Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 164 Zhou Tianci

Chapter 164 Zhou Tianci

You know, she is a human being, really a normal, ordinary person, nothing more.

"My palace is the crown princess, and the only one who can call her by name is her elders and relatives. What kind of a man are you, this son?" Gu Qinglan spoke in a low voice, unable to tell that she was being sarcastic.

The man's eyes were full of disbelief and sadness, "Qinglan, you actually said I'm a thing?"

Gu Qinglan raised her eyes sideways and smiled contemptuously, "That's not a thing."

There seems to be no difference between the two. The common point is probably that they were both scolded.

"Qing Lan, why did you become like this, you are not the Qing Lan I know, you have changed." The man looked at her disappointedly.

Gu Qinglan was silent for a long time. If she spoke like this, she should remember it.

How could there be no impression at all.

"Qinglan, you..."

"Enough." She finally couldn't help but interrupted him, "Young Master, please always remember that I am the Crown Princess before you speak."

She didn't care how the name was called, what she cared was who said it from.

"Young master? Are you unwilling to call me by my name now? Or, the glory and wealth in the palace have eroded your pure heart."

This is not over, is it? Gu Qinglan let out a breath slowly, "It seems that the son's morals and rules have been read into the dog's stomach. ...Damn it."

The man subconsciously trembled all over, and took two steps back timidly.

"Even if you are angry, I still want to say that we are the two of us who love each other, but an imperial decree broke us up."

"More than half a year has passed, and my father asked me to marry someone. How can I accept a stranger when I have you in my heart?"

"I always remember that you always smiled at me very gently, which I will never forget."

Gu Qinglan changed her posture to listen to him.

She almost believed what she said.

If she hadn't been sure that she didn't know this person, she would have thought that she was the one who swore an eternal alliance with this person before entering the palace, but forgot him because of his glory and wealth after entering the palace.

"Are you finished?" Gu Qinglan asked him.

After the man had finished expressing his thoughts, he felt something was wrong with the woman's expression.

There was no emotion as he imagined, nor the anger he expected, but he just looked at him with a blank expression.

However, in such eyes, he seemed to be in an extremely cold environment, and even his blood was almost frozen.

"Speak, finished." His face was pale, and his legs were trembling slightly when he looked carefully.

"Then, it's my turn." A sleeve arrow suddenly appeared on Gu Qinglan's fingertips, and the sharp point of the arrow touched his throat. "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

The man didn't seem to expect her to do this at all, his legs were shaking like a sieve, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"It's better to be honest, otherwise, if Bengong's hands are not careful, you will have to tell the truth to Lord Yan."

The man looked honest at this moment, "I am Zhou Tianci, the grandson of Taifu Zhou."

Taifu Zhou, an old man with a gray beard appeared in Gu Qinglan's mind.

The master taught by the prince is full of peaches and plums.

It's really a bit of fate, she has been to Zhou Mansion several times, because of the several poetry meetings held by Zhou Ruoling, the granddaughter of Zhou Taifu.

"The grandson of Zhou Taifu?" Gu Qinglan laughed, but his eyes were full of chills, "What is Zhou Ruoling's relationship with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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