Chapter 190 The Key
The princess is very strong, after her shoulders are pinched by her hands, can she still be fine?

The man wanted to refuse aloud, but he was also greedy for the temperature of the woman's fingertips.

In the end, he could only sigh from the bottom of his heart, "If that's the case, I will trouble the Crown Princess."

Daughter Township, Hero Tomb, these words are indeed reasonable.

This is the first time for Gu Qinglan to be pinched by someone's shoulders, and I heard that when you pinch your shoulders, you need more strength to be comfortable.

The subordinates no longer restrained, and kneaded around vigorously.

Jing Mo's shoulders pinched by her were extremely painful, but he couldn't help but feel angry.

Her throat rolled slightly, and her uncontrollable body began to feel hot.

The thinking of men and women is probably very different.

Unlike the ambiguous images that filled Jing Mo's mind, Gu Qinglan was looking at the back of the man's neck very intently.

If she slashed at him with her palm at this moment, would this guy faint and forget the memory of someone slapping him unconscious.

Fortunately, before she could put the idea into practice, the man handed over the key in his hand.

Gu Qinglan stopped her hand in an instant, and took the key away without a trace but at an extremely fast speed.

"This concubine will definitely live up to His Highness's expectations, and manage the treasury well."

She turned around, yawned with her back to the man, and whispered, "Good dream, Your Highness."

Forget it, there was no sound, only the sound of even breathing.

The man looked at the huge gap between the two and was silent for a long time.

He thought it would be like this, but he underestimated the cruelty.

Such a gap is big enough to fit two more people in.

"In fact, there is more than one warehouse alone."

Gu Qinglan moved her ears and continued to listen.

"It's a pity that the Crown Princess fell asleep. Originally, Gu planned to give her all the keys to the warehouse."

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time we have a chance."

Gu Qinglan turned around and faced the man, "I just put the key under the pillow and didn't fall asleep."

Jing Mo: "..."

The key to the warehouse is so attractive, could it be that he is not as good as these dead things?
Jing Mo looked into the woman's clear eyes, and he didn't ask self-deprecating words. He could guess that if he really asked who was more important, he or the key to the warehouse, then the princess would definitely choose him on the surface, but she didn't care about it in her heart. He hesitated to choose the key to the warehouse.

It's even possible that you don't want to do any superficial work, and just choose the key to the warehouse.

Alas!How sad!
Gu Qinglan blinked her eyes, where are the keys to more than a dozen warehouses, she is not asleep, so give them to her.

Jing Mo held Gu Qinglan's hand, because he thought he was going to give her the key, so Gu Qinglan didn't struggle.

Instead, I was particularly excited to wait for the scene where the key fell into the palm of my hand.

This kind of waiting always brings great joy in my heart.

This scene did not appear, the man pinched her fingertips as if playing, and then held her fingertips and rubbed them carefully.

His right hand and her left hand were clasped tightly.

"It's getting late, go to bed." The man said.

Gu Qinglan, who waited for a long time and only waited for this sentence:? ? ?
So, what about the keys?

What about the keys to a dozen warehouses?
What about her so many gold and silver jewels?

The man seemed to know what she was thinking, and explained, "Mr. Gu can't keep the keys to more than a dozen storerooms with him all the time. When the spring hunting ends and he returns to the East Palace, he will find them and give them to the princess together."

Gu Qinglan forced a smile, "Your Highness is gifted and intelligent, you will never forget what you said."

(End of this chapter)

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