Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 332 Getting angry is mostly due to imbalance of yin and yang

Chapter 332 Getting angry is mostly due to imbalance of yin and yang
There are still a few days before the Spring Festival, and people pay close attention to the last few days of the end of the year to buy New Year's goods. The employees in the company have entered the New Year's state ahead of schedule, and their spirits are lazy.Every day I count my fingers and wait for the Spring Festival holiday.

Something happened last year that led to a sharp drop in the sales of Su Xiang’s studio products. Worried, she tried to find a solution, but this year it has stabilized. With the growing popularity of the youth group, the sales of products do not have to worry, but they are even busier. .

Su Xiang inspected the factory, then went to the store, delivered the New Year's goods, and returned to the office to pour a cup of hot tea to moisten himself.

Her lips were scratched and ulcers had developed, and she had to speak slowly, eat and drink.Assistant Ouyang saw that she was drinking a cup of tea with so much charm, looked at her with even more admiration, and said, "Sister Su, you are born elegant and noble."

After Xiao Deng left the studio, Su Xiang tried two assistants back and forth, and finally confirmed that the one who stayed was Ou Yang, a male assistant.

Ouyang has good driving skills, great strength, a flexible mind, and a sweet mouth, but he is a little young and not mature enough.

Su Xiang couldn't help but smile bitterly, waved his hands and said, "Go ask the accountant, how much money we have yet to get back. In addition, the payment from the supplier has also been calculated, and these two matters should be settled the day after tomorrow." Cleared up. Also, prepare a car to go to the Foundation in the afternoon."

Su Xiang said three things in one sentence, and then stopped talking. The assistant nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Su Xiang was the only one left in the office, and she drank all the tea slowly.

Just when I wanted to rest for a few minutes, my phone rang.

Su Xiang picked up the phone and looked at Feng Qingyang's call.

At the fruit juice factory, most of the workers on the construction site have already returned to their hometowns ahead of schedule, and there are very few people staying there. The construction site is in a state of shutdown, but the research and development team is still in progress.This piece is what Feng Qingyang is staring at.

Su Xiang answered the phone, and Feng Qingyang's voice came over: "Are you free at noon, let's have dinner together."

Her voice was weak, as if she was exhausted.

Su Xiang didn't really want to eat, she was in pain, but she also knew that Feng Qingyang would not talk about eating together for no reason, so she thought for a while and said: "Let's just go to the porridge shop."

On the other end of the phone, Feng Qingyang agreed after a pause.

Su Xiang hung up the phone, checked the time, picked up his coat and went out.Ouyang came over from the finance side, and was about to report to Su Xiang what she had explained. Su Xiang walked and said, "Let's talk about it in the afternoon. Don't order lunch for me. I'll go out for a while."

She disappeared after a while, Ouyang shook his head and sighed.

These days, strong women are women like wind, how can those men who eat and drink all day long live, no wonder the number of bachelors is increasing year by year.

However, Ouyang is not the type of man who eats and drinks. He took out his mobile phone and sent a message: He went out again and didn't take me with him.

A cashier happened to pass by, saw Ouyang shaking his head and sighing there, glanced in the direction of the gate and said, "Miss Su went out again?"

Ouyang put away his phone, shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "Yes."

On the other end, Su Xiang drove to a Cantonese porridge shop by himself.

When she arrived, Feng Qingyang hadn't come yet, so Su Xiang found an empty seat and sat down.

She ordered roast goose, shrimp dumplings, quick sand buns, and a pot of porridge with fish slices. The waiter served tea and took the order and was ready to go.

After a while, Feng Qingyang walked over with a lot of documents in her arms. She was in a hurry, and after sitting down, she piled up the large pile of documents on the seat next to her, and she was completely paralyzed. Sitting there, he no longer looked like he was in a hurry.

Su Xiang poured her tea, and she drank it up in one gulp, and the first thing she said was: "I'm going to be in a hurry."

Su Xiangdao: "It's the end of the year, no one is busy."

Feng Qingyang just glared at her, and she was still counting on her to say a few words of comfort, and then take over some of the factory work.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingyang felt furious, feeling like he was on Fu Hanchuan's boat.

The Feng family doesn't value Feng Qingyang, but she still has to serve the family. When the two brothers of the Feng family were in trouble and there was no end to it, she was of great significance as a firefighter, and she could only retire after the matter was over.

Feng Qingyang participated in the factory at the beginning, with the intention of expanding her small treasury. She invested secretly and did not participate in factory affairs, but she didn't know how to take care of more and more things. When she came to her senses and asked Fu Hanchuan for clarification, then Huo said lightly: "You strongly asked to join in, and I didn't force you."

Feng Qingyang wanted to cry but had no tears. Wasn't she nervous at that time that she lost her money!

Up to now, she has to be busy with family affairs and factory affairs.

The point is, she was busy with the Feng family's affairs, she wanted to fight for credit but was snatched away, and her contribution to the fruit juice factory should not be known.

When Feng Qingyang has resentment, she feels like a maidservant.

The waiter brought up the dishes, steaming casserole porridge, a white mist came out as soon as the lid was lifted, and the rich sweet aroma of rice porridge came out along with the white mist.

The other three side dishes were also placed next to the casserole.

Feng Qingyang sat up and took a look, then sat back lazily. At this time, she had been tortured so much that she was no longer heroic.

She snorted and said, "Just eat this little?"

She was so hungry that she could eat a cow, but if she knew it, she would not have agreed to eat porridge. She only blamed herself for being too tired to think about it.

Su Xiang scooped up the porridge with a spoon, glanced at her through the misty white mist and said, "If you think it's not enough, you can continue to order more, and there is no limit to you."

Before the waiter left, Feng Qingyang grabbed the menu and ordered several dishes in succession.If Su Xiang listened carefully, she would know that she almost ordered a page of dishes.

After ordering, she first took a shrimp dumpling to cushion her stomach, and then rummaged through the documents piled up on the chair next to her.

Those documents, in addition to the documents of the factory, also belonged to Fengjia Company.She took out a blue file bag and handed it to Su Xiangdao: "This is the first batch of fruit juice recipes. I have already sent samples to your studio, please try the ones over there first."

Su Xiang was blowing cold porridge, and took the document without raising his head.

She took out the document and was not in a hurry to drink the porridge anymore, just like Feng Qingyang, she read the documents while pinching the shrimp dumpling.

By the spring of next year, the factory building will be completed and the machines will be commissioned on site.The recruitment of workers on Su Xiang's side was almost over in the fall.She is in the Disabled Persons' Federation, and there are people there. Those people are like children waiting to be fed, waiting for the Spring Festival to pass quickly, so that they can earn money and be self-reliant.

After reading it, Su Xiang put the document aside and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Feng Qingyang had already finished eating a cage of shrimp dumplings, broke open the quicksand bag there, and said in his mouth: "Finally, I said something human."

Su Xiang smiled, this smile touched the ulcer on her lips, the pain caused her to close her mouth quickly.

She sips porridge, like an ancient royal lady, while Feng Qingyang eats it heartily. This comparison makes her very vulgar, like a pig.

Feng Qingyang looked at her eyes twitching, what's wrong with this woman, she didn't eat like this before.

She held a charity party, and the nobleman has seen a lot, so she's just pretending here?
Feng Qingyang put the spoon in the empty bowl with a clang, looked at Su Xiang dissatisfied and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Su Xiang misunderstood her dissatisfaction as an inquiry, and said truthfully, "I have a mouth ulcer."

Her lips still hurt. From a small white spot, it has grown to the size of a small fingernail. I don't know if there is another reason for getting angry, and it came out along with the wound.

After saying this, Feng Qingyang raised her eyebrows, her whole expression changed, she leaned forward slightly, and said ambiguously, "Are you angry?"

That appearance, completely different from the exhausted appearance she had before, was rather gossiping.

Su Xiang glanced at her, wondering why she was so excited.Just listen to Feng Qingyang's serious way: "When you get angry, it's mostly due to the imbalance of yin and yang, you have to purify the fire."

Su Xiang knew what she meant, she didn't accept the move, and said more seriously than her: "Well, go back and drink some chrysanthemum tea."

Feng Qingyang clicked his tongue, seeing that she wasn't fooled, he poked a piece of octopus with his chopsticks on his chin, and said, "I could see it at the dinner that day. Young Master Fu took you as his own arbitrarily in front of so many people. Two, one dry wood, one fire, they can be burned sooner."

Why is she so tired?Just caught in the middle of this pair of men and women!She is about to be boiled dry!
Su Xiang squeezed a spoon hard, took a deep breath, and decided not to speak.

She took a mouthful of rice porridge, Feng Qingyang's gaze continued to poison her, Su Xiang couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Miss Feng, seeing you recover so quickly, did you overdo it?"

Feng Qingyang was reflected back, and she shut up and didn't mention it.

She is so busy that she has no chance to find a man.

Furthermore, with her status, the family would not allow her to find a man casually.Her marriage was dedicated to the interests of the family.

She was indoctrinated with this thought since she was a child, and the women in the Feng family all married in this way, no matter they were happy or not.

The Feng family, also under the interweaving of various interests, has gradually achieved its current status step by step.

But Feng Qingyang didn't want to be a puppet at the mercy of others, so she developed a man-like personality, and worked hard to get rid of that fate.

Before she has enough strength, she will not find a man.

The two women then directly discussed work at the dining table. The table was full of dishes, holding documents and materials in the middle of the table for discussion.

They are so busy that they race against time. When the guests in the restaurant saw it, they all sighed: women in the new era are no worse than men.

Su Xiang finished the business of the juice factory at the dinner table, and returned to the studio. Sure enough, as Feng Qingyang said, a box of juice was delivered, and those people had already drank it as an after-dinner drink.

Ouyang took a big sip and said with a smile: "Sister Su, after drinking this one, it seems like I ate several kinds of fruits at the same time, and the fruity taste came out."

Su Xiang looked at his smiling eyes and said, "That's good. By the way, there is something in the box. After drinking the juice, let everyone write down their feelings and suggestions, and collect them tomorrow."

Ouyang was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Writing a report after drinking a bottle of juice is like writing a review after watching a movie in elementary school.So busy, what to write!
Ou Yang lowered his eyebrows, thinking that it would be over if he dealt with it casually, Su Xiang walked to the door of the office, looked back at him and said, "Be sure to be truthful, and don't be careless."

"Yes..." Ouyang sighed, and touched the phone in his pocket, why did he drink this bottle of juice.

Su Xiang went into the office, locked the documents that Feng Qingyang handed over to her in the file cabinet, and left.

Going to the foundation in the afternoon, she hasn't investigated what happened at the dinner that day.

She didn't go directly to talk to those two women. She didn't even know the names of the two women, and she could only recognize them if they were in front of them.

If Su Xiang called everyone to come to recognize her, it seemed that she was going to take revenge on purpose, it would not be good for her future work, and she would be caught and magnified deliberately.

This is the trick.

After thinking about it, Su Xiang thought about one thing clearly.

The two women attacked her by saying those words in the bathroom first, and angered her first.Afterwards, Boss Zhou humiliated her in front of everyone, which could annoy her even more.

Verbal attacks are the easiest way to make people lose their composure. If she couldn't control it at the time and made things worse, she would lose her words and deeds in public under the watchful eyes of everyone.

As a person in charge, the most important thing is to avoid losing credibility, especially for the Furui Foundation, where all the people you deal with are celebrities, and making a fool of yourself is tantamount to ruining your image in front of others.

Fortunately, Su Xiang held back at that time, the other party probably didn't know her well enough.

She endured the splashed dirty water again and again, her endurance is unimaginable.

Entering the foundation, I saw the staff there silently looking at her.

It's no secret that Su Xiang was molested by his boss that week. So many people saw it at the time, it had already been spread.

Su Xiang raised his head and chest, walked straight through the hall, through the corridor, and into the office.

Ouyang followed Su Xiang, and felt that Su Xiang's footsteps were very steady, and he held his breath very calmly.

And those people didn't wait for Su Xiang's figure to disappear, they began to whisper quietly behind her: "How dare she come, if it were for me, at least she would come after this gust of wind."

"Yes, what a shame, so many people saw it. When Mrs. Pang was here, it never happened before."

"That's right, a dignified person in charge of the foundation is treated as a sleeping companion, what will others think of us in the future?"

"Hey, with Mrs. Pang here this year, so much money can be raised. I don't know how she will do it next year..."


Su Xiang has just arrived here, and he has not yet established his own prestige in the foundation, and he has no friends of his own. Those people talk freely and are not afraid of being heard.

Ouyang frowned when he heard that, and looked at Su Xiang in front of him with some worry, but Su Xiang didn't seem to hear it, and his steps didn't stop, still following her own rhythm. Not messy.

Following such a person gives peace of mind.

Ouyang's heart was relieved, he felt that those women were just gossips, and he could only be jealous of others for the rest of his life.

Anyone with a bit of a brain knows that if you want to know if Su Xiang has the ability, just look at the money she raised at the charity gala. The data speaks for itself.

Su Xiang heard those people's whispered discussions. They might just be complaining, but Su Xiang believed that someone must have set the rhythm first.

This is the third step in that person's plan.

In the foundation, discrediting her personal image made people question the rationality of her being the person in charge.Once everyone doesn't trust her and can't get along with her, the higher-ups will consider replacing her.

After entering the office, Ouyang said: "Sister Su, don't take what those people say, they are jealous of you."

Su Xiang took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair, and said with a slight smile: "You already know the truth, why am I still not clear? Don't worry, I won't bother."

Next, she went about her business, methodically, and did nothing else.

Occasionally, someone came in to report the work content to her. After reading it, Su Xiang said a few words, requesting that the raised funds be distributed in proportion to the aid projects, the assisted population, and the poverty level. She added a little more, asking for openness and transparency change.

The man glanced at her with a look of astonishment.

Su Xiangdao: "What, is there a problem?"

When the woman was asked, she was blunt. She said: "Miss Su, what you said is simple. All foundations, including the public, are asking for financial disclosure and transparency, but how many of them really do it?"

Su Xiang remained silent, looked at her with a slight smile, and waited for her to continue.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the man continued, with more resentment in his words: "This matter seems simple, but how many people are there in our foundation?"

"There are so many places where the support population is scattered, and there are volunteers in the management. Do you know all about these, Ms. Su?"

The woman looked at Su Xiang with the expression of an insider looking at an outsider.

Su Xiang smiled and said, "Because it's difficult to solve, did you leave the problem here?"

"Those people also want to know where the money I brought in is used. If I don't make it public, and the situation of helping people is not clear, then what do others think?"

She looked terrified, and said, "Why are the charitable funds getting less and less, because others are thinking, where did the money go!"

"Without donations, is there any need for the foundation to exist!"

Su Xiang knows very well that the more chaotic the accounts are, the easier it is to fish in troubled waters.

There is no cost for charity, and it all depends on donations from others.After removing the necessary expenses, the remaining money should be used for practical purposes, but there is no supervision, no transparency and openness, and the whereabouts of part of the donation is unknown.

Mrs. Pang was suspected, and the people above were eager to get rid of her, so they fell on it.

If Su Xiang continues to follow the rules and regulations left by Mrs. Pang, she will become the next Mrs. Pang.

Mrs. Pang also said something else, but Su Xiang didn't get a penny, and he wanted to take the blame for some people, so he buried himself in a daze.

The woman was shocked by Su Xiang's expression, took a breath, and pursed her lips for a moment, not daring to say anything.

Su Xiang's expression softened again, and his tone softened a bit: "These tasks have to be done step by step, and it's not that you will reach the sky step by step, and you will do it right away. But it must be done. We only have to be perfect, not Never change."

Regardless of whether Su Xiang's face was soft or cold, her attitude was there. The woman didn't dare to challenge her anymore, so she took the documents and went out.

Su Xiang glanced at the closed door, and his eyes continued to fall on the computer screen.

In the next few days, Su Xiang ran between the studio and the foundation.

She was not in a hurry to find out the person who pulled her back, but she was sure that there were more than two people planning to pull her down.

The more people there are, the less anxious you are.

After Fu Hanchuan listened to the report of the person staring at the foundation, the corners of his lips slightly curved, and he was about to see the tigress show his power again.

Two nights before the New Year's Eve, Su Xiang invited Fu Ying and Pearl's two children to have dinner together at her apartment in Chawan.

That day, she deliberately set aside two hours in the afternoon, took the children to buy clothes, went to the market to buy vegetables, and fiddled with a table of vegetables in her small kitchen.

The Fu family is still there, but it has been scattered. Fu Ying will go to Sanya with Fu Hanchuan to visit Mrs. Zhuo Ya during the Chinese New Year.

The Ye family is gone, but the Yan family is still there, and the family has also dispersed in two places. Su Xiang and Yan Lin are going to Kuala Lumpur to see Mrs. Shen.The old lady is too old to fly around, and the North City is too cold.

As for the Qi family, Su Xiang can only wait for the return of Kuala Lumpur before going to pay New Year greetings to Qi Haipeng.

For the Qi family, Su Xiang is always grateful for Qi Haipeng's care over the past two years.Before she met Yan Lin, Qi Haipeng was the first person in her life who cared for her elders.

Seeing the two children eating happily, Su Xiang didn't know whether it was joy or sadness.

She grew up in Su's family, but Su's family gave her the worst memory. She has no feelings for Su's family, and she thinks that she has nothing to care about in this world.But now, there are so many people she cares about around her.

Moreover, the people she cared about also cared about her.

What makes her sad is that the people she cares about cannot get together for a lively new year.Fortunately, it was only a brief separation, and they will be together again soon.

Fu Ying looked at her and said awkwardly: "Mom, are you angry that I didn't accompany you for the New Year?"

"Grandma is alone in Sanya, and I haven't seen her for several months. But I can see you every week, so don't be jealous, I will give you a gift to compensate you."

When Su Xiang heard the second half of his sentence, he felt sad and wanted to laugh.

She suddenly had the feeling of seeing her son more than ten years later.When the son has a girlfriend in the future, he won't be with her all the time, so he will buy gifts to make up for it.

Fu Ying sometimes plays with Lian Liang, and what he brings to her is the gadgets they fiddled with.At that time, Su Xiang felt that he couldn't help himself.

Su Xiang rubbed the little guy's hair and said, "Sanya is warmer than Beicheng, so it's just right for you to go there."

Pearl glanced at Fu Ying, then at Su Xiang, pulled her sleeves, and said in a childish voice, "Ma Ma, I can accompany you."

She plays every day, and she doesn't have a grandma to accompany her, only her grandpa is like a child who can't do without her.

Pearl is still young and doesn't understand the changes of adults, and Su Xiang will not lose her love for her because of the changes, and the family relationship has not changed.As for the incident between her and Qi Lingyang, as the child grows up, she will gradually understand, and she will understand things that she doesn't understand as time goes by.

Su Xiang pinched her little face: "Then what about grandpa?"

Pearl frowned in embarrassment, Grandpa couldn't do without her.

Su Xiang couldn't help laughing when she saw her frowning and thinking, the cuteness of the child is the panacea to resolve all troubles.

"Aren't you staying with me now?" Su Xiang gave the answer with a smile, and Pearl immediately smiled sweetly, "Ah, yes, and brother."

(End of this chapter)

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