Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 172 Little Wolf Cub

Chapter 172 Little Wolf Cub


After a while, Fu Ran came over carrying a dilapidated straw mat, but what was a little strange was that a set of black clothes that were still intact just now were in tatters.

Gu Qinglan suddenly lost all emotions.

She was silent for a long time, and asked, "Did you get it from someone else?"

Is there anyone still grabbing the broken straw mat?

Fu Ran scratched the hair on his head foolishly, and smirked, "Crown Princess, this straw mat is indeed stolen, but it's not a human, it's a she-wolf who just gave birth to cubs."

Gu Qinglan fell silent again.

No wonder the clothes became like this, even the she-wolf who had just given birth dared to mess with it. Fortunately, there was only one she-wolf here.

Jing Mo saw Fu Ran and Gu Qinglan talking face to face from a distance, and what was in his mind was snapped out of the sky, and he walked over at an extremely fast speed in an instant.


Behind Fu Ran, there was a childish howl.

It's like bluffing.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She hooked her head, "Fu Ran, what did you bring back from the wolf den?"

Don't be what she thinks.

Fu Ran finally stretched out his right hand that had been hidden behind him all this time, and said triumphantly, "Subordinates are not the ones who can suffer, the she-wolf bit the subordinate's ass..."

"Cough cough." Jing Mo clenched his fist and coughed twice.

Fu Ran changed his words again, "This subordinate wanted to run away with the straw mat on his shoulders, but unexpectedly the she-wolf bit my subordinate that part that His Highness the Crown Prince didn't tell you about. This subordinate thought, if he just left , that was not too much of a disadvantage, so he took his son away, right here."

Jing Mo: "..."

The little gray wolf cub didn't know his situation yet, but when he saw so many people, he panicked and howled non-stop.

I thought that these people in front of me would be scared away by its cry.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help reaching out her hand and touching it.

It feels very good to the touch, probably because it has been exposed to the sun during the day, and the fur all over its body is soft and fluffy.

She picked up the back of the wolf cub's neck, and saw that its two extremely short hind legs were desperately pulling upwards.

If it were thrown into the water at this moment, it might swim faster than the fish in the water.

It's so cute, Gu Qinglan let it stand on her palm, and smoothed its fur with the other hand.

Jing Mo's face darkened, and he said to Fu Ran, "I'll send this bastard away later."

Fu Ran: "Your Highness, this is a wolf cub, not a dog cub."

As the secret guard next to Jing Mo, Fu Ran and Xu Yu are both highly skilled in martial arts, even Fu Ran is a bit better than Xu Yu.

But Xu Yu is more normal than Fu Ran. To be precise, Xu Yu's way of seeing problems and handling things is more normal than Fu Ran.

After all, there are not many people who can do the thing of stealing the little wolf cub after being bitten by the same wolf who broke through the straw mat to vent his anger.

It's not a pup, Jing Mo looked angrily at the little wolf cub in Gu Qinglan's palm.

Probably because he felt that the woman's breath was to his liking, the little wolf cub had already curled himself up in her palm, sticking out his small tongue from time to time, licking the woman's delicate fingers.

Seeing the Crown Princess couldn't help but smile because of such an action, Jing Mo pressed his tongue tightly against his chin, feeling extremely complicated.

Most of them are envy and jealousy.

"Whether it's a wolf cub or a dog cub, send it away to Gu." The man said almost angrily.

Fu Ran curled his lips, but thought in his heart, no matter what, it is impossible for him to go again. He snatched the straw mat and was bitten. Could it be that he has to send the wolf cub to be bitten again?

(End of this chapter)

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