Chapter 199 Difficult
Xiao Yan took a small step forward, lowered her head slightly, and looked shy as if meeting her sweetheart.

Jing Mo at the side: "..."

There is a man who likes the crown princess, and a little bastard is robbing him of the crown princess, how many more women are there now?

He just simply wanted to have a deep and long-lasting relationship with the princess, why is it so difficult.

"Ms. Xiao Yan." Xiao Yan quietly glanced at the woman in front of her, then lowered her head again.

Gu Qinglan thought for a few moments and asked, "You are Miss Xiao Er, Xiao Rou's younger sister?"

"It's the minister's daughter." Xiao Yan raised a big smile at the corner of her lips, she looked silly, but she was sincere and cute.

Gu Qinglan couldn't help stretching out her hand, and Jing Mo, who had seen through her intentions, took her hand.

When she turned her head and looked at him with surprised eyes, Jing Mo said, "Although it is already spring, the princess still needs to wear more, as her hands are cold."

Gu Qinglan, whose palms were almost sweating a little due to the excessive sunlight, stopped talking.

Although it is not stipulated that men and women must be separated in this garden, subconsciously, men and men still drink and talk happily, and women enjoy flowers and chat with women.

If there is someone who sees it right, you can pick off the flowers in the yard and send the servants around you to the woman. If the woman responds, she will accept the flowers, and if she does not respond, she will return the flowers.

Naturally, if the two people who see each other are willing, they can also go out for a walk together, but they have to follow the maids and servants.

There are also men and women who are already engaged or newly married, and they all share wine and chat or enjoy the flowers and chat.

It is extremely rare for Jing Mo to follow Gu Qinglan directly.

"Your Highness." Zhou Ruoling walked forward with her skirt in hand, and saluted.

After that, expecting the man to respond, he looked over with a pair of affectionate eyes.

It's just that it would be extremely difficult for Jing Mo to say the response Zhou Ruoling wanted.

"The princess just said that there is no need to salute." The man didn't even look at her, his mind was only on the spot where the princess was looking.

Zhou Ruoling's expression froze, "It's the minister's daughter, isn't it? It's just that my grandfather has always taught the minister's daughter to behave according to the rules and never relax."

She said this to satirize Gu Qinglan, but she also satirized the noble girls around her who didn't salute.

Before she noticed, the noble ladies around her took a few steps to the side without any trace.

"Sister Zhou has always been the most well-behaved person." Fang Ruier took the opportunity to flatter Jing Mo.

Gu Qinglan raised her eyes faintly after hearing this, and narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw the speaker's appearance, as if she was thinking about something.

She seems to have seen this person's appearance somewhere.

"This is indeed something Zhou Taifu can say, it's too pedantic." The man lifted his lips, his tone was cold.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

Especially the son of the aristocratic family who wanted to come and say a few words when he saw Jing Mo coming here.

They all looked at Zhou Ruoling with complicated expressions, thinking about the meaning of His Highness the Crown Prince's words in their hearts.

Zhou Taifu is respected by people, firstly because there are so many students, and there are endless students, which has become the situation where peaches and plums are everywhere. The other and the most important reason is that he is the Taifu of the Crown Prince of the Jing family.

After all, it is a mentor, even if there is a big mistake, it is impossible to slander in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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