Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 321 Cancellation of the Wedding

Chapter 321 Cancellation of the Wedding
Compared to Su Run's eagerness, Su Xiang took his time.

Her mobile phone was pressed to her ear, and there was a smile on the corner of her lips.She said: "Brother, I never knew you were so filial."

Su Xiang couldn't call out his brother when he was dumb before, but later he could talk, and the two of them were already enemies, and they never called him a word.Her brother stunned Su Run.

After a while, Su Run came back to his senses, he became a little annoyed, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Su Xiang!"

He cursed on the phone and said angrily: "Su Xiang, don't go too far! You prevented me from meeting my grandma, you are in vain! You are selfish and vicious!"

But Su Xiang didn't take it seriously, her words were all cold and cold: "Brother, look, you will be disgusted if I tell you a word, do you think I will let you recognize the old lady?"

She would rather be this villain than let Su Run drive the old lady to death.

Her tone calmed down, but she also said seriously: "Su Run, even if the old lady came to look for you, she was only doing it for mother's sake. She gave you money to let you live the rest of your life in peace. , don’t throw your life away!”

But since Su Run knew about the existence of the old lady, how could he let go of such a good opportunity.He yelled: "Su Xiang, you brought me to this wretched place, should I still thank you!"

"Let me tell you, if you don't help me recognize the old lady, you don't want to be clean!"

The journey was far away, and Su Run's angry roar was broken, and there was a lot of noise mixed in from the phone, which made it uncomfortable for the ears.

Su Xiang carried the phone away, and when Su Run finished yelling, she pressed her cheek and said, "Su Run, I can only tell you that your life is still owed, if you leave Fengcheng one step, or If anything else comes up, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Think about your time in Japan."

"Now you are of no value to me. But I still remember what you did to me. Do you think I will come to save your life again?"

Su Xiang's tone of voice was calm, but it was undoubtedly the deepest reminder to Su Run. The slow and calm tone made Su Run startled, and immediately remembered the days when XZ almost died in Higashito, Japan.

He didn't dare to speak again, Su Xiang finished speaking, and hung up the phone.

People like Su Run, to put it bluntly, live a peaceful and comfortable life, forget the pain when the scar is healed, and start tormenting again.

Su Xiang saw through him and reminded him that he almost died in Japan, and he was scared.

She didn't even want to tell him what and how much the Su family owed the Yan and Shen families.Anyway, that kind of person doesn't care about the cause and effect, he only thinks about himself, and if he said it, he would just say "I didn't do it", and then continue to swear.

If Su Run was a person with a conscience, he would not have sent her to Fu Hanchuan's bed after Su Mingdong and Shen Yan died, and he would not have conspired with Chang Yan to send her and Qi Lingyang to the same bed .

To deal with Su Run, just hit him with a stick when his heart is restless again, and he will be honest.

Su Xiang solved Su Run, and immediately called Mrs. Shen.

She had to confirm first whether the old lady had really sent someone to find Su Run. If not, she had to guard against whether someone knew their real relationship and whether someone was using Su Run to stir up trouble.

The servant answered the phone, and the old lady came to answer the phone after a while.

While waiting, Su Xiang looked at the passing scenery outside the car window.

In fact, she was very disturbed in her heart, and she had put too much on her mind, but at this time, she had to calm herself down.

"Hello, is this Xiangxiang?" The old lady's old and cheerful voice came over.

Su Xiang came back to his senses, smiled and said, "It's me, grandma."

The old lady was even happier, and said, "Xiangxiang, what's the matter?"

Although the old lady is very old, she also knows that the juniors are busy on weekdays.The old lady also knew that Su Xiang was going to get married, and she was planning to come back to Beicheng to attend Su Xiang's wedding in December, so she thought she should be busier at this time.

Su Xiang tried not to be too nervous, and asked tentatively, "Grandma, have you ever sent someone to Fengcheng? Do you want to see Su Run?"

The old lady on the other end of the phone paused for breath, and said, "You know?"

When the old lady said this, Su Xiang felt relieved. If it was the old lady, she would not have to worry about other caring people.

Su Xiang didn't speak, the old lady thought Su Xiang was angry, and asked: "Xiangxiang, I didn't tell you about this, are you angry?"

"After all, he is also Xiaoyan's flesh and blood. He has become like that, and I still have to take care of him. But I only gave him money, and I won't care about him anymore... Hey, I have done my best..."

The old lady is not confused, although neither Yan Lin nor Su Xiang mentioned what Su Run did in front of her, but the old lady got some news from Yan Gu.

The child is as virtuous as Su Mingdong, and the old lady shook her head and was disappointed when she heard that, she didn't have a good impression of Su Run, so giving him a sum of money was considered a blood relationship.

At the old lady's age, she is counting the days. She wants to wait until she dies, and when she goes down to see Shen Yan, she can tell her that this old woman has taken care of her two children.

Because it was just a matter of paying a sum of money, and because Yan Lin hated the Su family, the old lady didn't tell anyone about it.

Su Xiangdao: "Grandma, I'm not angry. I just came to ask."

"Grandma, what name did you use to give Su Run the money? Did you reveal your identity?"

The old lady felt puzzled, she turned around and asked: "Xiangxiang, how did you know that I had looked for him?"

Su Xiang told about Su Run's desire to befriend the old lady: "Grandma, I was just worried that someone would take advantage of Su Run, so I checked with you. It's all right now."

When the old lady heard that Su Run had delusions, she felt sick, she shouldn't be soft-hearted.

She said: "I sent someone to give him money in the name of the insurance company. This child is really ungrateful. "

Su Xiang comforted her: "Grandma, you are kind."

She chatted with the old lady for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Su Xiang went through it quickly in his mind.

The old lady asked the person sent to give Su Run a sum of money in the name of the insurance company on the pretext that Shen Yan's insurance had expired.But the old lady is far away in Malaysia, so she doesn't know much about the Su family's affairs.

Su Run is the person who knows the property of Su Mingdong and Shen Yan best. When he got the money, he knew it was definitely not from the insurance company.For him, he would not refuse the money delivered to his door, no matter whether he made a mistake or not, he would swallow it first.

He took the money, and paid to investigate the real source of the money, so that he could feel at ease.If he found Mrs. Shen who was overseas, he would guess her identity, so he had delusions.

Su Xiang let out a sigh of relief, and the matter of Su Run was settled.

At this time, she found that the car had turned into a road near Xiangyuan.

Su Xiang's heart tightened suddenly, and he couldn't help clenching his fingers again.

"Stop." She told the driver.

The driver was stunned: "Huh? It's not here yet."

"It's okay, I'll just get off here."

The car stopped, Su Xiang paid the fare and opened the door to get off.

She walked slowly along the road, her heart getting heavier and heavier, and her steps seemed to be filled with lead.

It hadn't rained for a while, and the leaves of the green belts on both sides of the road were covered with dust, and the walls in the distance and the iron fences with tangled branches and patterns also looked dusty.

Everything looks gray, just like Su Xiang's heart at this time.

Qi Lingyang... Did he really see that waiter when he administered the medicine?

If he saw it and didn't stop it...

Su Xiang's heart trembled, she closed her eyes, and decided to ask about everything...

On the other end, Fu Hanchuan continued to sit in the coffee shop, drinking coffee slowly.

He glanced at the golden sunlight outside the window and narrowed his eyes slightly.

With the waiter in his hands, he could have the waiter confirm directly that Qi Lingyang saw him administer the medicine, which was easy to do under coercion.

But he didn't do that, he asked Su Xiang to investigate by himself.

Only when she investigates by herself and hears the truth with her own ears, will she sever all friendship with Qi Lingyang with a knife, no matter if it is a teacher, a friendship, or a family relationship.

Fu Hanchuan would never admit that Su Xiang and Qi Lingyang had any other superfluous feelings besides those feelings.

Except for him, she will not be tempted by any man.

In this regard, Fu Hanchuan was so confident that he almost deceived himself.

He was her first man, she had admitted it herself, she had loved him.

He would ruin any feelings she had for any man but him.

Qi Lingyang was only her temporary support.

Su Xiang only belonged to Fu Hanchuan.

At this moment, Su Xiang was already standing at the gate of Xiang Garden.

She looked up and saw the plaque, with a pitch-black background and the word Xiangyuan written in gold lacquer, graceful and simple, with the warmth and solidity of home.

She looked at the threshold, otherwise she didn't want to step in. There was panic in her heart, fearing that after entering, the city wall of her home would collapse.

But she will go in after all.

Su Xiang held the door frame with his fingers, and scratched hard with his nails, before he mustered up the courage to go in.

There is also a strong sense of autumn in the garden.The green grass on the lawn is gradually withering, and the withered yellow grass clippings are blown back and forth by the autumn wind; the camellias withered and fell to the ground one by one; in the air.

Su Xiang walked in step by step along the path, and in front, Qi Lingyang was standing under the eaves.He was teasing with a golden-red feather in his hand. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw Su Xiang standing quietly in the garden. He put down the feather and walked along the corridor. Take a few steps.

"You're back." His voice was still gentle, and he stood in a gentle and elegant posture, his face like jade was shining in the sun, and his eyes like black stones looked at Su Xiang quietly.

"Hmm..." Su Xiang walked up, her eyes slightly lowered as she walked up the steps, and when she passed by Qi Lingyang, she didn't look at him.

She dared not, fearing that it would be true.

When Su Xiang passed by Qi Lingyang, a cool wind blew. Qi Lingyang looked at her figure walking past with his head down, held her fingers hanging down, and then went into the inner room.

Su Xiang entered the studio and sat on the sofa for resting. The servant wanted to come in for tea, but Su Xiang ordered no one to come near there.

Qi Lingyang walked in, Su Xiang glanced at him, pinched her fingers, her expression was solemn and tense.

Qi Lingyang sat down on the sofa opposite her, and he looked at her quietly.

The quiet air and the dull atmosphere made Su Xiang's calm mood surge. She suddenly felt very thirsty, and her eyes were anxious.

She swallowed hard, pinched her nails hard, and stabilized her mind.

She looked at Qi Lingyang and said, "More than three years ago, at the birthday party that day, did you see the waiter put something in my drink?"

Su Xiang went straight to the topic, her voice was extremely low, if you listen carefully, you will find that her voice is trembling slightly.It's just that her voice is different from ordinary people, so it's hard to find.

Qi Lingyang stared at Su Xiang with dark eyes, and there was a crack in his gentle eyes.There is pain that cannot be hidden in that crack, as if mourning that something will be lost.

As soon as Su Xiang saw this look, her heart tightened, as if someone had poured cold water on her, and she felt cold all over.

Qi Lingyang opened and closed his thin lips: "Is this what he told you?"

Su Xiangdao: "I saw that waiter."

Qi Lingyang glanced at her, lowered his eyes, he was silent for a few seconds and said: "Yes, I saw it then."

What he felt most sorry for Su Xiang was this matter, which was his deepest secret.

Su Xiang's fate changed completely from that night.

Mrs. Zhuo Ya is hateful, Chang Yan is hateful, and he...has done something to Su Xiang.

If he had stopped that day, or that waiter had exposed it, nothing would have happened after that.

But if that's the case, he won't get Su Xiang, and they won't be together.

Su Xiang stood up abruptly, her heart felt like someone had set her on fire, but her disappointment with Qi Lingyang was like ice, freezing her completely.

She seemed to be caught in the double sky of ice and fire, and her mind was dizzy for a while.

She trusted him so much, they agreed to be honest with each other and to be family members, but he hid such a... a secret that she couldn't bear!

What she went through, he saw with his own eyes!

Su Xiang's tears fell, and she couldn't help but roared: "Why didn't you stop it!"

She held her tearing head, and when she saw Qi Lingyang approaching, she hurriedly backed away.

Her calf was on the sofa, she fell down suddenly, grabbed a pillow and threw it over, preventing him from approaching: "Don't move, don't come over!"

She was broken, and she felt betrayed by the whole world.

What did she do wrong to go through that?

She trusted him, and she was going to marry him, but now it has become a great irony!

"Su Xiang..." Seeing her collapse in pain, Qi Lingyang felt like a knife stabbed in his heart.

He looked at her in pain, clenched his fists with his drooping hands.

He could deny it, saying he didn't see it.

At that time, it was just a glance, only he and the waiter, he denied it, and the waiter couldn't insist on him.

Qi Lingyang turned around and walked back to the sofa, his broad shoulders slumped slightly, and his body was heavy.

Su Xiang slowed down and looked at Qi Lingyang with red eyes: "Why, you admit it now? Why didn't you hide it to the end?"

"If you deny it, I will never know for the rest of my life."

Qi Lingyang's warm and dark eyes lost all their splendor at this moment, and his face was also pale.

He said: "I originally planned to hide this secret for the rest of my life, and I also thought that no one would know... As long as I marry you and stay together, until we die, we will live happily ever after..."

His voice was slow, and when he talked about living a happy life, the corner of his lips smiled slightly, with hopes and self-mockery after being shattered.

"I also thought that this day would come soon. I had been looking forward to it for so long, and finally this day came..."

"But I didn't expect that the secret would be exposed so quickly. The waiter actually noticed me, and Fu Hanchuan even found me..."

"Fu Hanchuan..."

Qi Lingyang shook his fingers, that person really has the ability, such a secret, it can even be said to be a secret that can be denied at any time, and he was able to dig it out.

At this time, there is no need for Qi Lingyang to hide anymore, confessing to Su Xiang is his best salvation.

Those who do wrong things will always be punished, and those who are born with greed will eventually lose...

He said: "Since this matter has been told, even if I deny it, a seed of doubt will be born in your heart. You will always be entangled, and I, I also promised to confess to you..."

"Confession?" Su Xiang sneered ironically, and a tear rolled down his face.

Now the word confession, to her, there is only irony.

Qi Lingyang rolled his Adam's apple. In front of her, confession was worthless, and he was powerless to defend himself.

Su Xiang raised her hand to wipe her tears. She remembered something and said, "Is it compensation for being nice to me? Just like before?"

Qi Lingyang first used her to compete with Fu Hanchuan for the position of heir.But he later gave up Sheng Tang and gave up that position.

She thought he was sincere to her, but now that she thinks about it, maybe he is making up for that incident, his conscience is disturbed!
Thinking of this, Su Xiang's fingers curled up, and his heart felt even more desolate.

Her value is just to be used by them. Does her dignity not exist in their eyes?
Qi Lingyang saw her curled up on the sofa, she denied him and herself with negative eyes.

He said: "Su Xiang, I treat you well because I really love you. I don't want you to doubt this."

Qi Lingyang's throat rolled, and his eyes fell on the teacup a few inches away.

He paused, and then started talking again: "Since my mother passed away, since I knew I was not Qi Haipeng's son, I was lonely..."

"No one is by my side, and no one pays attention to me... Du Ruohan is the only one who loves me, but she has become someone else's, and I have nothing..."

"In my heart, resentment was born, I wanted to take revenge on those who ignored me, I wanted to take revenge on those who abandoned my mother... I became dark and unscrupulous, I saw you..."

Qi Lingyang looked at Su Xiang: "But you are a ray of light, and instead drove away the darkness in my heart."

"I stayed by your side and saw your efforts. You walked to the light step by step in the face of adversity. But what about me? I fell into darkness."

"I just want to protect you, I want to get my warmth and my light..."

"That night, when I saw the waiter's actions, I also struggled in my heart. But I also know that this is my best chance to have you."

"Su Run sent you to Fu Hanchuan's side, and he wants to send you to me again... Such thoughts filled my head..."

"I was drunk, and according to their plan, they sent me to that room... Actually, I could really get you, but I struggled. If it really happened, you probably wouldn't be able to survive..."

So he stopped, and he left a path where she could repent.

If she doesn't want to be with him, she's still innocent.

After Qi Lingyang finished what he had to say, the air returned to calm.

Su Xiang's tears were streaming down, she felt nothing but pain in her heart at this moment.

The great betrayal she suffered broke her down.

Qi Lingyang didn't know when he left, and the servants in the garden did not dare to approach there after hearing Su Xiang's order.

The sky is completely dark, there is no moon tonight, it is dark outside the window, and the bare branches sway like ghosts.

After a few crackles, the raindrops fell and hit the window, and there was a sound of raindrops falling to the ground.

Su Xiang curled up, staring blankly at the raindrops gradually soaking the glass.

Her brain seemed to stop thinking, her world collapsed...

Qi Lingyang didn't go far, he sat in the car, the car was parked outside Xiangyuan, he looked at the lights coming from inside.

When this day came, he regretted it. He regretted that he should have taken her desperately that day, so that she would have no way out.

As long as he keeps her by his side, he is willing to be a complete villain.

He knew very well that he loved her.

Her light is what he sees, and she is also the light in his heart.No one knows the longing for light and warmth when they are in the dark.

But he also clearly knows Su Xiang's character, she is kind and generous but also hates betrayal and use.

He looked at the light that was still on inside and wondered if she was still crying now, if she hated him and would never forgive.

As soon as this idea came up, he lit a cigarette with trembling fingers, and he took a puff vigorously, but he coughed again and again.

Qi Lingyang lay prone on the steering wheel, his shoulders trembled for a while, and mist formed in his eyes.

He really loves a woman, a woman named Su Xiang, and he is willing to give up everything for her...

He wanted to go in and see her.

He promised her that he would make her happy.

But she definitely doesn't want to see him now.

Su Xiang locked herself in Xiangyuan for two days. Two days later, she called Yan Lin and told him that she was going to cancel the wedding.

When Yan Lin heard what she said, he was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Well, why are you canceling the wedding? Did you quarrel with Qi Lingyang? I'll ask him!"

Yan Lin knows that young people nowadays will break up when they quarrel, and break up on the day of their wedding, but Su Xiang is not such a person, Qi Lingyang regards Su Xiang as a treasure, and the two of them will not quarrel too much.

So Yan Lin was very anxious.

Su Xiang confirmed the matter with him very calmly, she just said that she regretted it.She found that she didn't love Qi Lingyang that much, so she wanted to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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