Chapter 210
Relying on the painful memory in his mind, Fu Ran found the place where the female wolf was, and walked with the wolf cub in one hand and the long sword in the other.

Behind, Jing Mo picked a bamboo leaf from somewhere, and blew it behind Gu Qinglan.

Gu Qinglan leaned forward slowly, trying to stay away from the man behind him.

She doesn't quite understand why she blows willow leaves as she walks. Could it be that this is a man's unknown hobby?
Jing Mo saw that the distance between the two was getting bigger and bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, so he didn't attribute the problem to his own behavior.

Instead, he moved forward cheekily.

Ta Xue: "..."

"Your Highness, do you feel that something is not right?"

The two of them were wandering at the edge of the deep forest, but they didn't see a single bird or beast. Except for the sound of the wind, the rustling of the leaves, and the sound of a man blowing willow leaves, there was nothing else.

In the depths of the dense forest, it is impossible to be so quiet, unless this unusual place is caused by people,
Jing Mo held the rein in his hand, and suddenly exerted force with his hand, and Taxue followed his movement to retreat. At the same time, a black arrow pierced through the air and sank deep in front of them.

Sharp whistles sounded around them, and when the whistle ended, dozens of men in black appeared in front of the two of them.

"The Crown Princess deserves to have the blood of the Gu family flowing, to be able to discover the existence of these dead men."

The woman fell from the sky, and the black clothes were blown by the wind, making a sound of hunting.

Gu Qinglan raised her eyes lightly and looked over.

Unconsciously, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, and he was also slightly taken aback.

The visitor's long crow-green hair was casually scattered behind his head, and was simply tied with a thin hair tie. A few strands of hair hung down on his forehead, vaguely covering a pair of glazed eyes.

And when the hair was not covered and the glazed eyes could be seen, they were pure red like blood, as if the bloodiest killing in the world was hidden inside, and people couldn't help but tremble when they saw it.

Walking slowly, red eyes flowed.

There is no luxurious jewelry on her body, and her complexion is light, but there is a kind of dignity in it.

Cooperating with dozens of lifeless people behind him, it seemed as if Fang had just returned from the Hall of Yama.

What's even more strange is that these dozens of dead soldiers all wore an iron mask on their faces.

As if born directly on the skin.

Gu Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly, but she didn't panic, but felt a little strange.

Surprise is mixed with these strangeness.

She didn't think that this spring hunt would go smoothly and nothing would happen, but the person who caused the trouble was different from what she had imagined.

She thought it would be Sang Luo, but she didn't expect it to be another woman.

Moreover, for some reason, she always felt that she must have seen the charm in this woman's eyebrows somewhere.

"Your Highness, why hasn't your hidden guard come out yet?"

Gu Qinglan leaned close to the man's body, her voice was extremely weak.

There is a certain truth in the fact that there is a knife on the head of the color character.

In such a situation, surrounded by dead soldiers, Jing Mo's mind was full of a woman approaching him, the warmth that touched him, and the delicate skin under his gaze.

"Gu deliberately sent them away." The man said with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

How could this guy be so capable?

At critical times, send everyone away.

"Are you two trying to stall for time and wait for someone to come over?" The woman's bright red lips curled up, her eyes filled with disdain, "There is no one around here."

(End of this chapter)

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