Chapter 124

"Auntie, let's go in first, didn't you say that you have prepared a surprise for the princess?" Jing Mo couldn't find a word to answer Chang Ning's question, so he had to change the subject.

He should have expected that Princess Changning's mansion is not a good place.

What if the princess is taught to follow suit?
"My aunt is really pretty."

At this time, although Gu Qinglan couldn't walk forward because her arm was being held by Jing Mo, her gaze was fixed on Princess Changning.

After hearing this clearly, Chang Ning squinted at Jing Mo, "If it's convenient for the prince, can you let go of the princess's hand first, I still have a few words to say to the princess?"

The man who didn't care about his face didn't let go of his fingers. On the contrary, he moved a little closer, "I can't listen to what I say? Is it possible that my aunt still treats me as an outsider?"

Chang Ning was a little impatient, why did this poor nephew become so skinny and shameless now.

Gu Qinglan was also a little impatient, she wanted to see the beauty.

"Do you want to listen to the private conversations between your daughter's family?" Chang Ning said to Su Wen and Yu Qian, "Go and get the good old wine, the princess wants to have a good drink with the prince and princess today."

Then under Jing Mo's stare, he slowly opened his hand, and then said, "With so many people watching, even if the prince is impatient, he should restrain himself."

Gu Qinglan blinked her eyes in confusion. Princess Changning's words sounded so familiar to her.

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

But wine?
Gu Qinglan bite the bullet and said, "Auntie, there is no need to drink. If you show a foolishness when you are drunk, I may make my aunt laugh."

Jing Mo's eyes lit up, stupid?
He said without the slightest hesitation, "Today we are all from our own family, so what if we are drunk and appear insane? The Crown Princess should not refuse, this is also filial piety to my aunt."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She raised her eyes to look at him strangely, and often hang out with Lou Yan in various restaurants, she is unlikely to get drunk.

But for this one in front of him, it's hard to say.

"Your Highness is right, please ask Auntie to bring more old wine."

Princess Changning sensed the strange atmosphere flowing between the two of them, and finally her gaze fell on Jing Mo's somewhat self-confident face.

The red lips parted in an extremely seductive arc, "It should be like this, so I won't be drunk today."

After hearing this, Su Wen and Yu Qian took a few servants to carry the wine.

And Changning continued to walk inside with the two of them.

As expected of the late emperor's favorite princess, the construction of the princess mansion shows the late emperor's intentions.

In front of them, there is a huge pond.

There are red koi in the pond, the water is clear, and these koi are more and more beautiful.

In the center of the pond, there is a pavilion built on the water, with a wooden bridge in the southeast, north and west.

There are beautiful maple trees planted on the edge, and for some reason, even though it is not autumn, the maple trees have completely turned red.

Inside the pavilion, a light purple gauze hangs down. When the wind blows, the gauze rises and the scene inside can be seen faintly.

It was a man in a white robe, with a white gauze covering his eyes. He put his fingers on the qin and twisted them lightly, and the moving melody overflowed from his fingertips.

"This is the luthier in my house, named Su Xue." Chang Ning unconsciously cast his admiring gaze into the pavilion with his chin resting on his hands.

Gu Qinglan hesitated to speak, "Does he have impaired eyesight?" If this is the case, he can still play the piano well, which is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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