Chapter 127

Hearing these words, Jing Mo fell silent.

He had fought Gu Beichen before, and Gu Beichen was indeed extremely talented and stronger than ordinary men, but he felt that Gu Beichen's strength was no match for the crown princess's strength in hitting him on the back of the hand.

Jing Mo lowered his head and pondered, so if his feelings a few times in a row are not wrong, then the Crown Princess might really be a little stronger.

It's probably not appropriate to use the word weak to describe it.

Gu Qinglan looked away guiltily, and then his eyes were glued together and he was generally unable to move.

The pain on the back of Jing Mo's hand eased, and he continued with the question just now, "Why does the Crown Princess keep avoiding Gu's question and not answer?"

Not far from them, there were six men in various clothes leaning or leaning on the railing, or lying on the couch, or standing facing the wind, with a folding fan in their hands, or a long sword with downcast eyes and a smile coming out of the air.

Each is extremely handsome, each with his own style.

The wind blew over gently, with a faint fragrance of flowers, Gu Qinglan stroked the blown hair, and looked at it intently.

These six people looked like Princess Changning in their attire, although the world always scolded Princess Changning for being unruly, satirizing that she has no children under her knees, and she will be very miserable when she gets old.

But their words are probably more accounted for by jealousy.

Free and easy, without any responsibility on the shoulders, who would not like this kind of life?
Just as she was watching with joy in her heart, she felt that her surroundings suddenly became cold. She rubbed her arms, raised her eyes subconsciously, and suddenly bumped into the man's cold eyes full of anger.

Gu Qinglan looked away without any guilt, and then played with the jade bracelet on her wrist as if nothing had happened.

"Did the concubine hear what Gu said just now?" Jing Mo asked again without giving up.

Of course she could hear it, but it was really difficult for her to answer.

The majestic prince of a country, who is better looking than a face from the princess mansion.

If this word is spread, who will believe it.

In the past, Gu Qinglan would never have thought that such a thing would actually exist.

However, the reality is often more changeable than the script, this guy really just asked.

She raised her eyes and looked around, probably the servants of the Princess Mansion are very good at winking, and they followed behind in a cloudy way just now, and now, when she looked again, she couldn't see a single figure.

Gu Qinglan had no choice but to suppress the curved corners of her lips, her eyes could not stop moving on the man's lips, and she said after a long while, "The luthier is indeed good-looking, but from the perspective of my concubine, it's a world of heaven and earth. , or Your Highness has the most exquisite and beautiful appearance."

Using exquisite and beautiful to describe a man's appearance, Jing Mo didn't think it was wrong at all, but nodded in satisfaction.

When he raised the corners of his lips, that small round bead looked more and more people wanted to press it.

But this is Princess Changning's Mansion after all, and this guy is not insane, so Gu Qinglan had no choice but to suppress such thoughts regretfully.

If this guy knew what was going on in her heart right now, he would be as startled as a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, but stared straight at her with wide-eyed eyes. Maybe there was something in his mouth. Will speak boldly.

Thinking of such a scene, Gu Qinglan only felt even more unbearable.

She had no choice but to turn her eyes to the six men who were posing with their heads in order to attract Princess Changning's attention, in an attempt to distract the thoughts that were getting heavier in her mind.

However, this action of hers made Jing Mo, who was happy after hearing the compliment, suddenly feel unhappy.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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