Chapter 106

"Miss Jiang thinks, if I let you enter the East Palace, and then your Highness sends you to pour Yexiang and wash the horses in the stables, what should you do?"

The beauty held her chin, her extremely beautiful eyebrows were raised slightly, and the maid who put on makeup today purposely put some rouge on the corners of her eyes, making her eyes more lively and weak.

Therefore, every time Jiang Yueru met Gu Qinglan's eyes, she couldn't help but feel contemptuous in her heart. The majestic princess dressed up like this every day, she was so enchanting, she didn't look like a serious woman.

Probably the contempt in her eyes was too much, Gu Qinglan changed her posture uncomfortably.

"Your Highness won't treat a courtier like this." Jiang Yueru replied confidently.

As long as His Highness knows that with her, Jiang Yueru by his side, the crown prince's position will be more secure, His Highness will understand her goodness, and not be confused by Gu Qinglan, an Israeli woman who serves the king.

Gu Qinglan didn't know that the last time she and Jing Mo made such a fuss when they left the palace, everyone in the capital thought that she and the prince were in harmony and affection.

"Aman, go and invite Your Highness to come here." Gu Qinglan finally said these words.

It's better for Jing Mo to be the villain, she's been talking for a long time, but Jiang Yueru still can't understand her words.

It is not difficult to enter the East Palace, as long as Jiang Yueru's father is thick-skinned, tears and snot will fall together in front of Jing Xuan for a while, Jing Xuan will find it annoying and agree.

Of course, it is also half possible that Jing Xuan asked Father Jiang to be forked out.

But after entering the East Palace, it is a bit difficult to know what identity it is.

After all, Gu Qinglan didn't know whether Jing Mo was missing people for Dao Yexiang or the people who washed the horses at the stables, or the people who helped in the laundry kitchen. In such a large East Palace, there was always a place for Jiang Yueru to stay.

The queen mother breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gu Qinglan apologetically, and said, "If that's the case, I will trouble the princess."

Jiang Yueru, however, was overjoyed, and gave Gu Qinglan a rare face, "My daughter, thank you for your kindness."

grace?Gu Qinglan unconsciously made a smile, since Jiang Yueru thinks it is grace, then it must be grace.

She would take pity on her beautiful face, but Jing Mo probably wouldn't.

After all, he himself was born like a flower and a jade, and no one can compare to him in appearance.

When Zhao Dezhong saw Aman approaching, he hurriedly let people in, and he recited Amitabha several times in his heart. Every time His Highness the Crown Prince met with the Crown Princess, the expression on his face became more lively, which must have been a sign of joy.

His Royal Highness just now looked at the memorial like a lump of ice. Standing beside him, he felt goosebumps popping out bit by bit.

Coincidentally, Miss Aman is here, and His Highness will be much happier when she finds out.

"What did you say?" Jing Mo gritted his teeth and asked Aman word by word.

Aman's body couldn't help shaking, his whole body was like fallen leaves in the autumn wind, looking miserable and pitiful, "His Royal Highness, Miss Jiang is waiting with the Empress Dowager."

The two countries are at war, and if you don't kill them, she is just a messenger.

If he died because of this, it would be injustice.

"The princess is really generous. Shouldn't I be lucky to have such a sensible wife?" He still had the sachet containing the hair of the two of them in his arms, and he listened to the words of the maid next to the princess, as if Everything he does is a joke.

Of course, if Gu Qinglan knew what he was thinking in his heart, he probably couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

At the same time, say the last sentence: Your Highness, you finally understand.

(End of this chapter)

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