Chapter 155
"Sister, see if Yonghe has lost some weight."

When traveling in spring hunting, Gu Qinglan used the guard of honor of the crown princess, and the carriage was spacious enough.

When Yonghe saw him, he ran to the carriage with his short legs, and quickly climbed up. Rufei couldn't stop her, so she had to smile apologetically at Gu Qinglan.

Gu Qinglan put down the poem scroll in her hand, and cast her eyes lazily.

The hair was softly braided into dozens of braids, with a small silver bell adorned at the lower end, and an extremely delicate hair crown on the top of the head, inlaid with several red gemstones.

She was still wearing a slightly thick bikini, the edges seemed to be sewn with pure white rabbit fur, and the small face on it was even more round and cute.

Every place is excellent, and every place has nothing to do with losing weight.

Gu Qinglan thought for a while, thinking how she could tell the truth in a tactful manner without hurting Yonghe's young heart.

"Yonghe, didn't you realize that the clothes on your body have been changed every half a month?" The shameless man who insisted on rubbing against the crown princess' guard of honor said coolly.

Yong He tilted his head in doubt, and put his index finger in his mouth, "Brother Prince, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Gu Qinglan began to think again, how could she turn Jing Mo's words into a compliment.

"It must be that Yonghe has grown taller recently, that's why he often has to change clothes, right?" Gu Qinglan showed a gentle smile, and gently pinched Yonghe's soft cheeks.

As if he felt that she was comfortable to pinch, Yong He couldn't help standing on tiptoe and getting closer.

The man who had been mercilessly pulled on the cheek many times in a row and slapped heavily turned his head away awkwardly, and snorted coldly.

"Really? Really? Yonghe has grown taller."

Hearing Yonghe's happy voice, Jing Mo couldn't help but said coldly, "You don't know if you've grown taller or not?"

Yonghe:? ? ?
"Hmph." Yonghe shut his mouth, turned his back to Jing Mo, then threw himself on Gu Qinglan's body, leaning his head on her shoulder, "Brother Prince is the worst, but sister is the best for Yonghe." .”

Jing Mo, who saw this scene, expressed regret very much, really regret it extremely.

If he hadn't spoken the truth, Yonghe would have no chance to pounce on the princess.

Furthermore, he also wanted to pounce.

"Sit down well, Princess Jing, how can you not understand any rules." The man said sternly.

"But the empress said that these rules are for outsiders to see, and you don't need to care about them in front of your own family."

"Does the prince think that my sister is an outsider?"

Yonghe's little mind was spinning quickly, and he quickly thought of a plan to sow discord.

In this case, sister Xiangxiang's soft embrace will only belong to her.

Jing Mo: "..." He didn't believe it, and he couldn't cure a kid.

"Sister, do you feel good about sleeping with you these few days, Yonghe?" Yonghe made progress, with a sweet voice as if he just ate a sugar ball.

Gu Qinglan was about to nod her head, but she heard the man say quickly, "No."

Yonghe turned his head, pawed his cheeks with both hands, and made a grimace at Jing Mo, "Slightly slightly, Yonghe is not asking the prince's brother."

The veins on the back of the man's hand bulged, and his fingers tightened unconsciously.

The corners of Gu Qinglan's mouth twitched slightly, acting as a peacemaker between siblings, "Yonghe, good boy, His Royal Highness is your elder brother and elder, you can't talk to him like that."

But what she really thought in her heart was, Yonghe is awesome! ! !

 Tolerant, Sheng also.

(End of this chapter)

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