Chapter 353 Don't Go...

Fu Hanchuan always felt that he was going to finish all the love stories in this life, and he was also ready to take advantage of Su Xiang's dizziness to put in more effort and do what should be done.This phone call made him feel like a roadblock suddenly crossed the smooth road.

He clenched the phone tightly with his fingers, and his breathing stopped slightly, even Su Xiang felt his abnormality.She turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fu Hanchuan hung up the phone, let out a deep breath and said, "Su Liyi and Chang Shou went to the Fuli Hotel."

Su Xiang was stunned for a moment.

Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan both know what Chang Shou is planning for the so-called cooperation negotiation tonight.Chang Shou didn't dare to appear in front of them, but when the negotiation was over, he could show up in Beicheng with any excuse to meet Su Liyi.

It's just time to go to the hotel...

Su Xiang pinched her fingers, Fu Hanchuan looked at her fingers and asked, "What do you think?"

Su Xiangdao: "Feng Qingyang said that she met Chang Shou. I think Chang Shou is worried that she will remember, so he has to act quickly..."

Fu Hanchuan remembered what Su Xiang said before, to teach Su Liyi a lesson, he said, "Aren't you going to play with them?"

That's the question, in fact, when he received that call, he knew what Su Xiang would do.

Su Xiang glanced at him, with a malicious smile on his face, she turned to the driver and said, "Go to Fuli Hotel."

Without further ado, the driver turned the steering wheel at the ten-finger intersection ahead and drove to Fuli Hotel.


After Su Liyi and Fu Hanchuan had dinner, they drove her new car back to the apartment.

Wei Lanxi was waiting for her at home, and when she saw her come back, she came up and asked, "How is it?"

Su Liyi was very proud, she smiled and said, "It's almost done."

As soon as Wei Lanxi heard that it was done, she clapped her hands and said, "My daughter is capable." Then, she looked at Su Liyi with a guilty expression, "It would be great if the Su family didn't fail, and you don't have to suffer this grievance gone."

Wei Lanxi still felt very uncomfortable that her daughter was despised by others for her low status.

But Su Liyi didn't rely on that mute, but on her own ability to raise her head, Wei Lanxi felt very proud again.

She smiled and said: "Li Yi, my mother will rely on you to live a good life from now on. You won't leave your mother behind, will you?"

Wei Lanqian was very afraid that after Su Liyi married a wealthy family, she would not be a mother anymore.

Su Liyi took the ice cream from the refrigerator, turned her head and glanced at her: "Mom, what are you talking about. If you are thinking about it like this, why don't you go take a bath and sleep."

For tonight's negotiation, she specially asked for leave from the crew. It's rare that she doesn't need to wear several layers of ancient costumes to hang Wia. Worrying.

Although Su Liyi hated her parents' lack of progress, she never thought of abandoning them.

Halfway through the game, the phone cut in. Seeing the name on it, the corners of her lips curled up. She didn't tell Gao Changshou the good news tonight.

Gao Changshou's special assistant will report everything to him. Su Liyi thinks that rather than claiming credit for herself, it is better not to show off the truth and ask Gao Changshou to record her favor.

She looked at the phone and knew that Gao Changshou was here to praise her.

She picked up the phone, got up and stood up, circling the living room with her fingers around her long hair: "Are you done?"

On the phone, Gao Chang first said: "It's a big deal, why don't you tell me?"

Su Liyi said: "The details are all discussed by your special assistant, I'm just in charge of eating."

Chief Gaochang sighed: "Hey, you are so humble and capable, how should I reward you?"

Su Liyi laughed, and said a little shyly: "It would be great if you could accompany me often."

No matter how independent a woman is, once she falls in love and feels cared for, she hopes to be with her for a long time, not to mention that Su Liyi is still a little girl.She is also hinting to Gao Changshou that she wants to be with him for a long time, so she must remember her contribution.

Gao Changshou smiled on the phone and said, "Come out."

Su Liyi froze for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"I'm at the airport."

Su Liyi opened her mouth wide and her eyes sparkled: "Didn't you go on a business trip?"

At this time, Gao Changshou was sitting in the coffee room of the airport, drinking handmade coffee in one hand and holding a mobile phone in the other, with a sneer on his face.

He wasn't on a business trip, he just pretended to be back from a business trip.

After a while, Su Liyi came.She entered the coffee shop with a look of surprise and surprise, if there were no people around, she would have jumped on him.

She hadn't done anything for Gao Changshou, and had always accepted his gifts. Now that she could do something for him, she felt a sense of accomplishment.

After the intimacy, Su Liyi said: "It's not that I'm going to go for a few days. If I knew it, I would have arranged to meet them tomorrow. If this is the case, maybe the contract has already been signed."

Gao Changshou rubbed her hair, and said: "I was told that the problem was solved when I got there. The other party also said that they would like to go to dinner for the purpose of apologizing. I didn't think about you. I pushed back the kind invitation and flew over immediately." .”

Su Liyi raised her head from his arms and asked, "You didn't even return to Yicheng?"

Gao Chang shook his ticket: "Japan flies directly to Beicheng."

Su Liyi was even more moved, Gao Chang said first: "I haven't had dinner yet, I just booked a hotel, go to dinner with me first."

The two got into the car.

In the room of Fuli Hotel, Su Liyi ate with Gao Changshou.By the time the meal was over, it was past ten o'clock.

Su Liyi really wanted the two of them to spend more time together, but the girl's reserve told her that it was time to go back.

She watched the waiter take the plate away, and reluctantly said to Gao Changshou: "I should go home too..."

Gao Changshou checked the time: "Then I'll take you back."

He stood up, and when the two of them walked to the door, Gao Changshou suddenly hugged Su Liyi, leaning into her ear: "Don't go back tonight, okay?"

Su Liyi's body trembled slightly, a little scared and a little hesitant: "I... I have to film tomorrow..."

"Is it up to me to make a movie?" Gao Chang put his arms around Su Liyi's waist, kissed her neck with his lips, his voice was sexy and vague, "Don't go..."

Su Liyi felt her body go numb for a while, and she felt that her body was so weak that she couldn't stand upright. She knew what this meant, and she struggled in her heart.

Chang Shou knows little girls too well, there are many girls of eighteen or nineteen years old in his love history, and he knows how to coax them.

Even though Su Liyi is the most difficult girl he has ever met, he still has the confidence to coax her down.

He wasn't that anxious at first, but Feng Qingyang saw him, so he might be seen by someone again.His cooperation with Su Xiang is fake, Su Liyi should believe that he is his real purpose.

He let her see her own hope, and the next step was to hand her over to him.With the feeling of sharing the same bed, Su Liyi will completely trust him and tell him everything.

His lips moved down, moving on her white and smooth shoulders, and his deep voice continued to bewitch: "Li Yi, don't go, stay with me..."


Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan got out of the elevator, and under the guidance of the waiter, they went all the way to a certain room.

That imposing posture made the waiter sweat coldly on his forehead.

According to the rules of the hotel, guests cannot be disturbed.But when Su Xiang arrived at the front desk, he said that he had received news that her niece had been abducted to the hotel and was about to be raped.She said that her niece was underage, and if this happened, the hotel would be jointly and severally responsible.

The other party was also afraid of accidents, especially seeing that the other party's man was not easy to mess with, so after a few negotiations, he was taken over.

When they reached the door of the room, the waiter stopped, not daring to knock on the door, let alone open the door directly.

The man who opened this room also seemed to be a difficult person to mess with.

Su Xiang glanced over, and said coldly, "Are you going to be responsible for something?"

The waiter bit the bullet and raised his hand to knock on the door: "Hello, room service."

It's past ten o'clock at this point, how can there be a hotel that does room service at this time.In the room, Gao Changshou had already pressed Su Liyi on the bed, with half of his clothes off.

Hearing this, the two of them stopped and turned their heads to look at the door.

A few minutes later, there were two more knocks on the door.

Gao Changshou frowned, Su Liyi said nervously, "Did my mother come here?"

When she went out, she said that she was out on a date, Wei Lanxi didn't stop her, but told her to go back early.Wei Lanxi suffered a loss, and she didn't want Su Liyi to suffer too.

Gao Changshou got off the bed, picked up the dropped clothes and put them on, and Su Liyi also quickly zipped up the skirt.

At the door, just as the waiter was about to knock on the door again, the door opened, and he raised his hand halfway, seeing the man's cold face, he faltered and faltered in fright: "This, this lady said she came to find her niece. "

On the other side, Su Xiang came out and said with a sneer, "Hello, Mr. Chang Shou."

Su Liyi, who came over later, just heard Su Xiang's words, and immediately stood there stiffly. She looked at Gao Changshou, and then at Su Xiang.

"What do you call him?"

Su Xiang turned her head, took out a few banknotes from her bag, and handed them to the waiter to thank her. When the person walked away, she looked at Chang Shou and said, "Can I come in?"

What she said was like asking for nothing. Chang Shou rolled his eyes, turned around and walked back to the room. The door was open.

Even if he slammed the door at this time, his identity had already been exposed, and Su Liyi had already heard it.

Su Xiang walked in and looked up and down at Su Liyi.Although the clothes on her body were intact, they hadn't been tidied up, not to mention the folds that had been pressed out, and the hickey marks on her neck.

Seeing her scrutinizing gaze, Su Liyi covered her neck and asked her angrily, "Who did you just say he was?"

Su Xiang looked at Chang Shou, and said word by word: "Chang Shou, Chang Yan's second brother. Am I right, Gao Chang was born first?"

No wonder Feng Qingyang said that he almost didn't recognize him. At this moment, Su Xiang was very surprised to see Chang Shou's real person.He has changed a lot, and his whole temperament has changed.

Su Liyi seemed to have been beaten by someone, she looked at Gao Changshou in disbelief, as if she wanted to see him as ugly.

Her first love... Chang Shou... Gao Changshou?Chang Yan's second brother?

Su Liyi was about to lose her balance, and asked in a trembling voice, "Is what she said true?"

Chang Shou fell short, he didn't look at Su Liyi, stared at Su Xiang with a pair of cold eyes, and sneered ferociously: "It seems that you have known me for a long time. Then you came here now, whose joke are you looking at?"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Su Liyi, even if he couldn't fix her, he still wanted to provoke them at this time.

Su Liyi was in love with a fake Gao Changshou, but Su Xiang knew about it but didn't tell her. With Su Liyi's pride, the combination of new and old hatreds still doesn't kill her.

Su Xiang didn't care about Chang Shou's provocation, and smiled and said: "I didn't know you long ago, but I have been paying attention to her."

Su Xiang glanced at Su Liyi: "I'm her aunt, and I have the responsibility to take care of her. She has terminated her contract with Yaoshi and has no job, but she has her backbone and wants to be self-reliant, so I let her break through."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would take this opportunity to get close to her."

Su Xiang's face turned cold: "Chang Shou, do you have the nerve to use a little girl in order to get revenge on me?"

"Your sister Chang Yan, in order to marry into the Fu family, approached Fu Ying and used Fu Ying and Mrs. Zhuo Ya. You taught me this skill?"

Her words were sharp, every sentence stabbed Chang Shou like a knife, Chang Shou immediately blushed and growled, "Shut up!"

Tearing off the gentle and calm skin, his ruthless side was revealed, and he stared at Su Xiang ferociously, as if he wanted to tear her apart.

Fu Hanchuan's face was condensed, and he stopped in front of Su Xiang with a single step.In front of him, disrespecting his woman, did you not take him seriously?
He sarcastically said to Chang Shou: "Why, lose your temper when you lose? The second young master of the Chang family is so useless, no wonder you can only do some dirty things."

Chang Shou's nerves were provoked again and again, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.He gritted his teeth, looked at the two people in front of him with scarlet eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "You two scumbags, what right do you have to teach me?"

As he said that, he looked at Fu Hanchuan: "Since you don't like Chang Yan, don't give her hope, but what about you? Pretend to let her indulge in the hopelessness, and drive her crazy!"

"You pretended to cooperate with Chang's and trapped Chang's injustice, what kind of man are you?"

"And you!" He looked at Su Xiang, "You pretended to be innocent and pitiful, Chang Yan took care of your son for three years, but you ruined her reputation, what are you!"

Fu Hanchuan pulled his lips, and suddenly punched Chang Shou with a bang. Chang Shou staggered, wiped his mouth and came back to his senses, raised his fist and was about to rush forward. Chang Shou immediately bent his knees and stuck to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Fu Hanchuan's good business was interrupted tonight, and he was already holding his breath. If Chang Shou keeps his mouth dirty, don't blame him for being cruel.

He turned his wrist, looked down at Chang Shou who was hugging his knees, and said indifferently: "Chang Shou, I never gave Chang Yan hope, it was her own imagination. Even if Mrs. Zhuo Ya wanted to win her over, But if she doesn't lie to herself, she will know that I am not interested in her, nor will I be moved by her."

"As for your Chang family, business competition and cooperation have always been repeated. The Chang family has also benefited. As for the Chang family's defeat in Beicheng, you can only blame Chang Yan for being too ugly."

When it comes to what Chang Yan has done, that is what arouses the deepest hatred in Fu Hanchuan's heart.

If she hadn't done those things, Su Xiang wouldn't have left Beicheng at all, and wouldn't have caused their breakup.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at Su Xiang: "You said that Chang Yan took care of Fu Ying, and she caused their mother and child to be separated for three years. You have the nerve to mention this? It is her greatest kindness for Su Xiang to let Chang Yan go! Chang Yan has grown up Her own demons, and being backlashed by the demons, is her punishment for herself!"

"Blindly protecting and not repenting is because you don't distinguish between right and wrong. The Chang family is in dire straits now. You come to seek revenge without distinction."

"There's no distinction between right and wrong, serious and serious. The Chang family has a seed like you, so it's no wonder it's going down!"

Fu Hanchuan's words were so harsh that Chang Shou's veins bulged. He turned over and stood up, grabbed Fu Hanchuan's collar, and raised his fist high.

With a "pop", the applause burst out loud and clear.Chang Shou was stunned, and turned to look at the person who beat him.

But Su Liyi glared at Chang Shou angrily: "You are her brother, you came close to me to avenge her, am I qualified to beat you?"

Tears filled her staring eyes, their sockets flushed.

When Chang Yan was mentioned, she would think of the days when their family hid in Japan.

The reason why my father couldn't come back in Japan was because Chang Yan ordered the underworld there to do it.He almost died in Japan, and Chang Yan later ordered the nurses in the hospital to kill him.

When Su Liyi thought of those things, her body trembled slightly.She was in a relationship with such a person, and almost had a relationship!

Su Xiang pulled Su Liyi behind, took a step forward and said, "Don't you feel guilty when facing Su Liyi?"

"The kind sister you talked about almost killed her father. Now that you are using her again, won't your conscience hurt when you face her?"

Chang Shou turned his head to look at Su Liyi, seeing that she finally couldn't control the tears that fell, the scarlet in his eyes gradually receded.

When he saw Chang Yan huddled in that hut without seeing the sun, resentment filled him.He hopes that Su Xiang and Fu Hanchuan are like Chang Yan, they don't deserve happy days!

But Su Liyi...Even if Chang Yan bought Su Run back then and caused everything that happened afterwards, it has nothing to do with Su Liyi.

At this moment, Su Liyi only felt shame and anger towards Gao Changshou... No, there is no Gao Changshou in this world, only Chang Shou, her love for him has turned into hatred.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Don't let me see you again!"

Su Liyi doesn't want to stay in this room any longer, everyone here has seen her shame.

She has always considered herself smart and proud, but at this moment, she only felt the burning pain on her face.

The reality gave her two hard slaps.

Su Liyi rushed out the door.

Su Xiang exposed Chang Shou, and Fu Hanchuan was here, so he chased him out.

It took her some effort to catch up with Su Liyi who was running around like a headless fly. Su Liyi shook off Su Xiang's hand and yelled at her: "Look at my joke, are you satisfied? Are you happy?"

When Su Liyi rushed out of the road just now, a taxi happened to drive by, and she almost ran into it.The car stopped, and the headlights illuminated the two women clearly.

"Hey, you two women, if you want to die, get out of the way, and don't stand in the middle of the road!" The driver was frightened, and angrily came out of the window and cursed.

Su Xiang glanced at Su Liyi, saw that she had lost her mind, said nothing, and pushed her into the car.

The taxi was stunned by this scene, why did it run into its own car, did it depend on him?
Su Xiang held down Su Liyi who was struggling to get out of the car, and told the driver in a cold voice: "Go to Antong Building."

Antong Building is the office building rented by Su Xiang.

She dragged Su Liyi and took her all the way to the floor where she rented out to the youth troupe for dance practice.

At this time, everyone in the building had already gone downstairs.But the lights were still on in the dance practice room, and the children of the Youth League were still practicing dance moves inside, sweating profusely.

Through a layer of observation glass, Su Xiang crossed his arms and looked at the child inside, and said, "If you want, I can build you to develop independently and become another development object of my studio."

She turned her head and said to Su Liyi.

Su Liyi was still immersed in the shame of being cheated, and suddenly said that she wanted to praise her, but she couldn't turn the corner for a while, she looked at Su Xiang stupidly, and after a few seconds, she said in a very bad tone: "I don't need your sympathy and charity .”

"I was used by others, thanks to you, you have no right to laugh at me!"

Su Xiang smiled lightly and said, "I didn't make fun of you. I thought I had explained everything clearly in that hotel just now."

"Su Liyi, I have indeed been watching you since you terminated the contract with Yaoshi."

"There are too many people who don't like me, and you are the one who knows my secret, so I have to guard against it, but it doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Su Liyi sneered: "Stop being hypocritical with me, you are afraid that I will tell others your secret."

Su Xiang also smiled, and didn't care about Su Liyi's sharp words, she said flatly: "You are Su Run's daughter, Su Mingdong's granddaughter, I hate half of your blood. But you are also Shen Yan's granddaughter, I don't care. You want to miss Su Mingdong and not Su Run's love, but you want to think about a part of the blood left by Shen Yan in your body."

She looked up at a lamp above her head: "Maybe you don't remember her, but your mouth and nose are a bit like hers."

Before anything happened to the Su family, Su Xiang only had Shen Yan as his company, and he had the deepest memory of her.And when Su Liyi grew up, she gradually showed part of Shen Yan's appearance, even more like her than her.Probably this is the so-called atavistic inheritance.

Su Liyi pursed her lips and did not speak, but her emotions had slowly turned around, and she was no longer immersed in Chang Shou.

Su Xiangdao: "Su Liyi, I can send you to Fengcheng like Su Run, which is better for me. But just for this, I still want to give you a hand."

"But you stumbled with me because of the previous history, so I didn't come to you right away. Before I let you treat me sincerely, I won't keep a white-eyed wolf by my side. You can only understand this .”

Su Xiang slightly hooked her lips, and continued: "Lu Weiqi has been looking for you, and I know about it. You refused, and I'm very satisfied, so I feel that it's not that you and I have never been in the same boat."

Su Liyi frowned, Su Xiang said: "I remember that Lu Weiqi was once your idol, but you pretended not to know her and rejected her thoroughly."

Su Liyi rolled her eyelids, unwilling to admit that she was on Su Xiang's side at that time."I don't remember ever worshiping her," she said.

For many fans of idols, once the idol's personality collapses, many fans will not admit that they have been fans of that person.

For Su Liyi, Lu Weiqi is already 800 years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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