Daily life of the crown princess

Chapter 247 Why Do You Want To See Her?

Chapter 247 Why Do You Want To See Her?
The beautiful pipa has a voice like an oriole, and a face like a bright moon.

No matter where you look at it, it seems like a beautiful picture scroll.

Not to be outdone, the man stretched out his index finger, and gently scratched the woman's palm, trying to divert her attention away from the fairy playing the pipa.

Gu Qinglan: "..."

She turned her head and forced a smile.

Her gaze slid from the man's face to the hands they were holding, and now she wondered if this man had poisoned his hands and wanted to die with her.

"Your Highness, there are so many people here, can you let go of your hand?"

She almost bit the words and popped out these words one after another.

You can't speak too fast, or you will expose the injury to her tongue.

The man's eyes were always filled with light emotions before, but now they are almost overflowing with tenderness. When looking at a person, it seems that he directly sees this person in his heart.

Naturally, Gu Qinglan didn't really feel such emotions, maybe he felt them, but attributed such emotions to the man's mental illness.

"I can't." Jing Mo said these two words slowly, and after seeing the suppressed anger on Gu Qinglan's face, he stretched out his finger again and scratched her palm.

Looking at all this, Zhao Dezhong kept his face blank for a long time before silently looking away.

Why does he feel that His Highness the Crown Prince is so reckless?

After getting this answer, Gu Qinglan was so angry that she almost wanted to shake Jing Mo's hand away again, but Zhou Ruoling was playing the pipa, and there were almost no other sounds in the hall. If she came out like this, everyone's eyes would be drawn attract.

"Your Highness likes to shake women's hands so much. Tonight, I will prepare a few delicate beauties for His Highness, so that His Highness can hold enough."

The man's expression did not change, he was still smiling, like a fox.

"Qing..." The man paused, and continued, "Is the princess trying to make Gu angry on purpose? Or is it because the princess blamed Gu for neglecting you, and she has always been jealous?"

Although he boasted that he had already put all his thoughts into it, but he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he always wanted to give Qingqing time to relax.

When Gu Qinglan heard the first word from the man, her heart beat violently a few times. In her mind, the scene of the two of them at the low window couldn't help appearing.

Her earlobes are as white as jade, and even the corners of her eyes are tinged with an extremely beautiful red.

His throat rolled slightly, and the man gradually tightened his fingers, with a "click", the wine glass in his hand shattered, and the tea in it stained the man's hand.

Zhao Dezhong hurried forward, took the handkerchief to wipe it, and asked someone to bring a new lamp.

However, during this process, Gu Qinglan still failed to withdraw her hand.

She watched a few dancers with full body feathers jumping around Zhou Ruoling with a dead face, without any fluctuation in her heart.

If it wasn't for fear of pain, she would have wished to chop off this hand and give it to a man.

Is shaking hands that much fun?

The corners of Zhao Dezhong's eyes kept twitching as he watched all this. He suppressed the curve of his lips and forced himself to pour some tea.

"Your Highness, may I trouble you, can I see Miss Zhou?" Not long after, Gu Qinglan said in a very calm tone.

"Why does Gu want to look at her?" The man raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Gu Qinglan didn't want to turn her head to look over, she just straightened her body, her eyes fell on the feathers used for decoration on the head of a dancing girl.

Thoughts were flying, could these feathers be plucked from the big white goose?Or white duck?

(End of this chapter)

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