Chapter 376 Pretend not to see Er Que's sign
After Jiang Shu finished speaking, he sighed, and offended Pei Xian, her golden agent was at the end.

However, being an agent is like this. If the artist under him is not popular, he has to do everything possible to make it popular. If the artist is popular, he has to do everything possible to maintain it. Who is not using any means?
The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, she did for her what Yan Ling refused to do, and now it has become like this, it can only be said that her good luck has run out.

"But the thing you fell from the wire was definitely not something I let people do."

After Jiang Shu finished speaking, he left. Yan Ling didn't make a sound. When Jiang Shu walked to the door, she said indifferently: "Just take charge until the end of the concert..."

Jiang Shu paused, and looked back at Yan Ling. Yan Ling did not turn her head, but continued: "You have always been in charge of contacting the outside world, and I don't want any problems."

Jiang Shushu's expression changed slightly: "Okay..."

With Jiang Shu's reputation in the entertainment industry, the sudden termination of the contract with Huang Tu will definitely cause speculations, but the impact on Jiang Shu will be much smaller when Yan Ling's concert is successfully concluded before announcing the end of the cooperation.

"Also, make a clarification announcement now, I don't need such hype to affect my concert."

Jiang Shu nodded again: "Okay."

It didn't take long for clarification news about Yan Ling's pregnancy to appear on the Internet. Not surprisingly, it became a hot search again.

Mo Feitong looked at Pei Xian who had a bad complexion, touched his nose to find something to say: "It's not Yan Ling's fault, there's no need to do this..."

After all the rings were given away, and now that they said they would not get married, Mo Feitong thought of Qiao Ying.

It was the same at the beginning, when we were about to prepare for the wedding, we broke up suddenly.

Mo Feitong looked at Fu Hanchuan and then at Pei Xian, thinking that one of these two people is not suitable for proposal and the other is not suitable for marriage, what kind of fate is this.

Pei Xian had already drank a glass of wine, and poured it again with the bottle, he said indifferently: "She asked for it."

It was rare for Fu Hanchuan to come out because he heard that Pei Xian's marriage had failed again, so he came out to accompany his good brother.

He patted Pei Xian on the shoulder, changed the subject and said, "Has the matter of Wia been investigated?"

Although they said they broke up, Yanling is still an artist under his banner. Yanling had an accident, this problem should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise when it comes to the official concert, who knows if such an "accident" will happen again.

Pei Xian shook his head, and then said: "But there is probably a direction."

Holding his wine glass, he looked at the bar in front of him indifferently.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at him: "Who?"

Pei Xian pursed her lower lip slightly, turned her head to look at Fu Hanchuan, and said, "Over there, Qiao Ying, how is she with that Zhang Yeting?"

Mo Feitong almost spit out his wine, he said, "You just broke up with Qiao Ying?"

Pei Xian didn't bother to talk to him, but Fu Hanchuan understood what he meant.He said, "Do you suspect it's Zhang Yeting?"

The entertainment industry is very complicated, so when investigating the security incident, there were many people who were skeptical.But after eliminating them one by one, and thinking about the motive of this matter, you can find a new direction.

Pei Xian said, "It was Yan Ling who gave me a new direction for my investigation."

"Huh?" Fu Hanchuan pinched his wine glass and raised his eyebrows in doubt, "What do you say?"

Pei Xian didn't say what Yan Ling said, but said: "Jiang Shu used this security incident to hype up Yan Ling's concert, but Yan Ling's fall into Wia was the cause. Not long ago, Zhang Yeting proposed to Qiao Ying , Qiao Ying rejected him, and I happened to be in that restaurant, so I took her away."

Pei Xian didn't tell anyone about this matter. What Zhang Yeting said at that time directly caused Qiao Ying to go crazy. Also, what Zhang Yeting said...

Pei Xian only briefly talked about what happened at that time.

"...!" Mo Feitong looked at Pei Xian in shock, but Fu Hanchuan was quite calm, but his eyes were a little more complicated when looking at Pei Xian.

Mo Feitong pointed at Pei Xian: "You, you took Qiao Ying away?"

At this time, the music playing in the clubhouse is not loud and loud. Tonight, there are local tyrants booking the venue, playing the series of love and sorrow in the clubhouse, and all the music is played.Just listening to the woman's sad and hoarse singing voice floating in the air, under the swaying light and shadow, it seems that every note in the air can be seen, which touches the heartstrings so much.

"...You said that love is like a cloud, and it is only beautiful when it floats freely. I finally believe that the reason for breaking up is very beautiful."

"The love for you has always been quiet. I made up my mind from the very beginning, thinking that what I want is the past, but I found that love must have an echo..."

"The love for you has always been quiet, except for the tears on my face, it turns out that fate is used to explain that you suddenly don't love me."

With the wine glass on his lips, Pei Xian was silently in a daze, suddenly thinking of Yan Ling's face, an unspeakable emotion surged in his heart.

He frowned, drank the wine in one gulp, Mo Feitong looked at Fu Hanchuan, and asked with his eyes: What's wrong with him?
Fu Hanchuan pretended not to see Er Que's sign, and said, "So, you suspect it's Zhang Yeting?"

Pei Xian said: "Zhang Yeting investigated the past between me and Qiao Ying. When I took Qiao Ying away, he thought that there was a possibility of me reuniting with Qiao Ying. So my existence threatened whether he could reunite with Qiao Ying."

Mo Feitong frowned and said, "Then why didn't he just fuck you and ask Yan Ling to do it?"

Both Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian glanced at him, thinking he was an idiot.Fu Hanchuan sat sideways, and said to Mo Fei, "For example, you have an indistinct relationship with Lan Li, and at the same time, you and Sun Ning are in love—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Feitong, who said, "Sun Ning and I broke up 800 years ago."

Sun Ning was one of Mo Feitong's N exes, but Fu Hanchuan and Pei Xian knew each of his girlfriends, otherwise they wouldn't call him a playboy.

Fu Hanchuan said: "I said I was making an analogy. Would you like to mention Sun Ning and I'll replace He Li?"

Could it be that he was speechless, and Fu Hanchuan continued, "When Li Mosong proposed to Lan Li, you suddenly appeared and took Lan Li away."

"And if Li Mosong is a ruthless person, you say, what will happen if he gets angry?"

Mo Feitong frowned even tighter, his mind was in a mess, he took a sip of wine, raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute, let me think about it."

He thought about it carefully, and that little four eyes looked like a weak chicken, even if he was attacked, he couldn't beat him.He can beat Li Mosong to the ground with one hand.

Mo Feitong waved his hand: "That little four-eyed man is no match for me."

Fu Hanchuan let out a heavy breath, really wanted to pick up the wine bottle and knock it down at him. "Have you drunk too much?"

In fact, it is also understandable.Mo Feitong's way of thinking is more masculine, even if it is a duel, it is a man facing a man, and he will not pick a woman.But Zhang Yeting is not that kind of person. If you want to find the flaws of this kind of person, you can only think from his perspective.

Fu Hanchuan said: "If Li Mosong tampers with your car, or bribes gangsters to hurt you when you are not prepared, based on your friendship with Lan Li, do you think she will do it for you? Worried? Do you want to put your mind on you? "

Mo Feitong's eyebrows moved slightly, his body sat up straight, and his eyes straightened.Fu Hanchuan continued: "But if Sun Ning is injured, do you want to care more about Sun Ning? Will you still pay attention to Lan Li?"

Suddenly enlightened, Mo Feitong patted the bar and said, "It's too dark!"

Fu Hanchuan looked at Mo Feitong with a look of nothing to say.People who grew up with a black background actually called others black.

However, Mo Fei's work style is relatively straightforward, and he won't put so much thought into beating around the bush.

When Fu Hanchuan explained to Mo Feitong, Pei Xian sat indifferently.

This is what Yanling reminded him.

If we talk about the motive, this motive is very reasonable: Zhang Yeting caused Yan Ling to have an accident in order to prevent him from interfering with Qiao Ying's affairs.

If this is the case, then Yanling was injured because of him, but he made her heartbroken again...

Pei Xian frowned, and felt disturbed again.

On the other side, Mo Feitong was teasing Fu Hanchuan. After the wife grabbing battle, the whole person's rank has improved a lot. The two of them were fighting each other, and suddenly found that the person in the middle had no voice. look over.

At this time, both of them could understand Pei Xian, picked up the wine glass and clinked with him, drank, and then Fu Hanchuan said: "If you coax him, you can coax him back."

Pei Xian shook his head lightly, just as Yanling said, in his heart, she is second, even if he figured out the truth, he felt more guilty towards her.

Yanling's self-confidence cannot bear the guilty love.

Besides, he had already tried once, and he was not sure, so he didn't want to hurt her again.

Fu Hanchuan glanced at the man who continued to drink, and said, "Then what are you going to do, settle accounts with Zhang Yeting?"

In order to get Qiao Ying, Zhang Yeting attacked irrelevant people, Pei Xian would never let him go.

He sneered and said, "Isn't Huidong Group going to set up its Asian headquarters in Beicheng?"

Zhang Yeting himself has no big background, and relies on the Huidong Group, but if he can't get things done, can he still get the approval of the group's senior management?
Without that layer of background, how can he pretend to be powerful and want his daughter and ex-girlfriend when he comes back?

Whether it's for Yanling or Qiao Ying, Pei Xian has always met Zhang Yeting.

Although Pei Xian's business is in the entertainment industry, there are a lot of bigwigs in this circle. People from all walks of life, from home and abroad, are involved, and many bigwigs want to make connections through the entertainment circle instead.It can be said that Pei Xian has a huge network of contacts, coupled with such a strong family background of the Pei family, it is more than enough to build a Zhang Yeting.

Not long after, Zhang Yeting felt that something was wrong. The company's office was blocked, and the government documents to be obtained were delayed. Zhang Yeting was very busy.

Zuo Yiming ordered that bringing back his granddaughter is a big deal, but the company's affairs are also a big deal. His ability will be questioned if he can't get things done. Even if he gets the position of the general manager of the Asia region, he still has to clean up this mess by himself. Yes, by that time, can you still convince the public?
Zheng Zai was also constrained by these bad things. Although he and Zhang Yeting had torn faces, they were still in the same boat when it came to company matters.If the headquarters in Asia cannot be established, and the United States withdraws this decision at that time, why is there still a fight for the position of the general manager?
When Zheng Zai was still astonished at the sudden influx of troubles, Zhang Yeting saw the entertainment news, and he probably understood something.

The rumor of Yanling's pregnancy has been circulating for so long, and it is only now that she has come out to clarify it. It is very likely... Then Pei Xian has already figured out the safety accident.

Zhang Yeting tapped the table lightly with his fingers, his face was solemn.

Zheng approached Lian and his wife again, and Zhang Yeting later approached Qiao Ying, but just as he thought, Qiao Ying didn't listen to him at all, so it was difficult to persuade Qiao Ying to let Lian Liang go to the United States.

As for Zheng Zai, it's not much better.He managed to shake the Lian couple, but the other side played Tai Chi with him, saying that the child's consent is required.

How can a child have any decision-making power? Isn't it just a matter of a guardian's word?

Zhang Yeting knew very well that this was Qiao Ying's handwriting, and now Qiao Ying had stood on the front line with the Lian family to resist them together.

This is the last thing Zhang Yeting wants to see.

Now, the calls from the United States are getting more and more frequent. According to Zhang Yeting's news from the channel, the professor secretly underwent another round of chemotherapy last week, but the situation is not optimistic, so the professor's desire to see the child as soon as possible is becoming more and more urgent.

Zhang Yeting kneaded the center of his brows and racked his brains to think of a way. For Qiao Ying, the pressure was greatly reduced.

Whether it was Zhang Yeting or that bastard, the number of times he went to see the Lian couple was much less. I don't know if he lost his patience or was thinking of other ways.

Qiao Ying didn't dare to take it lightly, and tried to inquire about the situation there, and the news he got was that there seemed to be something wrong with the company.

On this day, Qiao Ying was going to take a pregnancy test for a rich wife. The rich wife had a big belly and was accompanied by the nanny at home.

Qiao Ying remembered that Mrs. Zeng was always accompanied by her husband every time she came for a prenatal checkup. Mr. Zeng was very nervous about his wife's pregnancy.

Qiao Ying smiled and said, "Why didn't Mr. Zeng come today?"

Mrs. Zeng was lying on the obstetrical examination bed with great difficulty, panting: "He...that Zhang of Huidong or something, if you insist on inviting him to dinner, it would be better if he didn't come."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Zeng glanced at the nanny and asked her to go out, then whispered to Qiao Ying: "Doctor Qiao, please don't let him know that this is a daughter, you must keep it a secret for me."

That Mr. Zeng was nervous about this child, because he wanted a boy. He already had three daughters before, and it seemed that he wanted to join the family.

A wealthy family simply wants a boy to be the heir.

Qiao Ying was stunned when she heard Huidong, her face remained expressionless, she squeezed lubricant and applied it on Mrs. Zeng's stomach, and said, "Mrs. Zeng, whether the fetus is male or female, before it is born, there is no People know. Even if it is an instrument, there are times when mistakes are made."

Mrs. Zeng smiled in satisfaction, and Qiao Ying checked her with complete peace of mind.

Mr. Zeng chose this clinic because of its reputation, while Mrs. Zeng chose Qiao Ying as the attending doctor because she had work experience in a public hospital.

During the pregnancy test in a public hospital, Qiao Ying could not disclose the gender of the child. Qiao Ying did not disclose it to Mr. Zeng, which made Mr. Zeng very angry. He asked for a replacement several times, but was stopped by Mrs. Zeng.

She is pregnant and she is the oldest, and Mr. Zeng has nothing to do with dissatisfaction with Qiao Ying.

But in fact, Mrs. Zeng had already quietly asked Qiao Ying, and of course, she paid a large amount of opening fee.In fact, this is also very common in public hospitals, but Qiao Ying has never done it.This time she was willing to go against herself, after all, it was to pay off the debt.

Although Fu Hanchuan didn't ask her for money, it was his grandson who owed the money.

After Mrs. Zeng found out that she was a daughter, she was obviously disappointed, but she was unwilling to give up her life, so she paid Qiao Ying a large sum of money to keep her secret.

Qiao Ying's willingness to help Mrs. Zeng was also due to her desire to fight for the child's life.

"...Daughter is also life, how can we not want it." Mrs. Zeng lay on her back, talking to Qiao Ying, "Women can't give birth to sons, and men have more responsibilities. He looks for a woman outside to give birth to a daughter. I've made up my mind , if he doesn't want this child, I'll divorce him and divide half of his property..."

Qiao Ying listened silently and focused on the equipment. She heard some clues from Mrs. Zeng's words, so she changed the subject and said, "Mr. Zeng didn't even come for the pregnancy test. It seems that the client is very difficult."

Mrs. Zeng was a little proud, and said: "Old Zeng said, that person offended someone, and I asked my old Zeng to help settle it."

Mr. Zeng is very famous in the circle, and many people will ask him to help them deal with problems.Mrs. Zeng is still very proud of her man being praised by others.Mr. Zeng has face, and Mrs. Zeng goes out to meet those wives, who wouldn't curry favor with her?
Qiao Ying pursed her lips, and a light flashed across her eyes.

Did Zhang Yeting offend someone?
No wonder then...

Qiao Ying thought Zhang Yeting was thinking of other ways before, but now she can relax a little bit.

But she didn't dare to take it lightly. Who knows when he will get through the relationship again, and the company's affairs will go smoothly again?
When she got off work, there was a Bentley car parked under the building, Qiao Ying didn't even look at it, and walked towards her with her bag on her back.

Zhang Yeting stepped forward to block her way: "Little Shadow, I want to talk to you."

Qiao Ying responded coldly: "I have nothing to talk to you about."

"How many times have I said that it was Zheng Zai's idea, I didn't know it. If I had known earlier, I would have stopped him."

Qiao Ying sneered: "Your career is not going well, that person can't see your achievements, do you feel that the end of the road is dead, and you can only find a way from me?"

"Before you sold me for a future, now you sell that child for a future?"

"Zhang Yeting, what kind of man are you?"

Zhang Yeting has heard all the sarcastic remarks, even the surgical scissors, so there is nothing to be afraid of.He said with a serious face: "Qiao Ying, if I lose power with him, Zheng Zai will take over, and then it will be out of my control."

Zheng approached the Lian family again, and sued Zhang Yeting with the United States. Fortunately, Zuo Yiming still trusted his students, so he still put the power in Zhang Yeting's hands.

Qiao Ying sneered: "You control?"

She didn't want to talk nonsense with Zhang Yeting, and said directly: "If you want to convince me, you might as well do something practical for me to see. If you can find a way to cancel that person's decision, at least let that Zheng go back to the United States, I will Maybe I can trust you."

Qiao Ying got into the car after speaking, and drove away without looking at Zhang Yeting again.

Zheng Yeting watched the white car turn into a small dot in front of his eyes, and squeezed his fist hard.

At this time, a person came from behind him, his footsteps were steady and slow, as if he was approaching his prey, Zhang Yeting felt the momentum of the person coming, and turned his head slightly to look over.

In fact, he already knew who it was.

Seeing that person, there was not much surprise in his eyes.At this time, besides Qiao Shen, he was the only person who appeared here.

Zhang Yeting curled his lower lip, and said sarcastically, "Dumped my girlfriend who was devoted to me, Mr. Pei, have you discovered your sincerity?"

"Mr. Pei is really good at chasing and intercepting me in order to please her."

With the last footsteps down, Pei Xian stood opposite Zhang Yeting, looked at him indifferently, and said, "When it comes to tricks, Mr. Zhang showed me what it means to be despicable and shameless."

"I'm dealing with you, shouldn't I?"

Zhang Yeting pursed his lips, looked at Pei Xian with resentment and said, "Mr. Pei, she was injured because of you, because you meddled in your own business. I think you should reflect on yourself first, and don't bring it to others. disaster."

Pei Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He said, "Zhang Yeting, I'm here to tell you that I'm eyeing you, so you can do it yourself."

Pei Xian didn't explain to Qiao Ying what this man had done, because he didn't want Qiao Ying to bear the burden for Yan Ling.But for this man, he won't care about him at all.

No matter who he belongs to that girl, and what is his relationship with Qiao Ying, if he offends her, he will have to pay the price!

When Qiao Ying was in the car, she called Fu Hanchuan and asked him something.

She said: "Zhang Yeting's company is hindered, is it because of Pei Xian?"

Fu Hanchuan was a little surprised: "You know?"

Since Fu Hanchuan answered that way, it must be him.Qiao Ying didn't relax, she asked, "Why?"

Fu Hanchuan pondered for a while, and told the truth.He said: "You should know that Yanling didn't go to the hospital just to protect her pregnancy, but she fell from the wire, right?"

Qiao Ying didn't care about entertainment news. She only saw the scandal about Yan Ling's pregnancy at that time, and didn't pay any attention to the following things. She didn't have time or thought, and she didn't dare to watch it again.

Qiao Ying pursed her lips, and then asked, "What's the connection between these two things?"

Fu Hanchuan said: "Zhang Yeting asked someone to do it."

Qiao Ying suddenly clenched the steering wheel, slammed on the brakes, and rushed forward.She couldn't believe it, and stared at the traffic lights ahead with her eyes wide open, her heart beating like a drum.

"Why did he—"

After saying that, Qiao Ying quickly figured it out, Zhang Yeting didn't want Pei Xian to get involved...

Qiao Ying blamed herself even more.She is like a plague, and even irrelevant people are implicated by her.

She really wanted to kill Zhang Yeting and rush to the United States to end it all...

Qiao Ying's fingers trembled slightly, and Fu Hanchuan's voice came over the phone, and he said, "You don't have to bear the burden of this, Zhang Yeting is the one with evil intentions."

"I'm not telling you this to make you feel guilty for irrelevant people."

Fu Hanchuan's habit of protecting his shortcomings has not changed. Qiao Ying and Yan Ling are both his friends. Why should others feel guilty for the crimes committed by Zhang Yeting?

(End of this chapter)

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