Strong marriage lock: Fu Shao's dumb new wife

Chapter 342 Do you want to call once and try

Chapter 342 Do you want to call me and give it a try?
When Su Liyi first came home, Wei Lanxi saw that she was at home every day, not to mention being a big star, and couldn't even get her assistant's salary, so she felt that she might have nothing to rely on when she was old.

The man she's looking for doesn't like her, and her daughter's future is uncertain. Wei Lanxi is very anxious, so she persuades Su Liyi to change jobs as soon as possible, not to wait hopelessly, saying that don't trust others, but trust yourself, and take the initiative to attack.

Her so-called initiative is obviously not to let her daughter actively fight for it, but to ask her to change jobs.

Su Liyi was very disappointed with her mother, thinking how she couldn't hold back at that time, and listened to her words to terminate the contract.

Su Liyi could clearly see Qi Lingyang's feelings for Su Xiang, she was really confused.

Judging from Su Liyi's resentment towards Wei Lanxi, Su Xiang's first step was successful.

Su Liyi ignored what Wei Lanxi said again, and went out.

The termination of the contract went smoothly, and it was over after signing. No one kept her. A few colleagues knew that she was leaving the company, so they came to say a few words.

In the workplace, no matter how unsatisfactory or inconsistent it was before, it is still necessary to maintain a "friendly" relationship at the end.

"Li Yi, there will be new developments in the future, don't forget about me."

"Come out for tea when you have time."

There are mostly young girls in the company, all of whom are as beautiful as flowers, and their smiles are also bright and bright.

Su Liyi nodded with a stiff smile and said yes, then walked towards the gate numbly.

At this time, when she saw the faces smiling at her, she could guess what those people were thinking.Without her as a competitor, they felt they had hope.

Su Liyi felt uncomfortable, and walked out quickly, holding the termination contract tightly.

She didn't go home immediately, and sat casually on the rest bench at the bus stop.Behind it is a huge billboard, which is an advertisement taken by the Youth League for an amusement park.

She only glanced at it, then turned her head quickly, feeling even more depressed in her heart.

Su Liyi participated in the dance competition with the youth troupe, but at this time, they are in the sky and the earth.

The huge gap made her feel so much pain that her eyes turned red.

She was confused about what to do in the future, and at this moment, a voice suddenly rang in her ears: "Are you that niece of Su Xiang?"

Su Liyi sat in a daze, unaware that someone was approaching her. When she recovered, she saw a man standing two steps away.

Su Liyi raised her hand to wipe her eyes, then frowned slightly and looked at the man in front of her.

She has never met this person, but he mentioned Su Xiang's name, so it must be someone from Su Xiang, either a friend or an enemy.

Su Liyi looked at the man, he was quite tall, good-looking, and quite dignified, much older than her, and looked quite mature.

She glanced at the red Lamborghini parked on the side of the road again. Such a car costs several million.

Miss Su Liyi was born as a daughter, and at this moment, she thought depressedly that the only people she could come into contact with now were ordinary people, but that Su Xiang, who was a mute, only knew people with extravagance.

She stood up and said coldly, "That's right."

Seeing her indifferent appearance, the man pulled the corner of his lower lip and said, "little sister, you don't have to be hostile to me. I'm not a strange uncle who wants to kidnap you. Su Xiang and I are friends, and I saw you waiting here for the bus , just to say hello. If you don’t want to, then I’ll leave.”

After all, the man turned around and was about to leave.

Su Liyi was depressed, and someone came to relieve her boredom, as if a hand pulled her out of the stuffy oxygen-free glass bottle.

Seeing that the man was about to leave, she hesitated and called out to him, "Are you really Su Xiang's friend?"

The man stopped and looked back at her: "You want me to call her over and verify with you?"

The relationship between Su Liyi and Su Xiang is just like that, no matter whether he is a friend or an enemy, this man doesn't look like a bad person anyway.

She said, "That's unnecessary."

There was a little smile in the man's eyes, he glanced at the bus platform behind Su Liyi, and then said to Su Liyi: "You are Su Xiang's niece, why are you taking the bus?"

After all, it was a relationship with relatives. Su Xiang became his own boss, so he was so stingy with his niece?

The man thought silently.

Seeing the man's eyes, Su Liyi didn't want to explain her relationship with Su Xiang. Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, she knew that with the identity of Su Xiang's niece, others would come to talk to her.

Su Liyi said: "I'm just tired of walking and resting here."

The man smiled slightly, and then took a special look at Su Liyi: "Oh, so that's the case. Where are you going? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

He glanced at the car, his expression was sincere.Su Liyi also got into the car along the way.

Sitting in such a luxury car, Su Liyi was filled with emotions.How long has she been in such a sports car?

When she was studying in Singapore, she was still the eldest lady of the Su family. So many people chased her and praised her. At that time, she was only a 14-year-old girl, and those rich men drove her around to play.

Later, she became a star assistant, and the artist she followed also had a sports car, but every time she drove by herself, she never took Su Liyi in her car.

Su Liyi quietly touched the leather chair under her body, felt the smell of money, closed her eyes and enjoyed it a little.

The man glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, thinking that she was a down and out daughter after all, and she missed the rich and noble days before.

"You haven't said where you're going."

Su Liyi opened her eyes, and saw the man looking at her jokingly, her face blushed slightly, she moved her body uncomfortably and said, "You can just open it."

In this case, if it was someone else, they would probably say "Miss, you should play by yourself", but this person didn't say anything, and really took her for a ride according to her wishes.

The wind in April is slightly warm on the face, and the sun is also comfortable.Su Liyi lay on the car door, watching the passing scenery on the road.

"In a bad mood?" the man asked, looking at her.

"Hmm..." Su Liyi snorted lazily.

The man didn't say anything else, and drove her to an amusement park. This kind of little girl doesn't like to ride roller coasters the most.

He really had the right appetite. Ever since the Su family plummeted, Su Liyi hadn't been to an amusement park again.

Seeing the lively place, Su Liyi's mood also improved.She plays the pirate ship, the jumping machine, and the roller coaster, all of which are exciting and interesting.And that man has been with her all the time, playing all those exciting projects.

After the end, the two sat down to rest with ice cream.The man crossed his legs, even eating ice, something that women and children like, will not damage his noble temperament.

No matter how smart and clever Su Liyi is, she is still a little girl.The man followed her wishes, took her for a ride and played with her in the amusement park, and he naturally had a little more affection for him in his heart.

But her mentality was that of a young and old man, so she asked, "Do you like Su Xiang very much?"

Otherwise, how can I accompany her niece.

Su Liyi felt that this man was flattering her because he wanted to get closer to Su Xiang through her.But he must not be too familiar with Su Xiang, otherwise he should know that Su Xiang and Su Run are incompatible.

Even in a sense, Su Xiang is not from the Su family.

The man's arm rested leisurely on the back of the bench behind him, he turned his body slightly and said, "She and I are just ordinary friends."

As he spoke, a ray of light flashed across his black eyes that was not easy to be noticed by others.

Su Liyi glanced at him, pouted her lower lip slightly and said, "You don't need to clarify, I know many men like her."

Su Liyi also couldn't figure out how a dumb person could attract so many people to like her.Fu Hanchuan, Qi Lingyang, and that Mo Feitong, what a look.

The man smiled and said nothing more.

Su Liyi remembered that she didn't know the other party's name for so long, so she asked, "By the way, you haven't said your name yet?"

"You didn't tell me, Su Xiang's niece." The man withdrew his arm and took a bite of the ice cream.

"Su Liyi." Su Liyi said her name, and the man looked at her, which was his real eyes on her.

It is said that the girl is a flower, and the one in front of her has a melon-shaped face, clear eyes, looks pretty but also shows a bit of cunning, and has a sophistication that girls of the same age don't have.

The man smiled and said, "It's a good name. It's beautiful and refreshing."

Su Liyi looked into the man's dark and bright eyes, and he looked at her straight. She seemed to see the words "interested in you" from his eyes.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she hurriedly suppressed the small thoughts in her heart, and said, "You haven't said your name yet."

"Gao Changshou." As the man said, he suddenly took Su Liyi's hand and wrote in her palm.

The numb feeling seemed to penetrate from the palm to the heart, Su Liyi shrank her hand slightly, and the man held it and did not let her pull it away.

Su Liyi's face turned red, and she whispered, "Your name is a bit of a mouthful."

Gao Changshou smiled and said, "Yes, it's a bit of a mouthful. That's why my friends usually call me Achang, and you can call me that too."

Su Liyi was held by the man's wide and warm hands all the time, she nodded in a daze.

"Would you like to call for a try?" the man said again.


Su Liyi called out subconsciously, and after she finished calling, she wondered how she would know her name, so she immediately switched to such an intimate nickname.But she felt that there was nothing wrong, his name was indeed difficult to pronounce.

The man squeezed her hand: "Well, not bad."

At this time, Su Liyi felt that her hand was still in the other's hand, she pulled it back in surprise, and bumped into the man's eyes when she raised her head.

He was still looking at her, and she could feel that he was really interested in her.

Su Liyi opened her mouth, and according to her previous aggressive personality, she had already asked directly.But at this time she suddenly couldn't speak, she didn't dare.

At this time, the man looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late, shall I take you home?"

(End of this chapter)

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