Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 214 She is good at it

Chapter 214 She is good at it
Again and again, if she wasn't wearing a woman's attire now, I'm afraid she would be misunderstood as a handsome young man who travels around the world.

Sang Jirong sneered, "The Crown Princess is indeed a daughter of the Gu family, she is courageous and knowledgeable, if people outside know your true face, what will happen?"

Gu Qinglan's folding fan swished open, covering half of her face, only revealing a pair of affectionate eyes glistening with water.

"Who would believe it? Just by a rebel like you?"

Her two years of hard work were not in vain. If it was so easy for outsiders to know about her, then what kind of Mr. Qingzhu would she be, and what kind of third disciple of the genius doctor Gu.

"Furthermore, do you think you can leave alive today in the hands of this palace?"

She is not good at embroidery, she is only good at fighting.

Moreover, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and she has already patted the front waves on the beach.

"In the face of danger, a princess, a woman, actually lets a man escape on horseback. I really admire her." Sang Jirong didn't answer her words, but continued to talk about the previous suspicious topic.

"It's really chilling. A man just abandons his wife. After such a long time, he hasn't found anyone to rescue him." Sang Jirong's red lips curled up, and the red lines around his eyes became more and more obvious. "You said , Does he just want you to die, and then give up the position of the crown princess to others."

When she said that, Gu Qinglan really started to think about it.

It's just that the content of thinking is different from what Sang Jirong thought.

She didn't stop it just now, those dead men could separate out a few to chase after Jing Mo.

"I heard that the crown prince had a woman who fell in love with him before he got married, and he married the crown princess only out of necessity. Now he is keeping that woman in the capital, and will welcome her into the East Palace when the time is right. In this way, the crown princess will not feel Are you not reconciled?"

"When I heard these words, I, an outsider, felt that the Crown Princess was pitiful. The night was long, and the Crown Princess must have counted every brick and tile in the palace in the past six months."

Gu Qinglan: "..."

Why did she count the bricks and tiles in the temple? Does this person really have a bad brain?

"You should know that although it will take some effort for me to kill you, it is not impossible." Although she is not [-]% sure, she is [-]% to [-]% sure.

Sang Jirong: "..."

She clenched her fingers so tightly that the joints were all white.

"Who the hell are you? Gu Qinglan is just a lady in the boudoir, it is impossible for her to have such kung fu."

If it weren't for this deviation, today's mission would have ended smoothly.

Sang Jirong looked away, and inadvertently, the paper bag in the sleeve fell into the palm of his hand. With a little force, the paper bag broke open, and the powder inside rustled down.

Under the refraction of the sun, there were countless dust-like things at the bottom of her fingertips.

"Perhaps you have heard of it." Gu Qinglan paused, with serious eyes, "The talent is extraordinary."

After a few moments, Gu Qinglan raised his eyebrows and looked at Sang Jirong, "They belonged to the same group, and the methods were also used by the same group."

"Didn't Sang Luo tell you that this medicinal powder doesn't work for everyone?"

It was true that she was ignorant of medical skills, but she remembered the taste of the powder.

Gu Qinglan didn't think that she was invulnerable to all poisons, but one thing was true, she, her father, and Vice General Jiang were not affected by the powder.

The person she knew to be affected by the powder was her elder brother, Gu Beichen.

(End of this chapter)

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