Chapter 242
After thinking about the good future several times in her heart, Tao Wan managed to regain her normal expression, only the smile on her lips could no longer be revealed.

"Second Miss Xiao, what are you talking about? It's a god-sent fate that we can share a table for dinner. Why should you be so cynical?" Tao Wan blamed.

Questions slowly rose in Xiao Yan's little head.

What's the matter? This is a god-given fate, and where did she go wrong?
"Miss Tao, you might as well speak up if you have something to say."

Tao Wan quietly moved to Xiao Yan's position, and put it close to her ear, "I know you are the one chosen by the princess, and you will definitely enter the East Palace in the future."

"I don't want to argue with you, I just hope that when I enter the East Palace, you and I can take care of each other, which is a good thing."

Xiao Yan:? ? ?
"Miss Tao, have you misunderstood something? The Crown Princess and I just hit it off at first sight, not what you said?"

"Besides, I have a marriage contract. If you say that, you are insulting my reputation. Although my Xiao family is not very powerful in the capital, it is not something that can be bullied at will."

Tao Wan moved back awkwardly, "You man, I only said a few words, and you blocked my mouth with a bunch of words."

"Besides, it's just a marriage contract, not a real marriage."

Tao Wan subconsciously curled her lips in disdain, but when she thought that there were many people there, she smiled a self-consciously dignified smile.

It's just that, on the contrary, it's twisted and a little scary.

Xiao Yan unconsciously leaned back, leaned close to the wine cup in her hand, took a small sip, and narrowed her eyes lazily.

"Pretending to be ignorant, who doesn't know that someone secretly wants to curry favor with the princess." Tao Wan didn't have the guts to raise her voice, she just muttered, "If you want to enter the East Palace, just say it, and you won't be laughed at if you say it. , still hiding it, on the surface he looks bright and upright, how could he be such a person behind his back."

Xiao Yan held back her anger, and continued to speak kindly, "Miss Tao be careful, I am not the kind of person you said."

Tao Wan sneered, her eyebrows and eyes were full of meanness, "I didn't mention you, I just mentioned someone, why are you in such a hurry to stand up and clarify?"


"Me, what am I, could it be that you didn't flatter the princess, and didn't want to enter the East Palace?"

Tao Wan thought sarcastically, among the women of the right age in the world, which one would not want to marry His Highness the Crown Prince.

How could Xiao Yan's fate be so good that she could be favored by the Crown Princess.

Until now, Tao Wan still thinks that Gu Qinglan wants Xiao Yan to enter the East Palace as a tool for her own favor.

Xiao Yan sneered, "Do you think that everyone is following others like you and writing flattery on their faces?"

Anyway, her face was already torn, so she didn't need to speak nicely.

Renshan is bullied by others, and she has understood this truth since her sister married into Prince An's Mansion.

With anger on her face, Tao Wan stretched out her hand and wanted to slap her.

But before it landed on Xiao Yan's face, he was caught.

Xiao Yan followed Tao Wan's arm and looked up, just in time to meet a pair of Danfeng eyes with some anger.

Coming out of the boy's eyes, he was shocked by his appearance again.

Xie Yun exerted a little force on his wrist, only to hear a "crack", and Tao Wan cried out in pain.

By the way, everyone's eyes were moved over.

Gu Qinglan took the opportunity and struggled to regain her hand, but the man was not attracted by the movement over there, but unhurriedly picked up a chopstick to roast the meat and put it on the plate in front of Gu Qinglan.

 Ask for a monthly ticket~
  From the sixth to the eighth shift next week~
(End of this chapter)

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