin, so that he could let go of his prejudices and hand over Su Xiang to him with confidence.

Su Xiang attaches great importance to Yan Lin, and if he wants Su Xiang to be his wife, he must be recognized by Yan Lin, and they will be a family from now on.

It is not a trivial matter for her to fall into the water and get sick. If she conflicts with Yan Lin on this matter, wouldn't it be detrimental to her future peace talks with him?
In just a few seconds, Fu Hanchuan had finished thinking.

He didn't say anything, and continued to walk to the elevator and press the button.

If Fu Hanchuan didn't open his mouth, he tacitly agreed not to stop Qi Lingyang again.

The elevator door opened, and when Fu Hanchuan entered, Qi Lingyang also entered.

Although it is a private hospital, there are quite a lot of people coming in and out, medical staff, visiting relatives and friends, and people who come to seek medical treatment. The elevator can accommodate 30 people in and out at the same time, but at this time, no one else enters except for the two of them. .

A man with a sullen face exuding cold air is already scary enough, plus another, who can withstand such a low pressure?
So those people kept their distance, preferring to take another elevator.A child ran in recklessly, but was dragged out by his mother.

In case of a fight inside, who can guarantee that such a small space will not suffer?
The elevator doors closed, and the two big men didn't move, let alone say a word.

Fu Hanchuan's fingers were clenched into fists, and Qi Lingyang's hand in his pocket was also clenched tightly.

The atmosphere was extraordinarily solemn, as if the thunderstorm clouds in the sky had moved into the elevator and were about to fight at any moment.

Fortunately, the elevator took a very short time, and arrived at the floor where Su Xiang's ward was located in a short while.

With a ding sound, the elevator door opened, and Fu Hanchuan stepped out, but his clenched fist did not relax.Out of the corner of his eye, he watched behind him, and his mind was already spinning rapidly.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let Qi Lingyang take Su Xiang away!
The corridor is not long, and I arrived at Su Xiang's ward in a short while. The door opened, and a singing voice came out: "...I like you, it is my exclusive memory. No one can take you away from my body... "

Qi Lingyang clenched his fists even tighter, and his tense cheeks and teeth bulged.

In the ward, Su Xiang heard the movement at the door and quickly wiped away the tears on her face, but she couldn't hide her red eyes.She quickly turned her body to face the window, reached for the phone next to the pillow and tried to turn off the music.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Su Xiang..."

Su Xiang's body froze, and when she heard a familiar voice, her fingers paused on the screen, and then she turned off the music.

She turned around, and Qi Lingyang was standing in front of her. She glanced at Fu Hanchuan, and when her eyes fell on Qi Lingyang, she dodged for a while, as if she had done something to offend him.

Yes, she actually softened towards Fu Hanchuan.

She was so afraid that he hated him so much, and wished to stay away from him, but when her life was in danger, she still thought of him.

Just like when she was buried in Beishan more than three years ago, she dared to fall when she saw him.

She never forgot such a deep memory, but buried it deep in her heart.

She betrayed Qi Lingyang's expectations of her, and she felt sorry for him.

Qi Lingyang took a deep breath, took a few steps forward, looked at her and said, "Are you okay?"

His eyes were still warm, as if he would never be angry with her.

Su Xiang felt a tearing pain in her heart, she didn't even dare to look at him, and said in a muffled voice, "It's better..." Her voice was hoarse, and she hadn't recovered from the high fever.

Qi Lingyang asked again: "Are you afraid?"

Su Xiang nodded.

Qi Lingyang's gaze became softer, but his hanging fingers never relaxed.She had just been frightened, and he didn't want to frighten her again, but that didn't mean he wasn't angry.

Ever since Su Xiang was with him, he didn't hurt her at all, but Fu Hanchuan hurt her again and again!

He was angry in his heart, but what made him even more angry was that Su Xiang's attitude seemed to have changed.

What did Fu Hanchuan do again that deserved her softhearted tears?

Fu Hanchuan walked to the bedside table, put the bag he was carrying on it, and took out a box of rice porridge and a few light dishes.

"You can't eat greasy food yet, I bought you some porridge." His voice was low, and he watched Qi Lingyang from the corner of his eye, guarding against his every move.

On the surface, in order to maintain Su Xiang's emotional stability, the two of them did not make any big fights, but in fact they have been fighting secretly.

What is Qi Lingyang's purpose and what he wants to do, both of them are clear.

Fu Hanchuan opened the lid of the takeaway box, white mist rose, and a sweet smell of rice porridge filled the air.But this sweet taste did not relax the two tit-for-tat people.

They were silent, but Su Xiang could still feel their strangeness, which made her at a loss, and buried her head like an ostrich.

Qi Lingyang's eyes showed a bit of disappointment and pain, she didn't say anything, but a small movement revealed her heart.

She really relented?

If it was her in the past, she would not have said a word, would not have resisted a little, and she would not forgive Fu Hanchuan.

Qi Lingyang's Adam's apple rolled down, and he clenched his fist even harder.Suppressing the anger rising from the bottom of his heart, he glanced at the IV drip and said in a low voice, "Can you leave the hospital? I'll take you away."

Su Xiang was startled, and Fu Hanchuan paused when he opened the box, and anger rushed to his face.He said in a low voice: "Qi Lingyang, you didn't see that she was still sick!"

Qi Lingyang didn't look at him, but said to Su Xiang: "I'll take you to another hospital."

Su Xiang frowned slightly, but Qi Lingyang's next sentence made her turn pale.

He said, "You want to know, why can't you reproduce?"

The little blood on Su Xiang's face faded quickly, she turned her eyes to look at Fu Hanchuan, and saw the panic and shame on his face that was too late to hide.

He kept it from her, it had something to do with him!
Disappointment and fear once again appeared in her pupils. Fu Hanchuan was heartbroken and wanted to hold her shoulders to explain to her, but just as he stretched out his hand, Su Xiang avoided it.

She tightened her lips like a hedgehog and bristled her spines, and the little bit of trust he had accumulated with her was gone like quicksand.

"Su Xiang, I will explain this to you slowly..."

Qi Lingyang's ice-cold voice sounded: "Your explanation is to completely block the news, and don't tell her a little bit?"

"Whether Su Xiang's name appears on the file or she checks her fertility problems, all the hospitals in Beicheng, whether they are public or private, will give her the same answer. Now, you have to give her the same explanation ?"

Su Xiang looked at Fu Hanchuan in horror.

In order to avoid the Fu family's eyeliner, she went to the public hospital for an examination, and she concluded that her health was fine, so she believed it.

After she came back, Fu Hanchuan swore that she would not be able to give birth to a second child. She was always suspicious, but she didn't go to check her body because things got busy.

But now, Qi Lingyang told her that Fu Hanchuan had taken care of all the hospitals in Beicheng, so as long as she went to investigate, she would still get the same answer.

So, what explanation could she hear from him?
Su Xiang grabbed the sheet under her body tightly, closed her eyes forcefully, and when she opened them again, her eyes were filled with determination.

She lifted the quilt, pulled out the needle and got out of bed. Seeing that she was about to leave, Fu Hanchuan frowned, stopped her and said, "Su Xiang, I will tell you the explanation you want! Now you lie back for you! "

Su Xiang swallowed her saliva, took a deep look at him, and said, "Fu Hanchuan, can I still trust you?"

Her voice was hoarse, with anger and disappointment in her tone, Fu Hanchuan looked at her, but couldn't answer.

Su Xiang's body was still weak, and the fever that had subsided for a while now seemed to have all returned, and it intensified, burning her body thoroughly, and her face was flushed.

Her legs and feet were weak, and after only standing for a short while, she couldn't bear the weight of her whole body and her body swayed. Fu Hanchuan hurried to help her, but Su Xiang brushed his hand away, and supported herself on the hospital bed.

She took a few breaths to stabilize herself, then stood up and said slowly: "I will check myself!"


The air in the ward became cold and quiet. The people who were supposed to be lying on the bed had already left, and the temperature of the quilt had disappeared.

The hot porridge on the bedside table was no longer steaming, and a layer of porridge had solidified on the surface.

Fu Hanchuan sat in a corner of the hospital bed in a daze, his forehead throbbing with pain.

He was ready to stop Qi Lingyang from taking Su Xiang away, but he never expected that he would bring up this matter.

Impossible for anyone to know...

But everything that happened in the world has traces, and with Qi Lingyang's ability, he can find it.

Fu Hanchuan rubbed his forehead, feeling extremely disturbed, flustered and anxious, as if he had locked up a trapped animal and couldn't find a way out. It kept roaring, but couldn't think of any way to get out.

Under such circumstances, Su Xiang would never believe anything he said.Only when she found out and became angry, he would explain it to her.

No matter what, he won't let her leave him!

Fu Hanchuan's fingers curled up, and he tightly grasped the guardrail at the end of the bed, as if he was holding Su Xiang's wrist.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu Hanchuan stood up, his body swayed, and his head became dizzy for a while. After he touched his forehead carefully, he felt that his forehead was hot, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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