Chapter 316 Fu Hanchuan Agreed
Fu Hanchuan squeezed his fingers, he paused, and a word escaped from his thin lips: "Okay."

Su Xiang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect him to be so happy this time.

She glanced at his expression, but couldn't see anything, and he accepted her request calmly.

He was so happy that Su Xiang didn't know what to say.

She had prepared a lot of words to ask him to agree to a divorce, but now she didn't need it.

Su Xiang didn't expect Fu Hanchuan to agree so quickly without even preparing a divorce agreement, so she said: "Okay, if you agree, don't repeat it. I will prepare a divorce agreement for you, and I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau on the day it is signed. "

She paused, and finally said: "You come in person."

Fu Hanchuan picked up the water glass and took a sip: "Okay." His expression was still normal, calm, and there was no wave in his eyes.

Such a man made Su Xiang think he was strange.But right now, she really doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore, even seeing him now will make her feel very uncomfortable.

She would think of that difficult time, of how he operated on her against her will.

Su Xiang stood up, picked up her bag, and said to Fu Hanchuan, "I'll call you again." After speaking, she went out.

Holding the silver fork, Fu Hanchuan slowly rolled his face, and his gaze fell directly on the dinner plate in front of him, without looking at her figure.

When the sound of closing the door sounded, he put the fork on the table and took a deep breath.

Chest is suffocating pain.

Still got this far.

When she came back, he locked her up with a marriage certificate.He treats her like a kite, as long as the string is still in his hand, no matter how far she flies, she is still his.

Sooner or later, he could make her fall in love with him again and come back willingly.

But what's the point of locking someone but not her heart?
From the moment he received her call, he knew that she would definitely make this request.He agreed so happily because it was impossible for him to stick to his position.

Moreover, she had already gone through separation and divorce, and they would still be strangers after two years.Procrastination only deepened her resentment towards him.

Divorcing now is just speeding up the end of this marriage that exists in name only.

If he agreed to divorce, it would make her feel better, make up for that mistake a little bit, and leave a little good impression in her heart, that would be fine.

He sat alone for a while, then picked up the silver fork and ate a mouthful of pasta.It's already cold, and the solidified fat doesn't taste good in your mouth.

His eyes fell on the plate of shell noodles that Su Xiang had eaten. The solidified fat froze the dough. He ate a spoonful of it, and the taste was equally unpalatable.

Fu Hanchuan calmly picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of his lips, then squeezed the tissue into a ball...


When Su walked out of the movie theater, the sweltering air immediately surrounded her. She stood in the sun, and the reflection cast was only her.

A couple next to her walked in, a woman accidentally touched her shoulder, and quickly said sorry, Su Xiang shook and didn't move, the woman thought she was weird, as if she had seen her there before.

Her boyfriend asked her, "What's wrong?"

The woman said, "I seem to have seen her somewhere."

The man also looked over.

Su Xiang had already lifted his foot and left.She drove to Min Yuezhen's law firm and asked her to draft a divorce agreement.

Min Yue really didn't know what happened between Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan. Hearing this, he was stunned for a while, feeling incredible: "Fu Hanchuan agreed?"

That man clearly insisted on refusing to divorce, so Su Xiang started the procedure of separation and divorce with him, but after more than half a year, Fu Hanchuan agreed?
Su Xiang nodded. She didn't want to reveal too much to others, so she just said, "Give me the draft agreement, and let me know when it's finished. As for the conditions, I will talk to Fu Hanchuan."

Min Yue hummed, she saw Su Xiang's expression was very bad.

Fu Hanchuan agreed to the divorce, that is, something happened that made the marriage of the two of them no longer necessary, and this incident seemed to have dealt a great blow to Su Xiang.

When Su Xiang left the office, Min Yuezhen called Qi Lingyang.

"Su Xiang is going to divorce Fu Hanchuan. She asked me to draft a new agreement. Do you know about this?"

On the other end of the phone, Qi Lingyang was slightly taken aback. He knew that Su Xiang would divorce Fu Hanchuan, and Fu Hanchuan had no confidence to force Su Xiang to stay. He would let Su Xiang go, but when he knew the news, he still had a moment of hesitation. Dazed.

He grunted: "I know."

Min Yuezhen slightly pulled the corner of her lower lip and said, "Congratulations."

Su Xiang divorced Fu Hanchuan and completely dissolved the marriage relationship, then she could marry Qi Lingyang.

So many people were looking forward to the wedding of the two of them, and he was finally about to wait.

After the phone call was over, Min Yuezhen turned around her chair and looked at the sunlight outside the window. The dazzling light made her narrow her eyes slightly, with a bitter smile on her lips.

She can finally end this long crush.

On the other side, Qi Lingyang glanced at the blacked-out screen, and sat in the seat silently for a while.

He didn't call Su Xiang, he thought, at this time, she would rather find peace alone.

All he had to do was wait for her to come back.


Su Xiang drove aimlessly for a long time.

The wind blew in through the window, and the air was no longer so stuffy and uncomfortable, as if it had let her heart fly out.

But she was not as happy as she imagined, she was very sad, and she was unspeakably wronged.

She thought she wouldn't cry anymore, but at this moment, her eyes had already started to blur.

She knew that it wasn't that the wind and sand blinded her eyes, she just wanted to cry.

The car stopped, and she lay on the steering wheel and cried happily, and she didn't care about the co-driver's cell phone ringing all the time.

Later, she went to an international primary school.

After school was over, Fu Ying put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the school gate coolly, followed by two little boys who were about the same height as him.

Their school uniform is very nice, a small dark blue suit with a white welt on the edge and the school badge on the chest.

The little boys are very energetic in such school uniforms, and Fu Ying's appearance is particularly outstanding.

Several little girls surrounded them.

"Fu Ying, it's my birthday this weekend, what birthday gift are you going to give me?"

The little girl who spoke had long hair, which was braided into a braid and hung over her left shoulder. The tip of her hair was tied with a hair tie with a red pompom.

Nowadays, few girls braid such braids, which will look rustic.This little girl doesn't look earthy with such a braid, but looks a little arrogant.

She raised her chin slightly, and looked at Fu Ying with bright phoenix eyes, but Fu Ying didn't want to talk to her.

The other two little girls chimed in and said, "Fu Ying, Nana's house is very big, like a castle. And Nana's mother bought her a princess dress, it's so beautiful, you must come and see it this weekend. "

This little girl named Nana is the prettiest girl in their age, but she is too proud, she will only talk to people she likes.

The other two little boys covered their mouths and snickered, one of them poked Fu Ying's arm and laughed, "Fu Ying, are you going that day?"

Fu Ying glanced at the two of them and said, "I don't know her."

After he finished speaking, he walked forward, completely ignoring the little girl whose face froze.

They were only in the same grade, and they were not in the same class. Why would he go to someone else's birthday party? It was really inexplicable.

The two little boys finally couldn't help it, and laughed loudly, completely ignoring the little girl behind who had blushed.

The little girl was very stubborn, she didn't cry, she chased after them and stopped them.She looked at the other two boys with sharp eyes, and the two boys stopped smiling.

The little girl looked at Fu Ying and said angrily, "Fu Ying, do you know that you are not a gentleman!"

Fu Ying frowned. He didn't think it was not a gentleman to reject a girl's birthday invitation.Doesn't she often reject other people's kindness to her?
The little girl said again: "I saw you playing with an ugly girl from a small age."

One Primary School is Municipal No. [-] Primary School, the school that Fu Ying attended before.What she meant was that no one from one school could play together, so why did he play with other schools?

Fu Ying's small eyebrows were tightened a little, and his face showed impatience.He said: "That is my former classmate, she is the class monitor and my good friend."

This sentence, it seems that only the monitor can be his good friend.

Although the little girl grew up beautifully, her grades were not very good.The international primary school entrance examination is very strict, and she was admitted only after her father donated a laboratory building.

Fu Ying's words pierced the little girl's pride. She blushed and said angrily, "You are so annoying, I won't invite you to my birthday party in the future! I don't want you to come even if you beg me!"

After she finished speaking, she ran away, and the other two little girls hurried to catch up with her, and turned their heads to give Fu Ying a hard look.

Fu Ying shrugged his shoulders. Although his father sent him in with money, his grades were in the top ten of his grade.

Lianliang is No.1 in the grade. If he works harder, he can become No.1.

It's not that Fu Ying isn't a gentleman enough, he's just protecting his shortcomings, he will only get close to people he finds interesting.

Fu Ying didn't feel guilty for making a pretty little girl angry, and the three of them still walked towards the gate.

Su Xiang saw those children talking together in the distance. There was a little girl who seemed to be taking the lead, looking very proud, and then Fu Ying ran away in anger.

Su Xiang saw Fu Ying frowning from a distance, as if he saw Fu Hanchuan.

She blinked, opened the door and got out of the car: "Fu Ying."

Fu Ying was about to get into his nanny car, when he heard this, he turned his head and looked over.

Su Xiang walked over there, and said to Teacher Wu who was picking up the car, "I'm going to pick up Fu Ying today."

Teacher Wu nodded, and asked again: "The young master is staying with you, or will he be sent back to the mansion later?"

Su Xiang looked down at Fu Ying and said, "He lives with me, and I'll send him to school tomorrow."

Teacher Wu nodded again: "That's good."

Fu Ying is now free to choose to go to Xiangyuan, so Teacher Wu agreed.

Su Xiang took Fu Ying's little hand and walked towards the car. Fu Ying picked up the schoolbag strap that had slipped from his shoulder, looked up at Su Xiang and said, "Mom, are you unhappy?"

Su Xiang pursed his lips, and slowed down his steps slightly: "Yes, right..."

Children's hearts are the purest and most sensitive, they can perceive other people's emotions, and she and Fu Ying are mother and child, this perception is even closer.

After getting in the car, Su Xiang asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Fu Ying thought for a while and said, "I want to eat your cooking."

Su Xiang glanced at him, the little guy smiled slightly, his eyes slightly curved.

Fu Ying looks like Fu Hanchuan, but when he smiles, his slightly curved eyes are just like hers.

Su Xiang touched his little head, smiled and said, "Okay, let's go home."

So Fu Ying was very proud, he knew that she was the happiest when she was cooking for him.Every time she is smiling, while swinging the shovel, she will also put the dishes in beautiful shapes.

She also liked that he ate all the food.

The car stopped in Xiangyuan, Zhuzhu heard her brother was coming, and ran out of the house by herself, even Zhang Ma couldn't catch up.

"elder brother--"

Under Fu Ying's repeated corrections, Pearl was able to call out her brother clearly.

Fu Ying had a straight face, but Pearl didn't dare to pounce on him, and followed him like a tail, so he stretched out a little finger and let Pearl's little hand hold him.

There was still a little distance from the inner room, Su Xiang took off Fu Ying's schoolbag and carried it in his hand, letting the two children play by themselves.

She put her schoolbag on the sofa.Generally, the family only prepares two days' worth of food and buys it in the morning.Su Xiang walked around the kitchen, and when she came out, she asked the two little guys if they would go to the vegetable market with her.

The two little guys are very happy to say that they are willing to go.

They got in the car again, and while Su Xiang was driving, Fu Ying sat in the back seat with Pearl, and when Pearl made a funny face, Fu Ying curled his lips coolly, thinking that this was a little devil.When Pearl babbled and sang nursery rhymes, Fu Ying sang Shining Red Star there.

Su Xiang was smiling, the car was noisy, and the child's immature voice dispelled the haze in her heart.

In the vegetable market in the evening, there were many office workers making purchases for tomorrow, and Fu Ying was watching the pearls. Su Xiang was not worried that they would be lost, but she still did not let the two children stay away from her sight.

In Fu's house, Fu Ying rarely had the opportunity to come to the vegetable market, and he was very curious about it.

Every dish he eats is put in front of him after it is finished. His knowledge of vegetables and fruits is still at the time of learning to speak, and his childhood memories are far away from him. Now in his What is in life is learning.

Pearl, on the other hand, is in the stage of recognizing things, and when she sees something similar to the picture, she will say what it is.

"This is a tomato."

"This is a big wax gourd."

She was chattering, and when Su Xiang was picking tomatoes, Fu Ying picked out a long bean, formed a trap around Pearl's little head, and said, "This is a magic spell."

Pearl was stunned, looked at him closely, then pouted and complained to Su Xiang.She pointed to the long beans on her head: "My brother is bad."

Su Xiang took off the long bean rings on her head, and said with a smile: "Then let's make fried long beans for my brother to eat, shall we?"

Pearl immediately laughed, applauded sweetly, and then stuck out her tongue at Fu Ying.

Fu Ying snorted, and Su Xiang picked out a handful of long beans and two long eggplants.

When they arrived at the fish stall, the two children held their heads to prevent the water splashed by the fish.

At this time, Fu Ying saw two little turtles in a small basin, one big and one small.

He grabbed one and watched the tortoise's four legs protruding wildly. When he poked it with his fingers, Pearl's eyes widened in horror: "Bite."

"No way." Fu Ying touched the tortoise's foot, and the foot retracted.Pearl still didn't dare to touch it, and watched curiously next to him.

The vendor was very good at doing business, and immediately began to sell: "Madam, I caught this from the net today. It's wild. It's good for children to play with."

Su Xiang was waiting for the vendor to kill the fish for her, and she asked Fu Ying, "Do you want it?"

Fu Ying looked at it for a while, and his father raised a big white cat, but he didn't have a pet yet.He nodded: "I want it."

When they left the fish stall, they took a mandarin fish and two turtles with them.

Su Xiang bought two more small fish tanks for turtles and bait at the vegetable market, and he returned with a full load.

Back in Xiangyuan, when Su Xiang was cooking, the two children were playing with turtles at the door.

They put the tortoises on the floor and let them compete to see who could run faster.

Fu Ying said: "When the tortoise gets bigger, can you buy me another rabbit?"

Su Xiang was holding chopsticks and a small bowl in the other hand. She came out and saw the two turtles crawling slowly, with a few faint water marks behind them.

She stuffed the fried shrimp into Fu Ying's mouth, "I'll buy it when you grow up." The child just wanted to test the tortoise and the hare.

She fed the pearls again, and then went back to continue cooking.

There are all kinds of food scents in the fireworks, and the two children are with her. It feels good and makes people feel very warm.

She asked the two children to put the tortoise away, let them wash their hands, and taught them how to make gluten stuffed with meat.

The clear water oil gluten made a hole, flattened the inside and stuffed the meat inside. Fu Ying looked at Su Xiang's hand, drew a gourd by himself and said, "I can eat four like this."

Pearl couldn't do it, she punctured a gluten, she tore up the gluten and stuffed it into her mouth, muttering: "I can eat four too."

Su Xiang smiled and said, "Okay, you all eat four..."

In the living room outside, Zhang's mother was on the phone: "...Well, young master Fu Ying is here too. He had a great time and is learning how to cook..."

When Qi Lingyang heard the children's lively voices and the sound of spatulas colliding on the phone, he felt at ease.

At this time, only her two children can comfort her, and no one else can make her truly calm.

He said, "Give the phone to Miss Su."

Zhang Ma took the mobile phone to answer the call for Su Xiang. On the mobile phone, Qi Lingyang said: "I need to work overtime tonight, so I will go back later."

Su Xiangmo said, "Oh, good."

Qi Lingyang said a few more words before hanging up the phone, but he didn't mention Fu Hanchuan.

Su Xiang was slightly startled by the bubbling pork rib soup, Qi Lingyang was the person who knew her best.

She knew that Qi Lingyang was just finding excuses to come over and give her a simple space.

When the dinner was served, the table was full, and Mama Zhang also called over to eat together.

Both children like to eat Su Xiang's dishes, and Fu Ying eats even harder, his cheeks are bulging like a hamster, and he has already eaten two meat stuffed with gluten.

Pearl was sitting in the baby chair, and she also started to eat by herself. She seemed to miss her jaw, half of it went into her mouth, and half of it fell on the dining table.

Su Xiang held his chin to see the two children eating happily, and his lips curled up.

She loves children, especially these two children.

She was very lonely when she was a child, and there was only Shen Yan in her life.

After she married Fu Hanchuan, the two of them didn't speak for a long time.Fu Hanchuan never looked at her seriously, and the people of the Fu family were even more impatient with her, and never had a good face.

Her life in Fu's old house was even more difficult. She didn't have anyone to accompany her until Fu Ying was born.

Later, they moved to a new house, and sometimes she saw Fu Hanchuan hugging Fu Ying, and she had small expectations in her heart, she wanted to have another child.With two children, Fu Ying will not be alone.

But that is only fleeting, it is absolutely impossible.The Fu family will not want her child anymore, they want her to go.

But she never thought that Fu Hanchuan would treat her like that...

Su Xiang's smile fell, and when she was in a daze, suddenly a chopstick was stretched out in front of her, and Fu Ying poked a piece of gluten stuffed with meat with difficulty and put it in her bowl, he said: "I made this. "

Su Xiang looked at his smug little face, glanced at the gluten and couldn't help laughing: "How do you know you did this?"

Fu Ying tilted his head, pointed at the gluten and said, "Because this has the most meat." He groaned and stuffed a lot into it, so the gluten didn't collapse.

Zhang Ma took a look at the gluten in Su Xiang's bowl, no wonder she thought that one was particularly big, a circle bigger than the others, and she thought it was the last one to get rid of the meat.

Before they knew it, dinner was over, and everyone ate their stomachs round, and they took a walk in the yard for a while.

When the sky was completely dark, they even saw a firefly, which twinkled like a moving star.

Pearl said innocently: "Wow, it's the stars that have fallen."

Fu Ying didn't refute, Su Xiang sang Chongerfei, her pronunciation was not accurate, but she hummed very softly and nicely, so he hummed along.

Later, Su Xiang accompanies Fu Ying to do homework, and Pearl obediently accompanies him to paint.Following the drawing of the turtle in the small box, she drew a large crooked circle, and then painted it all over, a large area of ​​cyan, and the air was full of the rustling sound of crayons.

At this moment, Mama Zhang walked in with a nervous expression on her face.

Su Xiang looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

Mama Zhang said: "Mama Song is here and said she wants to pick up young master Fu Ying." At night, Miss Su clearly said that young master Fu Ying would live here.

Song's mother was brought here by the driver of Fu's family. Fu Hanchuan asked her to pick up Fu Ying.

Mother Song came over, she handed a mobile phone to Su Xiang and said, "Mr. Fu's phone number."

Su Xiang glanced at the mobile phone, "Mr. Fu" was written in large characters on the screen.

Su Xiang answered the phone, and said in a low voice: "It's me. I want Fu Ying to live here tonight." She had asked Teacher Wu to take the call.

Fu Hanchuan pinched the center of his eyebrows and said, "Su Xiang, you can't."

His tone was low, helpless and determined.

Su Xiang's eyebrows furrowed, and he subconsciously felt that Fu Hanchuan was going to repeat his old tricks again.But why should he?
Fu Hanchuan knew that Su Xiang had misunderstood, and said: "We will talk about Fu Ying later, but now I want to take him to see Mrs. Zhuo Ya."

(End of this chapter)

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