Touch enough

"Don't go there." He gently twisted the jade pendant around his waist and caressed it carefully, "Get ready, don't make any mistakes in the evening banquet."

Zhao Dezhong got up from the ground and trotted quickly following the man's footsteps.

Don't go to Yan girl, and even have to devote some time to the evening banquet.

Zhao Dezhong boasted that he had been with His Royal Highness for many years and could understand his thoughts best, but this time, he also couldn't figure it out.

Your Highness, what exactly do you want to do?
It was cold in the mountains at night, so Shen Shu didn't hold a banquet in the garden, but set up a big palace on purpose.

Candles were lit everywhere in the hall, and dozens of huge night pearls were placed in the corners.

Almost like daytime.

The positions of Jing Mo and Gu Qinglan were the closest to Jing Xuan and Shen Shu.

From the inside to the outside, they are arranged in descending order of status.

The noble ladies sitting at the door stretched their heads and looked out the door, wanting to know the prince's arrival as soon as possible.

They don't have delusions about the position of the crown princess, they just fall into a good concubine or something, and the future will be the favorite concubine, which is also very good.

At this time, Jing Mo, who was missed by them, was standing at the door of Youzhuyuan, receiving Gu Qinglan's stare.

The two were deadlocked at the door, and neither of them spoke first.

Aman coughed twice, and reminded, "Your Highness and the Crown Princess should go there first, there are almost everyone there."

Gu Qinglan gritted her teeth bitterly, what kind of medicine did the imperial doctor prescribe?After eating it, her mouth was bitter and cold, let alone getting better, it was difficult to speak a word.

Naturally, even if she could speak, it would be absolutely impossible for her to stick her tongue out in public.

The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the dignity cannot be lost.

The man clenched his fingers embarrassingly, he hardly dared to look at the woman, and purposely turned his eyes away.

"Let's take the hand of the crown princess and go together." He said these words very lightly.

Gu Qinglan:? ? ?

Does she look crazy?will comply with this request.

"In the eyes of outsiders, the prince and princess walked into the palace separately, and there may be rumors of disharmony." He looked into the woman's eyes inadvertently, and caught a moment of stiffness in satisfaction.

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, he did not make a mistake in this step.

Although pearl ointment was applied and bright red lip balm was used to cover it up, as long as one looked closely, one could still find shallow bite marks on the woman's lips.

Looking across this place, the man's eyes darkened slightly, his throat rolled slightly, and he was struggling to suppress his inner desire.

Gu Qinglan frowned, took two steps back vigilantly, and even covered her mouth reflexively.

Jing Mo: "..."

Cough...he just looked...didn't really do anything...

Why are you so on guard against him?
The man stretched out his hand, with well-defined and slender joints. The dark blue sleeves covered the wrist bones, and the veins on the back of his hands were clearly visible like the veins on a leaf.

By coincidence, Gu Qinglan put his hand on it, and touched it twice along the way.

Literally, she really couldn't help touching it twice.

By the time she realized it, the man had wrapped her hand tightly, not showing a trace.

Like a hunter who has been waiting for his prey for a long time, his eyes are faintly glowing.

"The princess seems to like Gu's hand very much. If so, Gu will touch it for you."

The man looked straight at her calmly, but she had to raise her head slightly to look into the man's eyes.

With emotions so complicated that she couldn't understand, she was the only one in the gentle eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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