Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 178 1 capsule 1 capsule

Chapter 178 One Grain One Grain

Gu Qinglan was about to ask Aman to make a round fan for her with this square handkerchief.

"Mrs. Mrs. Mrs., Crown Princess..." Aman stammered for a long time before finally saying these three words.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

"Princess, on your embroidered handkerchief..." Aman looked terrified, pointing to the embroidered handkerchief on the table.

Gu Qinglan felt the panic and suddenly had a bad feeling. She turned her head and looked over.

The four little rabbits are extremely fluffy and cute, and the cat on the handkerchief is also vivid.

It's just that round black things suddenly appeared on the veil out of thin air.

After a long silence, Gu Qinglan looked at Jing Mo.

Silent accusations.

She likes this handkerchief very much.

This rabbit, she also likes to eat very much.

Seeing this scene, Jing Mo was extremely flustered, but he didn't know what to do.

"Princess, this rabbit is raised by Lonely Hunter." Jing Mo put his fist on his lips and coughed twice.

Hearing this sentence, Gu Qinglan's complexion finally fluctuated a little, but it didn't seem like joy, but more like disgust.

"Your Highness, this rabbit meat..." She paused, then continued, "Let's send this rabbit to Yonghe together. Yonghe will be very happy to see so many rabbits."

If there weren't those round black things on her veil, maybe she could barely keep these rabbits as food reserves.

Now, she just wants to cook in one pot.

There is no time to save food.


The little wolf cub who had been biting his robe by Jing Mo barked twice, and slid towards Gu Qinglan at an extremely fast speed.

Aman didn't see it clearly, so he exclaimed, "Crown Princess, there is a mouse here, you should trample it to death."

Gu Qinglan picked up the little wolf cub who was holding her leg and wanted to climb up, but his claws were not sharp enough and kept slipping down.

He forced a smile, "Your Highness, I laughed. Aman was not smart when he was a child, and he didn't get much better when he grew up. He just ate too much all day long."

"The concubine is so weak, how could she trample a mouse to death with one foot."

"You said yes."

Jing Mo looked into her eyes steadily, always feeling that if he said something wrong today.

Will be trampled to death.

"Gu..." The man paused maliciously for a few moments, and continued when he saw that the woman's eyes were slightly narrowed, showing some unkindness in them, "I really agree with what the princess said."

"This little wolf cub, didn't your Highness say to send it away? Why is it still here?" Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, and lightly tapped her finger on the little wolf cub's head, probably feeling comfortable. whimpering.

Jing Mo was still thinking about Fu Ran's words, wondering if he should keep the little wolf cub.

Now seeing that the crown princess has a gentle expression, she doesn't seem to put on a mask like she did to him, and she even coaxes him softly, smoothing the little wolf cub's fur little by little.

"Tomorrow, I will send it away." He gritted his teeth and said every word.

"Guru Guru~"

There was a voice in the room, and several people looked at the little wolf cub lying on Gu Qinglan's lap in unison.

As if shy, it wrapped its big tail around its face, looking pitiful and cute.

"Aman, go get some minced meat."

"Get some more warm goat's milk."


Jing Mo: ...he will definitely send this wolf cub back, definitely.

"Gu first go and send these rabbits to Yonghe, and come back later."

The man turned and left, his back was rather bleak.

(End of this chapter)

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