Chapter 203 Shen Zhao
"The concubine is here, it is better to be respectful than obey her orders."

Without the little red horse, this guy alone has said everything.

However, she had heard that there was a thousand-mile horse beside the prince named Taxue.

The whole body is snow-white, like the best white jade, without a single blemish.

If she dressed up as a man and had such a steed beside her, it would definitely attract the attention of all the beautiful daughters.

The two turned a corner and walked to the edge of a pond. The koi in it were fed by the palace maid so fat that it was difficult to turn over.

He took the fish food on the side and sprinkled some in it, and the fat koi immediately scrambled for the fish food nimbly.

"Chen Chen Zhao sees His Highness the Crown Prince, the Crown Princess." An extremely clear voice sounded beside them.

Gu Qinglan turned around curiously, and what caught her eyes was a man in ocher clothes with a wanton smile.

Taking a closer look, the man's appearance seemed somewhat familiar.

Gu Qinglan blinked, turned to look at Jing Mo, and then at Shen Zhao.

These two people have a similar look between their eyebrows and eyes.

Gu Qinglan was fascinated by watching people, so she didn't notice the ink-like dark complexion of the man beside her.

"You are not grounded at home, how can you have the time to come to Xishan?"

Hearing this, Shen Zhao's smile froze, and he deliberately lowered his voice, "Your Highness, keep your voice down, this minister came here secretly."

Jing Mo slightly hooked the corners of his lips, "Don't worry, they won't find you sneaking out."

"This is my ignorant cousin. A few days ago, he was locked up in the mansion because he drank flower wine." Jing Mo introduced Shen Zhao's identity to Gu Qinglan.

Shen Zhao:? ? ?
After all, he is also a well-known talent in Beijing, so why is he so unlearned and incompetent.

Furthermore, what's wrong with drinking flower wine, can a man who doesn't drink flower wine still be called a man?

Shen Zhao smiled far-fetchedly, "Prince Princess, don't get me wrong, my cousin is used to joking with me."

"What are you kidding? Do you have poetry and books in your belly, or did you not drink flower wine?"

The man's voice was extremely low and threatening.

"Auntie and Queen Mother are playing leaf cards at the moment, and I haven't seen Auntie for a long time, how about..."

Shen Zhao's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he said immediately, "I'm ignorant, and often drinks flower wine."

After all, he is also a brother who has been together for so many years, why must he slander his image in front of the princess.

Shen Zhao suddenly sensed something was wrong.

He tentatively said, "When I went out a few days ago, I seemed to see that girl on the street."

Gu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and looked, that girl?

Being able to see it on the street and tell it from Shen Zhao's mouth, it must be a girl related to the prince.

Jing Mo didn't seem to have heard Shen Zhao's words, but asked Gu Qinglan, "Today, let's take the dog... the wolf cub back, okay?"

Looking at the gray in the woman's arms very comfortably, did he move his paws, stretch his waist and yawn.

It's downright hateful.

Shen Zhao who was ignored: "..."

He didn't believe in evil, and directly said the name.

"I saw someone suspected to be Miss Yan Yue, but it seemed darker and stronger than before."

Nowadays, women in Beijing are all beautiful because they are slim, especially those noble women, with one chopstick down, the rice on it can be counted with two hands.

That's all, but even so, the rice with this chopstick may still be eaten in two or three bites.

(End of this chapter)

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