Chapter 221 No If
But Gu Qinglan was not.

She has been taken by Lou Yan to various brothels since she was a child, but she knows a lot about the relationship between men and women.

What she understands is the unrestrained and unrestrained nature of the world, not the tenderness of a daughter in the back house.

I don't know the true face of Lushan, I am only in this mountain.

It's probably because she is in the middle of the game now, she is a person in the game, so she is not as clear as outsiders see.

Coupled with the fact that those half a year lived very clearly in her mind, she firmly believed that Yan Yue was the one on Jing Mo's heart.

Even if Jing Mo bluntly said what he liked to her, she would only think that Jing Mo wanted to do something to the Gu family, and that being nice to her was just a means to confuse her father and elder brother.

Hold it high, then fall down hard.

Gu Qinglan looked into the man's eyes, and there was an extremely strange feeling in it that she couldn't understand and didn't want to understand.

"But, there is no if."

For a long time, she didn't answer his question directly, she just said this.

How can there be so many ifs in this world, time will never come back, and it is useless to regret after doing something.

Time does not go back, sea water does not flow backwards, this is the same reason.

Jing Mo wanted to step forward, wanted to say what was in his heart, but worried that after speaking, he would only get a faint response from the woman and a more tightly locked heart.

In the end, he just timidly stopped his steps forward.

There was a calm smile on his lips, "Crown Princess, ride back on the snow, I will continue hunting here alone."

This kind of calmness is not a kind of ridicule.

But not because of Gu Qinglan, but for herself.

It's his own fault, indeed, that's what he deserves.

Gu Qinglan took a few steps forward, stepped towards her, and the moment she pulled the rein, she suddenly turned her head, "I don't know why Your Highness asked these words, but as a prince, these words should not be said. "

How can a prince of a country have such a hesitant temperament.

The woman's figure gradually became blurred in his eyes, and finally disappeared.

After being dazed for a long time, Jing Mo led a horse and headed towards the depths of the forest.


Yan Yue was arranged in an extremely remote courtyard of the Xishan Palace, the ground was covered with many sunset flowers, which were very beautiful.

It's just that the morning blooms and the evening sets, such beauty will not last long.

Gu Qinglan looked at Xi Yan on the ground, and let out a slow breath.

She doesn't understand.

Can a person really change so much?
Fu Ran brought Yan Yue back, although Yan Yue had been favored in Jing Yu's backyard before, but now everyone knows that she is going to enter the East Palace.

How can I erase everything in the past, but now?
In full view, she was brought here by a strange man.

Even if this man is the hidden guard next to the prince, the prince ordered this errand,
"Aman, what do you mean by Your Highness?"

Aman watched the imperial doctor coming in and out, hesitated for a while, then shook his head slowly, "I don't know."

It would be fine to say that His Highness the Crown Prince was too busy to leave and order his own people to do this errand, but following the wishes of the Crown Princess, the Crown Prince went down to continue hunting.

Hunting and the reputation of the beloved woman, how to compare the two, the latter is probably the most important.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, this girl doesn't have much reputation.

Gu Qinglan turned around, took a few steps forward, and asked Zhao Dezhong, "How's the situation inside?"

Zhao Dezhong put Fuchen aside in fear, "Miss Yan's injury is very serious, and now she has a high fever..."

(End of this chapter)

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