Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 141 Meeting Lou Yan

Chapter 141 Meeting Lou Yan
Chang Ning felt something was wrong when she heard it, she asked Su Xue, "Have you ever used this trick on me?"

Su Xue's smile froze for a moment, and she quickly denied it, "What's the matter, I also heard about this trick from others."

Chang Ning didn't believe it: "Really?"

Su Xue was firm: "It's more real than real gold."

He's used it many times, but as long as he doesn't get caught, it doesn't count.

"Then according to the princess, does the slave still need some incense?"

"That's all for now, in case they're...cough...wouldn't you be disturbing them if you went over again."


At the same time, Xu Yu finally met the person in the valley of the genius doctor in the valley of the genius doctor far away from the capital.

It was a suave young man who looked about the same age as His Highness, with a folding fan painted with peach blossoms in his hand, with a pair of slightly raised fox eyes, a fair face, a high nose bridge, and slightly curved lips at the moment, as if smiling. There was no smile in his eyes.

The most special thing is that there is a small bright red mole between the eyebrows of this young man, which adds a bit of romantic charm.

The white robe flutters in the wind, her long hair is tied with a lotus flower crown, and two light green streamers are adorned at the back.

This person is Lou Yan.

Lou Yan took the miracle doctor's order from Xu Yu's hand, and stroked the notch on it thoughtfully.

Junior sister wants him to go to the capital?But when he sent her back to the capital, didn't he say that he was not allowed to set foot in the capital for the rest of his life?

It really is a woman's heart, a sea needle, always so elusive.

"You are someone close to the prince?" Why did the junior sister give the order of the genius doctor to the prince?Lou Yan couldn't understand it.

After Lou Yan sent Gu Qinglan back to Beijing, he went back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors by himself. He hardly went out for the past two years, so he didn't know the news that the daughter of the Gu family married into the East Palace.

Of course, even if he knew that the daughter of the Gu family had married into the East Palace, he would not feel that this Gu was Gu Qinglan's Gu.

"Yes." Xu Yu replied hesitantly.

Why did he have a feeling that the person in front of him was not reliable.

"I've always had a problem." Lou Yan swung the folding fan in the air and caught it gracefully.

Xu Yu was stunned for a moment, without changing his face, he said, "If you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

"Then I'll ask." Lou Yan moved forward mysteriously, his fox eyes seemed to be shining brightly, with such an expression, it seemed that the red mole between his eyebrows had become more vivid, "you always With a cold face, you don't have to make any expressions, doesn't it save you a lot of energy?"

Xu Yu: "..."

Did he come to the wrong place?Or did you pick up the wrong person?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Lou Yan shook his head regretfully. Speaking of which, the elder brother always had a cold face, as if nothing could make him change his expression.

Is this really labor-saving?
"I'm just used to it, not what the young master said." Xu Yu held back for a long time before saying this.

Lou Yan sighed, "Hey, forget it, I will always find out the reason after a long time, let's not talk about these, we will go to the town to tell Liu'er, Yan'er, Ning'er, Zhen'er... individual."

Dozens of names swirled in Xu Yu's mind, "Are these people friends of the young master?"

Lou Yan said mysteriously, "Almost."

The evening was sinking, and the sky was gradually darkening.

Xu Yu followed Lou Yan, ran for a few streets, and finally stopped in front of a very magnificent building again, standing aside expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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