Chapter 169 Straw Mats
If it were an ordinary man, he would definitely feel pity in his heart.

However, Jing Mo was not, he always acted from the heart and never was influenced by other people.

For those he likes, he will hold them at the top of his heart and love them in every possible way. For those he doesn't like, no matter how good she is, he will not have half a minute of patience.

Obviously, Zhou Ruoling belongs to the latter in Jing Mo's heart.

To be exact, he didn't like Zhou Taifu before, and he didn't even like Zhou Ruoling.

But now, in front of him, Zhou Ruoling said this and that to Gu Qinglan, and his disgust was not purely because of Zhou Taifu, but rushed towards Zhou Ruoling.

"It's my daughter who cares too much about my elder brother, and caring will lead to chaos, so I misunderstood and heard wrongly. Please forgive my daughter's unintentional mistake."

Concerned about chaos?Gu Qinglan sighed in his heart, it really was Zhou Ruoling, no matter what time it was, he could find a reason why he had nothing to do with Ninao.

Jing Mo wanted to say something, but Gu Qinglan spoke before him.

"Your Highness, can you leave first? I have a few words to say to Miss Zhou alone."

Seeing the disgust on Zhou Ruoling on her face when he came here, Jing Mo didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but now seeing the calmness on her face, she has returned to the gentle, generous and decent princess in the eyes of outsiders. I was taken aback.

It was like a ferocious beast lying on the ground, closing its eyes and dormant, waiting for the opportunity to stretch out its sharp claws.

"Fu Ran."

As soon as Jing Mo finished speaking, a man in black fell from the tree, and within a few steps, he came here and knelt down.

"Take this man back."

There was a flash of hesitation on Fu Ran's face. With a keen sense of smell, he naturally knew what the man smelled like, and when he carried it back, his clothes would inevitably be stained with pickled things.

"Your Highness, can this subordinate use straw mats to wrap people up and carry them back?" He had just seen a wolf's den not far away, which was covered with straw mats he got from somewhere.

He can sneak back and steal the straw mat.

Zhou Ruoling's complexion changed slightly, "His Royal Highness, brother did nothing wrong."

Fu Ran let out a "bah" on the ground, "What do you mean you didn't do anything wrong? He stopped the sedan chair of a newlywed on the street, and when he saw that she was beautiful, he was taken back. If General Gu didn't see her on the street, This woman might lose her life."

Gu Qinglan raised her eyes in surprise, and when her eyes touched the man on the ground, she froze for a moment. Such a courageous person could do such a thing.

It's strange that the elder brother didn't beat this man to death.

"Go to the straw mat, get the person back, and keep him under strict supervision."

Hearing the next four words, Zhou Ruoling really panicked.

Her father died early, and she had only one daughter in the second room, but Zhou Tianci was the son in the first room.

Because of this, no matter how outstanding she is in terms of talent and knowledge, no matter how excellent she is in doing things, in the heart of her grandfather, she can't compare to Zhou Tianci, the grandson.

If it weren't for the thought that she would marry into the East Palace and bring indescribable wealth to the Zhou family in the future, my grandfather would not have put in much effort to train her.

If so, the top things in this mansion are all the ones that Zhou Tianci has picked out and discarded, so it's her turn.

If the grandfather knew that she was with Zhou Tianci, but Zhou Tianci was taken away and kept under strict supervision, then she would not benefit.

"Please Your Highness, for the sake of grandfather, let elder brother off. After all, elder brother is young and ignorant, and I will ask my grandfather to teach him well in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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