Chapter 223 Sangsang
"Fu Ran, go and watch for yourself, make sure to burn those corpses clean." Gu Qinglan said.

Although she knew that those people were dead, she still felt something was wrong.

Her throat was cut, and she was still able to walk. Although it was only a few short steps, she was still amazed.

Besides the inside of the head, can there be other places to control walking?
Furthermore, who can weld the mask directly to the flesh?

"Weichen gave her the drug." Wei Yu came to explain Sang Luo's situation.


"Yes, according to the Crown Princess, the wounds on this girl can heal on their own, but I have observed for a long time, but I have not seen such a scene."

Wei Yu looked at Sang Luo with an unfathomable expression, and there was some strange color in his eyes, which seemed to be caused by excitement.

Gu Qinglan paused for a moment, and moved her steps unobtrusively.

Seeing such a scene, I will show excitement.

Why does she feel that this Dali Temple Shaoqing's mind is a bit abnormal.

"You mean, after she fell into a coma, her body began to heal itself unconsciously?" she asked.

Wei Yu's eyes were extremely bright, and the sharp knife in his hand was about to move, "What I saw is true."

"Open the cage." Gu Qinglan cast her cold eyes on Sang Luo, and after the cage was opened, she walked in slowly.

Wearing the white cloth gloves prepared by Wei Yu, she pinched the woman's chin, lifted it up heavily, and observed it carefully.

I don't know if it's her illusion, but the black lines on Sang Luo's forehead seem to be much less.

Sang Luo, Sang Luo...

This woman has seen her as a man, so she should have seen her too.

The surname Sang is rare, so she should remember it.

Sang... Sang Sang...

Sleeping in his mind, the extremely profound memory seems to be slowly waking up.

"Sangsang." She murmured in a very soft voice.

Sang Luo, who was in a coma, suddenly moved when he heard these two words, and frowned.

Looking carefully, there is indeed a familiarity that she can find in the eyebrows and eyes.

It's just that as the years go by, things change.

Sang Sang back then was the same person as Sang Luo today, but they were not.

Her fingers gradually tightened, her face seemed puzzled, the strength in her hands almost crushed the woman's jaw.

Maybe it was because the effect of the drug had expired, maybe it was the pain, Sang Luo slowly opened his eyes.

The one who met was the coldness in Gu Qinglan's pupils.

She froze for a moment, the excitement in her eyes faded away, and the rest was indifferent like stagnant water.

Gu Qinglan's fingers gradually moved down, and when they touched the woman's white neck, they paused, then used all their strength, and clenched it tightly.

Seeing the woman's face flushed and the black lines on her forehead getting uglier, she withdrew her hand in disgust.

When Sang Luo was panting heavily and his chest was rising and falling, Gu Qinglan suddenly said something.

"Xiaochunlou rescued you back then, is this how you repayed it?"

Probably because of this sentence, she was too caught off guard. Sang Luo's face was full of shock, her eyes widened, and her pupils shrank.

Gu Qinglan slowly wiped his fingers carefully one by one with a handkerchief, and then threw them on the stove next to him, watching the flames swallow the handkerchief in an instant before looking away.

Waiting for Sang Luo's answer.

If she hadn't suppressed her usual evil intentions when she was in a coma, Gu Qinglan would not have recalled this long memory at this moment.

Thinking about it now, I didn’t regret everything at the beginning, but it was not worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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